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# Version 2 Update Guide

## Update Data

When updating from version 1.x of the gem, first install and run the new database migrations:

_Note: if you are not using Rails, then replace all the `rails` commands below with `rake`_

rails us_geo_engine:install:migrations
rails db:migrate

Then re-import the data:

rails us_geo:import:all

Or, if you only want to import some subset of the data, you can run any number of the following:

rails us_geo:import:regions
rails us_geo:import:divisions
rails us_geo:import:states
rails us_geo:import:combined_statistical_areas
rails us_geo:import:core_based_statistical_areas
rails us_geo:import:metropolitan_divisions
rails us_geo:import:counties
rails us_geo:import:county_subdivisions
rails us_geo:import:places
rails us_geo:import:zctas
rails us_geo:import:urban_areas
rails us_geo:import:place_counties
rails us_geo:import:zcta_counties
rails us_geo:import:zcta_county_subdivisions
rails us_geo:import:zcta_places
rails us_geo:import:zcta_urban_areas
rails us_geo:import:urban_area_counties
rails us_geo:import:urban_area_county_subdivisions

## Data Changes

A number of records have been removed in the 2020 data set. These records are marked with a `status` of -1 in the record. Removed records can still be found by queries and will show up in `belongs_to` associations. However, they will not be returned by any `has_many` associations.

For instance, if a County Subdivision was removed in the new data set, you could still find it with `CountySubdivision.find`, but calling `county.subdivisions` would not return it. If you want to keep specific records, you can change the `status` to 0 to indicate it was manually added.

You can see how many removed rows are in each table by running:

rails us_geo:import:removed_counts

You can export data from the removed rows to JSON by running:

rails us_geo:import:dump_removed

You can delete the removed rows by running:

rails us_geo:import:cleanup

## Database Changes

There were a few database changes made in version 2. The tables and columns will not be automatically dropped from the database. If you were making use of those values, you can continue to do so. However, they will not be updated in the imported data and support for them has been removed from the code.

### Option 1: Cleaning up the database

If you wish to remove the tables and colums, you can add this migration to do so:

class CleanupUsGeoVersion1Tables < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]

  def up
    drop_table :us_geo_designated_market_areas

    remove_column :us_geo_counties, :dma_code

    remove_column :us_geo_zcta_counties, :population
    remove_column :us_geo_zcta_counties, :housing_units

    remove_column :us_geo_zcta_places, :population
    remove_column :us_geo_zcta_places, :housing_units

    remove_column :us_geo_zcta_urban_areas, :population
    remove_column :us_geo_zcta_urban_areas, :housing_units

    remove_column :us_geo_urban_area_counties, :population
    remove_column :us_geo_urban_area_counties, :housing_units

  def down
    raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration

If you are using these tables in a production environment, you should instruct the models to ignore columns before dropping them. You can do that by deploying an initializer with this code *before* running the migration to drop the columns:

USGeo::County.ignored_columns = %w[dma_code]
USGeo::ZctaCounty.ignored_columns = %w[population housing_units]
USGeo::ZctaPlace.ignored_columns = %w[population housing_units]
USGeo::ZctaUrbanArea.ignored_columns = %w[population housing_units]
USGeo::UrbanAreaCounty.ignored_columns = %w[population housing_units]

### Option 2: Restoring the model

You can restore the previous models and methods if you wish to continue using them with this code.

module USGeo
  class DesignatedMarketArea < BaseRecord
    include Population
    include Area

    self.primary_key = "code"

    has_many :counties, foreign_key: :dma_code, inverse_of: :designated_market_area

USGeo::County.belongs_to :designated_market_area, foreign_key: :dma_code, optional: true, inverse_of: :counties

module USGeo
  class ZctaPlace
    include Population

    def percent_zcta_population
      population.to_f / zcta.population.to_f

    def percent_place_population
      population.to_f / place.population.to_f

module USGeo
  class ZctaCounty
    include Population

    def percent_zcta_population
      population.to_f / zcta.population.to_f

    def percent_county_population
      population.to_f / county.population.to_f

module USGeo
  class ZctaUrbanArea
    include Population

    def percent_zcta_population
      population.to_f / zcta.population.to_f

    def percent_urban_area_population
      population.to_f / urban_area.population.to_f