

Test Coverage
// Jest Snapshot v1,

exports[`Canonical Live A11y I can see the skip to content link 1`] = `"Pređite na sadržaj"`;

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Anchors should match text and url 1`] = `
  "text": "BBC News, na srpskom",
  "url": "/serbian",

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Anchors should match text and url 2`] = `
  "text": "Zašto BBC zaslužuje vaše poverenje",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Anchors should match text and url 3`] = `
  "text": "Pravila korišćenja",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Anchors should match text and url 4`] = `
  "text": "O BBC-ju",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Anchors should match text and url 5`] = `
  "text": "Pravila privatnosti",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Anchors should match text and url 6`] = `
  "text": "Kolačići",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Anchors should match text and url 7`] = `
  "text": "Kontaktirajte BBC",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Anchors should match text and url 8`] = `
  "text": "Pročitajte naša pravila o linkovanju drugih sajtova.",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live Footer I can click on the BBC branding and it would take me to the homepage 1`] = `"/serbian"`;

exports[`Canonical Live Footer Paragraphs should match text 1`] = `"© 2024 BBC. BBC nije odgovoran za sadržaj drugih sajtova. Pročitajte naša pravila o linkovanju drugih sajtova."`;

exports[`Canonical Live Header I can see the branding 1`] = `"BBC News, na srpskom"`;

exports[`Canonical Live Header Navigation link should match text and url 1`] = `
  "text": "Početna strana",
  "url": "/serbian/lat",

exports[`Canonical Live Header Navigation link should match text and url 2`] = `
  "text": "Ukrajina",
  "url": "/serbian/lat/topics/c5wzvzzz5vrt",

exports[`Canonical Live Header Navigation link should match text and url 3`] = `
  "text": "Srbija",
  "url": "/serbian/lat/topics/cr50vdy9q6wt",

exports[`Canonical Live Header Navigation link should match text and url 4`] = `
  "text": "Balkan",
  "url": "/serbian/lat/topics/c06g87137jgt",

exports[`Canonical Live Header Navigation link should match text and url 5`] = `
  "text": "Svet",
  "url": "/serbian/lat/topics/c2lej05e1eqt",

exports[`Canonical Live Header Navigation link should match text and url 6`] = `
  "text": "Video",
  "url": "/serbian/lat/topics/c44vyp5g049t",

exports[`Canonical Live Header Navigation link should match text and url 7`] = `
  "text": "Najpopularnije",
  "url": "/serbian/lat/popular/read",

exports[`Canonical Live Main heading should match text 1`] = `"Live test page"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 1`] = `
  "sizes": null,
  "url": "http://localhost:7080/serbian/images/icons/icon-192x192.png",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 2`] = `
  "sizes": "72x72",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 3`] = `
  "sizes": "96x96",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 4`] = `
  "sizes": "128x128",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 5`] = `
  "sizes": "144x144",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 6`] = `
  "sizes": "152x152",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 7`] = `
  "sizes": "180x180",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 8`] = `
  "sizes": "192x192",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 9`] = `
  "sizes": "384x384",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Apple Touch Icon should match attributes 10`] = `
  "sizes": "512x512",
  "url": "",

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Canonical link 1`] = `"http://localhost:7080/serbian/live/media-23179005/lat"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Dir attribute 1`] = `"ltr"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO FB app ID 1`] = `"1609039196070050"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Heading level 1 1`] = `"Live test page"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Lang attribute 1`] = `"sr-latn"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Linked data should match text 1`] = `
  "@context": "",
  "@graph": [
      "@type": "NewsArticle",
      "author": {
        "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization",
        "logo": {
          "@type": "ImageObject",
          "height": 576,
          "url": "",
          "width": 1024,
        "name": "BBC News na srpskom",
        "noBylinesPolicy": "",
      "dateModified": "2018-01-10T15:00:00.000Z",
      "datePublished": "2018-01-10T15:00:00.000Z",
      "headline": "Live test page",
      "image": {
        "@type": "ImageObject",
        "height": 576,
        "url": "",
        "width": 1024,
      "inLanguage": {
        "@type": "Language",
        "alternateName": "sr-latn",
        "name": "Serbian",
      "mainEntityOfPage": {
        "@id": "http://localhost:7080/serbian/live/media-23179005/lat",
        "@type": "WebPage",
        "name": "Live test page",
      "publisher": {
        "@type": "NewsMediaOrganization",
        "logo": {
          "@type": "ImageObject",
          "height": 576,
          "url": "",
          "width": 1024,
        "name": "BBC News na srpskom",
        "publishingPrinciples": "",
      "thumbnailUrl": "",
      "url": "http://localhost:7080/serbian/live/media-23179005/lat",
      "@type": "LiveBlogPosting",
      "coverageEndTime": "2018-01-10T22:00:00.000Z",
      "coverageStartTime": "2018-01-10T15:00:00.000Z",
      "liveBlogUpdate": [],

exports[`Canonical Live SEO OG description 1`] = `"Live test page"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO OG image 1`] = `""`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO OG image alt 1`] = `"BBC News na srpskom"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO OG locale 1`] = `"sr-latn"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO OG site name 1`] = `"BBC News na srpskom"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO OG title 1`] = `"Live test page - BBC News na srpskom"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO OG type 1`] = `"website"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO OG url 1`] = `"http://localhost:7080/serbian/live/media-23179005/lat"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Page title 1`] = `"Live test page - BBC News na srpskom"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Robots meta tag 1`] = `"noodp, noydir, max-image-preview:large"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Twitter card 1`] = `"summary_large_image"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Twitter creator 1`] = `"@bbcnasrpskom"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Twitter description 1`] = `"Live test page"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Twitter image alt 1`] = `"BBC News na srpskom"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Twitter image src 1`] = `""`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Twitter site 1`] = `"@bbcnasrpskom"`;

exports[`Canonical Live SEO Twitter title 1`] = `"Live test page - BBC News na srpskom"`;