const Problem = require('api-problem');
const contentDisposition = require('content-disposition');
* @function currentUpload
* Injects a currentUpload object to the request based on incoming headers
* @param {boolean} [strict=false] Short circuit returns response if misformatted
* @param {object} _res Express response object
* @param {function} next The next callback function
* @returns {function} Express middleware function
* @throws The error encountered upon failure
const currentUpload = (strict = false) => {
return (req, _res, next) => {
// Check Content-Length Header
const contentLength = parseInt(req.get('Content-Length'));
// TODO: Figure out what's killing and returning a 400 in response stack
if (!contentLength) throw new Problem(411, {
detail: 'Content-Length must be greater than 0',
instance: req.originalUrl
// Check Content-Disposition Header
let filename;
const disposition = req.get('Content-Disposition');
if (disposition) {
try {
const parameters = contentDisposition.parse(disposition).parameters;
if (strict && !parameters?.filename) throw new Error('Disposition missing \'filename\' parameter');
filename = parameters?.filename;
} catch (e) {
// Ignore improperly formatted Content-Disposition when not in strict mode
if (strict) throw new Problem(400, {
detail: `Content-Disposition header error: ${e.message}`,
instance: req.originalUrl
} else {
if (strict) throw new Problem(415, {
detail: 'Content-Disposition header missing',
instance: req.originalUrl
// Check Content-Type Header
const mimeType = req.get('Content-Type') || 'application/octet-stream';
req.currentUpload = Object.freeze({
contentLength: contentLength,
filename: filename,
mimeType: mimeType
* Removes the default 5 minute request timeout added in Node v18
* This change reverts the behavior to be similar to Node v16 and earlier
* This value should not be 0x7FFFFFFF as behavior becomes unpredictable
* @see {@link}
req.socket.server.requestTimeout = 0;
module.exports = {