export const list = [
// "battery_20",
// "battery_30",
// "battery_50",
// "battery_60",
// "battery_80",
// "battery_90",
// "battery_charging_20",
// "battery_charging_30",
// "battery_charging_50",
// "battery_charging_60",
// "battery_charging_80",
// "battery_charging_90",
// "eight_k",
// "eight_k_plus",
// "eight_mp",
// "eightteen_mp",
// "five_g",
// "five_k",
// "five_k_plus",
// "five_mp",
// "fivteen_mp",
// "four_g_mobiledata",
// "four_g_plus_mobiledata",
// "four_k",
// "four_k_plus",
// "four_mp",
// "fourteen_mp",
// "git_hub",
// "google",
// "grid3x3",
// "grid4x4",
// "nine_k",
// "nine_k_plus",
// "nine_mp",
// "nineteen_mp",
// "one_k",
// "one_k_plus",
// "one_kk",
// "rotate90_degrees_ccw",
// "rotate90_degrees_cw",
// "seven_k",
// "seven_k_plus",
// "seven_mp",
// "seventeen_mp",
// "signal_cellular_1_bar",
// "signal_cellular_2_bar",
// "signal_cellular_3_bar",
// "signal_cellular_4_bar",
// "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_1_bar",
// "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_2_bar",
// "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_3_bar",
// "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_4_bar",
// "signal_wifi_1_bar",
// "signal_wifi_1_bar_lock",
// "signal_wifi_2_bar",
// "signal_wifi_2_bar_lock",
// "signal_wifi_3_bar",
// "signal_wifi_3_bar_lock",
// "six_k",
// "six_k_plus",
// "six_mp",
// "sixteen_mp",
// "sixty_fps",
// "sixty_fps_select",
// "thirteen_mp",
// "thirty_fps",
// "thirty_fps_select",
// "three_d_rotation",
// "three_g_mobiledata",
// "three_k",
// "three_k_plus",
// "three_mp",
// "three_p",
// "three_sixty",
// "twelve_mp",
// "twenty_four_mp",
// "twenty_one_mp",
// "twenty_three_mp",
// "twenty_two_mp",
// "twenty_zero_mp",
// "twitter",
// "two_k",
// "two_k_plus",
// "two_mp",
// "two_wheeler",
// "whats_app",
// "you_tube",
// prettier-ignore
const synonyms = {
access_alarm: "clock time",
access_alarms: "clock time",
accessibility: "accessible body handicap help human people person user",
accessibility_new: "accessible arms body handicap help human people person user",
accessible: "accessibility body handicap help human people person user wheelchair",
accessible_forward: "accessibility body handicap help human people person wheelchair",
access_time: "clock time",
account_balance: "bank bill building card cash coin commerce court credit currency dollars finance money online payment structure temple transaction",
account_balance_wallet: "bank bill card cash coin commerce credit currency dollars finance money online payment transaction",
account_box: "avatar face human people person profile square thumbnail user",
account_circle: "avatar face human people person profile thumbnail user",
account_tree: "analytics chart connect data diagram flow infographic measure metrics process project sitemap square statistics structure tracking",
ac_unit: "air cold conditioner freeze snowflake temperature weather winter",
adb: "android bridge debug",
add: "+ create item new plus symbol",
add_alarm: "clock plus time",
add_alert: "+ active alarm announcement bell callout chime information new notifications notify plus reminder ring sound symbol",
add_a_photo: "+ camera lens new photography picture plus symbol",
add_box: "create new plus square symbol",
add_business: "+ market plus retail shopping storefront",
addchart: "analytics bars data diagram infographic measure metrics plus statistics tracking",
add_chart: "+ analytics bars data diagram infographic measure metrics new plus statistics symbol tracking",
add_circle: "+ create new plus",
add_circle_outline: "+ create new plus",
add_comment: "+ bubble chat communicate feedback message new plus speech symbol",
add_ic_call: "+ cell contact device hardware mobile new plus symbol telephone",
add_link: "attach clip new plus symbol",
add_location: "+ destination direction gps maps new pin place plus stop symbol",
add_location_alt: "+ destination direction maps new pin place plus stop symbol",
add_moderator: "+ certified new plus privacy private protection security shield symbol verified",
add_photo_alternate: "+ image landscape mountains new photography picture plus symbol",
add_road: "+ destination direction highway maps new plus stop street symbol traffic",
add_shopping_cart: "card cash checkout coin commerce credit currency dollars money online payment plus",
add_task: "+ approve check circle completed increase mark ok plus select tick yes",
add_to_drive: "+ app backup cloud files folders gdrive google plus storage",
add_to_home_screen: "Android add arrow cell device hardware iOS mobile phone tablet to up",
add_to_photos: "collection image landscape mountains photography picture plus",
add_to_queue: "+ Android backlog chrome desktop device display hardware iOS lineup mac monitor new plus screen symbol television watch web window",
adjust: "alter center circles control dot edit filter fix image mix move setting slider sort switch target tune",
admin_panel_settings: "account avatar certified face human people person privacy private profile protection security shield user verified",
ad_units: "Android banner cell device hardware iOS mobile notifications phone tablet top",
agriculture: "automobile cars cultivation farm harvest maps tractor transport travel truck vehicle",
air: "blowing breeze flow wave weather wind",
airline_seat_flat: "bed body business class first human people person rest sleep travel",
airline_seat_flat_angled: "bed body business class first human people person rest sleep travel",
airline_seat_individual_suite: "bed body business class first human people person rest sleep travel",
airline_seat_legroom_extra: "body feet human people person sitting space travel",
airline_seat_legroom_normal: "body feet human people person sitting space travel",
airline_seat_legroom_reduced: "body feet human people person sitting space travel",
airline_seat_recline_extra: "body feet human legroom people person sitting space travel",
airline_seat_recline_normal: "body extra feet human legroom people person sitting space travel",
airplanemode_active: "flight flying on signal",
airplanemode_inactive: "airport disabled enabled flight flying maps offline slash transportation travel",
airplane_ticket: "airport boarding flight fly maps pass transportation travel",
airplay: "apple arrow cast connect control desktop device display monitor screen signal television tv",
airport_shuttle: "automobile bus cars commercial delivery direction maps mini public transportation travel truck van vehicle",
alarm: "alart bell clock countdown date notification schedule time",
alarm_add: "+ alart bell clock countdown date new notification plus schedule symbol time",
alarm_off: "alart bell clock disabled duration enabled notification slash stop timer watch",
alarm_on: "alart bell checkmark clock disabled duration enabled notification off ready slash start timer watch",
album: "artist audio bvb cd computer data disk file music play record sound storage track vinyl",
align_horizontal_center: "alignment format layout lines paragraph rules style text",
align_horizontal_left: "alignment format layout lines paragraph rules style text",
align_horizontal_right: "alignment format layout lines paragraph rules style text",
align_vertical_bottom: "alignment format layout lines paragraph rules style text",
align_vertical_center: "alignment format layout lines paragraph rules style text",
align_vertical_top: "alignment format layout lines paragraph rules style text",
all_inbox: "Inbox delivered delivery email letter message post send",
all_inclusive: "endless forever infinite infinity loop mobius neverending strip sustainability sustainable",
all_out: "arrows circle directional expand shape",
alternate_email: "@ address contact tag",
alt_route: "alternate alternative arrows direction maps navigation options other routes split symbol",
analytics: "assessment bar chart data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
anchor: "google logo",
android: "brand character logo mascot operating system toy",
animation: "circles motion movie moving video",
announcement: "! alert attention balloon bubble caution chat comment communicate danger error exclamation feedback important mark message news notification speech symbol warning",
aod: "Android always device display hardware homescreen iOS mobile phone tablet",
apartment: "accommodation architecture building city company estate flat home house office places real residence residential shelter units workplace",
api: "developer development enterprise software",
app_blocking: "Android applications cancel cell device hardware iOS mobile phone stop tablet",
apple: "brand logo",
app_registration: "apps edit pencil register",
approval: "apply approvals approve certificate certification disapproval drive file impression ink mark postage stamp",
apps: "all applications circles collection dots grid homescreen icons squares",
app_settings_alt: "Android applications cell device gear hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
architecture: "art compass design drawing engineering geometric tool",
archive: "inbox mail store",
arrow_back: "application components direction interface left navigation previous screen ui ux website",
arrow_back_ios: "application chevron components direction interface left navigation previous screen ui ux website",
arrow_back_ios_new: "application chevron components direction interface left navigation previous screen ui ux website",
arrow_circle_down: "direction navigation",
arrow_circle_up: "direction navigation",
arrow_downward: "application components direction interface navigation screen ui ux website",
arrow_drop_down: "application components direction interface navigation screen ui ux website",
arrow_drop_down_circle: "application components direction interface navigation screen ui ux website",
arrow_drop_up: "application components direction interface navigation screen ui ux website",
arrow_forward: "application arrows components direction interface navigation right screen ui ux website",
arrow_forward_ios: "application chevron components direction interface navigation next right screen ui ux website",
arrow_left: "application backstack backward components direction interface navigation previous screen ui ux website",
arrow_right: "application components continue direction forward interface navigation screen ui ux website",
arrow_right_alt: "arrows direction east navigation pointing shape",
arrow_upward: "application components direction interface navigation screen submit ui ux website",
article: "clarify document file news page paper text writing",
art_track: "album artist audio display format image insert music photography picture sound tracks",
aspect_ratio: "expand image monitor resize resolution scale screen square",
assessment: "analytics bars chart data diagram infographic measure metrics report statistics tracking",
assignment: "article clipboard document task text writing",
assignment_ind: "account clipboard document face people person profile task user",
assignment_late: "! alert announcement attention caution clipboard danger document error exclamation important mark notification symbol task warning",
assignment_return: "arrow back clipboard document left point retun task",
assignment_returned: "arrow clipboard document down point task",
assignment_turned_in: "approve checkmark clipboard complete document done finished ok select task tick validate verified yes",
assistant: "bubble chat comment communicate feedback message recommendation speech star suggestion twinkle",
assistant_direction: "destination location maps navigate navigation pin place right stop",
assistant_photo: "flag recommendation smart star suggestion",
atm: "alphabet automated bill card cart cash character coin commerce credit currency dollars font letter machine money online payment shopping symbol teller text type",
attach_email: "attachment clip compose envelop letter link message send",
attach_file: "add item link mail media paperclip",
attachment: "compose file image item link paperclip",
attach_money: "bill card cash coin commerce cost credit currency dollars finance online payment price profit sale symbol",
attractions: "amusement entertainment ferris fun maps park places wheel",
attribution: "attribute body copyright copywriter human people person",
audiotrack: "key music note sound",
auto_awesome: "editing enhance filter image photography photos setting stars",
