import { HttpBadRequest, type HttpException } from '@httpx/exception';
import type { NextRequest } from 'next/server';
import type { z, ZodSchema } from 'zod';
type Params<T> = {
onError?: (error: z.ZodError<T>) => HttpException;
* Parse NextApiRequest/IncomingMessage with zod schema example. Works with
* Nextjs api handler, getServerSideProps, getStaticProps
* @throws HttpException
export const parseRequestWithZod = <
T extends ZodSchema,
TReq extends NextRequest = NextRequest,
req: TReq,
schema: T,
params?: Params<T>
): z.infer<T> => {
const { onError } = params ?? {};
const parsed = schema.safeParse(req);
if (!parsed.success) {
const error = parsed.error as unknown as z.ZodError<T>;
if (onError) {
throw onError(error);
const msg = error.errors
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
.map((err) => `${err.path} - ${err.code}`)
.join(', ');
throw new HttpBadRequest({
message: `Bad request, invalid parameter (${msg})`,
url: req.url,
return parsed.data as unknown as T;