

0 mins
Test Coverage
import { AppDataSource } from '@/appDataSource';
import { exposedProjectStatuses, ProjectStatus } from '@/constants/projectStatus';
import { ProjectType } from '@/constants/projectType';
import { Agency } from '@/typeorm/Entities/Agency';
import { Building } from '@/typeorm/Entities/Building';
import { Parcel } from '@/typeorm/Entities/Parcel';
import { Project } from '@/typeorm/Entities/Project';
import { ProjectAgencyResponse } from '@/typeorm/Entities/ProjectAgencyResponse';
import { ProjectNote } from '@/typeorm/Entities/ProjectNote';
import { ProjectProperty } from '@/typeorm/Entities/ProjectProperty';
import { ProjectSnapshot } from '@/typeorm/Entities/ProjectSnapshot';
import { ProjectStatusHistory } from '@/typeorm/Entities/ProjectStatusHistory';
import { ProjectTask } from '@/typeorm/Entities/ProjectTask';
import { ErrorWithCode } from '@/utilities/customErrors/ErrorWithCode';
import logger from '@/utilities/winstonLogger';
import {
} from 'typeorm';
import { ProjectFilter } from '@/services/projects/projectSchema';
import { PropertyType } from '@/constants/propertyType';
import { ProjectRisk } from '@/constants/projectRisk';
import notificationServices, { AgencyResponseType } from '../notifications/notificationServices';
import {
} from '@/utilities/helperFunctions';
import { ProjectTimestamp } from '@/typeorm/Entities/ProjectTimestamp';
import { ProjectMonetary } from '@/typeorm/Entities/ProjectMonetary';
import { NotificationQueue } from '@/typeorm/Entities/NotificationQueue';
import { SortOrders } from '@/constants/types';
import { ProjectJoin } from '@/typeorm/Entities/views/ProjectJoinView';
import { Roles } from '@/constants/roles';
import { PimsRequestUser } from '@/middleware/userAuthCheck';
import { User } from '@/typeorm/Entities/User';

const projectRepo = AppDataSource.getRepository(Project);

export interface ProjectPropertyIds {
  parcels?: number[];
  buildings?: number[];

 * Retrieves a project by its ID.
 * @param id - The ID of the project to retrieve.
 * @returns A Promise that resolves to the project object or null if not found.
const getProjectById = async (id: number) => {
  const project = await projectRepo.findOne({
    where: {
      Id: id,
    relations: {
      StatusHistory: false,
      Notifications: true,
  if (!project) {
    return null;
  const projectProperties = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectProperty).find({
    relations: {
      Parcel: {
        Agency: true,
        Evaluations: true,
        Fiscals: true,
      Building: {
        Agency: true,
        Evaluations: true,
        Fiscals: true,
    where: {
      ProjectId: id,
  const agencyResponses = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectAgencyResponse).find({
    where: {
      ProjectId: id,
  const projectTasks = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectTask).find({
    where: {
      ProjectId: id,
  const projectNotes = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectNote).find({
    where: {
      ProjectId: id,
  const projectMonetary = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectMonetary).find({
    where: {
      ProjectId: id,
  const projectTimestamps = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectTimestamp).find({
    where: {
      ProjectId: id,
  return {
    ProjectProperties: projectProperties,
    AgencyResponses: agencyResponses,
    Tasks: projectTasks,
    Notes: projectNotes,
    Monetaries: projectMonetary,
    Timestamps: projectTimestamps,

 * Adds a new project to the database.
 * @param project - The project object to be added.
 * @param propertyIds - The IDs of the properties (parcels and buildings) to be associated with the project.
 * @param {PimsRequestUser} user The user making the add request.
 * @returns The newly created project.
 * @throws ErrorWithCode - If the project name is missing, agency is not found, or there is an error creating the project.
const addProject = async (
  project: DeepPartial<Project>,
  propertyIds: ProjectPropertyIds,
  user: PimsRequestUser,
) => {
  // Does the project have a name?
  if (!project.Name) throw new ErrorWithCode('Projects must have a name.', 400);

