

Test Coverage
import { Meta } from '@storybook/blocks';

<Meta title="hooks/useImageColour" />

# `useImageColour` Hook

This is a hook that returns colour information for an image provided by a URL. This is primarily designed for dynamically selecting a colour for use in styling some other element. For example, the colour behind the text in this component was chosen based on the photo above it:


This hook is primarily a wrapper around colorthief:

It brings it into the react ecosystem, and changes the behaviour to better fit our requirements. The main differences between this and the base colorthief are:

* This hook will only return a single colour, rather than a full palette.
* This hook is able to choose that colour based on contrast ratio calculations
* This hook will return the most "vibrant" colour that meets the minimum contrast ratio
* This hook has some fallback behaviour to more gracefully deal with loading and error states

## Client Side Only

This hook currently only runs on the client side.

This does mean the colour will not be available on first page load - instead, the colour will initially use a customisable fallback colour. The hook also returns a `loading: true` boolean in this scenario, for more options on how to deal with the delay.

## Basic Usage

import useImageColour from './';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const output = useImageColour('');

  return JSON.stringify(output);

## Input

The first argument to the hook is a link to the image to be used.

* For us to be able to download the image, the server must respond with appropriate CORS headers. BBC services, including iChef, do include the required headers.
* Any image size beyond approximately 20 x 20 pixels is unnecessary. Unless a larger version of the image is being downloaded anyway for some other use, generally using a very small image will conserve bandwidth


The hook accepts a second, optional argument. This argument can contain various configuration options:

* `contrastColour` - A hexidecimal colour string, eg `"#ff0005"`. If provided, this colour will be used in the assessment of contrast requirements, as described below.
* `minimumContrast` - An integer that filters the returned colours to only those that meet this minimum contrast ratio value. Colours will be compared against the `constrastColour` above. If `contrastColour` is not provided, white (`#fff`) will be used.
* `fallbackColour` - A hexidecimal colour string, eg `"#ff0005"` or RGB array, eg `[255, 0, 5]`. This will be returned when the hook is first loading, when it has encountered an error, when `disabled` is set to true, or when it was unable to find any colours that match the `minimumContrast` value.

## Output

The hook returns an object with the following keys:


An object containing the selected colour. This object has the following keys:

* `hex` - A string representing the colours hexadecimal value, eg `"#ff0005"`
* `rgb` - An array representing the colour's red, green and blue components, eg `[255, 0, 5]`
* `isFallback` - A boolean representing whether this colour was the `fallbackColour` passed in the input options


A boolean that will be true if the hook is currently analysing an image. Note that changing the URL passed to the hook when this value is `true` will have no effect.


Will be null if no error has occurred, or an error string if something has gone wrong. See the section on Error Handling below.

## Advanced Usage

import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import useImageAnalyser from './';

const MyElement = styled.div`
  color: ${props => props.theme.palette.EBON};
  background: ${props => props.background.hex};

const MyComponent = () => {
  const options = {
    minimumContrast: 7,
    contrastColour: ${props => props.theme.palette.EBON},
    fallbackColour: ${props => props.theme.palette.GHOST},
  const { colour } = useImageAnalyser(

  return <MyElement background={colour}>Hello World</MyElement>;

## Graceful Fallbacks and Error Handling

This technique is not possible on every browser we support, therefore we need to be mindful of error handling and graceful fallbacks.

When we encounter issues, it will still return an object as described above. The differences are that `colour` will contain the `fallbackColour`, or black if `fallbackColour` was not provided. The `colour` object will also have the entry: `isFallback: true`

Additionally, the object will have an `error: true` entry.