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Test Coverage
### New features

* [#8431]( Add `Safety` section to documentation for all cops that are `Safe: false` or `SafeAutoCorrect: false`. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10132]( Reorganize output of `rubocop --help` for better clarity. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10111]( Add new `Style/NumberedParametersLimit` cop. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10025]( Changed cop `SpaceInsideParens` to include a `compact` style. ([@itay-grudev][])
* [#10084]( Add new `Lint/RequireRelativeSelfPath` cop. ([@koic][])
* [#8327]( Add new cop `Style/SelectByRegexp`. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10100]( Add new Style/NumberedParameters cop. ([@Hugo-Hache][])
* [#10103]( Add `AllowHttpProtocol` option to `Bundler/InsecureProtocolSource`. ([@koic][])
* [#10102]( Add new `Security/IoMethods` cop. ([@koic][])

### Bug fixes

* [#10110]( Update `Layout/DotPosition` to be able to handle heredocs. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10134]( Update `Style/MutableConstant` to not consider multiline uninterpolated strings as unfrozen in ruby 3.0. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10124]( Fix `Layout/RedundantLineBreak` adding extra space within method chains. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10118]( Fix crash with `Style/RedundantSort` when the block doesn't only contain a single `send` node. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10135]( Fix `Style/WordArray` to exclude files in `--auto-gen-config` when `percent` style is given but brackets are required. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10090]( Fix a false negative for `Style/ArgumentsForwarding` when using only kwrest arg. ([@koic][])
* [#10099]( Update`Style/RedundantFreeze` to stop considering `ENV` values as immutable. ([@byroot][])
* [#10078]( Fix `Layout/LineLength` reported length when ignoring directive comments. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9934]( Fix configuration loading to not raise an error for an obsolete ruby version that is subsequently overridden. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10136]( Update `Lint/AssignmentInCondition` to not consider assignments within blocks in conditions. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#9588]( Fix causing a variable to be shadowed from outside the rescue block in the logic of Naming/RescuedExceptionsVariableName. ([@lilisako][])
* [#10096]( Fix `Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence` with `and`/`or` operators. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10106]( Fix `Style/RedundantSelf` for pattern matching. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10066]( Fix how `MinDigits` is calculated for `Style/NumericLiterals` when generating a configuration file. ([@dvandersluis][])

### Changes

* [#10088]( Update `Lint/BooleanSymbol` to be `SafeAutoCorrect: false` rather than `Safe: false`. ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10122]( Update `Style/RedundantSort` to be unsafe, and revert the special case for `size` from [#10061]( ([@dvandersluis][])
* [#10130]( Update `Lint/ElseLayout` to be able to handle an `else` with only a single line. ([@dvandersluis][])