  // Check if agency exists
  if (!(await AppDataSource.getRepository(Agency).exists({ where: { Id: project.AgencyId } }))) {
    throw new ErrorWithCode(`Agency with ID ${project.AgencyId} not found.`, 404);

  // Only project type at the moment is 1 (Disposal)
  project.ProjectType = ProjectType.DISPOSAL;

  // What type of submission is this? Regular (7) or Exemption (8)?
  project.StatusId = project?.Tasks?.find((task) => task.TaskId === 16) //Task labelled Exemption requested
    : ProjectStatus.SUBMITTED;

  // Set default RiskId
  project.RiskId = project.RiskId ?? ProjectRisk.GREEN;

  // Get a project number from the sequence
  const [{ nextval }] = await AppDataSource.query("SELECT NEXTVAL('project_num_seq')");

  // If drafts become possible, this can't always be SPP.
  project.ProjectNumber = `SPP-${nextval}`;
  project.SubmittedOn = new Date();
  const queryRunner = AppDataSource.createQueryRunner();
  await queryRunner.startTransaction();
  try {
    const newProject = await, project);
    // Add parcel/building relations
    const { parcels, buildings } = propertyIds;
    if (parcels) await addProjectParcelRelations(newProject, parcels, queryRunner);
    if (buildings) await addProjectBuildingRelations(newProject, buildings, queryRunner);
    await handleProjectTasks(newProject, queryRunner);
    await handleProjectMonetary(newProject, queryRunner);
    await handleProjectNotes(newProject, queryRunner);
    await handleProjectTimestamps(newProject, queryRunner);
    await handleProjectNotifications(
      newProject.AgencyResponses ?? [],
    await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
    return newProject;
  } catch (e) {
    await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
    if (e instanceof ErrorWithCode) throw e;
    throw new ErrorWithCode('Error creating project.', 500);
  } finally {
    await queryRunner.release();

 * Adds parcel relations to a project.
 * @param {DeepPartial<Project>} project - The project to add parcel relations to.
 * @param {number[]} parcelIds - An array of parcel IDs to add as relations.
 * @param {QueryRunner} queryRunner - Query runner for database operations.
 * @throws {ErrorWithCode} - If the parcel with the given ID does not exist or already belongs to another project.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the parcel relations have been added.
const addProjectParcelRelations = async (
  project: DeepPartial<Project>,
  parcelIds: number[],
  queryRunner: QueryRunner,
) => {
  await Promise.all(
    parcelIds?.map(async (parcelId) => {
      const relationExists = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(ProjectProperty, {
        where: {
          ProjectId: project.Id,
          ParcelId: parcelId,
      if (!relationExists) {
        const existingParcel = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(Parcel, {
          where: { Id: parcelId },
        if (!existingParcel) {
          throw new ErrorWithCode(`Parcel with ID ${parcelId} does not exist.`, 404);
        // Check that property doesn't belong to another active project
        // Could be in Cancelled (23) or Denied (16) projects
        const allowedStatusIds = [ProjectStatus.CANCELLED, ProjectStatus.DENIED];
        const existingProjectProperties = await queryRunner.manager.find(ProjectProperty, {
          where: {
            ParcelId: parcelId,
          relations: {
            Project: true,
        if (
            (relation) =>
              relation.ProjectId !== project.Id &&
        ) {
          throw new ErrorWithCode(
            `Parcel with ID ${parcelId} already belongs to another active project.`,
        // Is this a land (0) or subdivision (2)
        const propertyType = existingParcel.ParentParcelId
          ? PropertyType.SUBDIVISION
          : PropertyType.LAND;
        const entry: Partial<ProjectProperty> = {
          CreatedById: project.CreatedById,
          ProjectId: project.Id,
          PropertyTypeId: propertyType,
          ParcelId: parcelId,
        // Only try to add if this realtion doesn't exist yet
        await, entry);