auto_awesome_mosaic: "editing filter grid image layout photographs photography photos pictures setting",
auto_awesome_motion: "animation editing filter image live photographs photography photos pictures setting video",
auto_delete: "bin can clock date garbage remove schedule time trash",
auto_fix_high: "edit erase magic modify stars wand",
auto_fix_normal: "edit erase magic modify stars wand",
auto_fix_off: "disabled edit enabled erase magic modify on slash stars wand",
autofps_select: "A alphabet character font frame frequency letter per rate seconds symbol text type",
auto_graph: "analytics chart data diagram infographic line measure metrics stars statistics tracking",
autorenew: "around arrows cached direction inprogress loader loading navigation pending refresh rotate status turn",
auto_stories: "audiobook page reading story",
av_timer: "clock countdown duration minutes seconds stopwatch",
baby_changing_station: "babies bathroom body children father human infant kids mother newborn people person toddler wc young",
backpack: "bookbag knapsack storage travel",
backspace: "arrow cancel clear correct delete erase remove",
backup: "arrow cloud data drive files folders point storage submit upload",
backup_table: "drive files folders format layout stack storage",
badge: "account avatar card certified employee face human identification name people person profile security user work",
bakery_dining: "bread breakfast brunch croissant food",
balcony: "architecture doors estate home house maps outside place real residence residential stay terrace window",
ballot: "bulllet election list point poll vote",
bar_chart: "analytics anlytics data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
batch_prediction: "bulb idea light",
bathroom: "closet home house place plumbing shower sprinkler wash water wc",
bathtub: "bathing bathroom clean home hotel human person shower travel",
battery_alert: "! attention caution cell charge danger error exclamation important mark mobile notification power symbol warning",
battery_charging_full: "cell charge lightening lightning mobile power thunderbolt",
battery_full: "cell charge mobile power",
battery_saver: "+ add charge charging new plus power symbol",
battery_std: "cell charge mobile plus power standard",
battery_unknown: "? assistance cell charge help information mark mobile power punctuation question support symbol",
beach_access: "parasol places summer sunny umbrella",
bed: "bedroom double full furniture home hotel house king night pillows queen rest size sleep",
bedroom_baby: "babies children home horse house infant kid newborn rocking toddler young",
bedroom_child: "children furniture home hotel house kid night pillows rest size sleep twin young",
bedroom_parent: "double full furniture home hotel house king master night pillows queen rest sizem sleep",
beenhere: "approve archive bookmark checkmark complete done favorite label library reading remember ribbon save select tag tick validate verified yes",
bento: "box dinner food lunch meal restaurant takeout",
bike_scooter: "automobile cars maps transportation vehicle vespa",
biotech: "chemistry laboratory microscope research science technology test",
blender: "appliance cooking electric juicer kitchen machine vitamix",
block: "allowed avoid banned cancel close disable entry exit not prohibited quit remove stop",
bloodtype: "donate droplet emergency hospital medicine negative positive water",
bluetooth: "cast connection device network paring streaming symbol wireless",
bluetooth_audio: "connection device music signal sound symbol",
bluetooth_connected: "cast connection device network paring streaming symbol wireless",
bluetooth_disabled: "cast connection device enabled network offline paring slash streaming symbol wireless",
bluetooth_drive: "automobile cars cast connection device maps paring streaming symbol transportation travel vehicle wireless",
bluetooth_searching: "connection device network paring symbol wireless",
blur_circular: "circle dots editing effect enhance filter",
blur_linear: "dots editing effect enhance filter",
blur_off: "disabled dots editing effect enabled enhance on slash",
blur_on: "disabled dots editing effect enabled enhance filter off slash",
bolt: "electric energy fast flash lightning power thunderbolt",
book: "blog bookmark favorite label library reading remember ribbon save tag",
bookmark: "archive favorite follow label library reading remember ribbon save tag",
bookmark_add: "+ favorite plus remember ribbon save symbol",
bookmark_added: "approve check complete done favorite remember save select tick validate verified yes",
bookmark_border: "archive favorite label library outline reading remember ribbon save tag",
bookmark_remove: "delete favorite minus remember ribbon save subtract",
bookmarks: "favorite label layers library multiple reading remember ribbon save stack tag",
book_online: "Android admission appointment cell device event hardware iOS mobile pass phone reservation tablet ticket",
border_all: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_bottom: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_clear: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_color: "all create doc editing editor marker pencil spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_horizontal: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_inner: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_left: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_outer: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_right: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_style: "color doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_top: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
border_vertical: "doc editing editor spreadsheet stroke text type writing",
branding_watermark: "components copyright design emblem format identity interface layout logo screen stamp ui ux website window",
breakfast_dining: "bakery bread butter food toast",
brightness_1: "circle control cresent level moon screen",
brightness_2: "circle control cresent level moon night screen",
brightness_3: "circle control cresent level moon night screen",
brightness_4: "circle control cresent dark level moon night screen sun",
brightness_5: "circle control cresent level moon screen sun",
brightness_6: "circle control cresent level moon screen sun",
brightness_7: "circle control cresent level light moon screen sun",
brightness_auto: "A control display level mobile monitor phone screen",
brightness_high: "auto control mobile monitor phone",
brightness_low: "auto control mobile monitor phone",
brightness_medium: "auto control mobile monitor phone",
broken_image: "corrupt error landscape mountains photography picture torn",
browser_not_supported: "disabled enabled internet off on page screen slash website www",
brunch_dining: "breakfast champaign drink food lunch meal",
brush: "art design draw editing painting tool",
bubble_chart: "analytics bars data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
bug_report: "animal file fix insect issue problem testing ticket virus warning",
build: "adjust fix repair spanner tool wrench",
build_circle: "adjust fix repair tool wrench",
bungalow: "architecture cottage estate home house maps place real residence residential stay traveling",
burst_mode: "image landscape mountains multiple photography picture",
bus_alert: "! attention automobile cars caution danger error exclamation important maps mark notification symbol transportation vehicle warning",
business: "address apartment architecture building company estate flat home office place real residence residential shelter structure",
business_center: "baggage briefcase places purse suitcase work",
cabin: "architecture camping cottage estate home house log maps place real residence residential stay traveling wood",
cable: "connection device electronics usb wire",
cached: "around arrows inprogress loader loading refresh reload renew rotate",
cake: "baked birthday candles celebration dessert food frosting party pastries pastry pie social sweet",
calculate: "+ - = calculator count finance math",
calendar_today: "date event month remember reminder schedule week",
calendar_view_day: "date event format grid layout month remember reminder schedule today week",
calendar_view_month: "date event format grid layout schedule today",
calendar_view_week: "date event format grid layout month schedule today",
call: "cell contact device hardware mobile talk telephone",
call_end: "cell contact device hardware mobile talk telephone",
call_made: "arrow device mobile",
call_merge: "arrow device mobile",
call_missed: "arrow device mobile",
call_missed_outgoing: "arrow device mobile",
call_received: "arrow device mobile",
call_split: "arrow device mobile",
call_to_action: "alert bar components cta design information interface layout message notification screen ui ux website window",
camera: "album aperture lens photography picture record screenshot shutter",
camera_alt: "image photography picture",
camera_enhance: "important lens photography picture quality special star",
camera_front: "body human lens mobile person phone photography portrait selfie",
camera_indoor: "architecture building estate filming home house image inside motion nest picture place real residence residential shelter videography",
camera_outdoor: "architecture building estate filming home house image motion nest outside picture place real residence residential shelter videography",
camera_rear: "front lens mobile phone photography picture portrait selfie",
camera_roll: "film image library photography",
cameraswitch: "arrows flip rotate swap view",
campaign: "alert announcement loud megaphone microphone notification speaker",
cancel: "circle close cross disable exit status stop",
cancel_presentation: "close device exit no quit remove screen share slide stop website window",
cancel_schedule_send: "email no quit remove share stop x",
card_giftcard: "account balance bill cart cash certificate coin commerce creditcard currency dollars money online payment present shopping",
card_membership: "bill bookmark cash certificate coin commerce cost creditcard currency dollars inance loyalty money online payment shopping subscription",
card_travel: "bill cash coin commerce cost creditcard currency dollars inance membership miles money online payment trip",
carpenter: "building construction cutting handyman repair saw tool",
car_rental: "automobile cars key maps transportation vehicle",
car_repair: "automobile cars maps transportation vehicle",
cases: "baggage briefcase business purse suitcase",
casino: "dice dots entertainment gamble gambling games luck places",
cast: "Android airplay chromecast connect desktop device display hardware iOS mac monitor screencast streaming television tv web window wireless",
cast_connected: "Android airplay chromecast desktop device display hardware iOS mac monitor screencast streaming television tv web window wireless",
cast_for_education: "Android airplay chrome connect desktop device display hardware iOS learning lessons mac monitor screencast streaming teaching television tv web window wireless",
catching_pokemon: "go pokestop travel",
category: "categories circle collection items product sort square triangle",
celebration: "activity birthday event fun party",
cell_wifi: "connection data internet mobile network phone service signal wireless",
center_focus_strong: "camera image lens photography zoom",
center_focus_weak: "camera image lens photography zoom",
chair: "comfort couch decoration furniture home house living lounging loveseat room seating sofa",
chair_alt: "cahir furniture home house kitchen lounging seating table",
chalet: "architecture cottage estate home house maps place real residence residential stay traveling",
change_circle: "around arrows direction navigation rotate",
change_history: "shape triangle",
charging_station: "Android battery cell device electric hardware iOS lightning mobile phone tablet thunderbolt",
chat: "bubble comment communicate feedback message speech talk text",
chat_bubble: "comment communicate feedback message speech talk text",
chat_bubble_outline: "comment communicate feedback message speech talk text",
check: "checkmark complete confirm correct done enter okay purchased select success tick yes",
check_box: "approved button checkmark component control form ok selected selection square success tick toggle ui yes",
check_box_outline_blank: "button checkmark component control deselected empty form selection square tick toggle ui",
