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# A non-opinionated golang code generator

A [Yeoman]( generator for the [golang]( programming language.

### What is golang ?

See the [Golang documentation](

### Why a generator ?

The Golang team defined [guidelines]( to organize code and structure an application.

The generator builds a standard directory hierarchy complying with those guidelines.

## Usage

1. Install yeoman

$ npm install -g yo

2. Install the generator

$ npm install generator-go

3. Run the generator

$ yo go

**That's all folks !**

This will generate a minimalist directory hierarchy, a makefile and a .gitignore in your *$GOPATH* folder.

├── go.mod
├── hello
│   ├── hello.go       # source file
│   └── hello_test.go  # test file
├── main.go            # app entrypoint
├── Makefile           # build targets

Once built, you can run your application

$ make run

Compile sources and build binary

$ make install

Run all tests

$ make test

And clean up the binary

$ make clean

## How to contribute

1. Fork the project

2. Clone your forked project locally

$ git clone
$ cd generator-go

3. Modify sources

4. Symlink the package folder

$ sudo npm link

5. Test your generator

$ yo go

6. Submit a pull request

This project welcomes all contributors, feel free to apply !

## Dependencies

This project depends on

* [golang](
* [Yo]( (the scaffolding tool from Yeoman)
* [GNU make](

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