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DeclareThatColor is a Sublime Text 3 plugin that aims to help developers declare CSS hex codes to their human-readable color names. It does this by using the ported JavaScript library from Chirag Mehta's [name that color]( tool.


## Installation

Download [Package Control]( and use the _Package Control: Install Package_ command from the command palette. Using Package Control ensures DeclareThatColor will stay up to date automatically.

## Usage

From the Sublime Text's main menu click on:
- **Edit** → **Declare That Color** to declare hex codes
- **Edit** → **Undeclare That Color** to revert declarations

### Key bindings

DeclareThatColor doesn't ship with default key bindings, but you may use the template below to set up your own.

  { "keys": ["Your shortcut"], "command": "declare_that_color" },
  { "keys": ["Your shortcut"], "command": "undeclare_that_color" }

## Settings

For a comprehensive list of settings navigate to **Preferences** → **Package Settings** → **DeclareThatColor** → **Settings - Default** or go to [DeclareThatColor/declare_that_color.sublime-settings]( To avoid your changes from being overwritten by updates, make sure all of your edits are saved to **Settings – User**.

## Contribute

If you have any problem, idea or suggestion, feel free to create issues and pull requests on [GitHub](

## License

Distributed under the MIT license. See [LICENSE]( for more information.

## Author

Herbert Verdida / [@bertdida](

## Credits

This work was inspired by Chirag Mehta's [name that color]( tool, much thanks to him for open sourcing his [JavaScript code](!

Also, thanks to [@Tobaloidee]( for designing this project's logo.