

Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`AMP Home Page A11y I can see the skip to content link 1`] = `"إذهب الى المحتوى"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page AMP Consent config 1`] = `
  "consents": {
    "user-consent": {
      "promptIfUnknownForGeoGroup": "eea",
      "promptUI": "consent-prompt",
  "policy": {
    "default": {
      "timeout": {
        "fallbackAction": "reject",
        "seconds": 0,
      "waitFor": {
        "user-consent": [],

exports[`AMP Home Page AMP Geo config 1`] = `
  "AmpBind": true,
  "ISOCountryGroups": {
    "eea": [
    "gbOrUnknown": [

exports[`AMP Home Page Ads should have the following properties 1`] = `
  media="(max-width: 62.9375rem)"

exports[`AMP Home Page Ads should have the following properties 2`] = `
  media="(min-width: 63rem)"

exports[`AMP Home Page Ads should have the following properties 3`] = `

exports[`AMP Home Page Analytics ATI 1`] = `
  "requests": {
    "base": "",
    "pageview": "\${base}s=598343&s2=5&\${screenWidth}x\${screenHeight}x\${screenColorDepth}&re=\${availableScreenWidth}x\${availableScreenHeight}&hl=\${timestamp}&lng=\${browserLanguage}&x1=[urn%3Abbc%3Atipo%3Atopic%3Acx35pee6zvpt]&x2=[amp]&x3=[news-arabic]&x4=[ar]&x5=[\${sourceUrl}]&x6=[\${documentReferrer}]&x7=[index-home]&x8=[simorgh]&x9=[BBC%2520News%2520%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A]&ref=\${documentReferrer}",
  "transport": {
    "beacon": false,
    "image": true,
    "xhrpost": false,
  "triggers": {
    "trackPageview": {
      "on": "visible",
      "request": "pageview",

exports[`AMP Home Page Analytics chartbeat 1`] = `
  "vars": {
    "contentType": "home",
    "domain": "",
    "sections": "Arabic, Arabic - home",
    "title": "BBC News عربي",
    "uid": 50924,
    "virtualReferrer": "\${documentReferrer}",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Anchors should match text and url 1`] = `
  "text": "BBC News, عربي",
  "url": "/arabic",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Anchors should match text and url 2`] = `
  "text": "لماذا يمكنك الاعتماد على أخبار بي بي سي",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Anchors should match text and url 3`] = `
  "text": "شروط الاستخدام",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Anchors should match text and url 4`] = `
  "text": "عن بي بي سي",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Anchors should match text and url 5`] = `
  "text": "سياسة الخصوصية",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Anchors should match text and url 6`] = `
  "text": "ملفات الارتباط Cookies",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Anchors should match text and url 7`] = `
  "text": "اتصل بـ بي بي سي",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Anchors should match text and url 8`] = `
  "text": "سياستنا بخصوص الروابط الخارجية.",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Cookie Settings Button should match text and on handler 1`] = `
  "on": "tap:consent.prompt, privacy.hide,, AMP.setState({ isManagingSettings: true })",
  "text": "Do not share or sell my info",

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer I can click on the BBC branding and it would take me to the homepage 1`] = `"/arabic"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page Footer Paragraphs should match text 1`] = `"© 2024 بي بي سي. بي بي سي ليست مسؤولة عن محتوى المواقع الخارجية. سياستنا بخصوص الروابط الخارجية."`;

exports[`AMP Home Page Header I can see the branding 1`] = `"BBC News, عربي"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 1`] = `
  "text": "الصفحة الحالية, رئيسية",
  "url": "/arabic",

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 2`] = `
  "text": "أخبار",
  "url": "/arabic/topics/cv2xyrnr8dnt",

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 3`] = `
  "text": "اقتصاد",
  "url": "/arabic/topics/cqywj97d487t",

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 4`] = `
  "text": "صحة وعلوم",
  "url": "/arabic/topics/clmj3d7282gt",

