const equal = require('fast-deep-equal');
const log = require('npmlog');
const Problem = require('api-problem');
const {transaction} = require('objection');
const {v4: uuidv4} = require('uuid');
const DataService = require('../common/dataService');
class FormDataService extends DataService {
constructor(models, constants) {
this._constants = constants;
let items = obj;
if (!Array.isArray(items)) {
items = [obj];
return => {
const x = {...o};
['createdAt', 'createdBy', 'updatedAt', 'updatedBy'].forEach(p => delete x[p]);
return x;
_equalTo(a, b) {
const x = this._copyAndRemoveStamps(a);
const y = this._copyAndRemoveStamps(b);
return equal(x, y);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async validateCreate(obj) {
return true;
async create(obj, user) {
if (!obj) {
throw Error(`${this._constants.TITLE} cannot be created without data`);
await this.validateCreate(obj);
let trx;
try {
trx = await transaction.start(this._models.Metadata.knex());
const formId = uuidv4();
// set the metadata
const metadata = {
formId: formId,
slug: this._constants.SLUG,
prefix: this._constants.PREFIX,
// set the versions
const versions = => {
// this is a new version, set the user stamp
v.statusCodes.forEach(s => s.createdBy = user.username);
v.createdBy = user.username;
return v;
await this._models.Form.query(trx).insertGraph({
metadata: {
createdBy: user.username,
createdBy: user.username,
description: obj.description,
versions: versions
await trx.commit();
const result = await;
return result;
} catch (err) {
log.error('create', `Error creating ${this._constants.TITLE} record: ${err.message}. Rolling back...`);
if (trx) await trx.rollback();
throw err;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async validateUpdate(obj) {
return true;
async update(obj, user) {
if (!obj) {
throw Error(`${this._constants.TITLE} cannot be updated without data`);
await this.validateUpdate(obj);
let trx;
try {
trx = await transaction.start(this._models.Metadata.knex());
// this property could come in from a /current query...
// it's an additional helper field we don't want here.
delete obj.formVersionId;
// if exists, then we update with a new version...
const current = await this._models.Form.query()
// set the metadata (ensure nothing critical has changed...)
const metadata = {
formId: current.formId,
slug: this._constants.SLUG,
prefix: this._constants.PREFIX,
// set the versions (only add the new one(s))
const version = obj.versions.find(f => !f.formVersionId);
version.formId = current.formId;
version.statusCodes.forEach(s => {
s.createdBy = user.username;
s.updatedBy = user.username;
version.createdBy = user.username;
// update the form metadata...
await this._models.Metadata.query(trx).patchAndFetchById(current.formId, metadata);
// update the form...
await this._models.Form.query(trx).patchAndFetchById(current.formId, {
updatedBy: user.username,
description: obj.description
// add/update status codes
await this._models.StatusCode.query(trx).upsertGraph(version.statusCodes, {insertMissing: true});
// add new version
const versionRec = await this._models.Version.query(trx).insert(version);
// add the relationships for version/codes
await versionRec.$relatedQuery('statusCodes', trx).relate(version.statusCodes);
await trx.commit();
const result = await;
return result;
} catch (err) {
log.error('create', `Error updating ${this._constants.TITLE} record: ${err.message}. Rolling back...`);
if (trx) await trx.rollback();
throw err;
async exists() {
return this._models.Form.query().first();
async read() {
return this._models.Form.query()
.allowGraph('[versions.statusCodes, metadata]')
async current(tiny) {
let form;
let version;
if (tiny) {
form = await this._models.Form.query()
version = await this._models.Version.query()
.where('formId', form.formId)
} else {
form = await this._models.Form.query()
.withGraphFetched({metadata: true})
version = await this._models.Version.query()
.where('formId', form.formId)
.withGraphFetched({statusCodes: true})
form.versions = [version];
form.formVersionId = version.formVersionId;
return form;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async validateCreateSubmission(obj) {
async createSubmission(obj, user) {
if (!obj) {
throw Error(`${this._constants.TITLE} Submission cannot be created without data`);
await this.validateCreateSubmission(obj);
let trx;
try {
trx = await transaction.start(this._models.Submission.knex());
// all submissions use the current version...
