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# HelloBooks

HelloBooks is an application that helps manage a library and its processes like stocking, tracking and lending of books.This application enables users to be able to find and borrow books. Users  are managed by an admin who manages users as well as add, edit, delete books.

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<img width="1440" alt="Hellobooks-screenshot" src="/screenshots/hellobooks-screenshot.png">
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# Table of Contents
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Technology Stack](#technology-stack)
  * [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [Installation and Usage](#installation)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Features](#features)
- [Models](#models)
- [API Documentation](#api-documentation)
- [Express Routes](#express-routes)
- [License](#license)
- [FAQ](#faqs)
- [Current state](#current-state)

## Getting Started
This is a javascript application built with [**Express**]( framework on the nodejs platform. Authentication of users is done via [**JSON Web Tokens**](

## Technology Stack
**UI & Templates**
2. Materialize CSS Framework
3. Javascript
4. JQuery

**Server Side**
1. NodeJS
2. Express
3. Sequelize

**Client Side**
1. React(Redux)

### Dependencies
* Postgres
* Node

## Installation

1. Install [**Node JS**](
1. Install [**Postgres**]( .
1. Clone the [**repository here**](
1. [**cd**] into the root of the **project directory**.
1. Run `npm install` on the terminal to install Dependecies
1. Install sequelize-cli, Create Postgresql database, Navigate to server directory and run migrations:
npm install -g seqeulize-cli
cd server
sequelize db:migrate
5. Create a `.env` file in the root directory of the application. Use a different database for your testing and development. Example of the content of a .env file is shown in the .env.sample

6. Start the application:
**_Different Build Environment_**

npm run start-prod
npm run start:dev
npm run build:dev

## Usage
- Run database migration with `npm start:migrate`
- Start app development with `npm run start` or `npm start`
- To start the client `npm run start:webdev`
- Install **Postman** and use to test all endpoints

## Limitations
The limitations with this current version of Hello Books includes:
- Authenticated Users can not read books

## Testing

Sever side tests - Run `npm test` on the terminal while within the **project root directory**.
Client side tests - Run `npm client:test` on the terminal while within the **project root directory**.

Server side testing is achieved through use of `chai-http`, `mocha` and `chai` packages. `chai-http` is used to make requests to the api and `mocha` is the testing framework and `chai` is the exception library. They will both be installed when you run `npm install` and the tests will run when you run `npm test`.

Client side testing is achieved through the use of `jest` package. `jest` is used to test javascript code in
React applications.

## Features
HelloBooks consists of the following features:

### Authentication

- It uses JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication.
- Token is generated on user login
- Token is perpetually verified to check the state of the user if logged in or not.
- Admin User will br pre-seeded into the application with administrative priviledges

### Unauthenticated Users
- Unauthenticated users can look at the recent books in the library
- Unauthenticated users can look at the users levels in the library

### Authenticated Users
- Authenticated Users can register
- Authenticated Users can log in
- Authenticated Users can view all books in the library
- Authenticated Users can borrow books
- Authenticated Users can return books
- Authenticated Users can view borrowing history
- Authenticated Users can search through a list of books

### Admin Users
- Admins can edit books
- Admins can add new books
- Admins can delete books
- Admins can change user levels for authenticated users
- Admins can add  a new category
- Admins can edit a category
- Admins can delete a category
- Admin can see a list of users

## Models

Three models are defined: `Users`, `Books` and `UserBooks`. `Book` must have a unique title and title  on their creation. A `User` can borrow a book `Book`. The routes are defined under `models/index`.

## API Documentation
You can view the API Documentation [here](

## Express Routes

Api endpoints were created using `express` router. The routes are defined under `server/routes`.  

### Questions
For more details contact

### Support or Contribution
For any suggestions or contributions  please do not hesistate to contact me

Contributions to this project are welcomed by all, If you need to contribute to this project, follow the steps below
* **Fork** the repository
* Follow [Installation and Setup](#installation-and-setup) as explained earlier
* Create a branch off **development** for the feature you wish to add
* Make neccessary changes, commit and raise a pull request against develop, conventions can be found on the wiki page
**Note** when making contributions, please endevour to follow the [Airbnb]( javascript style guide. check out the [wiki page](

## License
This project is authored by **Benny Ogidan** ( and is licensed for your use, modification and distribution under the **MIT** license.
[MIT][license] © [benny-ogidan][author]
<!-- Definitions -->
[license]: LICENSE
[author]: benny-ogidan

## FAQ
See the Hello Books wiki

## Current state