 * Adds building relations to a project.
 * @param {DeepPartial<Project>} project - The project to add building relations to.
 * @param {number[]} buildingIds - An array of building IDs to add as relations.
 * @param {QueryRunner} queryRunner - Query runner for database operations.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the building relations have been added.
 * @throws {ErrorWithCode} - If a building with the given ID does not exist or if the building already belongs to another project.
const addProjectBuildingRelations = async (
  project: DeepPartial<Project>,
  buildingIds: number[],
  queryRunner: QueryRunner,
) => {
  await Promise.all(
    buildingIds?.map(async (buildingId) => {
      const relationExists = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(ProjectProperty, {
        where: {
          ProjectId: project.Id,
          BuildingId: buildingId,
      if (!relationExists) {
        const existingBuilding = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(Building, {
          where: { Id: buildingId },
        if (!existingBuilding) {
          throw new ErrorWithCode(`Building with ID ${buildingId} does not exist.`, 404);
        // Check that property doesn't belong to another active project
        // Could be in Cancelled (23) or Denied (16) projects
        const allowedStatusIds = [ProjectStatus.CANCELLED, ProjectStatus.DENIED];
        const existingProjectProperties = await queryRunner.manager.find(ProjectProperty, {
          where: {
            BuildingId: buildingId,
          relations: {
            Project: true,
        if (
            (relation) =>
              relation.ProjectId !== project.Id &&
        ) {
          throw new ErrorWithCode(
            `Building with ID ${buildingId} already belongs to another active project.`,
        // Property type building (1)
        const entry: Partial<ProjectProperty> = {
          CreatedById: project.CreatedById,
          ProjectId: project.Id,
          PropertyTypeId: PropertyType.BUILDING,
          BuildingId: buildingId,
        // Only try to add if this relation doesn't exist yet

        await, entry);

 * Removes the relations between a project and the specified parcel IDs.
 * @param {Project} project - The project from which to remove the parcel relations.
 * @param {number[]} parcelIds - An array of parcel IDs to remove the relations for.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the relations have been removed.
const removeProjectParcelRelations = async (
  project: Project,
  parcelIds: number[],
  queryRunner: QueryRunner,
) => {
  return Promise.all(
    parcelIds?.map((parcelId) => {
      return queryRunner.manager.update(
          ProjectId: project.Id,
          ParcelId: parcelId,
        { DeletedById: project.UpdatedById, DeletedOn: new Date() },

 * Removes the relationship between a project and the specified buildings.
 * @param {Project} project - The project from which to remove the building relationships.
 * @param {number[]} buildingIds - An array of building IDs to be removed from the project.
 * @param {QueryRunner} queryRunner - Query runner for database operations.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the building relationships have been removed.
const removeProjectBuildingRelations = async (
  project: Project,
  buildingIds: number[],
  queryRunner: QueryRunner,
) => {
  return Promise.all(
    buildingIds?.map(async (buildingId) => {
      return queryRunner.manager.update(
          ProjectId: project.Id,
          BuildingId: buildingId,
        { DeletedById: project.UpdatedById, DeletedOn: new Date() },

 * Handles project notifications by retrieving related entities and generating notifications for a project.
 * @param oldProject - The previous state of the project.
 * @param user - The user triggering the notifications.
 * @param queryRunner - The query runner for database operations.
 * @returns A promise that resolves when all notifications are sent.
const handleProjectNotifications = async (
  projectId: number,
  previousStatus: number,
  responses: ProjectAgencyResponse[],
  user: PimsRequestUser,
  queryRunner: QueryRunner,
) => {
  const projectWithRelations = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(Project, {
    relations: {
      ProjectProperties: {
        Building: {
          Evaluations: true,
          Fiscals: true,
          Agency: true,
          BuildingPredominateUse: true,
        Parcel: {
          Evaluations: true,
          Fiscals: true,
          Agency: true,
    where: {
      Id: projectId,
  const projectAgency = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(Agency, {
    where: { Id: projectWithRelations.AgencyId },
  const projectAgencyResponses = await queryRunner.manager.find(ProjectAgencyResponse, {
    where: { ProjectId: projectWithRelations.Id },
  const projectNotes = await queryRunner.manager.find(ProjectNote, {
    where: { ProjectId: projectWithRelations.Id },
  projectWithRelations.Agency = projectAgency;
  projectWithRelations.AgencyResponses = projectAgencyResponses;
  projectWithRelations.Notes = projectNotes;

