# @httpx/assert
Assertions and typeguards as primitives
> **warning**: pre-v1, use at your own risks
## Install
$ npm install @httpx/assert
$ yarn add @httpx/assert
$ pnpm add @httpx/assert
## Features
- 👉 Typeguards and assertions with a consistent style.
- 👉 Assertions with useful [default error message](#assertions-error-messages).
- 👉 Return *weak* [opaque types](#weak-opaque-types) for boolean, strings and numbers.
- 👉 Optimized tree-shakability, starts at [56b](#bundle-size).
- 👉 Don't leak values in the default assertion error messages.
- 👉 No deps. [Node, browser and edge support](#compatibility).
## Documentation
👉 [Official website](, [GitHub Readme]( or [generated api doc](
- [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Consistent style](#consistent-style)
* [Weak opaque types](#weak-opaque-types)
* [Assertions error messages](#assertions-error-messages)
- [Usage](#usage)
* [Type related](#type-related)
+ [assertNever](#assertnever)
* [Object related](#object-related)
+ [isPlainObject](#isplainobject)
* [Number related](#number-related)
+ [isNumberSafeInt](#isnumbersafeint)
* [Array related](#array-related)
+ [ArrayNonEmpty](#arraynonempty)
* [String related](#string-related)
+ [StringNonEmpty](#stringnonempty)
+ [ParsableSafeInt](#parsablesafeint)
+ [isParsableStrictIsoDateZ](#isparsablestrictisodatez)
* [Uuid](#uuid)
+ [isUuid](#isuuid)
* [Barcode](#barcode)
+ [isEan13](#isean13)
* [Network](#network)
+ [isNetWorkPort](#isnetworkport)
* [Http](#http)
+ [isHttpMethod](#ishttpmethod)
+ [isValidHttpMethod](#isvalidhttpmethod)
- [Bundle size](#bundle-size)
- [Compatibility](#compatibility)
- [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [Sponsors](#sponsors)
## Introduction
### Consistent style
Typeguards starts with `isXXX` and have an assertion counterpart named `assertXXX`.
`isParsableXXX` and `assertParsableXXX` denotes a string.
### Weak opaque types
For `string`, `number` and `boolean` the returned type is tagged with a *weak* opaque type.
It can optionally be used to enforce that the value was checked.
For example:
import { assertUuidV7, type UuidV7 } from '@httpx/assert';
import { HttpUnprocessableEntity } from '@httpx/exception';
const persistRecord = async (uuid: UuidV7) => {
// uuid is compatible with string.
return await db.raw(`insert into tbl(uuid) values (${uuid})`)
const v = 'xxx'; // unknown
assertUuidV7(v, () => new HttpUnprocessableEntity());
// 👉 v is known to be `string & WeakOpaqueContainer<'UuidV4'>`
await persistRecord(v); // will work
await persistRecord('a_string'); // won't
### Assertions error messages
When an assertion fail, a native [TypeError](
is thrown by default with a message indicating the requirement and and information about the
tested value. As an example:
expect(() => assertUuid('123')).toThrow(
new TypeError('Value is expected to be an uuid, got: string(length:3)')
expect(() => assertUuid(false, undefined, { version: 1 })).toThrow(
new TypeError('Value is expected to be an uuid v1, got: boolean(false)')
expect(() => assertUuidV1(Number.NaN)).toThrow(
new TypeError('Value is expected to be an uuid v1, got: NaN')
expect(() => assertUuidV3(new Error())).toThrow(
new TypeError('Value is expected to be an uuid v3, got: Error')
expect(() => assertUuidV4(new Date())).toThrow(
new TypeError('Value is expected to be an uuid v4, got: Date')
expect(() => assertUuidV5(() => {})).toThrow(
new TypeError('Value is expected to be an uuid v5, got: function')
expect(() => assertUuidV7(() => {})).toThrow(
new TypeError('Value is expected to be an uuid v7, got: function')
Alternatively it's possible to provide either a message or function returning
an Error. For example:
import { assertEan13, assertStringNonEmpty } from '@httpx/assert';
import { HttpBadRequest } from '@httpx/exception';
assertEan13('123', 'Not a barcode'); // 👈 Will throw a TypeError('Not a barcode')
const lang = null;
assertStringNonEmpty(lang, () => new HttpBadRequest('Missing language'));
## Usage
### Type related
#### assertNever
import { assertNever } from '@httpx/assert';
type PromiseState = 'resolved' | 'rejected' | 'running'
const state: PromiseState = 'rejected';
switch(state) {
case 'resolved': return v;
case 'rejected': return new Error();
assertNever(state); // 👈 TS will complain about missing 'running' state
// ☝️ Will throw a TypeError in js.
> PS: you can use the `assertNeverNoThrow` with the same behaviour except that it
> doesn't throw and return the value instead (no runtime error).
