import timemachine from 'timemachine';
timemachine is a node module which overrides the system time for a repo. There are components on storybook with date and time which varies according to current date and time. This causes inconsistency across chromaticqa tests hence the use of this dependency.
// Sets the date and time whilst leaving the clock ticking from that point onwards.
export const startTimeMachine = ({
tick = true,
dateString = 'Tuesday, 1 January 2019 02:00:00 GMT',
timestamp = 1546308000,
}) => {
// Resets the bindings so that the time is reset to the actual system time
export const resetTimeMachine = () => {
// by default, importing the timemachine automatically overrides the system time and sets the tick to false.
// We only want to override system time once `startTimeMachine` is invoked.
// This will reset the timemachine so that system time continues normally..