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# @bbc/psammead-styles Changelog

<!-- prettier-ignore -->
| Version | Description |
| 8.1.1 | [PR#4633]( Add C_GREY_10 to colours |
| 8.1.0 | [PR#4632]( adds new colours from chameleon |
| 8.0.2 | [PR#4609]( Added Grey 8 colour |
| 8.0.1 | [PR#4574]( Fixes Tamil font base URL |
| 8.0.0 | [PR#4568]( Removes Iskoola Pota, Latha and Shonar Bangla Fonts |
| 7.6.3 | [PR#4562]( Fixes bold font URL for Noto Serif Sinhala |
| 7.6.2 | [PR#4562]( Added Grey 6 colour |
| 7.6.1 | [PR#4561]( Correct Tamil font name to Noto Sans Tamil |
| 7.6.0 | [PR#4548]( Adds Noto Serif Sinhala font |
| 7.5.0 | [PR#4547]( Added Noto Serif Bengali font |
| 7.4.0 | [PR#4545]( Added NotoSansTamil font for Tamil service |
| 7.3.1 | [PR#4552]( Added Grey 2 colour |
| 7.3.0 | [PR#4497]( Added Silver and Mist colours for BBC Sport |
| 7.2.6 | [PR#4486]( upgrade minor/patch dependencies |
| 7.2.5 | [PR#4420]( bumps 3rd-party dependencies |
| 7.2.4 | [PR#4368]( use Yarn Workspaces |
| 7.2.3 | [PR#4335]( switch to yarn for package management |
| 7.2.2 | [PR#4303]( Trigger rebuild following babel config update for emotion 11 |
| 7.2.1 | [PR#4271]( change react peer dep to >=16.9.0 |
| 7.2.0 | [PR#4245]( Add consent focus colour required for the consent banner |
| 7.1.0 | [PR#4253]( Corrects fonts constant name from newsbeat to newsround |
| 7.0.4 | [PR#4231]( Upgrade psammead styles to Emotion v11 & remove Emotion 10 packages from root dependencies |
| 7.0.3 | [PR#4221]( Add colours required for News, Sport, and Newsround navigations |
| 7.0.2 | [PR#4160]( Add fonts and colours for Sport and Newsround |
| 7.0.1 | [PR#4071]( Update BBC Reith Qalam base URL. |
| 7.0.0 | [PR#4002]( Replace BBC Nassim with BBC Reith Qalam. |
| 6.1.0 | [PR#3942]( Move @font-face declarations outside of html selector. |
| 6.0.1 | [PR#3924]( Migrate Storybook to Emotion. |
| 6.0.0 | [PR#3880]( Migrate to Emotion. |
| 5.0.2 | [PR#3851]( Revert to 4.5.1 to fix premature release of 5.0.0. |
| 5.0.1-alpha.0 | [PR#3839]( Set package to an alpha version v5.0.1-alpha.0 |
| 5.0.0 | [PR#3804]( BBC Reith Qalam v1.100. Removal of BBC Nassim fonts for Arabic, Pashto, Persian and Urdu |
| 4.5.1 | [PR#3728]( Tweaks following Storybook v5.3.19 to v6.0.22 update |
| 4.5.0 | [PR#3771]( Create Optimo Base service |
| 4.4.3 | [PR#3707]( fix propType errors |
| 4.4.2 | [PR#3660]( Update C_LUNAR_LIGHT |
| 4.4.1 | [PR#3590]( Add C_MIDNIGHT_BLACK |
| 4.4.0 | [PR#3466]( Add C_LUNAR_LIGHT |
| 4.3.1 | [PR#3390]( Bump prettier major version and disable rule for brackets around a single prop |
| 4.3.0 | [PR#3020]( Add colour C_LE_TEAL and set font families to Latin Reith for Learning English |
| 4.2.0 | [PR#2943]( Add colour C_KINGFISHER |
| 4.1.2 | [PR#2686]( Add colour C_ARCHIVE_BLUE and set font families to Latin Reith for Archive |
| 4.1.1 | [PR#2661]( Remove font 'Noto Sans Devanagari' from Hindi & Nepali font-family and add bold weight for Telugu service's fonts. |
| 4.1.0 | [PR#2514]( Add SerifLight and SansLight functions |
