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Test Coverage
# History
## Released Versions
### Version 1.3.0
#### Minor: Added kebab-case
  * Added kebab case tests
  * Added kebab case backwards compatibility tests
  * Added kebab case method for strings
  * Updated split regex to include hyphen

### Versions 1.2.0
#### Minor: Fixed dependency vulnerabilities
  * Updated readme
  * Updated history file
  * Fixed rubocop errors
  * Updated gemspec to fix vulnerabilities

### Version 1.1.0
#### Minor: Added functionality to modify hash keys
 * Added string keys to hash
 * Added symbol keys to hash
 * Updated fixnum to integer as per rubocop rules

### Version 1.0.0
#### Major: Adding lower option to the camel method
 * Adding the lower option for the first character in the "camel" method
 * Fixing rubocop offenses

### Version 0.6.2
#### Patch: Transform keys update
 * Updated transform keys method as when used with active record it clashes

### Version 0.6.1
#### Patch: Updated modify regex to include numbers in look back
 * Added new numeric value to regex look back
 * Added new tests

### Version 0.6.0
#### Minor: Added hash modify keys methods
 * Added hash modify keys methods
 * Added test specs
 * Fixed camelCase test specs
 * Fixed camelCase methods
 * Fixed several rubocop errors
 * Removed .rb from file requires

### Version 0.4.1
#### Patch: Added string modify module
 * Added new string methods for updating a string
   - String#camel
   - String#snake
   - String#space

### Version 0.4.0
#### Minor: Moved all existing utilise extentions to augment
 * Updated file structure still backwards compatible

### Version 0.3.0
#### Minor: Updated to_bool regex
 * Updated to_bool regular expressions

### Version 0.2.0
#### Minor: renamed from to_b to utilise as i will include other helpful tools
 * Added new to bool fuctionality for arrays and hashes
 * Added is bool matcher for Object class
 * Added unique time string to Time class

### Version 0.1.0
#### Minor: renamed from to_b to utilise as i will include other helpful tools
 * Renamed files
 * Changed to_b to to_bool

### Version 0.0.2
#### Patch: Symbol
##### Added
 * Symbol

##### Changed
 * All get converted to string first

### Version 0.0.1
#### Patch: Inital Code. Fixnum, String
##### Added
 * Fixnum
 * String