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import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import notes from '../';
import { withServicesKnob } from '.';

storiesOf('Utilities/withServicesKnob', module)
    () =>
      withServicesKnob()(({ text, dir, script, service }) => (
          <p>I toggle dir based on language.</p>
          <p>I also provide components with these props:</p>
            <li>text: {text}</li>
            <li>service: {service}</li>
            <li>dir: {dir}</li>
              script: <pre>{JSON.stringify(script, null, ' ')}</pre>
    { notes },
    'withServicesKnob with defaultService option',
    () =>
      withServicesKnob({ defaultService: 'arabic' })(
        ({ text, dir, script, service }) => (
            <p>I toggle dir based on language.</p>
            <p>The default service is `arabic`.</p>
            <p>I also provide components with these props:</p>
              <li>text: {text}</li>
              <li>service: {service}</li>
              <li>dir: {dir}</li>
                script: <pre>{JSON.stringify(script, null, ' ')}</pre>
    { notes },
    'withServicesKnob with services option',
    () =>
      withServicesKnob({ services: ['news', 'arabic', 'amharic'] })(
        ({ text, dir, script, service }) => (
            <p>I toggle dir based on language.</p>
              The list of services you can select include only `news`, `arabic`,
            <p>I also provide components with these props:</p>
              <li>text: {text}</li>
              <li>service: {service}</li>
              <li>dir: {dir}</li>
                script: <pre>{JSON.stringify(script, null, ' ')}</pre>
    { notes },