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5 days
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const { NIL: SYSTEM_USER } = require('uuid');
const { ObjectModel, Tag, VersionTag, Version } = require('../db/models');
const { getObjectsByKeyValue } = require('../components/utils');

 * The Tag DB Service
const service = {

   * @function replaceTags
   * Makes the incoming list of tags the definitive set associated with versionId
   * @param {string} versionId The uuid id column from version table
   * @param {object[]} tags Incoming array of tageset objects to add for this version
   * (eg: [{ key: 'a', value: '1'}, {key: 'B', value: '2'}])
   * @param {string} [currentUserId=SYSTEM_USER] The optional userId uuid actor; defaults to system user if unspecified
   * @param {object} [etrx=undefined] An optional Objection Transaction object
   * @returns {Promise<object>} The result of running the insert operation
   * @throws The error encountered upon db transaction failure
  replaceTags: async (versionId, tags, currentUserId = SYSTEM_USER, etrx = undefined) => {
    let trx;
    try {
      trx = etrx ? etrx : await Tag.startTransaction();
      let response = [];
      if (tags && tags.length) {

        // get all currently associated tags (before update)
        const current = await Tag.query(trx)
          .where('versionId', versionId);

        // dissociate tags that are no longer associated
        const dissociateTags = current
          .filter(({ key, value }) => !getObjectsByKeyValue(tags, key, value));
        if (dissociateTags.length) await service.dissociateTags(versionId, dissociateTags, trx);

        // associate tags
        response = await service.associateTags(versionId, tags, currentUserId, trx);

      if (!etrx) await trx.commit();
      return Promise.resolve(response);
    } catch (err) {
      if (!etrx && trx) await trx.rollback();
      throw err;

   * @function associateTags
   * calls createTags to create new Tag records
   * associates new tags to the versionId
   * @param {string} versionId The uuid id column from version table
   * @param {object[]} tags array of tags (eg: [{ key: 'a', value: '1'}, {key: 'B', value: '2'}])
   * @param {string} [currentUserId=SYSTEM_USER] The optional userId uuid actor; defaults to system user if unspecified
   * @param {object} [etrx=undefined] An optional Objection Transaction object
   * @returns {Promise<object>} array of all associated tags
   * @throws The error encountered upon db transaction failure
  associateTags: async (versionId, tags, currentUserId = SYSTEM_USER, etrx = undefined) => {
    let trx;
    try {
      trx = etrx ? etrx : await Tag.startTransaction();
      let response = [];

      if (tags && tags.length) {

        // create any new tags, gets id's of all input tags
        const dbTags = await service.createTags(tags, trx);
        // get all currently associated tags
        const associatedTags = await VersionTag.query(trx)
          .modify('filterVersionId', versionId);

        // associate remaining tags
        const newJoins = dbTags.filter(({ id }) => {
          return !associatedTags.some(({ tagId }) => tagId === id);

        if (newJoins.length) {
          await VersionTag.query(trx)
            .insert({ id }) => ({
              versionId: versionId,
              tagId: id,
              createdBy: currentUserId
        response = dbTags;

      if (!etrx) await trx.commit();
      return Promise.resolve(response);
    } catch (err) {
      if (!etrx && trx) await trx.rollback();
      throw err;

   * @function dissociateTags
   * dissociates all provided tags from a versionId
   * @param {string} versionId The uuid id column from version table
   * @param {object[]} [tags=undefined] array of tags (eg: [{ key: 'a', value: '1'}, {key: 'B', value: ''}])
   * @param {object} [etrx=undefined] An optional Objection Transaction object
   * @returns {Promise<number>} The result of running the delete operation (number of rows deleted)
   * @throws The error encountered upon db transaction failure
  dissociateTags: async (versionId, tags = undefined, etrx = undefined) => {
    let trx;
    try {
      trx = etrx ? etrx : await Tag.startTransaction();
      let response = 0;

      await tags.forEach(async tag => {

        // match on key
        const params = { 'tag.key': tag.key };
        // if tag has a value match key and value
        if (tag.value && tag.value !== '') params['tag.value'] = tag.value;

        let count = 0;
        count = await VersionTag.query(trx)
          .modify('filterVersionId', versionId)

        if (count) response += count;

      // delete all orphaned tags
      await service.pruneOrphanedTags(trx);

      if (!etrx) await trx.commit();
      return Promise.resolve(response);
    } catch (err) {
      if (!etrx && trx) await trx.rollback();
      throw err;

   * @function deleteOrphanedTags
   * deletes Tag records if they are no longer related to any versions
   * @param {object} [etrx=undefined] An optional Objection Transaction object
   * @returns {Promise<number>} The result of running the delete operation (number of rows deleted)
   * @throws The error encountered upon db transaction failure
  pruneOrphanedTags: async (etrx = undefined) => {
    let trx;
    try {
      trx = etrx ? etrx : await Tag.startTransaction();

      const deletedTagIds = await Tag.query(trx)

      const response = await Tag.query(trx)
        .whereIn('id',{ id }) => id));

      if (!etrx) await trx.commit();
      return Promise.resolve(response);
    } catch (err) {
      if (!etrx && trx) await trx.rollback();
      throw err;

