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# python-emojipedia
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>Emoji data from Emojipedia :sunglasses:

## Basic Usage
>>>from emojipedia import Emojipedia
>>>taco = Emojipedia.search('taco')
# <Emoji - 'Taco' - character: ๐ŸŒฎ, description: A taco; a Mexicanย fo...>

## Installation:
To install, simply run `pip install emojipedia`.

To install from source, run the following from within the main project directory:

python setup.py build
python setup.py install

## Usage:
from emojipedia import Emojipedia

# Search for emoji by title
taco = Emojipedia.search('taco')

# Emojipedia description
print(taco.description)  # "A taco; a Mexican food item displayed with a variety of fillings. ..."

# Emojipedia codepoints
print(taco.codepoints)  # "U+1F32E"

# Emojipedia listed platforms 
# Contains title, Emojipedia platform url, and platform specific emoji img url
platforms = taco.platforms 
print(platforms[0])  # Platform(name=u'Apple', image_url=u'.../taco_1f32e.png')

joy = Emojipedia.search('face-with-tears-of-joy')
# Emoji shortcodes
joy.shortcodes  # ":joy:"

# Search for emoji by emoji
smirk = Emojipedia.search('๐Ÿ˜')
# Custom Emoji string preview
print(str(smirk))  # <Emoji - 'Smirking Face' - character: ๐Ÿ˜, description: A sly smile, often u...>

# Get a category of emoji
people = Emojipedia.category('people')
people[0].title  # <Emoji - 'Grinning Face' - character: ๐Ÿ˜€, description: A face with a big op...>
print(len(people))  # 306

# Get all the emoji
# NOTE: This is temporarily broken, as it seems visiting emojipedia.org/emoji always times out
emojis = Emojipedia.all()
print(len(emojis))  # 2621
for emoji in emojis:

## Documentation

Read more about python-emojipedia on the [ReadTheDocs](https://python-emojipedia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) page.

## Contributing

Contributions to `python-emojipedia` are welcomed! ๐Ÿ˜

1. Fork the repo.
2. Create a new feature branch.
3. Add your feature / make your changes.
4. Install [pep8](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep8) and run `pep8 *.py` in the root project directory to lint your changes. Fix any linting errors.
5. Create a PR.
6. ???
7. ๐ŸŽ‰ Profit. ๐ŸŽ‰