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Test Coverage
= Formatters

You can change the output format of RuboCop by specifying formatters with the `-f/--format` option.
RuboCop ships with several built-in formatters, and also you can create your custom formatter.

Additionally the output can be redirected to a file instead of `$stdout` with the `-o/--out` option.

Some of the built-in formatters produce *machine-parsable* output
and they are considered public APIs.
The rest of the formatters are for humans, so parsing their outputs is discouraged.

You can enable multiple formatters at the same time by specifying `-f/--format` multiple times.
The `-o/--out` option applies to the previously specified `-f/--format`,
or the default `progress` format if no `-f/--format` is specified before the `-o/--out` option.

# Simple format to $stdout.
$ rubocop --format simple

# Progress (default) format to the file result.txt.
$ rubocop --out result.txt

# Both progress and offense count formats to $stdout.
# The offense count formatter outputs only the final summary,
# so you'll mostly see the outputs from the progress formatter,
# and at the end the offense count summary will be outputted.
$ rubocop --format progress --format offenses

# Progress format to $stdout and JSON format to the file rubocop.json.
$ rubocop --format progress --format json --out rubocop.json
#         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#                 |               |_______________|
#              $stdout

# Progress format to result.txt and simple format to $stdout.
$ rubocop --out result.txt --format simple
#         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#                  |                 |
#           default format        $stdout

You can also load xref:extensions.adoc#custom-formatters[custom formatters].

== Progress Formatter (default)

The default `progress` formatter outputs a character for each inspected file,
and at the end it displays all detected offenses in the `clang` format.
A `.` represents a clean file, and each of the capital letters means
the severest offense (convention, warning, error, or fatal) found in a file.

$ rubocop
Inspecting 26 files


lib/foo.rb:6:5: C: Style/Documentation: Missing top-level class documentation comment.
    class Foo


26 files inspected, 46 offenses detected

== Auto Gen Formatter

Behaves like Progress Formatter except that it will not show any offenses.

$ rubocop --format autogenconf
Inspecting 26 files

26 files inspected, 46 offenses detected

== Clang Style Formatter

The `clang` formatter displays the offenses in a manner similar to `clang`:

$ rubocop --format clang test.rb
Inspecting 1 file


test.rb:1:5: C: Naming/MethodName: Use snake_case for method names.
def badName
test.rb:2:3: C: Style/GuardClause: Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code inside a conditional expression.
  if something
test.rb:2:3: C: Style/IfUnlessModifier: Favor modifier if usage when having a single-line body. Another good alternative is the usage of control flow &&/||.
  if something
test.rb:4:5: W: Layout/DefEndAlignment: end at 4, 4 is not aligned with if at 2, 2

1 file inspected, 4 offenses detected

== Fuubar Style Formatter

The `fuubar` style formatter displays a progress bar
and shows details of offenses in the `clang` format as soon as they are detected.
This is inspired by the[Fuubar] formatter for RSpec.

$ rubocop --format fuubar
lib/foo.rb.rb:1:1: C: Naming/MethodName: Use snake_case for method names.
def badName
lib/bar.rb:13:14: W: Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods: File.exists? is deprecated in favor of File.exist?.
 22/53 files |======== 43 ========>                           |  ETA: 00:00:02

== Pacman Style Formatter

The `pacman` style formatter prints a PACDOT per every file to be analyzed. Pacman will "eat" one PACDOT per file when no offense is detected. Otherwise it will print a Ghost.
This is inspired by the[Pacman] formatter for RSpec.

$ rubocop --format pacman
Eating 31 files
src/foo.rb:1:1: C: Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing magic comment # frozen_string_literal: true.
src/bar.rb:14:15: C: Style/MutableConstant: Freeze mutable objects assigned to constants.
      GHOST = 'ᗣ'
31 examples, 2 failures

== Emacs Style Formatter


The `emacs` formatter displays the offenses in a format suitable for consumption by `Emacs` (and possibly other tools).

$ rubocop --format emacs test.rb
/Users/bozhidar/projects/test.rb:1:1: C: Naming/MethodName: Use snake_case for method names.
/Users/bozhidar/projects/test.rb:2:3: C: Style/IfUnlessModifier: Favor modifier if/unless usage when you have a single-line body. Another good alternative is the usage of control flow &&/||.
/Users/bozhidar/projects/test.rb:4:5: W: Layout/DefEndAlignment: end at 4, 4 is not aligned with if at 2, 2

== Simple Formatter

The name of the formatter says it all :-)

$ rubocop --format simple test.rb
== test.rb ==
C:  1:  5: Naming/MethodName: Use snake_case for method names.
C:  2:  3: Style/GuardClause: Use a guard clause instead of wrapping the code inside a conditional expression.
C:  2:  3: Style/IfUnlessModifier: Favor modifier if usage when having a single-line body. Another good alternative is the usage of control flow &&/||.
W:  4:  5: Layout/DefEndAlignment: end at 4, 4 is not aligned with if at 2, 2

