const Problem = require('api-problem');
const config = require('config');
const basicAuth = require('express-basic-auth');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const { AuthType } = require('../components/constants');
const { getConfigBoolean } = require('../components/utils');
const { userService } = require('../services');
* Basic Auth configuration object
* @see {@link}
const _basicAuthConfig = {
// Must be a synchronous function
authorizer: (username, password) => {
const userMatch = basicAuth.safeCompare(username, config.get('basicAuth.username'));
const pwMatch = basicAuth.safeCompare(password, config.get('basicAuth.password'));
return userMatch & pwMatch;
unauthorizedResponse: () => {
return new Problem(401, { detail: 'Invalid authorization credentials' });
* An express middleware function that checks basic authentication validity
* @see {@link}
const _checkBasicAuth = basicAuth(_basicAuthConfig);
* @function _spkiWrapper
* Wraps an SPKI key with PEM header and footer
* @param {string} spki The PEM-encoded Simple public-key infrastructure string
* @returns {string} The PEM-encoded SPKI with PEM header and footer
const _spkiWrapper = (spki) => `-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n${spki}\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`;
* @function currentUser
* Injects a currentUser object to the request if there exists valid authentication artifacts.
* Subsequent logic should check `req.currentUser.authType` for authentication method if needed.
* @param {object} req Express request object
* @param {object} res Express response object
* @param {function} next The next callback function
* @returns {function} Express middleware function
* @throws The error encountered upon failure
const currentUser = async (req, res, next) => {
const authorization = req.get('Authorization');
const currentUser = {
authType: AuthType.NONE
if (authorization) {
// Basic Authorization
if (getConfigBoolean('basicAuth.enabled') && authorization.toLowerCase().startsWith('basic ')) {
currentUser.authType = AuthType.BASIC;
// OIDC JWT Authorization
else if (getConfigBoolean('keycloak.enabled') && authorization.toLowerCase().startsWith('bearer ')) {
currentUser.authType = AuthType.BEARER;
try {
const bearerToken = authorization.substring(7);
let isValid = false;
if (config.has('keycloak.publicKey')) {
const publicKey = config.get('keycloak.publicKey');
const pemKey = publicKey.startsWith('-----BEGIN')
? publicKey
: _spkiWrapper(publicKey);
isValid = jwt.verify(bearerToken, pemKey, {
issuer: `${config.get('keycloak.serverUrl')}/realms/${config.get('keycloak.realm')}`
} else {
throw new Error('OIDC environment variable KC_PUBLICKEY or keycloak.publicKey must be defined');
if (isValid) {
currentUser.tokenPayload = typeof isValid === 'object' ? isValid : jwt.decode(bearerToken);
await userService.login(currentUser.tokenPayload);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid authorization token');
} catch (err) {
return next(new Problem(403, { detail: err.message, instance: req.originalUrl }));
// Inject currentUser data into request
req.currentUser = Object.freeze(currentUser);
// Continue middleware stack based on detected AuthType
if (currentUser.authType === AuthType.BASIC) {
_checkBasicAuth(req, res, next);
else next();
module.exports = {
_basicAuthConfig, _checkBasicAuth, currentUser, _spkiWrapper