check_circle: "approve checkmark complete done download finished ok select success tick upload validate verified yes",
check_circle_outline: "approve checkmark complete done finished ok select success tick validate verified yes",
checkroom: "check closet clothes coat hanger",
chevron_left: "arrows back direction triangle",
chevron_right: "arrows direction forward triangle",
child_care: "babies baby children face infant kids newborn toddler young",
child_friendly: "baby care carriage children infant kid newborn stroller toddler young",
chrome_reader_mode: "text",
circle: "button full geometry moon radio",
circle_notifications: "active alarm alert bell chime notify reminder ring sound",
class: "archive bookmark category favorite item label library reading remember ribbon save tag",
clean_hands: "bacteria disinfect germs gesture sanitizer",
cleaning_services: "dust sweep",
clear: "allowed back cancel correct cross delete disable erase exit not times",
clear_all: "delete document erase format lines list notifications wipe",
close: "allowed cancel cross disable exit not status stop times",
closed_caption: "accessible alphabet character decoder font language letter media movies subtitles symbol text tv type",
closed_caption_disabled: "accessible alphabet character decoder enabled font language letter media movies off slash subtitles symbol text tv type",
closed_caption_off: "accessible alphabet character decoder font language letter media movies outline subtitles symbol text tv type",
close_fullscreen: "action arrows collapse direction minimize",
cloud: "connection internet network sky upload weather",
cloud_circle: "application backup connection drive files folders internet network sky storage upload",
cloud_done: "application approve backup checkmark complete connection drive files folders internet network ok select sky storage tick upload validate verified yes",
cloud_download: "application arrow backup connection drive files folders internet network sky storage upload",
cloud_off: "application backup connection disabled drive enabled files folders internet network offline sky slash storage upload",
cloud_queue: "connection internet network sky upload",
cloud_upload: "application arrow backup connection download drive files folders internet network sky storage",
code: "brackets css developer engineering html parenthesis platform",
code_off: "brackets css developer disabled enabled engineering html on platform slash",
coffee: "beverage cup drink mug plate set tea",
coffee_maker: "appliances beverage cup drink machine mug",
collections: "album gallery image landscape library mountains photography picture stack",
collections_bookmark: "album archive favorite gallery label library reading remember ribbon save stack tag",
colorize: "color dropper extract eye picker pipette tool",
color_lens: "art paint pallet",
comment: "bubble chat communicate document feedback message note outline speech",
comment_bank: "archive bookmark bubble cchat communicate favorite label library message remember ribbon save speech tag",
commute: "automobile car direction maps public train transportation trip vehicle",
compare: "adjustment editing edits enhance fix images photography photos scan settings",
compare_arrows: "collide directional facing left pointing pressure push right together",
compass_calibration: "connection internet location maps network refresh service signal wifi wireless",
compress: "arrows collide pressure push together",
computer: "Android chrome desktop device hardware iOS laptop mac monitor pc web window",
confirmation_number: "admission entertainment event ticket",
connected_tv: "Android airplay chrome desktop device display hardware iOS mac monitor screencast streaming television web window wireless",
connect_without_contact: "communicating distance people signal socialize",
construction: "build carpenter equipment fix hammer improvement industrial industry repair tools wrench",
contactless: "applepay bluetooth cash connection connectivity credit device finance payment signal tap transaction wifi wireless",
contact_mail: "account address avatar communicate email face human information message people person profile user",
contact_page: "account avatar data document drive face folders human people person profile sheet slide storage user writing",
contact_phone: "account avatar call communicate face human information message mobile number people person profile user",
contacts: "account address avatar call cell face human information mobile number people person phone profile user",
contact_support: "? alert announcement bubble chat comment communicate help information mark message punctuation speech symbol vquestion",
content_copy: "cut document duplicate file multiple past",
content_cut: "copy document file past scissors trim",
content_paste: "clipboard copy cut document file multiple",
content_paste_off: "clipboard disabled document enabled file slash",
control_camera: "adjust arrows center direction left move right",
control_point: "+ add circle plus",
control_point_duplicate: "+ add circle multiple new plus symbol",
copy_all: "content cut document file multiple page paper past",
copyright: "alphabet character circle emblem font legal letter owner symbol text",
coronavirus: "19 bacteria covid disease germs illness sick social",
corporate_fare: "architecture building business estate organization place real residence residential shelter",
cottage: "architecture beach estate home house lake lodge maps place real residence residential stay traveling",
countertops: "home house kitchen sink table",
create: "compose editing input item new pencil write writing",
create_new_folder: "+ add data directory document drive file plus sheet slide storage symbol",
credit_card: "bill cash charge coin commerce cost creditcard currency dollars finance information money online payment price shopping symbol",
credit_card_off: "charge commerce cost disabled enabled finance money online payment slash",
credit_score: "approve bill card cash check coin commerce complete cost currency dollars done finance loan mark money ok online payment select symbol tick validate verified yes",
crib: "babies baby bassinet bed children cradle infant kid newborn sleeping toddler",
crop: "adjustments area editing frame images photos rectangle settings size square",
crop169: "adjustments area by editing frame images photos picture rectangle settings size square",
crop32: "adjustments area by editing frame images photos picture rectangle settings size square",
crop54: "adjustments area by editing frame images photos picture rectangle settings size square",
crop75: "adjustments area by editing frame images photos picture rectangle settings size square",
crop_din: "adjustments area editing frame images photos picture rectangle settings size square",
crop_free: "adjustments barcode editing focus frame image photos qrcode settings size square zoom",
crop_landscape: "adjustments area editing frame images photos picture settings size square",
crop_original: "adjustments area editing frame images photos picture settings size square",
crop_portrait: "adjustments area editing frame images photos picture rectangle settings size square",
crop_rotate: "adjustments area arrows editing frame images photos settings size turn",
crop_square: "adjustments area editing frame images photos rectangle settings size",
dangerous: "broken fix no sign stop update warning wrong",
dark_mode: "application device interface moon night silent theme ui ux website",
dashboard: "cards format layout rectangle shapes square website",
dashboard_customize: "cards format layout rectangle shapes square website",
data_saver_off: "analytics bars chart diagram donut infographic measure metrics ring statistics tracking",
data_saver_on: "+ add analytics chart diagram infographic measure metrics new plus ring statistics symbol tracking",
data_usage: "analytics chart circle diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
date_range: "agenda calendar event month remember reminder schedule time today week",
deck: "chairs furniture garden home house outdoors outside patio social terrace umbrella yard",
dehaze: "adjust editing enhance image lines photography remove",
delete: "bin garbage junk recycle remove trashcan",
delete_forever: "bin cancel exit garbage junk recycle remove trashcan",
delete_outline: "bin can garbage remove trash",
delete_sweep: "bin garbage junk recycle remove trashcan",
delivery_dining: "food meal restaurant scooter takeout transportation vehicle vespa",
departure_board: "automobile bus cars clock maps public schedule time transportation travel vehicle",
description: "article bill data document drive file folders invoice item notes page paper sheet slide text writing",
desktop_access_disabled: "Android apple chrome device display enabled hardware iOS mac monitor offline pc screen slash web window",
desktop_mac: "Android apple chrome device display hardware iOS monitor pc screen web window",
desktop_windows: "Android chrome device display hardware iOS mac monitor pc screen television tv web",
details: "editing enhance image photography sharpen triangle",
developer_board: "computer development devkit hardware microchip processor",
developer_board_off: "computer development disabled enabled hardware microchip on processor slash",
developer_mode: "Android bracket cell code development device engineer hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
device_hub: "Android circle computer desktop hardware iOS laptop mobile monitor phone square tablet triangle watch wearable web",
devices: "Android computer desktop hardware iOS laptop mobile monitor phone tablet watch wearable web",
devices_other: "Android cell chrome desktop gadget hardware iOS ipad mac mobile monitor phone smartwatch tablet vr wearables window",
device_thermostat: "celsius fahrenheit temperature thermometer",
device_unknown: "? Android assistance cell hardware help iOS information mark mobile phone punctuation question support symbol tablet",
dialer_sip: "alphabet call cell character contact device font hardware initiation internet letter mobile over protocol routing session symbol telephone text type voice",
dialpad: "buttons call contact device dots mobile numbers phone",
dining: "cafeteria cutlery diner eating fork room spoon",
dinner_dining: "breakfast food fork lunch meal restaurant spaghetti utensils",
directions: "arrow maps naviate right route sign traffic",
directions_bike: "bicycle human maps person public route transportation",
directions_boat: "automobile cars ferry maps public transportation vehicle",
directions_boat_filled: "automobile cars ferry maps public transportation vehicle",
directions_bus: "automobile cars maps public transportation vehicle",
directions_bus_filled: "automobile cars maps public transportation vehicle",
directions_car: "automobile cars maps public transportation vehicle",
directions_car_filled: "automobile cars maps public transportation vehicle",
directions_off: "arrow disabled enabled maps right route sign slash traffic",
directions_railway: "automobile cars maps public train transportation vehicle",
directions_railway_filled: "automobile cars maps public train transportation vehicle",
directions_run: "body health human jogging maps people person route running walk",
directions_subway: "automobile cars maps public rail train transportation vehicle",
directions_subway_filled: "automobile cars maps public rail train transportation vehicle",
directions_transit: "automobile cars maps metro public rail subway train transportation vehicle",
directions_transit_filled: "automobile cars maps public rail subway train transportation vehicle",
directions_walk: "body human jogging maps people person route run",
dirty_lens: "camera photography picture splat",
disabled_by_default: "box cancel close exit no quit remove square stop",
disc_full: "! alert attention caution cd danger error exclamation important mark music notification storage symbol vinyl warning",
dns: "address bars domain information ip list lookup name network server system",
dock: "Android cell charger charging connector device hardware iOS mobile phone power station tablet",
do_disturb: "cancel close denied deny remove silence stop",
do_disturb_alt: "cancel close denied deny remove silence stop",
do_disturb_off: "cancel close denied deny disabled enabled on remove silence slash stop",
do_disturb_on: "cancel close denied deny disabled enabled off remove silence slash stop",