### Object related
#### isPlainObject
| Name | Type | Comment |
| isPlainObject\<T?\> | `PlainObject` | |
| assertPlainObject\<T?\> | `PlainObject` | |
> Based on [@httpx/plain-object](
import { isPlainObject, assertPlainObject } from '@httpx/assert';
// ✅👇 True
isPlainObject({ key: 'value' }); // ✅
isPlainObject({ key: new Date() }); // ✅
isPlainObject(new Object()); // ✅
isPlainObject(Object.create(null)); // ✅
isPlainObject({ nested: { key: true} }); // ✅
isPlainObject(new Proxy({}, {})); // ✅
isPlainObject({ [Symbol('tag')]: 'A' }); // ✅
// ✅👇 (node context, workers, ...)
const runInNewContext = await import('node:vm').then(
(mod) => mod.runInNewContext
isPlainObject(runInNewContext('({})')); // ✅
// ❌👇 False
class Test { };
isPlainObject(new Test()) // ❌
isPlainObject(10); // ❌
isPlainObject(null); // ❌
isPlainObject('hello'); // ❌
isPlainObject([]); // ❌
isPlainObject(new Date()); // ❌
isPlainObject(Math); // ❌ Static built-in classes
isPlainObject(Promise.resolve({})); // ❌
isPlainObject(Object.create({})); // ❌
assertPlainObject({}) // 👈 ✅ true
#### Usage with generic
import { isPlainObject, assertPlainObject } from '@httpx/assert';
// With generic value (unchecked at runtime!)
type CustomType = {
name: string;
deep: {
yes: boolean | null;
const value = {
name: 'hello',
deep: {
yes: true,
} as unknown;
if (isPlainObject<CustomType>(value)) {
// Notice it's a deep partial to allow autocompletion
value?.deep?.yes; // 👈 yes will be unknown to reflect that no runtime check was done
### Number related
#### isNumberSafeInt
import { assertNumberSafeInt, isNumberSafeInt } from '@httpx/assert';
isNumberSafeInt(10n); // 👉 false
isNumberSafeInt(BigInt(10)); // 👉 false
isNumberSafeInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); // 👉 true
assertNumberSafeInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1); // 👉 throws
### Array related
#### ArrayNonEmpty
| Name | Type | Opaque type | Comment |
| isArrayNonEmpty | `unknown[]` | `ArrayNonEmpty` | |
| assertArrayNonEmpty | `unknown[]` | `ArrayNonEmpty` | |
import { isArrayNonEmpty, assertArrayNonEmpty, type ArrayNonEmpty } from '@httpx/assert';
isArrayNonEmpty([]) // 👉 false
isArrayNonEmpty([0,1]) // 👉 true
isArrayNonEmpty([null]) // 👉 true
assertArrayNonEmpty([]) // 👉 throws
### String related
#### StringNonEmpty
| Name | Type | Opaque type | Comment |
| isStringNonEmpty | `string` | `StringNonEmpty` | Trims the value |
| assertStringNonEmpty | `string` | `StringNonEmpty` | Trims the value |
import { assertStringNonEmpty, isStringNonEmpty, type StringNonEmpty } from '@httpx/assert';
isStringNonEmpty(''); // 👉 false
isStringNonEmpty(' '); // 👉 false: trim by default
assertStringNonEmpty(''); // 👉 throws
#### ParsableSafeInt
| Name | Type | Opaque type | Comment |
| isParsableSafeInt | `string` | `ParsableSafeInt` | |
| assertParsableSafeInt | `string` | `ParsableSafeInt` | |
import { assertParsableSafeInt, isParsableSafeInt } from '@httpx/assert';
isParsableSafeInt(2); // 👉 false
isParsableSafeInt(`${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}`); // 👉 true
assertParsableSafeInt(`${Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}1`); // 👉 throws
#### isParsableStrictIsoDateZ
Check if a value is a string that contains an ISO-8601 date time in 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ'
format (UTC+0 / time). This check allow the value to be safely passed to `new Date()`or `Date.parse()`
without parser or timezone mis-interpretations. 'T' and 'Z' checks are done in a case-insensitive way.