  const notifsToSend: Array<NotificationQueue> = [];

  if (previousStatus !== projectWithRelations.StatusId) {
    const statusChangeNotifs = await notificationServices.generateProjectNotifications(

  if (projectAgencyResponses.length) {
    const agencyResponseNotifs = await notificationServices.generateProjectWatchNotifications(

  return Promise.all( => notificationServices.sendNotification(notif, user, queryRunner)),

 * Handles project tasks by updating the database with the provided tasks for a specific project.
 * @param project - The project object containing the tasks to be handled.
 * @param queryRunner - The query runner for managing database queries.
 * @returns Promise<void>
const handleProjectTasks = async (project: DeepPartial<Project>, queryRunner: QueryRunner) => {
  if (project?.Tasks?.length) {
    for (const task of project.Tasks) {
      const existingTask = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(ProjectTask, {
        where: { ProjectId: project.Id, TaskId: task.TaskId },
      const taskEntity: DeepPartial<ProjectTask> = {
        ProjectId: project.Id,
        CreatedById: existingTask ? existingTask.CreatedById : project.CreatedById,
        UpdatedById: existingTask ? project.UpdatedById : undefined,
        IsCompleted: task.IsCompleted,
        CompletedOn: !existingTask?.CompletedOn && task.IsCompleted ? new Date() : undefined,
        //This CompletedOn logic basically means that you will only ever set the CompletedOn date once, even if you transition between IsCompleted true/false
        //multiple times. Doing that wouldn't really be the intended flow anyways so this seemed like the safest bet.
      await, taskEntity);

 * Handles the project agency responses by updating the database with new responses and removing any outdated ones.
 * @param newProject - The new project object containing agency responses to be handled.
 * @param queryRunner - The query runner for managing database transactions.
const handleProjectAgencyResponses = async (
  newProject: DeepPartial<Project>,
  queryRunner: QueryRunner,
) => {
  if (newProject.AgencyResponses) {
    const existingResponses = await queryRunner.manager.find(ProjectAgencyResponse, {
      where: {
        ProjectId: newProject.Id,
    const removeResponses = existingResponses.filter(
      (r) => !newProject.AgencyResponses.find((a) => a.AgencyId === r.AgencyId),
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
        AgencyId: In( => a.AgencyId)),
        ProjectId: newProject.Id,
      { DeletedById: newProject.CreatedById, DeletedOn: new Date() },
      ProjectAgencyResponse, => ({
        ProjectId: newProject.Id,
        CreatedById: newProject.CreatedById,
        DeletedById: null,
        DeletedOn: null,

 * Handles the project notes by saving them in the database if new notes are provided.
 * @param {DeepPartial<Project>} newProject - The new project object containing notes to be handled.
 * @param {QueryRunner} queryRunner - The query runner for managing database transactions.
 * @returns {Promise<void[]>} A promise that resolves to an array of insert results for the saved notes.
const handleProjectNotes = async (newProject: DeepPartial<Project>, queryRunner: QueryRunner) => {
  if (newProject?.Notes?.length) {
    const saveNotes = (note): Promise<InsertResult | void> => {
      if (note.NoteTypeId == null) {
        throw new ErrorWithCode('Provided note was missing a required field.', 400);
      const exists = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(ProjectNote, {
        where: { ProjectId: newProject.Id, NoteTypeId: note.NoteTypeId },
      return queryRunner.manager.upsert(
          ProjectId: newProject.Id,
          Note: note.Note,
          NoteTypeId: note.NoteTypeId,
          CreatedById: exists ? exists.CreatedById : newProject.CreatedById,
          UpdatedById: exists ? newProject.UpdatedById : undefined,
        ['ProjectId', 'NoteTypeId'],
    return Promise.all(saveNotes);