| 4.0.4 | [PR#2471]( Switch Russian service to use Reith fonts |
| 4.0.3 | [PR#2404]( replace inputProvider and dirDecorator with withServicesInput |
| 4.0.2 | [PR#2348]( Adds colour 'Weather Blue' and add weather to fonts |
| 4.0.1 | [PR#2273]( Snapshot update |
| 4.0.0 | [PR#2229]( Convert fonts to overridable functions |
| 3.0.0 | [PR#2250]( Update Mundo, Brasil and Turkish fonts from Helmet to Reith |
| 2.3.0 | [PR#2120]( Add Scottish colour and scotland service to fonts |
| 2.2.0 | [PR#2021]( Export global styles |
| 2.1.4 | [PR#1926]( Update component storybook to use latest inputProvider changes |
| 2.1.3 | [PR#1948]( Show different font types in storybook |
| 2.1.2 | [PR#1847]( Fixed Telugu typos |
| 2.1.1 | [PR#1803]( Patches broken links on badges in documentation |
| 2.1.0 | [PR#1794]( Add david dependency badges |
| 2.0.4 | [PR#1777]( Make psammead-styles treeshakable. |
| 2.0.3 | [PR#1727]( Fix for Latha Font URL. |
| 2.0.2 | [PR#1682]( Move all dev dependencies to top level package.json |
| 2.0.1 | [PR#1597]( Bump @bbc/gel-foundations, @bbc/psammead-storybook-helpers, @bbc/psammead-test-helpers |
| 2.0.0 | [PR#1516]( Add font-family and font-face declarations for World Service fonts. Changes `getSansItalic` to `getSansRegularItalic`. |
| 1.2.0 | [PR#1234]( Add custom CSS Grid feature detector |
| 1.1.5 | [PR#1215]( Fix `sans serif` typo |
| 1.1.4 | [PR#1066]( Fix Serif Medium font. |
| 1.1.3 | [PR#1180]( Update devDependencies |
| 1.1.2 | [PR#783]( Update to latest psammead-test-helpers. Update snapshots. |
| 1.1.1 | [PR#769]( Fix stories not appearing in storybook when using `install:packages:link` |
| 1.1.0   | [PR#764]( Add function to get serif bold font |
| 1.0.1   | [PR#677]( Use `@bbc/gel-foundations@3.0.0` |
| 1.0.0   | [PR#679]( Bump version number |
| 0.6.0   | [PR#676]( Add Nassim Persian fonts v1.511 |
| 0.5.0   | [PR#573]( Add functions to get font styles for different services |
| 0.4.1   | [PR#547]( Create story for gel-foundations typographies |
| 0.4.0   | [PR#548]( Bump the reith font version from 2.302 to 2.511 |
| 0.3.5   | [PR#537]( Create story for colours |
| 0.3.4   | [PR#505]( Add Metal; update Pebble |
| 0.3.3   | [PR#424]( Add Snyk badge to readme |
| 0.3.2   | [PR#323]( Update readme storybook badge |
| 0.3.1   | [PR#264]( Resolving package-lock issues. |
| 0.3.0   |  [PR#304]( Move font fallback definitions to gel-foundations, add font-face constants. |
| 0.2.1   |  [PR#300]( Adds colours for Consent Banner |
| 0.2.0   |  [PR#283]( Adds colours and fonts necessary for Simorgh V1.0 :art: |
| 0.1.6   | [PR#224]( Add tests for the exported values, coverage 100% :tada: |
| 0.1.5   | [PR#212]( Update package description and README. |
| 0.1.4   | [PR#173]( Update PRs welcome link |
| 0.1.3 | [PR#74]( Move file contents into a src directory and babel transpile prepublish. |
| 0.1.2 | [PR#72]( Update Readme's usage examples |
| 0.1.1 | [PR#67]( Update psammead-styles' DOD |
| 0.1.0 | [PR#44]( Initial creation of package |