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# @httpx/plain-object

[Fast](#benchmarks) and lightweight ([~80B](#bundle-size)) functions to check or assert
that a value is a plain object. 

A plain object is a basic JavaScript object, such as `{}`, `{ data: [] }`, `new Object()` or `Object.create(null)`.

See how it [compares to other libraries](#comparison-with-other-libraries).


## Install

$ npm install @httpx/plain-object
$ yarn add @httpx/plain-object
$ pnpm add @httpx/plain-object

## Features

- πŸ‘‰  Provide [isPlainObject](#isplainobject) and [assertPlainObject](#assertplainobject) functions.
- πŸ¦„  Convenience [PlainObject](#plainobject-type) typescript typings.
- πŸš€  Faster than most alternatives, see [benchmarks](#benchmarks).
- πŸ“  Lightweight (starts at [~80B](#bundle-size)) 
- πŸ›‘οΈ  Tested on [node 18-22, browser, cloudflare workers and runtime/edge](#compatibility).
- πŸ™  Cross-realms tolerant (node:vm runInNewContext,...)
- πŸ—οΈ  Available in ESM and CJS formats.

## Documentation

πŸ‘‰ [Official website]( or [GitHub Readme](

## Usage

### isPlainObject

import { isPlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object';

// βœ…πŸ‘‡ True
isPlainObject({ });                       // βœ…
isPlainObject({ key: 'value' });          // βœ…
isPlainObject({ key: new Date() });       // βœ…
isPlainObject(new Object());              // βœ…
isPlainObject(Object.create(null));       // βœ…
isPlainObject({ nested: { key: true} });  // βœ…
isPlainObject(new Proxy({}, {}));         // βœ…
isPlainObject({ [Symbol('tag')]: 'A' });  // βœ…

// βœ…πŸ‘‡ (node context, workers, ...)
const runInNewContext = await import('node:vm').then(
    (mod) => mod.runInNewContext
isPlainObject(runInNewContext('({})'));   // βœ…

// βœ…πŸ‘‡ Static built-in classes are treated as plain objects
//       check for `isStaticBuiltInClass` to exclude if needed

isPlainObject(Math);                // βœ…
isPlainObject(JSON);                // βœ…
isPlainObject(Atomics);             // βœ…

// βŒπŸ‘‡ False

class Test { };
isPlainObject(new Test())           // ❌
isPlainObject(10);                  // ❌
isPlainObject(null);                // ❌
isPlainObject('hello');             // ❌
isPlainObject([]);                  // ❌
isPlainObject(new Date());          // ❌
isPlainObject(new Uint8Array([1])); // ❌
isPlainObject(Buffer.from('ABC'));  // ❌
isPlainObject(Promise.resolve({})); // ❌
isPlainObject(Object.create({}));   // ❌
isPlainObject(new (class Cls {}));  // ❌
isPlainObject(globalThis);          // ❌,

### assertPlainObject

import { assertPlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object';
import type { PlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object';

function fn(value: unknown) {

    // πŸ‘‡ Throws `new TypeError('Not a PlainObject')` if not a plain object

    // πŸ‘‡ Throws `new TypeError('Custom message')` if not a plain object
    assertPlainObject(value, 'Custom message');

    // πŸ‘‡ Throws custom error if not a plain object
    assertPlainObject(value, () => {
        throw new HttpBadRequest('Custom message');
    return value;

try {
    const value = fn({ key: 'value' });
    // βœ… Value is known to be PlainObject<unknown>
} catch (error) {

### isStaticBuiltInClass

> info: Since v2.0.0

Since v2.0.0, `isPlainObject` will accept static built-in classes 
as plain objects (Math, JSON, Atomics). If you need to exclude them,
a new typeguard has been created `isStaticBuiltInClass`.

import { isPlainObject, isStaticBuiltInClass } from '@httpx/plain-object';
const v = Math; // or Atomics or JSON
if (isPlainObject(v) && !isStaticBuiltInClass(v)) {
    console.log('v is a plain object but not a static built-in class');
### PlainObject type

#### Generic

`Γ¬sPlainObject` and `assertPlainObject` accepts a generic to provide type 
autocompletion. Be aware that no runtime check are done. If you're looking for 
runtime validation, check zod, valibot or other alternatives.

import { isPlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object';
import type { PlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object';

type CustomType = {
    id: number;
    data?: {
        test: string[];
        attributes?: {
            url?: string | null;
            caption?: string | null;
            alternativeText?: string | null;
        } | null;
    } | null;

const value = { id: 1 } as unknown;

if (isPlainObject<CustomType>(value)) {
   // βœ… Value is a PlainObject with typescript autocompletion
   // Note that there's no runtime checking of keys, so they are
   // `unknown | undefined`. They will require unsing `?.` to access. 
  const url = value?.data?.attributes?.url; // autocompletion works
  // βœ… url is `unknown | undefined`, so in order to use it, you'll need to
  //    manually check for the type.
  if (typeof url === 'string') {