 * Handles the timestamps for a new project by upserting them into the database.
 * @param {DeepPartial<Project>} newProject - The new project object with timestamps to be handled.
 * @param {QueryRunner} queryRunner - The query runner for the database operations.
 * @returns {Promise<void[]>} A promise that resolves once all timestamps are saved or updated.
const handleProjectTimestamps = async (
  newProject: DeepPartial<Project>,
  queryRunner: QueryRunner,
) => {
  if (newProject?.Timestamps?.length) {
    const saveTimestamps =
      async (timestamp): Promise<InsertResult | void> => {
        if (timestamp.TimestampTypeId == null) {
          throw new ErrorWithCode('Provided timestamp was missing a required field.', 400);
        const exists = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(ProjectTimestamp, {
          where: { ProjectId: newProject.Id, TimestampTypeId: timestamp.TimestampTypeId },
        return queryRunner.manager.upsert(
            ProjectId: newProject.Id,
            Date: timestamp.Date,
            TimestampTypeId: timestamp.TimestampTypeId,
            CreatedById: exists ? exists.CreatedById : newProject.CreatedById,
            UpdatedById: exists ? newProject.UpdatedById : undefined,
          ['ProjectId', 'TimestampTypeId'],
    return Promise.all(saveTimestamps);

 * Handles the monetary data for a new project by upserting the monetary values into the database.
 * @param newProject - The new project object containing monetary data to be handled.
 * @param queryRunner - The query runner for database operations.
 * @returns A promise that resolves with the result of upserting the monetary values for the new project.
const handleProjectMonetary = async (
  newProject: DeepPartial<Project>,
  queryRunner: QueryRunner,
) => {
  if (newProject?.Monetaries?.length) {
    const saveTimestamps =
      async (monetary): Promise<InsertResult | void> => {
        if (monetary.MonetaryTypeId == null) {
          throw new ErrorWithCode('Provided monetary was missing a required field.', 400);
        const exists = await queryRunner.manager.findOne(ProjectMonetary, {
          where: { ProjectId: newProject.Id, MonetaryTypeId: monetary.MonetaryTypeId },
        return queryRunner.manager.upsert(
            ProjectId: newProject.Id,
            Value: monetary.Value,
            MonetaryTypeId: monetary.MonetaryTypeId,
            CreatedById: exists ? exists.CreatedById : newProject.CreatedById,
            UpdatedById: exists ? newProject.UpdatedById : undefined,
          ['ProjectId', 'MonetaryTypeId'],
    return Promise.all(saveTimestamps);

const getAgencyResponseChanges = async (
  oldProject: Project,
  newProject: DeepPartial<Project>,
): Promise<Array<ProjectAgencyResponse>> => {
  const retResponses: Array<ProjectAgencyResponse> = [];
  for (const response of newProject.AgencyResponses as ProjectAgencyResponse[]) {
    const originalResponse = oldProject.AgencyResponses.find(
      (r) => r.AgencyId === response.AgencyId,
    if (originalResponse == null || originalResponse.Response != response.Response) {
  for (const response of oldProject.AgencyResponses) {
    const updatedResponse = newProject.AgencyResponses.find(
      (r) => r.AgencyId === response.AgencyId,
    if (updatedResponse == null) {
      response.Response = AgencyResponseType.Unsubscribe;
  return retResponses;

