

Test Coverage
import { Meta, Markdown } from '@storybook/blocks';
import {
} from '../../src/app/legacy/psammead/gel-foundations/src/breakpoints';
import * as spacings from '../../src/app/components/ThemeProvider/spacings'
import {MARGIN_BELOW_400PX, MARGIN_ABOVE_400PX, GUTTER_BELOW_600PX, GUTTER_ABOVE_600PX} from '../../src/app/components/ThemeProvider/spacings'

<Meta title="Coding Standards/Migrating Legacy Components" />

# Coding standards: Migrating Legacy Components

## Props / Typing

### Do not define `children` as an interface prop

There are helpers in React which will accept `children` as a prop (with the appropriate type) without us having to declare it.

### Before


interface MyComponentProps {
  children: React.Node,
  prop1: string,

const MyComponent = ({
}: MyComponentProps) => {
  return (
  <TheComponent prop1={prop1}>

### After


import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react';

interface MyComponentProps {
  prop1: string,

const MyComponent = ({
}: PropsWithChildren<MyComponentProps>) => {
  return (
  <TheComponent prop1={prop1}>

## Where appropriate, add new types/interfaces to a `types.ts` file next to the component

This keeps all types in a single location, which can be easily imported when required. It is recommended to do this if the type/interface declaration is required to be in a shared (but not global) location, if it is used by other components.

### Before



interface MyComponentProps {
  prop1: string,

const MyComponent = ({ prop1 }: MyComponentProps) => {

### After


export interface MyComponentProps {
  prop1: string,


import { MyComponentProps } from './types';

const MyComponent = ({ prop1 }: MyComponentProps) => {

## ⚠️ When not to declare types/interfaces in a seperate `types.ts` file

Usually if it makes more sense to keep the type/interface declaration right next to the component if it is not required or used anywhere else.

## Styling

### Use emotion's `css` library instead of `styled`

Follow the guidelines outlined in [Emotion Docs]( about how to convert from styled → css

### Before



const StyledContainer = styled.{html primitive element}`
  color: ${props => props.theme.palette.BLACK}
  text-align: center;

### After


import { css, Theme } from '@emotion/react';

const styles = {
  link: ({ palette }: Theme) =>
      color: palette.BLACK,
      textAlign: 'center',

export default styles;

_Ensure that the `jsx` function is imported from the `@emotion/react` library, per the []( docs._



/** @jsx jsx */
/* @jsxFrag React.Fragment */
import { jsx } from '@emotion/react';

import styles from './index.styles';


<a css={} href={href}>Link Text Here</a>

## Migrating `fontVariants` and `fontSizes`

### Before

`script` and `service` were passed as props to the styled component, and used to determine the font size based on script , and the font variant, based on `service`.


const StyledLink = styled.a`
  /* Font Size */
  ${({ script }) => script && getCanon(script)}
  /* Font Variant */
  ${({ service }) => getSerifMedium(service)}

### After



import { css, Theme } from '@emotion/react';

const styles = {
  link: ({ fontSizes, fontVariants }: Theme) => css({,

export const styles;

### Font Sizes Mappings

| Before                                                                                                                                                     | After                |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
| \`${({ script }) => script && getCanon(script)}\` <br /> **OR** <br />\`${({ script }) => getCanon(script)}\` <br /> **OR** <br /> \`${() => getCanon(script)}\` | \`\` |

### Font Variants Mappings

| Before                                                                                                | After                         |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| \`${({ service }) => getSerifMedium(service)}\` <br /> **OR** <br /> \`${() => getSerifMedium(service)}\` | \`...fontVariants.serifMedium\` |

## Migrating Media Queries

### Before

const StyledLink = styled.a`
  @media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_2_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) {

### After

import { css, Theme } from '@emotion/react';

const styles = {
  link: ({ mq }: Theme) =>
      [mq.GROUP_2_MIN_WIDTH]: {

export default styles;

### Media Query / Breakpoint Mappings

| Before                                                                                                   | After                         |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| **Min Widths**                                                                                           |                               |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_1_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_1_MIN_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_2_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_2_MIN_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_3_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_3_MIN_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_4_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_4_MIN_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_5_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_5_MIN_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| **Max Widths**                                                                                           |                               |
| \`@media (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_0_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_0_MAX_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| \`@media (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_1_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_1_MAX_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| \`@media (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_2_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_2_MAX_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| \`@media (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_3_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_3_MAX_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| \`@media (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_4_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\`                                                  | \`[mq.GROUP_4_MAX_WIDTH]: {\`   |
| **Min and Max Widths**                                                                                   |                               |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_1_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) and (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_1_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\` | \`[mq.GROUP_1_ONLY]: {\`        |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_2_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) and (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_2_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\` | \`[mq.GROUP_2_ONLY]: {\`        |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_1_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) and (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_2_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\` | \`[mq.GROUP_1_AND_GROUP_2]: {\` |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_3_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) and (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_3_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\` | \`[mq.GROUP_3_ONLY]: {\`        |
| \`@media (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_4_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN}) and (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_4_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {\` | \`[mq.GROUP_4_ONLY]: {\`        |
| **Forced Colours/High Contrast**                                                                         |                               |
| \`@media screen and (forced-colors: active)\`                                                              | \`[mq.FORCED_COLOURS]: {\`      |