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 5`] = `
  "text": "رياضة",
  "url": "/arabic/topics/cyx5kw7g1j2t",

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 6`] = `
  "text": "فيديو",
  "url": "/arabic/topics/cz9mm6r1q5et",

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 7`] = `
  "text": "تحقيقات",
  "url": "/arabic/topics/c51nnzdeg9zt",

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 8`] = `
  "text": "بودكاست",
  "url": "/arabic/topics/cljddp5lw0dt",

exports[`AMP Home Page Header Navigation link should match text and url 9`] = `
  "text": "برامجنا",
  "url": "/arabic/topics/crgyknwdlwnt",

exports[`AMP Home Page Main heading should match text 1`] = `"BBC News, عربي - الرئيسية"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page Page content First item in the first curation is the correct headline 1`] = `"مرأة الخارقة ""`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 1`] = `
  "sizes": null,
  "url": "http://localhost:7080/arabic/images/icons/icon-192x192.png",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 2`] = `
  "sizes": "72x72",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 3`] = `
  "sizes": "96x96",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 4`] = `
  "sizes": "128x128",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 5`] = `
  "sizes": "144x144",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 6`] = `
  "sizes": "152x152",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 7`] = `
  "sizes": "180x180",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 8`] = `
  "sizes": "192x192",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 9`] = `
  "sizes": "384x384",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 10`] = `
  "sizes": "512x512",
  "url": "",

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Canonical link 1`] = `"http://localhost:7080/arabic"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Dir attribute 1`] = `"rtl"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO FB app ID 1`] = `"1609039196070050"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Heading level 1 1`] = `"BBC News, عربي - الرئيسية"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Lang attribute 1`] = `"ar"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Linked data should match text 1`] = `
  "@context": "",
  "@graph": [
      "@type": "CollectionPage",
      "headline": "BBC News عربي",
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      "inLanguage": {
        "@type": "Language",
        "alternateName": "ar",
        "name": "Arabic",
      "mainEntityOfPage": {
        "@id": "http://localhost:7080/arabic",
        "@type": "WebPage",
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      "publisher": {
        "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization",
        "logo": {
          "@type": "ImageObject",
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        "publishingPrinciples": "",
      "thumbnailUrl": "",
      "url": "http://localhost:7080/arabic",
      "@type": "ItemList",
      "itemListElement": [
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      "numberOfItems": 6,

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO OG description 1`] = `"بي بي سي العربية هي شبكة لنقل الأخبار والمعلومات ومقاطع الفيديو إلى العالم عبر عدة وسائط، تشمل الإنترنت ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي والراديو والتلفزيون والهواتف المحمولة."`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO OG image 1`] = `""`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO OG image alt 1`] = `"BBC News عربي"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO OG locale 1`] = `"ar"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO OG site name 1`] = `"BBC News عربي"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO OG title 1`] = `"الرئيسية - BBC News عربي"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO OG type 1`] = `"website"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO OG url 1`] = `"http://localhost:7080/arabic"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Page title 1`] = `"الرئيسية - BBC News عربي"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Robots meta tag 1`] = `"noodp, noydir, max-image-preview:large"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Twitter card 1`] = `"summary_large_image"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Twitter creator 1`] = `"@BBCArabic"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Twitter description 1`] = `"بي بي سي العربية هي شبكة لنقل الأخبار والمعلومات ومقاطع الفيديو إلى العالم عبر عدة وسائط، تشمل الإنترنت ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي والراديو والتلفزيون والهواتف المحمولة."`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Twitter image alt 1`] = `"BBC News عربي"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Twitter image src 1`] = `""`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Twitter site 1`] = `"@BBCArabic"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page SEO Twitter title 1`] = `"الرئيسية - BBC News عربي"`;

exports[`AMP Home Page Timestamp should match text and date 1`] = `
  "date": "2019-03-13",
  "text": "13 مارس/ آذار 2019",