 * Updates a project with the given changes and property IDs.
 * @param project - The project object containing the changes to be made.
 * @param propertyIds - The IDs of the properties to be associated with the project.
 * @param user The SSO user making the request
 * @returns The result of the project update.
 * @throws {ErrorWithCode} If the project name is empty or null, if the project does not exist, if the project number or agency cannot be changed, or if there is an error updating the project.
const updateProject = async (
  project: DeepPartial<Project>,
  propertyIds: ProjectPropertyIds,
  user: PimsRequestUser,
) => {
  // Project must still have a name
  // undefined is allowed because it is not always updated
  if (project.Name === null || project.Name === '') {
    throw new ErrorWithCode('Projects must have a name.', 400);
  //We get the AgencyResponses relation here so that we have a copy of the state of those responses before being updated.
  //We need this to check which responses were updated and thus require new notifications later after the transaction commit.
  const originalProject = await projectRepo.findOne({
    relations: { AgencyResponses: true },
    where: { Id: project.Id },
  if (!originalProject) {
    throw new ErrorWithCode('Project does not exist.', 404);
  // Not allowed to change Project Number
  if (project.ProjectNumber && originalProject.ProjectNumber !== project.ProjectNumber) {
    throw new ErrorWithCode('Project Number may not be changed.', 403);

  if (
    //Agency change disallowed unless admin.
    project.AgencyId &&
    originalProject.AgencyId !== project.AgencyId &&
  ) {
    throw new ErrorWithCode('Project Agency may not be changed.', 403);

  const queryRunner = AppDataSource.createQueryRunner();
  await queryRunner.startTransaction();
  try {
    await handleProjectTasks({ ...project, CreatedById: project.UpdatedById }, queryRunner);
    await handleProjectAgencyResponses(
      { ...project, CreatedById: project.UpdatedById },
    await handleProjectNotes({ ...project, CreatedById: project.UpdatedById }, queryRunner);
    await handleProjectMonetary({ ...project, CreatedById: project.UpdatedById }, queryRunner);
    await handleProjectTimestamps({ ...project, CreatedById: project.UpdatedById }, queryRunner);

    // Handle timestamps
    if (project.StatusId === ProjectStatus.CANCELLED) project.CancelledOn = new Date();
    else if (project.StatusId === ProjectStatus.DENIED) project.DeniedOn = new Date();
    else if (
      [ProjectStatus.DISPOSED, ProjectStatus.TRANSFERRED_WITHIN_GRE].includes(project.StatusId)
      project.CompletedOn = new Date();
    else if (
      [ProjectStatus.APPROVED_FOR_ERP, ProjectStatus.APPROVED_FOR_EXEMPTION].includes(
      project.ApprovedOn = new Date();

    // Update Project
    await, {
      Tasks: undefined,
      AgencyResponses: undefined,
      Notes: undefined,
      Timestamps: undefined,
      Monetaries: undefined,
    //Seems this save will also try to save Tasks array if present, but if missing the ProjectId it will do weird stuff.
    //So we could consolidate handleProjectTasks to here if we wanted, but then it might be annoying trying to get the more specific behavior in that function.
    //Same deal with AgencyResponses

    // Update related Project Properties
    const existingProjectProperties = await queryRunner.manager.find(ProjectProperty, {
      where: { ProjectId: originalProject.Id },
    const existingParcelIds = existingProjectProperties
      .map((record) => record.ParcelId)
      .filter((id) => id);
    const existingBuildingIds = existingProjectProperties
      .map((record) => record.BuildingId)
      .filter((id) => id);
    // Adding new Project Properties
    const { parcels: parcelsToAdd, buildings: buildingsToAdd } = propertyIds;
    if (parcelsToAdd) await addProjectParcelRelations(originalProject, parcelsToAdd, queryRunner);
    if (buildingsToAdd)
      await addProjectBuildingRelations(originalProject, buildingsToAdd, queryRunner);

