import ast
from typing import Tuple, Union
AnyFuncdef = Union[ast.FunctionDef, ast.AsyncFunctionDef]
def get_function_start_row(func_def: AnyFuncdef) -> int:
first_meaningful_expression_index = 0
if (
isinstance(func_def.body[0], ast.Expr)
and isinstance(func_def.body[0].value, ast.Str)
and len(func_def.body) > 1
): # First expression is docstring - we ignore it
first_meaningful_expression_index = 1
return func_def.body[first_meaningful_expression_index].lineno
def get_function_last_row(func_def: AnyFuncdef) -> int:
function_last_line = 0
for statement in ast.walk(func_def):
if hasattr(statement, 'lineno'):
function_last_line = max(statement.lineno, function_last_line)
return function_last_line
def get_length_errors(func_def: AnyFuncdef, max_function_length: int) -> Tuple[int, int, str]:
function_start_row = get_function_start_row(func_def)
function_last_row = get_function_last_row(func_def)
function_length = function_last_row - function_start_row + 1
if function_length > max_function_length:
return (
f'CFQ001 Function {func_def.name} has length {function_length}'
f' that exceeds max allowed length {max_function_length}',