

Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`Canonical Articles A11y I can see the skip to content link 1`] = `"مشاهده محتوا"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles Analytics ATI 1`] = `"<img height="1px" width="1px" alt="" style="position:absolute" src=";s2=69&amp;;x1=[urn%3Abbc%3Aoptimo%3Aasset%3Ac4vlle3q337o]&amp;x2=[responsive]&amp;x3=[news-persian]&amp;x4=[fa]&amp;x7=[article]&amp;x8=[simorgh-nojs]&amp;x9=[%D9%BE%D9%87%D9%BE%D8%A7%D8%AF%DB%8C%2520%DA%A9%D9%87%2520%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86%2520%D9%82%D9%87%D9%88%D9%87%2520%D9%85%DB%8C%E2%80%8C%D8%A2%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AF]&amp;x11=[2019-05-28T13%3A42%3A44.996Z]&amp;x12=[2019-07-23T15%3A47%3A11.893Z]"/>"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Anchors should match text and url 1`] = `
  "text": "BBC News, فارسی",
  "url": "/persian",

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Anchors should match text and url 2`] = `
  "text": "چرا می‌توانید به بی‌بی‌سی اطمینان کنید؟",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Anchors should match text and url 3`] = `
  "text": "شرایط استفاده",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Anchors should match text and url 4`] = `
  "text": "درباره بی بی سی",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Anchors should match text and url 5`] = `
  "text": "سیاست حفظ حریم خصوصی",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Anchors should match text and url 6`] = `
  "text": "کوکی ها",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Anchors should match text and url 7`] = `
  "text": "تماس با بی بی سی",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Anchors should match text and url 8`] = `
  "text": "سیاست ما درباره لینک دادن به سایت های دیگر.",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer I can click on the BBC branding and it would take me to the homepage 1`] = `"/persian"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles Footer Paragraphs should match text 1`] = `"© 2024 بی بی سی. بی بی سی مسئول محتوای سایت های دیگر نیست. سیاست ما درباره لینک دادن به سایت های دیگر."`;

exports[`Canonical Articles Header I can see the branding 1`] = `"BBC News, فارسی"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 1`] = `
  "text": "صفحه اول",
  "url": "/persian",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 2`] = `
  "text": "بحران خاورمیانه",
  "url": "/persian/topics/cj31ldvmg1et",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 3`] = `
  "text": "پخش زنده",
  "url": "/persian/media-49522521",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 4`] = `
  "text": "ویدیو",
  "url": "/persian/topics/c6z7mnr559gt",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 5`] = `
  "text": "تلویزیون",
  "url": "/persian/tv-and-radio-37434377",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 6`] = `
  "text": "ايران",
  "url": "/persian/topics/ckdxnwvwwjnt",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 7`] = `
  "text": "افغانستان",
  "url": "/persian/afghanistan",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 8`] = `
  "text": "جهان",
  "url": "/persian/topics/c1d8ye58xl8t",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 9`] = `
  "text": "هنر",
  "url": "/persian/topics/c9wpm0epm45t",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 10`] = `
  "text": "ورزش",
  "url": "/persian/topics/cnq6879k7yjt",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 11`] = `
  "text": "اقتصاد",
  "url": "/persian/topics/cl8l9mvlllqt",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 12`] = `
  "text": "دانش",
  "url": "/persian/topics/ckdxnwr4r1yt",

exports[`Canonical Articles Header Navigation link should match text and url 13`] = `
  "text": "فراتر از خبر",
  "url": "/persian/topics/cxr3ex12k6et",

exports[`Canonical Articles Image Caption should match text 1`] = `"توضیح تصویر، نوشیدنی‌ها داغ در بسته‌های سربسته توزیع می‌شوند "`;

exports[`Canonical Articles Image Copyright Non BBC should match snapshot 1`] = `
  Getty Images