    // Removing the old project properties
    const parcelsToRemove = existingParcelIds.filter(
      (id) => !parcelsToAdd.includes(id) && existingParcelIds.includes(id),
    const buildingsToRemove = existingBuildingIds.filter(
      (id) => !buildingsToAdd.includes(id) && existingBuildingIds.includes(id),

    if (parcelsToRemove)
      await removeProjectParcelRelations(originalProject, parcelsToRemove, queryRunner);
    if (buildingsToRemove)
      await removeProjectBuildingRelations(originalProject, buildingsToRemove, queryRunner);

    // If status was changed, write result to Project Status History table.
    if (project.StatusId !== undefined && originalProject.StatusId !== project.StatusId) {
      await, {
        CreatedById: project.UpdatedById,
        ProjectId: project.Id,
        StatusId: originalProject.StatusId,

    const changedResponses = [];
    if (project.AgencyResponses) {
      changedResponses.push(...(await getAgencyResponseChanges(originalProject, project)));
    await handleProjectNotifications(
    ); //Do this after committing transaction so that we don't send emails to CHES unless the rest of the project metadata actually saved.

    // Get project to return
    const returnProject = await projectRepo.findOne({ where: { Id: originalProject.Id } });
    return returnProject;
  } catch (e) {
    await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
    if (e instanceof ErrorWithCode) throw e;
    throw new ErrorWithCode(`Error updating project: ${e.message}`, 500);
  } finally {
    await queryRunner.release();

 * Deletes a project by its ID.
 * @param {number} id - The ID of the project to delete.
 * @param {string} username The usernameof the requesting user
 * @returns {Promise<DeleteResult>} - A promise that resolves to the delete result.
 * @throws {ErrorWithCode} - If the project does not exist, or if there is an error deleting the project.
const deleteProjectById = async (id: number, user: User) => {
  if (!(await projectRepo.exists({ where: { Id: id } }))) {
    throw new ErrorWithCode('Project does not exist.', 404);
  const queryRunner = await AppDataSource.createQueryRunner();
  await queryRunner.startTransaction();
  try {
    // Remove Project Properties relations
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { ProjectId: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    // Remove Project Status History
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { ProjectId: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    // Remove Project Notes
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { ProjectId: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    // Remove Project Snapshots
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { ProjectId: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    // Remove Project Tasks
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { ProjectId: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    // Remove Project Timestamps
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { ProjectId: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    // Remove Project Monetary
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { ProjectId: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    // Remove Project Agency Responses
    await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { ProjectId: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    // Delete the project
    const deleteResult = await queryRunner.manager.update(
      { Id: id },
      { DeletedById: user.Id, DeletedOn: new Date() },
    await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
    return deleteResult;
  } catch (e) {
    await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
    if (e instanceof ErrorWithCode) throw e;
    throw new ErrorWithCode('Error deleting project.', 500);
  } finally {
    await queryRunner.release();

 * Collects and constructs find options based on the provided project filter.
 * @param filter - The project filter containing criteria for filtering projects.
 * @returns An array of constructed find options based on the filter criteria.
const collectFindOptions = (filter: ProjectFilter) => {
  const options = [];
  if ( options.push(constructFindOptionFromQuery('Name',;
  if (
  if (filter.status)
    options.push(constructFindOptionFromQuerySingleSelect('Status', filter.status));
  if (filter.projectNumber) {
    options.push(constructFindOptionFromQuery('ProjectNumber', filter.projectNumber));
  if (filter.updatedOn) options.push(constructFindOptionFromQuery('UpdatedOn', filter.updatedOn));
  if (filter.updatedBy) options.push(constructFindOptionFromQuery('UpdatedBy', filter.updatedBy));
  if ( options.push(constructFindOptionFromQuery('Market',;
  if (filter.netBook) options.push(constructFindOptionFromQuery('NetBook', filter.netBook));
  return options;

 * Converts entity names to column names.
 * Needed because the sort key in query builder uses the column name, not the entity name.
const sortKeyTranslator: Record<string, string> = {
  ProjectNumber: 'project_number',
  Name: 'name',
  Status: 'status_name',
  Agency: 'agency_name',
  NetBook: 'net_book',
  Market: 'market',
  UpdatedOn: 'updated_on',
  UpdatedBy: 'user_full_name',