domain: "apartment architecture building business estate home place real residence residential shelter web www",
domain_disabled: "apartment architecture building business company enabled estate home internet maps office offline on place real residence residential slash website",
domain_verification: "application approve check complete design desktop done interface internet layout mark ok screen select tick ui ux validate verified website window www yes",
done: "approve checkmark complete finished ok select success tick validate verified yes",
done_all: "approve checkmark complete finished layers multiple ok select stack success tick validate verified yes",
done_outline: "all approve checkmark complete finished ok select success tick validate verified yes",
do_not_disturb: "cancel close denied deny remove silence stop",
do_not_disturb_alt: "cancel close denied deny remove silence stop",
do_not_disturb_off: "cancel close denied deny disabled enabled on remove silence slash stop",
do_not_disturb_on: "cancel close denied deny disabled enabled off remove silence slash stop",
do_not_disturb_on_total_silence: "busy mute on quiet total",
do_not_step: "boot disabled enabled feet foot off on shoe slash sneaker",
do_not_touch: "disabled enabled fingers gesture hand off on slash",
donut_large: "analytics chart circle complete data diagram infographic inprogress, measure metrics pie statistics tracking",
donut_small: "analytics chart circle data diagram infographic inprogress measure metrics pie statistics tracking",
door_back: "closed doorway entrance exit home house",
doorbell: "alarm home house ringing",
door_front: "closed doorway entrance exit home house",
door_sliding: "automatic doorway double entrance exit glass home house two",
double_arrow: "arrows chevron direction multiple navigation right",
downhill_skiing: "athlete athletic body entertainment exercise hobby human people person ski snow social sports travel winter",
download: "arrow downloads drive install upload",
download_done: "arrows check downloads drive installed ok tick upload",
download_for_offline: "arrow circle for install offline upload",
downloading: "arrow circle downloads install pending progress upload",
drafts: "document email envelope file letter message read",
drag_handle: "application components design interface layout lines menu move screen ui ux website window",
drag_indicator: "application circles components design dots drop interface layout mobile monitor move phone screen shape shift tablet ui ux website window",
drive_eta: "automobile cars destination direction estimate maps public transportation travel trip vehicle",
drive_file_move: "arrows data direction document folders right sheet side slide storage",
drive_file_rename_outline: "compose create draft editing input pencil write writing",
drive_folder_upload: "arrow data document file sheet slide storage",
dry: "air bathroom dryer fingers gesture hand wc",
dry_cleaning: "hanger hotel laundry places service towel",
duo: "call chat conference device video",
dvr: "Android audio chrome computer desktop device display electronic hardware iOS laptop list mac monitor recorder screen tv video web window",
dynamic_feed: "layer live multiple post refresh update",
dynamic_form: "code electric fast lightning lists questionnaire thunderbolt",
earbuds: "accessory audio earphone headphone listen music sound",
earbuds_battery: "accessory audio charging earphone headphone listen music sound",
east: "arrow directional maps navigation right",
edgesensor_high: "Android cell device hardware iOS mobile move phone sensitivity tablet vibrate",
edgesensor_low: "Android cell device hardware iOS mobile move phone sensitivity tablet vibrate",
edit: "compose create editing input new pencil write writing",
edit_attributes: "approve attribution check complete done mark ok select tick validate verified yes",
edit_location: "destination direction gps maps pencil pin place stop write",
edit_location_alt: "pencil pin",
edit_notifications: "active alarm alert bell chime compose create draft editing input new notify pencil reminder ring sound write writing",
edit_off: "compose create disabled draft editing enabled input new offline on pencil slash write writing",
edit_road: "destination direction highway maps pencil street traffic",
eight_k: "8000 8K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
eight_k_plus: "+ 7000 8K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
eight_mp: "camera digit font image letters megapixels number quality resolution symbol text type",
eightteen_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
eject: "arrow disc drive dvd player remove triangle up usb",
elderly: "body cane human old people person senior",
electrical_services: "charge cord plug power wire",
electric_bike: "automobile cars maps scooter transportation vehicle vespa",
electric_car: "automobile cars electricity maps transportation vehicle",
electric_moped: "automobile bike cars maps scooter transportation vehicle vespa",
electric_rickshaw: "automobile cars india maps transportation vehicle",
electric_scooter: "automobile bike cars maps transportation vehicle vespa",
elevator: "body down human people person up",
eleven_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
email: "envelope letter message note post receive send write",
e_mobiledata: "alphabet font letter text type",
emoji_emotions: "emoticon expressions face feelings glad happiness happy like mood person pleased smiley smiling social survey",
emoji_events: "achievement award chalice champion cup first prize reward sport trophy winner",
emoji_food_beverage: "coffee cup dring drink mug plate set tea",
emoji_nature: "animal bee daisy flower honey insect ladybug petals spring summer",
emoji_objects: "creative idea lamp lightbulb solution thinking",
emoji_people: "arm body greeting human person social wave waving",
emoji_symbols: "ampersand character hieroglyph music note percent sign",
emoji_transportation: "architecture automobile building cars commute company direction estate maps office place public real residence residential shelter travel vehicle",
engineering: "body cogs cogwheel construction fixing gears hat helmet human maintenance people person setting worker",
enhanced_encryption: "+ add locked new password plus privacy private protection safety secure security symbol",
equalizer: "adjustment analytics chart data graph measure metrics music noise sound static statistics tracking volume",
error: "! alert announcement attention caution circle danger exclamation feedback important mark notification problem symbol warning",
error_outline: "! alert announcement attention caution circle danger exclamation feedback important mark notification problem symbol warning",
escalator: "down staircase up",
escalator_warning: "body child human kid parent people person",
euro: "bill card cash coin commerce cost credit currency dollars euros finance money online payment price profit shopping symbol",
euro_symbol: "bill card cash coin commerce cost credit currency dollars finance money online payment price profit",
event: "agenda calendar date item mark month range remember reminder today week",
event_available: "agenda approve calendar check complete done item mark ok schedule select tick time validate verified yes",
event_busy: "agenda calendar cancel close date exit item no remove schedule stop time unavailable",
event_note: "agenda calendar date item schedule text time writing",
event_seat: "assigned bench chair furniture reservation row section sit",
ev_station: "automobile cars charge charging electricity filling fuel gasoline maps places power station transportation vehicle",
exit_to_app: "application arrow back components design export interface layout leave login logout mobile monitor move phone pointing quit register right screen signin signout signup tablet ux website window",
expand: "arrows compress enlarge grow move push together",
expand_less: "arrows chevron collapse direction expandable list up",
expand_more: "arrows chevron collapse direction down expandable list",
explicit: "adult alphabet character content font language letter media movies music parent rating supervision symbol text type",
explore: "compass destination direction east location maps needle north south travel west",
explore_off: "compass destination direction disabled east enabled location maps needle north slash south travel west",
exposure: "add brightness contrast editing effect image minus photography picture plus settings subtract",
exposure_neg1: "brightness contrast digit editing effect image negative number photography settings symbol",
exposure_neg2: "brightness contrast digit editing effect image negative number photography settings symbol",
exposure_plus1: "add brightness contrast digit editing effect image number photography settings symbol",
exposure_plus2: "add brightness contrast digit editing effect image number photography settings symbol",
exposure_zero: "0 brightness contrast digit editing effect image number photography settings symbol",
extension: "add-ons app extended game item jigsaw piece plugin puzzle shape",
extension_off: "disabled enabled extended jigsaw piece puzzle shape slash",
face: "account avatar emoji eyes human login logout people person profile recognition security social thumbnail unlock user",
facebook: "brand logo social",
face_retouching_natural: "editing effect emoji emotion faces image photography settings star tag",
face_retouching_off: "disabled editing effect emoji emotion enabled faces image natural photography settings slash tag",
fact_check: "approve complete done list mark ok select tick validate verified yes",
family_restroom: "bathroom children father kids mother parents wc",
fastfood: "drink hamburger maps meal places",
fast_forward: "control ff media music play speed time tv video",
fast_rewind: "back control media music play speed time tv video",
favorite: "appreciate health heart like love remember save shape success",
favorite_border: "health heart like love outline remember save shape success",
featured_play_list: "audio collection highlighted item music playlist recommended",
featured_video: "advertisment highlighted item play recommended watch,advertised",
feed: "article headline information newspaper public social timeline",
feedback: "! alert announcement attention bubble caution chat comment communicate danger error exclamation important mark message notification speech symbol warning",
female: "gender girl lady social symbol woman women",
fence: "backyard barrier boundaries boundary home house protection",
festival: "circus event local maps places tent tour travel",
fiber_dvr: "alphabet character digital electronics font letter network recorder symbol text tv type video",
fiber_manual_record: "circle dot play watch",
fiber_new: "alphabet character font letter network symbol text type",
fiber_pin: "alphabet character font letter network symbol text type",
fiber_smart_record: "circle dot play watch",
file_copy: "bill clone content cut document duplicate invoice item multiple page past",
file_download: "arrows downloads drive export install upload",
file_download_done: "arrows check downloads drive installed tick upload",
file_download_off: "arrow disabled drive enabled export install on save slash upload",
file_present: "clip data document drive folders note paper reminder sheet slide storage writing",
file_upload: "arrows download drive export",
filter: "editing effect image landscape mountains photography picture settings",
filter1: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter2: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter3: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter4: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter5: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter6: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter7: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter8: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter9: "digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter9_plus: "+ digit editing effect images multiple number photography pictures settings stack symbol",
filter_alt: "edit funnel options refine sift",
filter_b_and_w: "black contrast editing effect grayscale images photography pictures settings white",
filter_center_focus: "camera dot edit image photography picture",
filter_drama: "camera cloud editing effect image photography picture sky",
