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# @bbc/psammead-rich-text-transforms Changelog

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| Version | Description |
| ------- | ----------- |
| 2.0.7 | [PR#4614]( bumps 3rd-party dependencies |
| 2.0.6 | [PR#4420]( bumps 3rd-party dependencies |
| 2.0.5 | [PR#4368]( use Yarn Workspaces |
| 2.0.4 | [PR#4335]( switch to yarn for package management |
| 2.0.3 | [PR#4303]( Trigger rebuild following babel config update for emotion 11 |
| 2.0.2 | [PR#3510]( Add support for inline span tags |
| 2.0.1 | [PR#3270]( Fix `minimist` and `acorn` vulnerability |
| 2.0.0 | [PR#2556]( Tightened conditions for a link to be considered external |
| 1.1.2 | [PR#2466]( Package-lock updates |
| 1.1.1 | [PR#2495]( Replaces `` logic as it caused a bug on client-side code execution |
| 1.1.0 | [PR#2492]( Adds `isExternal` to `urlLink` |
| 1.0.3 | [PR#2438]( Fix exports resolving to `src` |
| 1.0.2 | [PR#2364]( Swaps `xml-js` to `xmldoc` in the hopes it reduces the install size |
| 1.0.1 | [PR#2347]( Handle unsupported nodes as plain text |
| 1.0.0 | [PR#2304]( Add inital `rich-text-transforms` utility package |