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### Table of Contents

*   [Benchpress][1]
    *   [registerHelper][2]
        *   [Parameters][3]
    *   [setGlobal][4]
        *   [Parameters][5]
    *   [flush][6]
    *   [registerLoader][7]
        *   [Parameters][8]
*   [precompile][9]
    *   [Parameters][10]
*   [compileRender][11]
    *   [Parameters][12]
*   [\__express][13]
    *   [Parameters][14]
*   [compileParse][15]
    *   [Parameters][16]
*   [render][17]
    *   [Parameters][18]
*   [parse][19]
    *   [Parameters][20]

## Benchpress

### registerHelper

Register a helper function

#### Parameters

*   `name` **[string][21]** Helper name
*   `fn` **[function][22]** Helper function

### setGlobal

Set a global data value

#### Parameters

*   `key` **[string][21]** Property key
*   `value` **[Object][23]** Property value

### flush

Clear the template cache

### registerLoader

Register a loader function to fetch templates

*   `loader(name, callback) => callback(templateFunction)`
*   `loader(name) => Promise<templateFunction>`

#### Parameters

*   `loader` **[function][22]** 

## precompile

Precompile a benchpress template

*   `precompiled(source): Promise<string>`
*   `precompile(source, {}, callback) => callback(err, output)`
*   `precompile({ source }, callback) => callback(err, output)`

### Parameters

*   `source` **[string][21]** Template source
*   `options`  
*   `callback` **[function][22]?** (err, output)

Returns **[Promise][24]<[string][21]>** output code

## compileRender

Compile a template and render it
Automatically caches template function based on hash of input template

### Parameters

*   `templateSource` **[string][21]** 
*   `data` **any** 
*   `block` **[string][21]?** 

Returns **[Promise][24]<[string][21]>** rendered output

## \__express

Provide functionality to act as an express engine

### Parameters

*   `filepath` **[string][21]** Compiled template file path
*   `data` **[Object][23]** Data with which to parse the template
*   `next` **[function][22]** (err, output)

## compileParse

Alias for [compileRender][11], but uses a callback

### Parameters

*   `templateSource` **[string][21]** 
*   `block` **[string][21]?** 
*   `data` **any** 
*   `callback` **[function][22]** (err, output)


*   **deprecated**: Use [compileRender][11] instead

## render

Fetch and run the given template

### Parameters

*   `template` **[string][21]** Name of template to fetch
*   `data` **[Object][23]** Data with which to run the template
*   `block` **[string][21]?** Parse only this block in the template

Returns **[Promise][24]<[string][21]>** Rendered output

## parse

Alias for [render][17], but uses a callback

### Parameters

*   `template` **[string][21]** Name of template to fetch
*   `block` **[string][21]?** Render only this block in the template
*   `data` **[Object][23]** Data with which to run the template
*   `callback` **[function][22]** callback(output)


*   **deprecated**: Use [render][17] instead

[1]: #benchpress

[2]: #registerhelper

[3]: #parameters

[4]: #setglobal

[5]: #parameters-1

[6]: #flush

[7]: #registerloader

[8]: #parameters-2

[9]: #precompile

[10]: #parameters-3

[11]: #compilerender

[12]: #parameters-4

[13]: #__express

[14]: #parameters-5

[15]: #compileparse

[16]: #parameters-6

[17]: #render

[18]: #parameters-7

[19]: #parse

[20]: #parameters-8