const current = await this.current(true);
obj.formVersionId = current.formVersionId;
// set up the non-generated ids...
const submissionId = uuidv4();
obj.submissionId = submissionId;
obj.createdBy = user.username;
// add the initial submitted status to the graph
obj.statuses = [{
code: this._constants.INITIAL_STATUS_CODE,
createdBy: user.username
await this._models.Submission.query(trx).insertGraph(obj);
await trx.commit();
const result = await this.readSubmission(submissionId);
return result;
} catch (err) {
log.error('create', `Error creating ${this._constants.TITLE} submission record: ${err.message}. Rolling back...`);
if (trx) await trx.rollback();
throw err;
async readSubmission(submissionId, tiny) {
if (tiny) {
return this._models.Submission.query()
} else {
return this._models.Submission.query()
.allowGraph('[survey, statuses.[notes, statusCode], notes]')
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async validateUpdateSubmission(submissionId, obj) {
async updateSubmission(submissionId, obj, user) {
// update: location, contacts, business
if (!obj) {
throw Error(`${this._constants.TITLE} Submission cannot be updated without data`);
await this.validateUpdateSubmission(submissionId, obj);
let trx;
try {
trx = await transaction.start(this._models.Submission.knex());
let doTheUpdate = false;
const currentSubmission = await this._models.Submission.query()
.where({submissionId: submissionId})
.where({submissionId: obj.submissionId})
// check survey... any changes?
if (!this._equalTo(currentSubmission.survey, obj.survey)) {
obj.survey.updatedBy = user.username;
await this._models.Survey.query(trx).patchAndFetchById(obj.survey.surveyId, obj.survey);
doTheUpdate = true;
if (doTheUpdate) {
// only want to update the who and when...
await this._models.Submission.query(trx).patchAndFetchById(obj.submissionId, {updatedBy: user.username});
await trx.commit();
const result = await this.readSubmission(obj.submissionId);
return result;
} catch (err) {
log.error('create', `Error updating ${this._constants.TITLE} submission: ${err.message}. Rolling back...`);
if (trx) await trx.rollback();
throw err;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async validateDeleteSubmission(submissionId) {
async deleteSubmission(submissionId, user) {
if (!submissionId) {
throw Error(`${this._constants.TITLE} Submission cannot be deleted without an id`);
await this.validateDeleteSubmission(submissionId);
let trx;
try {
trx = await transaction.start(this._models.Submission.knex());
await this._models.Submission.query(trx).patchAndFetchById(submissionId, {
deleted: true,
updatedBy: user.username
await trx.commit();
const result = await this.readSubmission(submissionId);
return result;
} catch (err) {
log.error('create', `Error deleting ${this._constants.TITLE} submission: ${err.message}. Rolling back...`);
if (trx) await trx.rollback();
throw err;
async searchSubmissions(params) {
const tiny = data => {
if (!data || !Array.isArray(data) || !data.length) {
return [];
// asked for the tiny result set, so shrink it down!
return => {
return {
submissionId: d.submissionId,
formVersionId: d.formVersionId,
createdAt: d.createdAt,
surveyId: d.survey.surveyId,
submitter: d.survey.submitter,
status: d.statuses[0].statusCode.display,
assignedTo: d.statuses[0].assignedTo,
deleted: d.deleted
const submissions = await this._models.Submission.query()
.allowGraph('[survey, statuses.[notes, statusCode], notes]')
.modify('filterVersion', params.version)
.modify('filterDeleted', params.deleted)
return params.tiny ? tiny(submissions) : submissions;
module.exports.FormDataService = FormDataService;