/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
import runCanonicalAdsTests from '../../../support/helpers/adsTests/testsForCanonicalOnly';
// For testing features that may differ across services but share a common logic e.g. translated strings.
export const testsThatFollowSmokeTestConfigForCanonicalOnly = ({ service }) => {
describe(`Images`, () => {
it('should have a picture tag around images', () => {
cy.get('img').each($img => {
const $section = $img.parents('section');
if ($section.length > 0) {
const testId = $section.attr('data-testid');
if (testId && testId.includes('message-banner')) {
cy.log(`No picture tag on message banners ${testId}`);
} else {
cy.wrap($img).parent().should('match', 'picture');
it('should have two sources one with webp and one with fallback jpg/png', () => {
cy.get('picture').each($picture => {
.then($sources => {
$sources.each((index, source) => {
// The first <source> srcSet should have webp images
// The second <source> srcSet should have the fallback jpgs or pngs
const expectedFileTypes = [/\.webp$/, /\.(jpg|png)$/];
const srcSet = Cypress.$(source).attr('srcset');
// remove everything after the file extension including the image widths and the space
const urls = srcSet
.map(url => url.replace(/\s+\S+$/, ''));
urls.forEach(url => {
if (Cypress.env('APP_ENV') === 'local') {
runCanonicalAdsTests({ service });