import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { RequestContext } from '#contexts/RequestContext';
import useToggle from '#hooks/useToggle';
import AmpNielsenAnalytics from './Amp';
const NielsenAnalytics = () => {
const { service, isAmp, pathname } = useContext(RequestContext);
// nielsenAnalytics toggle only set up as local toggle at the moment...
const { enabled } = useToggle('nielsenAnalytics');
if (!enabled || !isAmp) {
return null;
// News and Sport only
let apid;
if (service === 'news') {
apid = '474C2B0B-0C04-4182-BCFB-FC9469A48C9B';
if (service === 'sport') {
apid = 'DC4AFDB2-B352-4D51-81EF-38BE41114F22';
if (!apid) {
return null;
section var logic:
1. strip .amp off the path
2. capitalise the service and in the case of CPS articles the subsection (can't get this from Optimo yet)
So for CPS articles:
example path = /news/business-58007120.amp
section = BBC News Business
for Optimo articles:
example path = /news/articles/c6v11qzyv8po.amp
section = BBC News Business
const assetid = pathname.split('.')[0];
const capitalise = word => {
return `${word[0].toUpperCase()}${word.substr(1)}`;
let section = `BBC ${capitalise(service)}`;
const sectionSplit = assetid.split('/');
const lastSection = sectionSplit[sectionSplit.length - 1];
if (lastSection.includes('-')) {
// CPS
const lastSectionSplit = lastSection.split('-');
section = `${section} ${capitalise(lastSectionSplit[0])}`;
return <AmpNielsenAnalytics apid={apid} section={section} />;
export default NielsenAnalytics;