filter_frames: "boarders border camera center editing effect filters focus image options photography picture",
filter_hdr: "camera editing effect image mountains photography picture",
filter_list: "lines organize sort",
filter_none: "multiple stack",
filter_tilt_shift: "blur center editing effect focus images photography pictures",
filter_vintage: "editing effect flower images photography pictures",
find_in_page: "data document drive file folders glass look magnifying paper search see sheet slide writing",
find_replace: "around arrows glass inprogress loading look magnifying refresh renew rotate search see",
fingerprint: "biometrics identification identity reader thumbprint touchid verification",
fire_extinguisher: "emergency water",
fireplace: "chimney flame home house living pit room warm winter",
first_page: "arrow back chevron left rewind",
fitness_center: "athlete dumbbell exercise gym health hobby places sport weights workout",
fit_screen: "enlarge format layout reduce scale size",
five_g: "5g alphabet cellular character data digit font letter mobile network number phone signal speed symbol text type wifi",
five_k: "5000 5K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
five_k_plus: "+ 5000 5K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
five_mp: "camera digit font image letters megapixels number quality resolution symbol text type",
fivteen_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
flag: "country goal mark nation report start",
flaky: "approve check close complete contrast done exit mark no ok options select stop tick verified yes",
flare: "bright editing effect images lensflare light photography pictures shine sparkle star sun",
flash_auto: "camera electric fast lightning thunderbolt",
flashlight_off: "disabled enabled on slash",
flashlight_on: "disabled enabled off slash",
flash_off: "camera disabled electric enabled fast lightning on slash thunderbolt",
flash_on: "camera disabled electric enabled fast lightning off slash thunderbolt",
flatware: "cafeteria cutlery diner dining eating fork room spoon",
flight: "airplane airport flying transportation travel trip",
flight_land: "airplane airport arrival arriving flying landing transportation travel",
flight_takeoff: "airplane airport departed departing flying landing transportation travel",
flip: "editing image orientation scanning",
flip_camera_android: "center editing front image mobile orientation rear reverse rotate turn",
flip_camera_ios: "android editing front image mobile orientation rear reverse rotate turn",
flip_to_back: "arrangement format front layout move order sort",
flip_to_front: "arrangement back format layout move order sort",
flourescent: "bright lamp lightbulb",
flutter_dash: "bird",
fmd_bad: "! alert attention caution danger destination direction error exclamation important location maps mark notification pin place symbol warning",
fmd_good: "destination direction location maps pin place stop",
folder: "data directory document drive file folders sheet slide storage",
folder_open: "data directory document drive file folders sheet slide storage",
folder_shared: "account collaboration data directory document drive face human people person profile sheet slide storage team user",
folder_special: "bookmark data directory document drive favorite file highlight important marked saved shape sheet slide star storage",
follow_the_signs: "arrow body directional human people person right social",
font_download: "A alphabet character letter square symbol text type",
font_download_off: "alphabet character disabled enabled letter slash square symbol text type",
food_bank: "architecture building charity eat estate fork house knife meal place real residence residential shelter utensils",
format_align_center: "alignment doc editing editor lines spreadsheet text type writing",
format_align_justify: "alignment doc editing editor lines spreadsheet text type writing",
format_align_left: "alignment doc editing editor lines spreadsheet text type writing",
format_align_right: "alignment doc editing editor lines spreadsheet text type writing",
format_bold: "B alphabet character doc editing editor font letter spreadsheet styles symbol text type writing",
format_clear: "T alphabet character disabled doc editing editor enabled font letter off slash spreadsheet style symbol text type writing",
format_color_fill: "bucket doc editing editor paint spreadsheet style text type writing",
format_color_reset: "clear disabled doc droplet editing editor enabled fill liquid off on paint slash spreadsheet style text type water writing",
format_color_text: "doc editing editor fill paint spreadsheet style type writing",
format_indent_decrease: "alignment doc editing editor indentation paragraph spreadsheet text type writing",
format_indent_increase: "alignment doc editing editor indentation paragraph spreadsheet text type writing",
format_italic: "alphabet character doc editing editor font letter spreadsheet style symbol text type writing",
format_line_spacing: "alignment doc editing editor spreadsheet text type writing",
format_list_bulleted: "alignment doc editing editor notes spreadsheet task text todo type writing",
format_list_numbered: "alignment digit doc editing editor notes spreadsheet symbol task text todo type writing",
format_list_numbered_rtl: "alignment digit doc editing editor notes spreadsheet symbol task text todo type writing",
format_paint: "brush color doc editing editor fill paintroller spreadsheet style text type writing",
format_quote: "doc editing editor quotation spreadsheet text type writing",
format_shapes: "alphabet character color doc editing editor fill font letter paint spreadsheet style symbol text type writing",
format_size: "alphabet character color doc editing editor fill font letter paint spreadsheet style symbol text type writing",
format_strikethrough: "alphabet character doc editing editor font letter spreadsheet style symbol text type writing",
format_textdirection_l_to_r: "alignment doc editing editor ltr paragraph spreadsheet type writing",
format_textdirection_r_to_l: "alignment doc editing editor paragraph rtl spreadsheet type writing",
format_underlined: "alphabet character doc editing editor font letter spreadsheet style symbol text type writing",
forum: "bubble chat comment communicate community conversation feedback hub messages speech talk",
forward: "arrow mail message playback right sent",
forward10: "arrow circle controls digit fast music number play rotate seconds speed symbol time video",
forward30: "arrow circle controls digit fast music number rotate seconds speed symbol time video",
forward5: "10 arrow circle controls digit fast music number rotate seconds speed symbol time video",
forward_to_inbox: "arrow email envelop letter message send",
foundation: "architecture base basis building construction estate home house real residential",
four_g_mobiledata: "alphabet cellular character digit font letter network number phone signal speed symbol text type wifi",
four_g_plus_mobiledata: "alphabet cellular character digit font letter network number phone signal speed symbol text type wifi",
four_k: "4000 4K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
four_k_plus: "+ 4000 4K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
four_mp: "camera digit font image letters megapixels number quality resolution symbol text type",
fourteen_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
free_breakfast: "beverage cafe coffee cup drink mug tea",
fullscreen: "adjust application components interface size ui ux view website",
fullscreen_exit: "adjust application components interface size ui ux view website",
functions: "average calculate count doc editing editor math sigma spreadsheet style sum text type writing",
gamepad: "buttons console controller device gaming playstation video",
games: "adjust arrows controller direction dpad gaming left move nintendo playstation right xbox",
garage: "automobile automotive cars direction maps transportation travel vehicle",
gavel: "agreement contract court document government hammer judge law mallet official police rules terms",
gesture: "drawing finger gestures hand line motion",
get_app: "arrows downloads export install play pointing retrieve upload",
gif: "alphabet animated animation bitmap character font format graphics interchange letter symbol text type",
gite: "architecture estate home hostel house maps place real residence residential stay traveling",
git_hub: "brand code",
g_mobiledata: "alphabet character font letter network service symbol text type",
golf_course: "athlete athletic ball club entertainment flag golfer golfing hobby hole places putt sports",
google: "brand logo",
gpp_bad: "cancel certified close error exit no privacy private protection remove security shield sim stop verified",
gpp_good: "certified check ok pass security shield sim tick",
gpp_maybe: "! alert attention caution certified danger error exclamation important mark notification privacy private protection security shield sim symbol verified warning",
gps_fixed: "destination direction location maps pin place pointer stop tracking",
gps_not_fixed: "destination direction disabled enabled fixed location maps not off online place pointer slash tracking",
gps_off: "destination direction disabled enabled fixed location maps not offline place pointer slash tracking",
grade: "achievement important likes marked rated rating reward saved shape special star",
gradient: "color editing effect filter images photography pictures",
grading: "approve check complete document done feedback grade mark ok reviewed select tick validate verified writing yes",
grain: "dots editing effect filter images photography pictures",
graphic_eq: "audio equalizer music recording sound voice",
grass: "backyard fodder ground home lawn plant turf",
grid3x3: "layout line space",
grid4x4: "by layout lines space",
grid_goldenratio: "layout lines space",
grid_off: "collage disabled enabled image layout on slash view",
grid_on: "collage disabled enabled image layout off sheet slash view",
grid_view: "application blocks components dashboard design interface layout screen square tiles ui ux website window",
group: "accounts committee face family friends humans network people persons profiles social team users",
group_add: "accounts committee face family friends humans increase more network people persons plus profiles social team users",
groups: "body club collaboration crowd gathering human meeting people person social teams",
group_work: "alliance circle collaboration film partnership reel teamwork together",
g_translate: "emblem google language logo mark speaking speech translator words",
hail: "body human people person pick public stop taxi transportation",
handyman: "build construction fix hammer repair screwdriver tools",
hardware: "break construction hammer nail repair tool",
hd: "alphabet character definition display font high letter movies quality resolution screen symbol text tv type video",
hdr_auto: "A alphabet camera character circle dynamic font high letter photo range symbol text type",
hdr_auto_select: "+ A alphabet camera character circle dynamic font high letter photo range symbol text type",
hdr_enhanced_select: "add alphabet character dynamic font high letter plus range symbol text type",
hdr_off: "alphabet character disabled dynamic enabled enhance font high letter range select slash symbol text type",
hdr_off_select: "alphabet camera character circle disabled dynamic enabled font high letter photo range slash symbol text type",
hdr_on: "add alphabet character dynamic enhance font high letter plus range select symbol text type",
hdr_on_select: "+ alphabet camera character circle dynamic font high letter photo range symbol text type",
hdr_plus: "+ add alphabet character circle dynamic enhance font high letter range select symbol text type",
hdr_strong: "circles dots dynamic enhance high range",
hdr_weak: "circles dots dynamic enhance high range",
headphones: "accessory audio device earphone headset listen music sound",
headphones_battery: "accessory audio charging device earphone headset listen music sound",
headset: "accessory audio device earbuds earmuffs earphone headphones listen music sound",
headset_mic: "accessory audio chat device earphone headphones listen music sound talk",
headset_off: "accessory audio chat device disabled earphone enabled headphones listen mic music slash sound talk",
healing: "bandage bandaid editing emergency fix health hospital image medicine",
