// $FlowFixMe
const yargs = require('yargs')
class Cli {
args: any
argv: any
target: string
command: string
isScreenshot: boolean
constructor (args: any = yargs) {
this.args = args
_configure () {
this.argv = yargs
.usage('Usage: gochu <command> [options]')
.command('run', 'Generate gochu graph', yargs => {
return yargs.usage('Usage: gochu run [options]')
.example(`gochu run -s -t 'example/**/*.js`, 'Generate screenshot of graph')
.example(`gochu run -t 'example/**/*.js'`, 'Generate and display graph on web client')
.describe('t', 'Specify glob pattern in quotes')
.alias('t', 'target')
.nargs('t', 1)
.describe('s', 'Generate screenshot instead of starting a web client')
.alias('s', 'screenshot')
.command('start', 'Start gochu web server', yars => {
return yargs.usage('Usage: gochu start')
.command('stop', 'Stop gochu web server', yargs => {
return yargs.usage('Usage: gochu stop')
.demand(1, 'Provide a valid command')
.alias('h', 'help')
get target () {
return this.argv.t
get isScreenshot () {
return this.argv.s
get isStop () {
return this.argv._[0] === 'stop'
get isStart () {
return this.argv._[0] === 'start'
module.exports = Cli