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Test Coverage
### New features

* New option `--cache-root` and support for the `RUBOCOP_CACHE_ROOT` environment variable. Both can be used to override the `AllCops: CacheRootDirectory` config, especially in a CI setting. ([@sascha-wolf][])
* [#8582]( Add new `Layout/BeginEndAlignment` cop. ([@koic][])
* [#8699]( Add new `Lint/IdentityComparison` cop. ([@koic][])
* Add new `Lint/UselessTimes` cop. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#8707]( Add new `Lint/ConstantDefinitionInBlock` cop. ([@eugeneius][])

### Bug fixes

* [#8627]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/DuplicateRequire` when same feature argument but different require method. ([@koic][])
* [#8674]( Fix an error for `Layout/EmptyLineAfterMultilineCondition` when conditional is at the top level. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8658]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantSelfAssignment` when calling coercion methods. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8669]( Fix an offense creation for `Lint/EmptyFile`. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8607]( Fix a false positive for `Lint/UnreachableLoop` when conditional branch includes continue statement preceding break statement. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8572]( Fix a false positive for `Style/RedundantParentheses` when parentheses are used like method argument parentheses. ([@koic][])
* [#8630]( Fix some false positives for `Style/HashTransformKeys` and `Style/HashTransformValues` when the receiver is an array. ([@eugeneius][])
* [#8653]( Fix a false positive for `Layout/DefEndAlignment` when using refinements and `private def`. ([@koic][])
* [#8655]( Fix a false positive for `Style/ClassAndModuleChildren` when using cbase class name. ([@koic][])
* [#8654]( Fix a false positive for `Style/SafeNavigation` when checking `foo&.empty?` in a conditional. ([@koic][])
* [#8660]( Fix a false positive for `Style/ClassAndModuleChildren` when using cbase module name. ([@koic][])
* [#8664]( Fix a false positive for `Naming/BinaryOperatorParameterName` when naming multibyte character method name. ([@koic][])
* [#8604]( Fix a false positive for `Bundler/DuplicatedGem` when gem is duplicated in condition. ([@tejasbubane][])
* [#8671]( Fix an error for `Style/ExplicitBlockArgument` when using safe navigation method call. ([@koic][])
* [#8681]( Fix an error for `Style/HashAsLastArrayItem` with `no_braces` for empty hash. ([@fsateler][])
* [#8682]( Fix a positive for `Style/HashTransformKeys` and `Style/HashTransformValues` when the `each_with_object` hash is used in the transformed key or value. ([@eugeneius][])
* [#8688]( Mark `Style/GlobalStdStream` as unsafe autocorrection. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8642]( Fix a false negative for `Style/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces` when a correct empty hash precedes the incorrect hash. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#8683]( Make naming cops work with non-ascii characters. ([@tejasbubane][])
* [#8626]( Fix false negatives for `Lint/UselessMethodDefinition`. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8698]( Fix cache to avoid encoding exception. ([@marcandre][])
* [#8704]( Fix an error for `Lint/AmbiguousOperator` when using safe navigation operator with a unary operator. ([@koic][])
* [#8661]( Fix an incorrect auto-correct for `Style/MultilineTernaryOperator` when returning a multiline ternary operator expression. ([@koic][])
* [#8526]( Fix a false positive for `Style/CaseEquality` cop when the receiver is not a camel cased constant. ([@koic][])
* [#8673]( Fix the JSON parse error when specifying `--format=json` and `--stdin` options. ([@koic][])

### Changes

* [#8470]( Do not autocorrect `Style/StringConcatenation` when parts of the expression are too complex. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#8561]( Fix `Lint/UselessMethodDefinition` to not register an offense when method definition includes optional arguments. ([@fatkodima][])
* [#8617]( Fix `Style/HashAsLastArrayItem` to not register an offense when all items in an array are hashes. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#8500]( Add `in?` to AllowedMethods for `Lint/SafeNavigationChain` cop. ([@tejasbubane][])
* [#8629]( Fix the cache being reusable in CI by using crc32 to calculate file hashes rather than `mtime`, which changes each CI build. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#8663]( Fix multiple autocorrection bugs with `Style/ClassMethodsDefinitions`. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#8621]( Add helpful Infinite Loop error message. ([@iSarCasm][])