 * Retrieves projects based on the provided filter criteria.
 * Applies filters, restrictions, and sorting to the query.
 * Returns the filtered projects along with the total count.
 * @param filter - The filter criteria to apply to the projects query.
 * @returns An object containing the filtered projects and the total count.
const getProjects = async (filter: ProjectFilter) => {
  const options = collectFindOptions(filter);
  const query = AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectJoin)
      new Brackets((qb) => {
        options.forEach((option) => qb.andWhere(option));

  // Only non-admins have this set in the controller
  if (filter.agencyId?.length) {
      new Brackets((qb) => {
        // Restricts based on user's agencies
        qb.orWhere('agency_id IN(:...list)', {
          list: filter.agencyId,
        // But also allow for ERP projects to be visible
        qb.orWhere('status_id IN(:...exposedProjectStatuses)', {
          exposedProjectStatuses: exposedProjectStatuses,

  // Add quickfilter part
  if (filter.quickFilter) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    const quickFilterOptions: FindOptionsWhere<any>[] = [];
    const quickfilterFields = [
    quickfilterFields.forEach((field) =>
      quickFilterOptions.push(constructFindOptionFromQuery(field, filter.quickFilter)),
      new Brackets((qb) => {
        quickFilterOptions.forEach((option) => qb.orWhere(option));

  if (filter.quantity) query.take(filter.quantity);
  if ( && filter.quantity) query.skip(( ?? 0) * (filter.quantity ?? 0));
  if (filter.sortKey && filter.sortOrder) {
    if (sortKeyTranslator[filter.sortKey]) {
        filter.sortOrder.toUpperCase() as SortOrders,
        'NULLS LAST',
    } else {
      logger.error('getProjects Service - Invalid Sort Key');
  const [data, totalCount] = await query.getManyAndCount();
  return { data, totalCount };

 * Retrieves projects for export based on the provided filter.
 * Joins additional entities like tasks, notes, monetaries, timestamps, and notifications for each project.
 * Separates queries intentionally for better performance.
 * @param filter - The filter criteria to retrieve projects.
 * @returns An array of projects with associated tasks, notes, monetaries, timestamps, and notifications.
const getProjectsForExport = async (filter: ProjectFilter) => {
  const result = await getProjects(filter);
  const filteredProjects =;
  // Use IDs from selected projects to get those projects with joins
  const queryOptions: FindManyOptions<Project> = {
    relations: {
      CreatedBy: true,
      UpdatedBy: true,
      // Don't include these joins below. It can be very large.
      Tasks: false,
      Notes: false,
      Timestamps: false,
      Monetaries: false,
      Notifications: false,
    select: {
      CreatedBy: {
        Id: true,
        FirstName: true,
        LastName: true,
      UpdatedBy: {
        Id: true,
        FirstName: true,
        LastName: true,
    where: {
      Id: In( => p.Id)),
  const projects = await projectRepo.find(queryOptions);

   * Separated these queries intentionally.
   * Joining them with the projects call is much slower.
  const tasks = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectTask).find();
  const notes = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectNote).find();
  const monetaries = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectMonetary).find();
  const timestamps = await AppDataSource.getRepository(ProjectTimestamp).find();
  const notifications = await AppDataSource.getRepository(NotificationQueue).find();

  return => ({
    Tasks: tasks.filter((task) => task.ProjectId === project.Id),
    Notes: notes.filter((note) => note.ProjectId === project.Id),
    Monetaries: monetaries.filter((mon) => mon.ProjectId === project.Id),
    Timestamps: timestamps.filter((time) => time.ProjectId === project.Id),
    Notifications: notifications.filter((notification) => notification.ProjectId === project.Id),

const projectServices = {

export default projectServices;