1 file inspected, 4 offenses detected

== Quiet Formatter

Behaves like Simple Formatter if there are offenses. Completely quiet otherwise:

$ rubocop --format quiet

== File List Formatter


Sometimes you might want to just open all files with offenses in your
favorite editor. This formatter outputs just the names of the files
with offenses in them and makes it possible to do something like:

$ rubocop --format files | xargs vim

== JSON Formatter


You can get RuboCop's inspection result in JSON format by passing `--format json` option in command line.
The JSON structure is like the following example:

  "metadata": {
    "rubocop_version": "1.12.0",
    "ruby_engine": "ruby",
    "ruby_version": "3.0.0",
    "ruby_patchlevel": "0",
    "ruby_platform": "x86_64-darwin19"
  "files": [{
      "path": "lib/foo.rb",
      "offenses": []
    }, {
      "path": "lib/bar.rb",
      "offenses": [{
          "severity": "convention",
          "message": "Line is too long. [81/80]",
          "cop_name": "LineLength",
          "corrected": true,
          "location": {
            "line": 546,
            "column": 80,
            "length": 4
        }, {
          "severity": "warning",
          "message": "Unreachable code detected.",
          "cop_name": "UnreachableCode",
          "corrected": false,
          "location": {
            "line": 15,
            "column": 9,
            "length": 10
  "summary": {
    "offense_count": 2,
    "target_file_count": 2,
    "inspected_file_count": 2

== JUnit Style Formatter


The `junit` style formatter provides the JUnit formatting.
This formatter is based on the[rubocop-junit-formatter gem].

$ rubocop --format junit
<?xml version='1.0'?>
  <testsuite name='rubocop' tests='2' failures='2'>
    <testcase classname='example' name='Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment'>
      <failure type='Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment' message='Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Missing frozen string literal comment.'>
    <testcase classname='example' name='Naming/MethodName'>
      <failure type='Naming/MethodName' message='Naming/MethodName: Use snake_case for method names.'>
    <testcase classname='example' name='Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods'>
      <failure type='Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods' message='Lint/DeprecatedClassMethods: `File.exists?` is deprecated in favor of `File.exist?`.'>

The `junit` style formatter is very useful for continuous integration systems
such as Jenkins, most of which support junit formatting when parsing test
results. A typical invocation in this type of scenario might look like:

$ rubocop --format junit --out test-reports/junit.xml

Since there is one XML node for each cop for each file, the size of the resulting
XML can get quite large. If it is too large for you, you can restrict the output
to just failures by adding the `--display-only-failed` option.

== Offense Count Formatter

Sometimes when first applying RuboCop to a codebase, it's nice to be able to
see where most of your style cleanup is going to be spent.

With this in mind, you can use the offense count formatter to outline the offended
cops and the number of offenses found for each by running:

$ rubocop --format offenses

36   Layout/LineLength [Safe Correctable]
18   Style/StringLiterals [Safe Correctable]
13   Style/Documentation
10   Style/ExpandPathArguments [Safe Correctable]
8    Style/EmptyMethod [Safe Correctable]
6    Layout/IndentationConsistency [Safe Correctable]
4    Lint/SuppressedException
3    Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAccessModifier [Safe Correctable]
2    Layout/ExtraSpacing [Safe Correctable]
1    Layout/AccessModifierIndentation [Safe Correctable]
1    Style/ClassAndModuleChildren [Unsafe Correctable]
102  Total in 31 files

== Worst Offenders Formatter

Similar to the Offense Count formatter, but lists the files which need the most attention:

$ rubocop --format worst

89  this/file/is/really/bad.rb
2   much/better.rb
91  Total in 2 files

== HTML Formatter

Useful for CI environments. It will create an HTML report like[this].

$ rubocop --format html -o rubocop.html

== Markdown Formatter

Useful for CI environments, especially if posting comments back to pull requests. It will create a markdown report like[this].

$ rubocop --format markdown -o

== TAP Formatter


Useful for CI environments, it will format report following the[Test Anything Protocol].

$ rubocop --format tap
not ok 1 - lib/rubocop.rb
# lib/rubocop.rb:2:3: C: foo
# This is line 2.
#   ^
ok 2 - spec/spec_helper.rb
not ok 3 - exe/rubocop
# exe/rubocop:5:2: E: bar
# This is line 5.
#  ^
# exe/rubocop:6:1: C: foo
# This is line 6.
# ^

3 files inspected, 3 offenses detected

== GitHub Actions Formatter

Useful for[GitHub Actions].
Formats offenses as[workflow commands]
to create annotations in GitHub UI.

The formatter uses fail_level to determine which GitHub level to use for each
annotation. By default, all RuboCop severities are errors. If fail level is
set and severity is below fail level, a warning will be created instead.

$ rubocop --format github

::error file=lib/foo.rb,line=6,col=5::Style/Documentation: Missing top-level class documentation comment.