

Test Coverage
    <title>{{ Title }}</title>
   <p>{{ ToAgency.AddressTo if ToAgency.AddressTo else  "Good morning / Good afternoon" }},</p>
    <p>This email is a 60 Day Reminder Notification as detailed in the initial Notification of Surplus Real Property below.</p>
    <p>As detailed in the <a href="">Surplus Properties Program Process Manual</a>, the Strategic Real Estate Services Branch (SRES) has committed to proactively notifying all other Ministries, SUCH Sector Organization and Broader Public Sector (BPS) Entities of the availability of a new surplus property.</p>
    <p>This email is to advise that the following property has been identified as surplus by the current holder of the property and is available for redeployment if there is a need by your Ministry, SUCH Sector Organization or BPS Entity:</p>
    <p><b>{{ Project.ProjectNumber }} :</b></p>
            {% for property in Project.Properties %}
                    {% if property.PropertyType == PropertyTypes.Land %}
                            Site Address: {{ property.Address1 }}<br>
                            Site Description: {{ property.Name }}<br>
                            Site Size: {{ property.LandArea }} ha<br>
                            Zoned: {{ property.Zoning }}<br>
                            PID: {{ property.PID }} <br>
                            Current Holder of the Property: {{ property.Agency?.Name }} <br>
                            {% if Project.Appraised != null and Project.Appraised.Value > 0 %}
                                <span>Appraised Value: ${{ Project.Appraised.Value }}</span>
                            {% elif Project.Assessed != null and Project.Assessed.Value > 0 %}
                                <span>Assessed Value: ${{ Project.Assessed.Value }}</span>
                            {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                            Site Address: {{ property.Address1 }}<br>
                            Site Description: {{ property.Name }}<br>
                            Rentable Area: {{ property.RentableArea }} Sq. M<br>
                            Building Floors: {{ property.BuildingFloorCount }} <br>
                            Predominate Use: {{ property.BuildingPredominateUse?.Name }}<br>
                            Tenancy: {{ property.BuildingTenancy }}<br>
                            Current Holder of the Property: {{ property.Agency?.Name }} <br>
                            {% if Project.Appraised != null and Project.Appraised.Value > 0 %}
                                <span>Appraised Value: ${{ Project.Appraised.Value }}</span>
                            {% elif Project.Assessed != null and Project.Assessed.Value > 0 %}
                                <span>Assessed Value: ${{ Project.Assessed.Value }}</span>
                            {% endif %}
                    {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
    {% set note = Project.Notes | filterByAttr('NoteType', 22) | first %}
    <p>Your Ministry, SUCH Sector Organization or BPS Entity is provided with 30 days from this notification to submit a Business Case to SRES expressing your interest in acquiring the surplus property.</p> 
    <p>{{ note.Note }}</p>
    <p>If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Chris Seltenrich Executive Director of the Strategic Real Estate Services Branch at 778-698-3195.</p>
    <p>Thank you.</p>
    <p>Strategic Real Estate Services, Real Property Division</p>