health_and_safety: "+ add certified plus privacy private protection security shield symbol verified",
hearing: "accessibility accessible aid handicap help impaired listen sound volume",
hearing_disabled: "accessibility accessible aid enabled handicap help impaired listen off on slash sound volume",
height: "arrows color doc down editing editor fill format paint resize spreadsheet stretch style text type up writing",
help: "? alert announcement assistance circle information mark punctuation question shape support symbol",
help_center: "? assistance information mark punctuation question support symbol",
help_outline: "? alert announcement assistance circle information mark punctuation question shape support symbol",
hevc: "alphabet character coding efficiency font high letter symbol text type video",
hide_image: "disabled enabled landscape mountains off on photography picture slash",
hide_source: "circle disabled enabled offline on shape slash",
highlight: "color doc editing editor emphasize fill flashlight format marker paint spreadsheet style text type writing",
highlight_alt: "arrow box click cursor draw focus pointer selection target",
highlight_off: "cancel circle clear click close delete disable exit focus no quit remove stop target times",
high_quality: "alphabet character definition display font hq letter movies resolution screen symbol text tv type",
hiking: "backpacking bag climbing duffle mountain social sports stick trail travel walking",
history: "arrow backwards clock date refresh renew reverse revert rotate schedule time turn undo",
history_edu: "document education feather letter paper pen quill school tools write writing",
history_toggle_off: "clock date schedule time",
h_mobiledata: "alphabet character font letter network service symbol text type",
holiday_village: "architecture beach camping cottage estate home house lake lodge maps place real residence residential stay traveling vacation",
home: "address application--house architecture building components design estate homepage interface layout place real residence residential screen shelter structure unit ux website window",
home_max: "device gadget hardware internet iot nest smart things",
home_mini: "Internet device gadget hardware iot nest smart things",
home_repair_service: "equipment fix kit mechanic repairing toolbox tools workshop",
home_work: "architecture building estate house office place real residence residential shelter",
horizontal_distribute: "alignment format layout lines paragraph rules style text",
horizontal_rule: "gmail line novitas",
horizontal_split: "bars format layout lines stacked",
hotel: "bed body human people person sleep stay travel trip",
hot_tub: "bathing bathroom bathtub hotel human jacuzzi person shower spa steam travel water",
hourglass_bottom: "countdown half loading minutes time waiting",
hourglass_disabled: "clock countdown empty enabled loading minutes off on slash time waiting",
hourglass_empty: "countdown loading minutes start time waiting",
hourglass_full: "countdown loading minutes time waiting",
hourglass_top: "countdown half loading minutes time waiting",
house: "architecture building estate family homepage places real residence residential shelter",
houseboat: "architecture beach estate floating home maps place real residence residential sea stay traveling vacation",
house_siding: "architecture building construction estate exterior facade home real residential",
how_to_reg: "approve ballot check complete done election mark ok poll register registration select tick to validate verified vote yes",
how_to_vote: "ballot election poll",
h_plus_mobiledata: "+ alphabet character font letter network service symbol text type",
http: "alphabet character font internet letter network symbol text transfer type url website",
https: "connection encrypt internet key locked network password privacy private protection safety secure security ssl web",
hvac: "air conditioning heating ventilation",
icecream: "dessert food snack",
ice_skating: "athlete athletic entertainment exercise hobby shoe skates social sports travel",
image: "frame landscape mountains photography picture",
image_aspect_ratio: "photography picture rectangle square",
image_not_supported: "disabled enabled landscape mountains off on photography picture slash",
image_search: "find glass landscape look magnifying mountains photography picture see",
imagesearch_roller: "art paint",
important_devices: "Android cell computer desktop hardware iOS mobile monitor phone star tablet web",
import_contacts: "address book friends information magazine open",
import_export: "arrows direction down explort up",
inbox: "archive email incoming message",
indeterminate_check_box: "application button components control design form interface minus screen selected selection square toggle ui undetermined ux website",
info: "about alert announcement announcment assistance bubble circle details help information service support",
input: "arrow box download login move right",
insert_chart: "analytics barchart bars data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
insert_chart_outlined: "analytics bars data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
insert_comment: "add bubble chat feedback message",
insert_drive_file: "bill document format invoice item sheet slide",
insert_emoticon: "account emoji face happy human like people person profile sentiment smiley user",
insert_invitation: "agenda calendar date event mark month range remember reminder today week",
insert_link: "add anchor attach clip file mail media",
insert_photo: "image landscape mountains photography picture wallpaper",
insights: "analytics bars chart data diagram infographic measure metrics stars statistics tracking",
instagram: "brand logo social",
integration_instructions: "brackets clipboard code css developer document engineering html platform",
inventory: "buy check clipboard e-commerce list purchase shop store",
inventory2: "archive box file organize packages product stock storage supply",
invert_colors: "droplet editing hue inverted liquid palette tone water",
invert_colors_off: "disabled droplet enabled hue inverted liquid offline opacity palette slash tone water",
ios_share: "arrows button direction internet link send sharing social up website",
iron: "appliance clothes electric ironing machine object",
iso: "add editing effect image minus photography picture plus sensor shutter speed subtract",
kayaking: "athlete athletic body canoe entertainment exercise hobby human lake paddle paddling people person rafting river row social sports summer travel water",
key: "blackout restricted secret unlock",
keyboard: "computer device hardware input keypad letter office text type",
keyboard_alt: "computer device hardware input keypad letter office text type",
keyboard_arrow_down: "arrows chevron open",
keyboard_arrow_left: "arrows chevron",
keyboard_arrow_right: "arrows chevron open start",
keyboard_arrow_up: "arrows chevron submit",
keyboard_backspace: "arrow left",
keyboard_capslock: "arrow up",
keyboard_hide: "arrow computer device down hardware input keypad text",
keyboard_return: "arrow back left",
keyboard_tab: "arrow next right",
keyboard_voice: "microphone noise recorder speaker",
king_bed: "bedroom double furniture home hotel house night pillows queen rest sleep",
kitchen: "appliance cabinet cold food freezer fridge home house ice places refrigerator storage",
kitesurfing: "athlete athletic beach body entertainment exercise hobby human people person social sports travel water",
label: "badge favorite indent item library mail remember save stamp sticker tag",
label_important: "badge favorite important. indent item library mail remember save stamp sticker tag wing",
label_off: "disabled enabled favorite indent library mail on remember save slash stamp sticker tag wing",
landscape: "image mountains nature photography picture",
language: "country earth globe i18n internet l10n planet website world www",
laptop: "Android chrome computer connect desktop device display hardware iOS link mac monitor smart tv web windows",
laptop_chromebook: "Android chromebook device display hardware iOS mac monitor screen web window",
laptop_mac: "Android apple chrome device display hardware iOS monitor screen web window",
laptop_windows: "Android chrome device display hardware iOS mac monitor screen web",
last_page: "application arrow chevron components end forward interface right screen ui ux website",
launch: "application arrow box components core interface internal new open screen ui ux website window",
layers: "arrange disabled enabled interaction maps off overlay pages slash stack",
layers_clear: "arrange delete disabled enabled interaction maps off overlay pages slash",
leaderboard: "analytics bars chart data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
leak_add: "connection data link network service signals synce wireless",
leak_remove: "connection data disabled enabled link network offline service signals slash synce wireless",
legend_toggle: "analytics chart data diagram infographic measure metrics monitoring stackdriver statistics tracking",
lens: "circle full geometry moon",
lens_blur: "camera dim dot effect foggy fuzzy image photo soften",
library_add: "+ collection layers multiple music new plus save stacked symbol video",
library_add_check: "approve collection complete done layers mark multiple music ok select stacked tick validate verified video yes",
library_books: "add album audio collection reading",
library_music: "add album audio collection song sounds",
light: "bulb ceiling hanging inside interior lamp lighting pendent room",
lightbulb: "alert announcement idea information learning mode",
light_mode: "brightness day device lighting mornng sky sunny",
linear_scale: "application components design interface layout measure menu screen slider ui ux website window",
line_style: "dash dotted editor rule spacing",
line_weight: "editor height size spacing style thickness",
link: "anchor chain clip connection external hyperlink linked links multimedia unlisted url",
linked_camera: "connection lens network photography picture signals sync wireless",
linked_in: "brand logo social",
link_off: "anchor attached chain clip connection disabled enabled linked links multimedia slash unlink url",
liquor: "alcohol bar bottle club cocktail drink food party store wine",
list: "editor file format index menu options playlist task todo",
list_alt: "box contained editor format lines reorder sheet stacked task title todo",
live_help: "? alert announcement assistance bubble chat comment communicate faq information mark message punctuation question speech support symbol",
live_tv: "Android antennas chrome desktop device hardware iOS mac monitor movie play stream television web window",
living: "chair comfort couch decoration furniture home house lounging loveseat room seating sofa",
local_activity: "event star things ticket",
local_airport: "airplane flight flying transportation travel trip",
local_atm: "bill card cart cash coin commerce credit currency dollars financial money online payment price profit shopping symbol",
local_bar: "alcohol bottle club cocktail drink food liquor martini wine",
local_cafe: "bottle coffee cup drink food mug restaurant tea",
local_car_wash: "automobile cars maps transportation travel vehicle",
local_convenience_store: "-- 24 bill building business card cash coin commerce company credit currency dollars maps market money new online payment plus shopping storefront symbol",
local_dining: "cutlery eat food fork knife meal restaurant spoon",
local_drink: "cup droplet glass liquid park water",
local_fire_department: "911 firefighter flame hot",
local_florist: "flower shop",
local_gas_station: "auto car filling fuel gasoline oil station vehicle",
local_grocery_store: "market shop",
local_hospital: "911 aid cross doctor emergency first health medical medicine plus",
local_hotel: "bed sleep",
local_laundry_service: "cleaning clothing dryer hotel washer",
local_library: "book community learning person read",
local_mall: "bill building business buy card cart cash coin commerce credit currency dollars handbag money online payment shopping storefront",
local_offer: "deal discount price shopping store tag",
local_parking: "alphabet auto car character font garage letter symbol text type vehicle",
local_pharmacy: "911 aid cross emergency first food hospital medicine places",
local_phone: "booth call telecommunication",
local_pizza: "drink fastfood meal",