| Name | Type | Opaque type | Comment |
| isParsableStrictIsoDateZ | `string` | `ParsableStrictIsoDateZ` | |
| assertParsableStrictIsoDateZ | `string` | `ParsableStrictIsoDateZ` | |
import { isParsableStrictIsoDateZ, assertParsableStrictIsoDateZ, type ParsableStrictIsoDateZ } from '@httpx/assert';
isParsableStrictIsoDateZ(new Date().toISOString()); // ✅ true
isParsableStrictIsoDateZ('2023-12-28T23:37:31.653Z'); // ✅ true
isParsableStrictIsoDateZ('2023-12-29T23:37:31.653z'); // ✅ true (case-insensitive works)
isParsableStrictIsoDateZ('2023-12-28T23:37:31.653'); // ❌ false (missing 'Z')
isParsableStrictIsoDateZ('2023-02-29T23:37:31.653Z'); // ❌ false (No 29th february in 2023)
// assertion
const dateStr = '2023-12-29T23:37:31.653Z';
assertParsableStrictIsoDateZ(dateStr, `Invalid date: ${dateStr}`);
// 👉 assertion passed, safe to use -> ParsableStrictIsoDateZ
const date = new Date(dateStr);
const timestampNumber = Date.parse(dateStr);
assertParsableStrictIsoDateZ('2023-02-29T23:37:31.653Z'); // 💥 throws cause no 29th february
### Uuid
#### isUuid
| Name | Type | Opaque type | Comment |
| isUuid | `string` | `UuidV1 \| UuidV3 \| UuidV4 \| UuidV5 \| UuidV7` | |
| isUuidV1 | `string` | `UuidV1` | |
| isUuidV3 | `string` | `UuidV3` | |
| isUuidV4 | `string` | `UuidV4` | |
| isUuidV5 | `string` | `UuidV5` | |
| isUuidV7 | `string` | `UuidV7` | |
| assertUuid | `string` | `UuidV1 \| UuidV3 \| UuidV4 \| UuidV5 \| UuidV7` | |
| assertUuidV1 | `string` | `UuidV5` | |
| assertUuidV3 | `string` | `UuidV3` | |
| assertUuidV4 | `string` | `UuidV4` | |
| assertUuidV5 | `string` | `UuidV5` | |
| assertUuidV7 | `string` | `UuidV7` | |
| getUuidVersion | `1 \| 3 \| 4 \| 5 \| 7` | | |
import { isUuid, isUuidV1, isUuidV3, isUuidV4, isUuidV5 } from "@httpx/assert";
import { assertUuid, assertUuidV1, assertUuidV3, assertUuidV4, assertUuidV5 } from "@httpx/assert";
import { getUuidVersion } from '@httpx/assert';
// Without version
isUuid('90123e1c-7512-523e-bb28-76fab9f2f73d'); // 👉 valid uuid v1, 3, 4 or 5
// With version
isUuidV4('d9428888-122b-11e1-b85c-61cd3cbb3210'); // 👈 or isUuidV1(''), isUuidV3(''), isUuidV5('')...;
// Utils
getUuidVersion('90123e1c-7512-523e-bb28-76fab9f2f73d'); // 5
### Barcode
#### isEan13
Supported barcodes is currently limited to Ean13
import { isEan13 } from "@httpx/assert";
import { assertEan13 } from "@httpx/assert";
isEan13('1234567890128'); // 👈 will check digit too
### Network
#### isNetWorkPort
Check whether the value is a valid tcp/udp network port (0-65535)
import { isNetworkPort } from "@httpx/assert";
import { assertNetworkPort } from "@httpx/assert";
import { type NetworkPort } from "@httpx/assert";
isNetworkPort(443); // 👈 weak opaque type is NetworkPort
### Http
#### isHttpMethod
Check whether the value is a specific http method (case-insensitive).
import { isHttpMethod } from "@httpx/assert";
import { assertHttpMethod } from "@httpx/assert";
import { type HttpMethod } from "@httpx/assert";
const value: unknown = 'GET';
isHttpMethod('GET', value); // 👈 weak opaque type is HttpMethod
assertHttpMethod('GET', value);
#### isValidHttpMethod
Check whether the value is a valid http method (case-insensitive).
import { isHttpValidMethod } from "@httpx/assert";
import { assertHttpValidMethod } from "@httpx/assert";
import { type HttpMethod } from "@httpx/assert";
const value: unknown = 'GET';
isHttpValidMethod(value); // 👈 weak opaque type is HttpMethod
## Bundle size
Code and bundler have been tuned to target a minimal compressed footprint
for the browser.
ESM individual imports are tracked by a
[size-limit configuration](
| Scenario | Size (compressed) |
| Import `isPlainObject` | ~ 100b |
| Import `isUuid` | ~ 175b |
| Import `isEan13` | ~ 117b |
| All typeguards, assertions and helpers | ~ 1700b |
> For CJS usage (not recommended) track the size on [bundlephobia](
## Compatibility
| Level | CI | Description |
| Node | ✅ | CI for 18.x, 20.x & 22.x. |
| Browser | ✅ | Tested with latest chrome (vitest/playwright) |
| Browserslist | ✅ | [> 95%]( on 12/2023. Mins to [Chrome 96+, Firefox 90+, Edge 19+, iOS 12+, Safari 12+, Opera 77+]( |
| Edge | ✅ | Ensured on CI with [@vercel/edge-runtime]( |
| Cloudflare | ✅ | Ensured with @cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers (see [wrangler.toml]( |
| Typescript | ✅ | TS 5.0+ / [are-the-type-wrong]( checks on CI. |
| ES2022 | ✅ | Dist files checked with [es-check]( |
> For _older_ browsers: most frontend frameworks can transpile the library (ie: [nextjs](
## Acknowledgments
Special thanks for inspiration:
- [sindresorhus/is](
- [webmozarts/assert](
## Contributors
Contributions are warmly appreciated. Have a look to the [CONTRIBUTING]( document.
## Sponsors
If my OSS work brightens your day, let's take it to new heights together!
[Sponsor](<[sponsorship](>), [coffee](<(>),
or star – any gesture of support fuels my passion to improve. Thanks for being awesome! 🙏❤️
### Special thanks to
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<img width="65" src="" alt="Jetbrains logo" />
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<img width="65" src="" alt="Jetbrains logo" />
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<a href="" target="_blank">JetBrains</a>
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## License
MIT © [belgattitude]( and contributors.