#### PlainObject

import { assertPlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object';
import type { PlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object';

function someFn(value: PlainObject) {

const value = { key: 'value' } as unknown;
## Benchmarks

> Performance is continuously monitored thanks to []( 
> [![CodSpeed Badge](](

 RUN  v2.1.2 /home/sebastien/github/httpx/packages/plain-object
 βœ“ bench/comparative.bench.ts (7) 5269ms
   βœ“ Compare calling isPlainObject with 110x mixed types values (7) 5267ms
     name                                                         hz     min     max    mean     p75     p99    p995    p999     rme  samples
   Β· @httpx/plain-object: `isPlainObject(v)`              948,266.97  0.0010  0.0700  0.0011  0.0011  0.0013  0.0017  0.0034  Β±0.10%   474134   fastest
   Β· (sindresorhus/)is-plain-obj: `isPlainObj(v)`         796,997.41  0.0011  0.0718  0.0013  0.0012  0.0026  0.0028  0.0053  Β±0.14%   398499
   Β· @sindresorhus/is: `is.plainObject(v)`                544,333.86  0.0017  0.0359  0.0018  0.0018  0.0032  0.0037  0.0083  Β±0.11%   272167
   Β· estoolkit:  `isPlainObject(v)`                        87,689.00  0.0103  1.0569  0.0114  0.0112  0.0189  0.0208  0.0350  Β±0.47%    43845
   Β· redux:  `isPlainObject(v)`                           257,141.86  0.0030  0.3135  0.0039  0.0038  0.0070  0.0094  0.0219  Β±0.23%   128571
   Β· (jonschlinkert/)is-plain-object: `isPlainObject(v)`  403,749.92  0.0018  0.3947  0.0025  0.0024  0.0057  0.0083  0.0185  Β±0.38%   201875
   Β· lodash-es: `_.isPlainObject(v)`                        9,949.41  0.0685  0.6957  0.1005  0.1101  0.1964  0.2144  0.2790  Β±0.95%     4975   slowest

 BENCH  Summary

  @httpx/plain-object: `isPlainObject(v)` - bench/comparative.bench.ts > Compare calling isPlainObject with 110x mixed types values
    1.19x faster than (sindresorhus/)is-plain-obj: `isPlainObj(v)`
    1.74x faster than @sindresorhus/is: `is.plainObject(v)`
    2.35x faster than (jonschlinkert/)is-plain-object: `isPlainObject(v)`
    3.69x faster than redux:  `isPlainObject(v)`
    10.81x faster than estoolkit:  `isPlainObject(v)`
    95.31x faster than lodash-es: `_.isPlainObject(v)`


> See [benchmark file]( for details.

## Bundle size

Bundle size is tracked by a [size-limit configuration](

| Scenario (esm)                                              | Size (compressed) |
| `import { isPlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object`        |             ~ 80B |
| `import { assertPlainObject } from '@httpx/plain-object`    |            ~ 134B |
| `Both isPlainObject and assertPlainObject`                  |            ~ 142B |
| `import { isStaticBuiltInClass } from '@httpx/plain-object` |             ~ 37B |

> For CJS usage (not recommended) track the size on [bundlephobia](

## Compatibility

| Level      | CI | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| Node       | βœ…  | CI for 18.x, 20.x & 22.x.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| Browser      | βœ…  | Tested with latest chrome (vitest/playwright)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| Browsers   | βœ…  | [> 96%]( on 07/2024. Mins to [Chrome 96+, Firefox 90+, Edge 19+, iOS 12+, Safari 12+, Opera 77+]( |
| Edge         | βœ…  | Ensured on CI with [@vercel/edge-runtime](                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       | 
| Cloudflare   | βœ…  | Ensured with @cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers (see [wrangler.toml](                                                                                                                                                                                         |
| Typescript | βœ…  | TS 5.0 + / [are-the-type-wrong]( checks on CI.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |
| ES2022     | βœ…  | Dist files checked with [es-check](                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
| Performance| βœ…  | Monitored with [](                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |

> For _older_ browsers: most frontend frameworks can transpile the library (ie: [nextjs](

## Comparison with other libraries

| Library                                                        | Compat      | Perf         | CJS+ESM |
| [is-plain-obj](   | Differences | 1.09x slower | No      | 
| [es-toolkit](               | No          |              | Yes     | 
| (@redux)[isPlainObject](      | βœ… 100%      | 2.80x slower | Yes     |

### redux/isPlainObject

100% compatible see tests.

### @sindresorhus/is-plain-obj

This library wouldn't be possible without [@sindresorhus]( [is-plain-obj](
Notable differences:

- [x] SLightly faster (10%)
- [x] ESM and CJS formats.
- [x] Named export.
- [x] Smaller bundle size.
- [x] Provide a `PlainObject` type and `assertPlainObject` function.
- [x] Typescript convenience `PlainObject` type.

Since v2, it diverges from `is-plain-obj` by 

- [x] Static built-in classes are considered as plain objects (use [isStaticBuiltInClass](#isstaticbuiltinclass) to exclude).
- [x] `[Symbol.iterator]` is considered as a valid property for plain objects.
- [x] `[Symbol.toStringTag]` is considered as a valid property for plain objects.`

## Contributors

Contributions are welcome. Have a look to the [CONTRIBUTING]( document.

## Sponsors

If my OSS work brightens your day, let's take it to new heights together!
[Sponsor](<[sponsorship](>), [coffee](<(>),
or star – any gesture of support fuels my passion to improve. Thanks for being awesome! πŸ™β€οΈ

### Special thanks to

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         <img width="65" src="" alt="Jetbrains logo" />
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    <td align="center">
      <a href="" target="_blank">JetBrains</a>
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## License

MIT Β© [belgattitude]( and contributors.