

0 mins
Test Coverage
"""belspec endpoints"""

# Third Party
import fastapi
from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, Query
from fastapi.responses import PlainTextResponse
from loguru import logger

# Local
import bel.belspec.crud
from bel.api.core.exceptions import HTTPException
from bel.schemas.belspec import BelSpec, BelSpecVersions, EnhancedBelSpec

router = APIRouter()

# TODO Add response_model for api documentation -- response_model=BelSpec (from bel library schemas)
def get_belspec_version(
    version: str = "latest",
    exact_match: str = Query(
        False, description="Requires exact match to the BEL Specification version specified"
    """Get BEL Specification

    This will intelligently select the best version available from the loaded BEL Specifications
    based on semantic version major.minor.patch matches.

        Given available versions of [2.0.10, 2.2.3]

        Requested version of 2.0.0 results in 2.0.10
        Requested version of 2.2.10 or 2.4.0 results in 2.2.3

    if not exact_match:
        version = bel.belspec.crud.check_version(version)

    belspec = bel.belspec.crud.get_enhanced_belspec(version)
    if not belspec:
        raise HTTPException(
            status_code=404, detail=f"No BEL specification for version {version}", user_flag=True

    return belspec

# TODO Add response_model for api documentation -- response_model=EnhancedBelSpec (from bel library schemas)
def get_enhanced_belspec(
    version: str = "latest",
    exact_match: str = Query(
        False, description="Requires exact match to the BEL Specification version specified"
    """Get Enhanced BEL Specification"""

    version = bel.belspec.crud.check_version(version)

    enhanced_belspec = bel.belspec.crud.get_enhanced_belspec(version)

    if not enhanced_belspec:
        raise HTTPException(
            detail=f"No enhanced BEL specification for version {version}",

    return enhanced_belspec

@router.get("/belspec/ebnf", response_class=PlainTextResponse)
def get_ebnf(version: str = "latest"):
    """Get EBNF BEL Grammar file

    WARNING: This is not known to be actively used and is therefore not thoroughly tested/validated.
             We are always happy to accept Pull Requests to improve the EBNF generated from BEL Specifications.

    EBNF stands for Extended Backus-Naur Form and is used to describe the grammar for BEL to aid in creating parsers.

    The BEL library and API depends on a custom character-based parser to allow maximum flexibility in parsing
    and parsing error reporting/feedback to the library users.

    version = bel.belspec.crud.check_version(version)

    return bel.belspec.crud.get_ebnf(version)

def get_latest_belhelp(version: str = "latest"):
    """Get latest BEL help for BEL functions and relations"""

    version = bel.belspec.crud.check_version(version)

    return bel.belspec.crud.get_belhelp(version)

def get_belhelp(version: str = "latest"):
    """Get BEL Help for BEL functions and relations"""

    version = bel.belspec.crud.check_version(version)

    return bel.belspec.crud.get_belhelp(version)"/belspec/help")
def post_belhelp(belhelp: dict):
    """Create or Update BEL Help"""


def delete_belhelp(version: str):
    """Delete BEL Help"""

    if version == "latest":
        version = bel.belspec.crud.get_latest_version()


@router.get("/belspec/versions", response_model=BelSpecVersions)
def get_belspec_versions():
    """Get list of all BEL Specification versions - but not the actual specifications"""

    return bel.belspec.crud.get_belspec_versions()"/belspec")
def post_belspec(belspec: BelSpec):
    """Create or Update BEL Specification

    The enhanced BEL Specification will be created from this BEL Specification


    return {"msg": "ok"}

def delete_belspec(version: str):

    if version == "latest":
        version = bel.belspec.crud.get_latest_version()