exports[`Canonical Articles Image should match snapshot 1`] = `
  sizes="(min-width: 1008px) 760px, 100vw"
  srcset=" 240w, 320w, 480w, 624w, 640w"
  style="aspect-ratio:640 / 360"

exports[`Canonical Articles Main heading should match text 1`] = `"پهپادی که برایتان قهوه می‌آورد"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 1`] = `
  "text": "ایران در آستانه بحران بنزین؛ تابستانی دشوار برای دولت رئیسی در پیش است",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 2`] = `
  "text": "پرونده حمید نوری؛ وکلای مدافع: نوری فریب خورد",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 3`] = `
  "text": "اما رادوکانو: گاهی آرزو می‌کنم که ای کاش قهرمان اوپن آمریکا نمی‌شدم",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 4`] = `
  "text": "ملی‌پوش سابق هلند برای چاقو زدن به فامیلش به ۱۸ ماه حبس محکوم شد",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 5`] = `
  "text": "وزیر خارجه آمریکا در پکن؛ شی: پیشرفت‌هایی در روابط حاصل شده است، بلینکن: رقابت نباید بدل به دشمنی شود",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 6`] = `
  "text": "سگم سرطان پستان مرا تشخیص داد",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 7`] = `
  "text": "لوح ۲۸۰۰ ساله از ایتالیا به عراق بازگردانده شد",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 8`] = `
  "text": "نمایندگان کشورها و نهادها در اجلاس سازمان ملل خواستار پایان یافتن سیاست‌های تبعیض‌آمیز طالبان علیه زنان شدند",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 9`] = `
  "text": "چرا موبایل داغ می‌کند و چطور آن را خنک نگه داریم؟",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Most Read has item with rank 10`] = `
  "text": "هشتگ «داستان_ما_یکیست» در چهلمین سالگرد اعدام ۱۰ زن بهائی در شیراز",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles Paragraph should match paragraph text 1`] = `"شاید خیلی طول نکشد که زمانی برسد که وقتی خسته هستید و مثلا هوس فنجان قهوه‌ای را کردید، پهپادی را ببینید که با قهوه سراغتان می‌آید."`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 1`] = `
  "sizes": null,
  "url": "http://localhost:7080/persian/images/icons/icon-192x192.png",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 2`] = `
  "sizes": "72x72",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 3`] = `
  "sizes": "96x96",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 4`] = `
  "sizes": "128x128",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 5`] = `
  "sizes": "144x144",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 6`] = `
  "sizes": "152x152",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 7`] = `
  "sizes": "180x180",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 8`] = `
  "sizes": "192x192",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 9`] = `
  "sizes": "384x384",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 10`] = `
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exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Canonical link 1`] = `"http://localhost:7080/persian/articles/c4vlle3q337o"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Dir attribute 1`] = `"rtl"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO FB app ID 1`] = `"1609039196070050"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Heading level 1 1`] = `"پهپادی که برایتان قهوه می‌آورد"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Lang attribute 1`] = `"fa"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Linked data should match text 1`] = `
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      "datePublished": "2019-05-28T13:42:44.996Z",
      "description": "پهپادی که برایتان قهوه می‌آورد",
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exports[`Canonical Articles SEO OG description 1`] = `"پهپادی که برایتان قهوه می‌آورد"`;

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exports[`Canonical Articles SEO OG image alt 1`] = `"BBC News فارسی"`;

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exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Page title 1`] = `"پهپادی که برایتان قهوه می‌آورد - BBC News فارسی"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Robots meta tag 1`] = `"noodp, noydir, max-image-preview:large"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Twitter card 1`] = `"summary_large_image"`;

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exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Twitter site 1`] = `"@bbcpersian"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles SEO Twitter title 1`] = `"پهپادی که برایتان قهوه می‌آورد - BBC News فارسی"`;

exports[`Canonical Articles Timestamp should match text and date 1`] = `
  "date": "2019-05-28",
  "text": "۷ خرداد ۱۳۹۸ - ۲۸ مه ۲۰۱۹",