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== Start your first App

Once your vagrant is up (run `vagrant up` if it is not), log into your virtual machine via `vagrant ssh` and run the following to create a setup for your own app (replace `$APP` with the name of your app):

python create_app $APP

This will create a directory with your app name in `beavy_apps` with the few minimal set of files you need to get started.

=== Configure your app

If you haven't yet, copy the `config.example.yml` in the root directory to `config.yml` and configure it accordingly.

Open the `config.yml` and set the newly created app for the value of `APP: `. Save your file.

=== Start your app in vagrant

From within your vagrant type `./` to start the beavy processes.

This will open a tmux splitted window session. On the top is a default
shell for you to use (on vagrant of course).

On the bottom left, `npm install` has been run to install all the dependencies, followed by webpack to compile all the javascript files and watch for changes. So when you make changes to a javascript file, webpack will automatically reload and compile the changes here.

On the bottom left, the session first installs all dependencies (depending on the modules you have configured), then runs any migrations and starts the flask process.

Once both of them are up and running (`webpack: bundle is now VALID`), redirect your browser to:


**Congratulations**, you've just started your first beavy social community!

==== [[running-tests-on-vagrant]]Running tests

You can run all tests in the vagrant system now. When running <<./Testing.adoc#running-behave-tests, Behave Tests>> however make sure to run the command inside `xvfb-run` like so:

$ xvfb-run python behave