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25 mins
Test Coverage
 * @module EmailConnection
 * Create and check the connection for an email transport.
 * Default is SMTP.
 * @see EmailService
 * @see NodeMailer
 * @exports EmailConnection
const config = require('config');
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
const log = require('../components/log')(module.filename);

 * Base configuration object for Nodemailer
const baseNodemailerConfig = {
  host: config.get('server.smtpHost'),
  port: 25,
  tls: {
    rejectUnauthorized: false // do not fail on invalid certs
  connectionTimeout: 10 * 1000 // Timeout SMTP connection attempt after 10 seconds

let etherealConnection;

class EmailConnection {
   * Creates a new EmailConnection with default (SMTP) configuration.
   * @class
  constructor() {
     * Configuration object for pooled Nodemailer
    const pooledNodemailerConfig = Object.assign({
      pool: true, // Use pooled email connections to reduce TCP network churn
      maxConnections: 1, // Cap max SMTP connections in pool to one (we dispatch sequentially via Redis queue),
      // Ref `Connection inactivity time`:
      socketTimeout: 30 * 1000 // Close SMTP connection after 30 seconds of inactivity
    }, baseNodemailerConfig);

    if (!EmailConnection.instance) {
      this.pooledMailer = nodemailer.createTransport(pooledNodemailerConfig);
      this.singleMailer = nodemailer.createTransport(baseNodemailerConfig);
      EmailConnection.instance = this;

    return EmailConnection.instance;

   * @function connected
   * True or false if connected.
  get connected() {
    return this._connected;

   * @function singleMailer
   * Get the current single nodemailer transport
  get singleMailer() {
    return this._singleMailer;

   * @function singleMailer
   * Sets the underlying single nodemailer transport
   * @param {object} v - a new nodemailer instance
  set singleMailer(v) {
    this._singleMailer = v;

   * @function pooledMailer
   * Get the current pooled nodemailer transport
  get pooledMailer() {
    return this._pooledMailer;

   * @function pooledMailer
   * Sets the underlying pooled nodemailer transport
   * @param {object} v - a new nodemailer instance
  set pooledMailer(v) {
    this._connected = false;
    this._pooledMailer = v;

   * @function getEtherealConnection
   * Gets a connection to Ethereal
   * Should only be used for local development/testing
  static async getEtherealConnection() {
    if (!etherealConnection) {
      const testAccount = await nodemailer.createTestAccount();
      const etherealConfiguration = {
        port: testAccount.smtp.port,
        auth: {
          user: testAccount.user,
          pass: testAccount.pass
      // eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
      etherealConnection = new EmailConnection();
      // eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
      etherealConnection.configuration = etherealConfiguration;
    return etherealConnection;

   * @function getTestMessageUrl
   * Gets a test url for Ethereal
   * Should only be used for local development/testing
  getTestMessageUrl(info) {
    // this will only work if the transporter is ethereal...
    try {
      return nodemailer.getTestMessageUrl(info);
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
    } catch (err) {


   * @function checkConnection
   * Checks the current node mailer connection.
  async checkConnection() {
    this._connected = await this.pooledMailer.verify();
    return this.connected;

   * @function close
   * Will close the EmailConnection
   * @param {function} [cb] Optional callback
  close(cb = undefined) {
    try {
      if (this.pooledMailer) this.pooledMailer.close();
      if (this.singleMailer) this.singleMailer.close();
      this._connected = false;'Disconnected', { function: 'close' });
      if (cb) cb();
    } catch (e) {
      log.error('Failed to close', { error: e, function: 'close' });
      if (cb) cb();

module.exports = EmailConnection;