local_police: "911 badge law officer protection security shield",
local_post_office: "delivery email envelop letter message package parcel postal send stamp",
local_printshop: "draft fax ink machine office paper printer send",
local_see: "camera lens photography picture",
local_shipping: "automobile cars delivery letter mail maps office package parcel postal semi send shopping stamp transportation truck vehicle",
local_taxi: "automobile cab call cars direction lyft maps public transportation uber vehicle yellow",
location_city: "apartments architecture buildings business company estate home landscape place real residence residential shelter town urban",
location_disabled: "destination direction enabled maps off pin place pointer slash stop tracking",
location_off: "destination direction disabled enabled gps maps pin place slash stop",
location_on: "destination direction disabled enabled gps maps off pin place slash stop",
location_searching: "destination direction maps pin place pointer stop tracking",
lock: "connection key locked logout padlock password privacy private protection safety secure security signout",
lock_clock: "date locked password privacy private protection safety schedule secure security time",
lock_open: "connection key login padlock password privacy private protection register safety secure security signin signup unlocked",
login: "access application arrow components design enter interface left screen ui ux website",
logout: "application arrow components design exit interface leave login right screen ui ux website",
looks: "circle half rainbow",
looks3: "digit numbers square symbol",
looks4: "digit numbers square symbol",
looks5: "digit numbers square symbol",
looks6: "digit numbers square symbol",
looks_one: "1 digit numbers square symbol",
looks_two: "2 digit numbers square symbol",
loop: "around arrows direction inprogress loader loading music navigation refresh renew repeat rotate turn",
loupe: "+ add details focus glass magnifying new plus symbol",
low_priority: "arrange arrow backward bottom list move order task todo",
loyalty: "badge card credit heart love membership miles points program sale subscription tag travel trip",
lte_mobiledata: "alphabet character font internet letter network speed symbol text type wifi wireless",
lte_plus_mobiledata: "+ alphabet character font internet letter network speed symbol text type wifi wireless",
luggage: "airport baggage carry flight hotel on suitcase travel trip",
lunch_dining: "breakfast dinner drink fastfood hamburger meal",
mail: "email envelope inbox letter message send",
mail_outline: "email envelope letter message note post receive send write",
male: "boy gender man social symbol",
manage_accounts: "change details face gear options people person profile service-human settings user",
manage_search: "glass history magnifying text",
map: "destination direction location maps pin place route stop travel",
maps_home_work: "building house office",
maps_ugc: "+ add bubble comment communicate feedback message new plus speech symbol",
margin: "design layout padding size square",
mark_as_unread: "envelop letter mail postal receive send",
mark_chat_read: "approve bubble check comment communicate complete done message ok select sent speech tick verified yes",
mark_chat_unread: "bubble circle comment communicate message notification speech",
mark_email_read: "approve check complete done envelop letter message note ok select send sent tick yes",
mark_email_unread: "check circle envelop letter message note notification send",
markunread: "email envelope letter message send",
markunread_mailbox: "deliver envelop letter postal postbox receive send",
masks: "air cover covid face hospital medical pollution protection respirator sick social",
maximize: "application components design interface line screen shape ui ux website",
media_bluetooth_off: "connection connectivity device disabled enabled music note offline paring signal slash symbol wireless",
media_bluetooth_on: "connection connectivity device disabled enabled music note off online paring signal slash symbol wireless",
mediation: "alternative compromise negotiation party structure",
medical_services: "aid bag briefcase emergency first kit medicine",
medication: "doctor drug emergency hospital medicine pharmacy pills prescription",
meeting_room: "building doorway entrance home house interior logout office open places signout",
memory: "card chip digital micro processor sd storage",
menu: "application components hamburger interface lines playlist screen ui ux website",
menu_book: "dining food meal page restaurant",
menu_open: "application arrow chevron components hamburger interface left lines screen ui ux website",
merge_type: "arrow combine direction format text",
message: "bubble chat comment communicate feedback speech talk text",
mic: "hearing microphone noise record search sound speech voice",
mic_external_off: "audio disabled enabled microphone slash sound voice",
mic_external_on: "audio disabled enabled microphone off slash sound voice",
mic_none: "hearing microphone noise record sound voice",
mic_off: "audio disabled enabled hearing microphone noise recording slash sound voice",
microwave: "appliance cooking electric heat home house kitchen machine",
military_tech: "army award badge honor medal merit order privilege prize rank reward ribbon soldier star status trophy winner",
minimize: "application components design interface line screen shape ui ux website",
missed_video_call: "arrow camera filming hardware image motion picture record videography",
mms: "bubble chat comment communicate feedback image landscape message mountains multimedia photography picture speech",
mobiledata_off: "arrow disabled down enabled internet network on slash speed up wifi wireless",
mobile_friendly: "Android approve cell check complete device done hardware iOS mark ok phone select tablet tick validate verified yes",
mobile_off: "Android cell device disabled enabled hardware iOS phone silence slash tablet",
mobile_screen_share: "Android arrow cell device hardware iOS mirror monitor phone screencast streaming tablet tv wireless",
mode: "compose create draft draw edit pencil write",
mode_comment: "bubble chat comment communicate feedback message mode speech",
mode_edit: "compose create draft draw pencil write",
mode_edit_outline: "compose create draft draw pencil write",
model_training: "arrow bulb idea inprogress light loading refresh renew restore reverse rotate",
mode_night: "dark disturb moon sleep weather",
mode_standby: "disturb power sleep target",
monetization_on: "bill card cash circle coin commerce cost credit currency dollars finance money online payment price profit sale shopping symbol",
money: "100 bill card cash coin commerce cost credit currency digit dollars finance number online payment price profit shopping symbol",
money_off: "bill card cart cash coin commerce credit currency disabled dollars enabled finance money online payment price profit shopping slash symbol",
money_off_csred: "bill card cart cash coin commerce credit currency disabled dollars enabled online payment shopping slash symbol",
monitor: "Android chrome device display hardware iOS mac screen web window",
monitor_weight: "body device diet health scale smart",
monochrome_photos: "black camera image photography picture white",
mood: "emoji emoticon emotions expressions face feelings glad happiness happy like person pleased smiley smiling social survey",
mood_bad: "disappointment dislike emoji emoticon emotions expressions face feelings person rating smiley social survey unhappiness unhappy unpleased unsmile unsmiling",
moped: "automobile cars direction maps motorized public scooter transportation vehicle vespa",
more: "3 archive badge bookmark dots etc favorite indent label remember save stamp sticker tab tag three",
more_horiz: "3 application components dots etc horizontal interface ios pending screen status three ui ux website",
more_time: "+ add clock date new plus schedule symbol",
more_vert: "3 android application components dots etc interface screen three ui ux vertical website",
motion_photos_auto: "A alphabet animation automatic character circle font gif letter live symbol text type video",
motion_photos_off: "animation circle disabled enabled slash video",
motion_photos_on: "animation circle disabled enabled off play slash video",
motion_photos_paused: "animation circle video",
mouse: "click computer cursor device hardware wireless",
move_to_inbox: "archive arrow down email envelop incoming letter message move send to",
movie: "cinema film media screen show slate tv video watch",
movie_creation: "clapperboard film movies slate video",
movie_filter: "clapperboard creation film movies slate stars video",
moving: "arrow direction navigation travel up",
mp: "alphabet character font image letter megapixel photography pixels quality resolution symbol text type",
multiline_chart: "analytics bars data diagram infographic line measure metrics multiple statistics tracking",
multiple_stop: "arrows directions dots left maps navigation right",
museum: "architecture attraction building estate event exhibition explore local palces real see shop store tour",
music_note: "audiotrack key sound",
music_off: "audiotrack disabled enabled key note on slash sound",
music_video: "band mv recording screen tv watch",
my_location: "destination direction maps navigation pin place point stop",
nat: "communication",
nature: "forest outdoor outside park tree wilderness",
nature_people: "activity body forest human outdoor outside park person tree wilderness",
navigate_before: "arrows direction left",
navigate_next: "arrows direction right",
navigation: "arrow destination direction location maps pin place point stop",
nearby_error: "! alert attention caution danger exclamation important mark notification symbol warning",
nearby_off: "disabled enabled on slash",
near_me: "arrow destination direction location maps navigation pin place point stop",
near_me_disabled: "destination direction enabled location maps navigation off pin place point slash",
network_cell: "cellular data internet mobile phone speed wifi wireless",
network_check: "connection internet meter signal speed tick wifi wireless",
network_locked: "alert available cellular connection data error internet mobile not privacy private protection restricted safety secure security service signal warning wifi wireless",
network_wifi: "cellular data internet mobile phone speed wireless",
new_releases: "! alert announcement attention burst caution danger error exclamation important mark notification star symbol warning",
next_plan: "arrow circle right",
next_week: "arrow baggage briefcase business suitcase",
nfc: "communication data field mobile near wireless",
nightlife: "alcohol bar bottle club cocktail dance drink food glass liquor music note wine",
nightlight: "dark disturb mode moon sleep weather",
nightlight_round: "dark half mode moon",
night_shelter: "architecture bed building estate homeless house place real sleep",
nights_stay: "cloud crescent dark mode moon phases silence silent sky time weather",
nine_k: "9000 9K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
nine_k_plus: "+ 9000 9K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
nine_mp: "camera digit font image letters megapixels number quality resolution symbol text type",
nineteen_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
no_accounts: "avatar disabled enabled face human offline people person profile slash thumbnail unavailable unidentifiable unknown user",
no_backpack: "accessory bookbag knapsack travel",
no_cell: "Android device disabled enabled hardware iOS mobile off phone slash tablet",
no_drinks: "alcohol beverage bottle cocktail food liquor wine",
no_encryption: "disabled enabled lock off password safety security slash",
no_encryption_gmailerrorred: "disabled enabled locked off slash",
no_flash: "camera disabled enabled image lightning off on photography picture slash thunderbolt",
no_food: "disabled drink enabled fastfood hamburger meal off on slash",
no_luggage: "baggage carry disabled enabled off on slash suitcase travel",
no_meals: "dining disabled eat enabled food fork knife off restaurant slash spoon utensils",
no_meeting_room: "building disabled doorway enabled entrance home house interior office on open places slash",
no_photography: "camera disabled enabled image off on picture slash",
nordic_walking: "athlete athletic body entertainment exercise hiking hobby human people person social sports travel walker",