### Migrating GEL Breakpoints (Spacing)

| Rems (Pixels)  | GEL Spacing              | New Theme Spacing          |
| -------------- | ------------------------ | -------------------------- |
| 0.25rem (4px)  | \`GEL_SPACING_HLF\`        | \`${spacings.HALF}rem\`      |
| 0.5rem (8px)   | \`GEL_SPACING\`            | \`${spacings.FULL}rem\`      |
| 0.75rem (12px) | \`GEL_SPACING_HLF_TRPL\`   | \`0.75rem\`                  |
| 1rem (16px)    | \`GEL_SPACING_DBL\`        | \`${spacings.DOUBLE}rem\`    |
| 1.5rem (24px)  | \`GEL_SPACING_TRPL\`       | \`${spacings.TRIPLE}rem\`    |
| 2rem (32px)    | \`GEL_SPACING_QUAD\`       | \`${spacings.QUADRUPLE}rem\` |
| 2.5rem (40px)  | \`GEL_SPACING_QUIN\`       | \`${spacings.QUINTUPLE}rem\` |
| 3rem (48px)    | \`GEL_SPACING_SEXT\`       | \`${spacings.SEXTUPLE}rem\`  |
| 3.5rem (56px)  | \`GEL_SPACING_SEPT\`       | \`3.5rem\`                   |
| **Other**      |                          |                            |
| 0.5rem (8px)   | \`GEL_MARGIN_BELOW_400PX\` | \`${MARGIN_BELOW_400PX}\`    |
| 1rem (16px)    | \`GEL_MARGIN_ABOVE_400PX\` | \`${MARGIN_ABOVE_400PX}\`    |
| 0.5rem (8px)   | \`GEL_GUTTER_BELOW_600PX\` | \`${GUTTER_BELOW_600PX}\`    |
| 1rem (16px)    | \`GEL_GUTTER_ABOVE_600PX\` | \`${GUTTER_ABOVE_600PX}\`    |

## Using `CSS` library with values driven by props

When using the `styled` library it was possible to use any prop to return different css based on conditional logic.

### Before

_It was possible to pass in props to conditionally change the css_


const Timestamp = styled.time`
  color: ${props => props.isAmp ? props.theme.palette.BLACK : props.theme.palette.GREY_3: }

### After

See []( as an example.

_Here, the value of color is based on the value of the `isAmp` variable, and this variation is added to the list of css functions already applied to the component._


css={theme => [
    color: isAmp ? theme.palette.BLACK : theme.palette.GREY_3,

## Using `CSS` library with values driven by props within media queries

When using the `styled` library it was possible to use any prop to return different css within a media query.

### Before


In this example, `itemCount` and `trustProjectLink` are used to calculate the number of rows in `grid-template-rows`

    (min-width: ${GEL_GROUP_1_SCREEN_WIDTH_MIN})
    (max-width: ${GEL_GROUP_2_SCREEN_WIDTH_MAX}) {
    grid-column-gap: ${GEL_SPACING};
    grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
    grid-template-rows: repeat(
      ${({ itemCount, trustProjectLink }) =>
        getRowCount(itemCount, 2, trustProjectLink)},
    column-count: 2;

### After

In this example, we have created a function which can take `itemCount` and `trustProjectLink` as a prop, and return the correct `gridTemplateRows` for the respective breakpoints.

const gridTemplateRows = ({
}: {
  itemCount: number;
  trustProjectLink?: FooterLink;
}) =>
    [GROUP_1_AND_GROUP_2]: {
      gridTemplateRows: `repeat(${getRowCount({
        columns: 2,
      })}, auto)`,


This function is then called from the component which requires it:

    itemCount: elements.length,

# General Standards

## Use `@ts-expect-error` instead of `@ts-ignore` to suppress unfixable / expected TypeScript errors

### Why?

Sometimes Typescript errors are unavoidable / cannot be fixed (usually in tests). One way to make the TS compiler ignore errors is to use `@ts-ignore`. However, usage of `@ts-expect-error` is preferred, because it requires a description explaining why the error is to be expected. If the error is then fixed in future, the TS compiler will require removal of the `@ts-expect-error` comment.

### Before

_No idea why this syntax is ignored, and will remain this way until someone revisits the code and removes the comment._

// @ts-ignore

### After

_A reason explaining why the syntax is ignored. Once the fix is merged in a future PR, the TS compiler should throw an error, meaning that this comment must then be removed._

// @ts-expect-error ignoring broken TS syntax until ticket 12345 is merged