

0 mins
Test Coverage
"""resources endpoints"""

# Standard Library
from typing import List, Optional

# Third Party
import fastapi
from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, Depends, File, Query, UploadFile
from loguru import logger

# Local
import bel.resources.manage
import bel.terms.terms
from bel.api.core.exceptions import HTTPException
from bel.schemas.terms import Term, TermCompletionResponse

router = APIRouter()"/resources/update")
def post_update_resources(
    url: str = None,
    urls: List[str] = Body([], description="List of URLs of BEL Resources to add or update"),
    force: bool = False,
    email: str = None,
    """Update bel resources

    Reads the arangodb bel.bel_config.configuration.update_bel_resources object
    to figure out what bel resource urls to process if url or urls not included.

    Will ignore _urls_ if _url_ query parameter is provided.

    if url:
        urls = [url]

    urls = [url for url in urls if url != "string"]

    bel.resources.manage.update_resources(urls=urls, force=force, email=email)

def delete_resource(
    source: str = Query(
        description="The source is the metadata namespace value, e.g. HGNC, GO, DO, etc for namespaces or the ortholog metadata source name, e.g. Orthologs_EntrezGene",
    resource_type: str = Query(
        "namespace", description="Type of resource to be deleted: namespace or ortholog"
    """Delete resource (namespace, ortholog, etc)

    The source value is the metadata namespace value, e.g. HGNC, GO, DO, etc for namespaces or the ortholog metadata source name, e.g. Orthologs_EntrezGene

    bel.resources.manage.delete_resource(source, resource_type=resource_type)