   * @function createTags
   * Inserts any tag records if they dont already exist in db
   * @param {object} tags Incoming object with `<key>:<value>` tags to add for this version
   * @param {object} [etrx=undefined] An optional Objection Transaction object
   * @returns {Promise<object>} an array of all input tags
   * @throws The error encountered upon db transaction failure
  createTags: async (tags, etrx = undefined) => {
    let trx;
    let response = [];
    try {
      trx = etrx ? etrx : await Tag.startTransaction();

      // get all tags already in db
      const allTags = await Tag.query(trx).select();
      const existingTags = [];
      const newTags = [];

      tags.forEach(({ key, value }) => {
        // if tag is already in db
        if (getObjectsByKeyValue(allTags, key, value)) {
          existingTags.push({ id: getObjectsByKeyValue(allTags, key, value).id, key: key, value: value });
        // else add to array for inserting
        else {
          newTags.push({ key: key, value: value });

      // insert new tags
      if (newTags.length) {
        const newTagset = await Tag.query(trx)
        // merge newTags with existing tags
        response = existingTags.concat(newTagset);
      else {
        response = existingTags;

      if (!etrx) await trx.commit();
      return Promise.resolve(response);
    } catch (err) {
      if (!etrx && trx) await trx.rollback();
      throw err;

  * @function fetchTagsForObject
  * Fetch matching tags on latest version of provided objects,
  * optionally scoped to a user's object/bucket READ permission
  * @param {string[]} [params.bucketIds] An array of uuids representing buckets
  * @param {string[]} [params.objectIds] An array of uuids representing objects
  * @param {object} [params.tagset] Optional object of tags key/value pairs
  * @param {string} [params.userId] Optional uuid representing a user
  * @returns {Promise<object[]>} The result of running the database select
  fetchTagsForObject: (params) => {
    return ObjectModel.query()
      .select(' AS objectId', 'object.bucketId as bucketId')
      .allowGraph('[bucketPermission, objectPermission, version.tag]')
      // get latest version that isn't a delete marker by default
      .modifyGraph('version', builder => {
          .select('', 'version.objectId')
            { column: 'version.createdAt', order: 'desc' }
          .where('deleteMarker', false)
      // match on tagset parameter
      .modifyGraph('version.tag', builder => {
          .select('key', 'value')
          .modify('filterKeyValue', { tag: params.tagset });
      // match on objectIds parameter
      .modify('filterIds', params.objectIds)
      // match on bucketIds parameter
      .modify('filterBucketIds', params.bucketIds)
      // scope to objects that user(s) has READ permission at object or bucket-level
      .modify('hasPermission', params.userId, 'READ')
      // re-structure result like: [{ objectId: abc, tagset: [{ key: a, value: b }] }]
      .then(result => => {
        return {
          objectId: row.objectId,
          tagset: row.version && row.version.length ? row.version[0].tag : []

  * @function fetchTagsForVersion
  * Fetch tags for specific versions, optionally scoped to a user's object/bucket READ permission
  * @param {string[]} [params.s3VersionIds] An array of S3 version identifiers
  * @param {string[]} [params.versionIds] An array of uuids representing versions
  * @param {object} [params.tags] Optional object of tags key/value pairs
  * @param {string} [params.userId] Optional uuid representing a user
  * @param {object} [etrx=undefined] An optional Objection Transaction object
  * @returns {Promise<object[]>} The result of running the database select
  fetchTagsForVersion: async (params, etrx = undefined) => {
    let trx;
    try {
      trx = etrx ? etrx : await Tag.startTransaction();

      const response = await Version.query(trx)
        .select(' as versionId', 'version.s3VersionId')
        .allowGraph('tag as tagset')
        .withGraphJoined('tag as tagset')
        .modifyGraph('tagset', builder => {
            .select('key', 'value')
            .modify('filterKeyValue', { tag: params.tags });
        .modify((query) => {
          if (params.s3VersionIds) query.modify('filterS3VersionId', params.s3VersionIds);
          else query.modify('filterId', params.versionIds);
        // filter by objects that user(s) has READ permission at object or bucket-level
        .modify((query) => {
          if (params.userId) {
              .modifyGraph('object', query => { query.modify('hasPermission', params.userId, 'READ'); })
        .orderBy('version.createdAt', 'desc')
        .then(result => => {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
          const { object, } = row;
          return data;

      if (!etrx) await trx.commit();
      return Promise.resolve(response);
    } catch (err) {
      if (!etrx && trx) await trx.rollback();
      throw err;

   * @function searchTags
   * Search and filter for specific tag keys
   * @param {object} [params.tag] Optional object of tag keys to filter on
   * @param {string} [params.privacyMask] Optional, if results should ignore and hide value from result
   * @returns {Promise<object[]>} The result of running the find operation
  searchTags: (params) => {
    return Tag.query()
      .modify((query) => {
        if (params.privacyMask) {
            .modify('filterKey', { tag: params.tag });
        else {
            .select('key', 'value')
            .modify('filterKeyValue', { tag: params.tag });


module.exports = service;