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const path = require("path");
const { logger } = require("../logger");
const { Writable } = require("node:stream");
const { Buffer } = require("node:buffer");
const { finished } = require("node:stream/promises");
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const config = require("config");
const { getFile } = require("../utils");
const { ERRORS } = require("./index");
const { MINISTRES } = require("snu-lib");

const { generateCertifPhase1 } = require("../templates/certificate/phase1");
const { generateCertifPhase2 } = require("../templates/certificate/phase2");
const { generateCertifPhase3 } = require("../templates/certificate/phase3");
const { generateCertifSNU } = require("../templates/certificate/snu");
const { generateDroitImage, generateBatchDroitImage } = require("../templates/droitImage/droitImage");
const { generateCohesion, generateBatchCohesion } = require("../templates/convocation/cohesion");
const { generateContractPhase2 } = require("../templates/contract/phase2");
const { generateBatchConsentement } = require("../templates/consent/consent");

class InMemoryWritable extends Writable {
  constructor(options) {
    this.chunks = [];

  toBuffer() {
    return Buffer.concat(this.chunks);

  _write(chunk, encoding, callback) {

export async function generatePdfIntoStream(outStream, { type, template, young, contract }) {
  if (type === "certificate" && template === "1" && young) {
    return await generateCertifPhase1(outStream, young);
  if (type === "certificate" && template === "2" && young) {
    return generateCertifPhase2(outStream, young);
  if (type === "certificate" && template === "3" && young) {
    return generateCertifPhase3(outStream, young);
  if (type === "certificate" && template === "snu" && young) {
    return generateCertifSNU(outStream, young);
  if (type === "droitImage" && template === "droitImage" && young) {
    return generateDroitImage(outStream, young);
  if (type === "convocation" && template === "cohesion" && young) {
    return generateCohesion(outStream, young);
  if (type === "convocation_batch" && template === "cohesion" && young) {
    return generateBatchCohesion(outStream, young);
  if (type === "contract" && template === "2" && contract) {
    return generateContractPhase2(outStream, contract);
  if (type === "image_right_batch" && template === "droitImage" && young) {
    return generateBatchDroitImage(outStream, young);
  if (type === "consent_batch" && template === "consentement" && young) {
    return generateBatchConsentement(outStream, young);
  throw new Error(ERRORS.NOT_FOUND);

export async function generatePdfIntoBuffer(options) {
  const stream = new InMemoryWritable({});
  await generatePdfIntoStream(stream, options);
  await finished(stream);
  return stream.toBuffer();

async function getTemplate(template) {
  const _path = path.join(config.IMAGES_ROOTDIR, template);
  try {
    const handle = await, "wx");
    logger.debug(`Downloading ${template}`);
    // Download locally certificate template
    // in order to make them available for pdf generation
    const downloaded = await getFile(template);

    await handle.writeFile(downloaded.Body);
    await handle.close();
  } catch (err) {
    if (err.code != "EEXIST") {
      throw err;

export async function getAllPdfTemplates() {
  await fs.mkdir(path.join(config.IMAGES_ROOTDIR, "certificates"), { recursive: true });
  const ministres = [...MINISTRES].reverse(); // Most recent first
  for (const m of ministres) {
    await getTemplate(m.template);

  await fs.mkdir(path.join(config.IMAGES_ROOTDIR, "convocation"), { recursive: true });
  for (const convoc of ["convocation/convocation_template_base_2024_V2.png", "convocation/convocation_template_base_NC.png"]) {
    await getTemplate(convoc);