

Test Coverage
import { Meta } from '@storybook/blocks';
import { CROSS_PLATFORM } from './colours.tsx';
import ColorList from '../../.storybook/StorybookComponents/ColorList/index.tsx';
import ThemeProvider from '../../src/app/components/ThemeProvider';

<Meta title="docs/ux/colors/cross platform" />

# Simorgh's Cross Platform Colours

Our cross-platform colours creates consistency across the BBC digital portfolio and is used to highlight common states. Like service colours, each cross-platform colour has an accompanying light and dark version.

* **Active (Blue):** Used for pan-BBC non-core actions – those that don’t relate to account, content or service. It can be used in priority use.
* **Live (Teal):** Used to signal live content
* **Success (Green):** Used to signal safety and success
* **Alert (Yellow):** Used to alert users of something (e.g. notifications)
* **Error (Red):** Used to highlight a problem

All these are available in `light`, `core` and `dark` variants.

<ThemeProvider service="news">
  <ColorList Colors={CROSS_PLATFORM} />