north: "arrow directional maps navigation up",
north_east: "arrow maps navigation noth right up",
north_west: "arrow directional left maps navigation up",
no_sim: "camera card device eject insert memory phone storage",
no_stroller: "baby care carriage children disabled enabled infant kid newborn off on parents slash toddler young",
not_accessible: "accessibility body handicap help human person wheelchair",
note: "bookmark message paper",
note_add: "+ -doc create data document drive file folders new page paper plus sheet slide symbol writing",
note_alt: "clipboard document file memo page paper writing",
notes: "comment document text write writing",
notification_add: "+ active alarm alert bell chime notifications notify plus reminder ring sound symbol",
notification_important: "! active alarm alert announcement attention bell caution chime danger error exclamation feedback mark notifications notify problem reminder ring sound symbol warning",
notifications: "active alarm alert bell chime notify reminder ring sound",
notifications_active: "alarm alert bell chime notify reminder ringing sound",
notifications_none: "alarm alert bell notify reminder ring sound",
notifications_off: "active alarm alert bell chime disabled enabled notify offline reminder ring slash sound",
notifications_paused: "--- active alarm aleet alert bell chime ignore notify pause quiet reminder ring sleep snooze sound zzz",
not_interested: "allowed banned cancel circle close disabled dislike exit interested not off prohibited quit remove stop",
not_listed_location: "? assistance destination direction help information maps pin place punctuation questionmark stop support symbol",
no_transfer: "automobile bus cars direction disabled enabled maps off public slash transportation vehicle",
not_started: "circle media pause play video",
offline_bolt: "circle electric fast flash lightning spark thunderbolt",
offline_pin: "approve checkmark circle complete done ok select tick validate verified yes",
offline_share: "Android arrow cell connect device direction hardware iOS link mobile multiple phone right tablet",
ondemand_video: "Android chrome desktop device hardware iOS mac monitor play television tv web window",
one_k: "1000 1K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
one_kk: "10000 10K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
one_k_plus: "+ 1000 1K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
online_prediction: "bulb connection idea light network signal wireless",
opacity: "color droplet hue inverted liquid palette tone water",
open_in_browser: "arrow box new up website window",
open_in_full: "action arrows expand grow move",
open_in_new: "application arrow box components interface screen ui ux website window",
open_in_new_off: "arrow box disabled enabled export on slash window",
open_with: "arrows directional expand move",
other_houses: "architecture cottage estate home maps place real residence residential stay traveling",
outbox: "mail send sent",
outdoor_grill: "barbecue barbeque bbq charcoal cooking home house outside",
outlet: "connecter electricity plug power",
outlined_flag: "country goal mark nation report start",
padding: "design layout margin size square",
pages: "article gplus paper post star",
pageview: "document find glass magnifying paper search",
paid: "circle currency money payment transaction",
palette: "art colors filters paint",
panorama: "angle image mountains photography picture view wide",
panorama_fish_eye: "angle circle image photography picture wide",
panorama_horizontal: "angle image photography picture wide",
panorama_horizontal_select: "angle image photography picture wide",
panorama_photosphere: "angle horizontal image photography picture wide",
panorama_photosphere_select: "angle horizontal image photography picture wide",
panorama_vertical: "angle image photography picture wide",
panorama_vertical_select: "angle image photography picture wide",
panorama_wide_angle: "image photography picture",
panorama_wide_angle_select: "image photography picture",
pan_tool: "drag fingers gesture hands human move scan stop touch wait",
paragliding: "athlete athletic body entertainment exercise fly hobby human parachute people person skydiving social sports travel",
park: "attraction fresh local nature outside plant tree",
party_mode: "camera lens photography picture",
password: "key login pin security star unlock",
pattern: "key login password pin security star unlock",
pause: "controls media music pending player status video wait",
pause_circle_filled: "controls media music pending status video wait",
pause_circle_outline: "controls media music pending status video wait",
pause_presentation: "application desktop device pending screen share slides status wait website window www",
payment: "bill cash charge coin commerce cost creditcard currency dollars finance financial information money online price shopping symbol",
payments: "bill card cash coin commerce cost credit currency dollars finance layer money multiple online price shopping symbol",
pedal_bike: "automobile bicycle cars maps public transportation vehicle",
pending: "circle dots loading progress waiting",
pending_actions: "clipboard clock date document remember schedule time",
people: "accounts committee community face family friends group humans network persons profiles social team users",
people_alt: "accounts committee face family friends group humans network persons profiles social team users",
people_outline: "accounts committee face family friends group humans network persons profiles social team users",
perm_camera_mic: "image microphone min photography picture speaker",
perm_contact_calendar: "account agenda date face human information people person profile schedule time user",
perm_data_setting: "cellular configure gear information network settings wifi wireless",
perm_device_information: "Android alert announcement cell hardware iOS important mobile phone tablet",
perm_identity: "account avatar face human information people person profile save, thumbnail user",
perm_media: "collection data directories document file folders images landscape mountains photography picture save storage",
perm_phone_msg: "bubble call cell chat comment communicate contact device message mobile recording save speech telephone voice",
perm_scan_wifi: "alert announcement connection information internet network service signal wireless",
person: "account avatar face human people profile user",
person_add: "+ account avatar face friend human new people plus profile symbol user",
person_add_alt: "+ account face human people plus profile user",
person_add_disabled: "+ account enabled face human new offline people plus profile slash symbol user",
personal_video: "Android cam chrome desktop device hardware iOS mac monitor television tv web window",
person_off: "account avatar disabled enabled face human people profile slash user",
person_outline: "account avatar face human people profile user",
person_pin: "account avatar destination direction face gps human location maps people place profile stop user",
person_pin_circle: "account destination direction face gps human location maps people place profile stop user",
person_remove: "account avatar delete face human minus people profile unfriend user",
person_search: "account avatar face find glass human look magnifying people profile user",
pest_control: "bug exterminator insects",
pest_control_rodent: "exterminator mice",
pets: "animal cat claw dog hand paw",
phone: "call cell chat contact device hardware mobile telephone text",
phone_android: "cell device hardware iOS mobile tablet",
phone_bluetooth_speaker: "call cell connection connectivity contact device hardware mobile signal symbol telephone wireless",
phone_callback: "arrow cell contact device down hardware mobile telephone",
phone_disabled: "call cell contact device enabled hardware mobile offline slash telephone",
phone_enabled: "call cell contact device hardware mobile telephone",
phone_forwarded: "arrow call cell contact device direction hardware mobile right telephone",
phone_in_talk: "call cell connection contact data device hardware mobile network scan service signal sound speaker telephone waves wireless",
phone_iphone: "Android apple cell device hardware iOS mobile tablet",
phonelink: "Android chrome computer connect desktop device hardware iOS mac mobile sync tablet web windows",
phonelink_erase: "Android cancel cell close connection device exit hardware iOS mobile no remove stop tablet",
phonelink_lock: "Android cell connection device erase hardware iOS locked mobile password privacy private protection safety secure security tablet",
phonelink_off: "Android chrome computer connect desktop device disabled enabled hardware iOS mac mobile slash sync tablet web windows",
phonelink_ring: "Android cell connection data device hardware iOS mobile network service signal tablet wireless",
phonelink_setup: "Android call chat device hardware iOS information mobile settings tablet text",
phone_locked: "call cell contact device hardware mobile password privacy private protection safety secure security telephone",
phone_missed: "arrow call cell contact device hardware mobile telephone",
phone_paused: "call cell contact device hardware mobile telephone wait",
photo: "image mountains photography picture",
photo_album: "archive bookmark image label library mountains photography picture ribbon save tag",
photo_camera: "image photography picture",
photo_camera_back: "image landscape mountains photography picture rear",
photo_camera_front: "account face human image people person photography picture portrait profile user",
photo_filter: "filters image photography picture stars",
photo_library: "album image mountains photography picture",
photo_size_select_actual: "image mountains photography picture",
photo_size_select_large: "adjust album editing image library mountains photography picture",
photo_size_select_small: "adjust album editing image large library mountains photography picture",
piano: "instrument keyboard keys musical social",
piano_off: "disabled enabled instrument keyboard keys musical on slash social",
picture_as_pdf: "alphabet character document file font image letter multiple photography symbol text type",
picture_in_picture: "cropped overlap photo position shape",
picture_in_picture_alt: "cropped overlap photo position shape",
pie_chart: "analytics bars data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
pie_chart_outline: "analytics bars data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
pie_chart_outlined: "graph",
pin: "1 2 3 digit key login logout number password pattern security star symbol unlock",
pin_drop: "destination direction gps location maps navigation place stop",
pinterest: "brand logo social",
pivot_table_chart: "analytics arrows bars data diagram direction drive editing grid infographic measure metrics rotate sheet statistics tracking",
place: "destination direction location maps navigation pin point stop",
plagiarism: "document find glass look magnifying page paper search see",
play_arrow: "controls media music player start video",
play_circle_filled: "arrow controls media music start video",
play_circle_filled_white: "start",
play_circle_outline: "arrow controls media music start video",
play_disabled: "controls enabled media music off slash video",
play_for_work: "arrow circle down google half",
play_lesson: "audio bookmark digital ebook lesson multimedia play reading ribbon",
playlist_add: "+ collection music new plus symbol task todo",
playlist_add_check: "approve checkmark collection complete done music ok select task tick todo validate verified yes",
playlist_play: "arow collection music",
plumbing: "build construction fix handyman repair tools wrench",
plus_one: "1 add digit increase number symbol",
podcasts: "broadcast casting network signal transmitting wireless",
point_of_sale: "checkout cost machine merchant money payment pos retail system transaction",
policy: "certified find glass legal look magnifying privacy private protection search security see shield verified",
poll: "analytics barchart bars data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics survey tracking vote",
polymer: "emblem logo mark",
pool: "athlete athletic beach body entertainment exercise hobby human ocean people person places sea sports swimming water",
portable_wifi_off: "connected connection data device disabled enabled internet network offline service signal slash usage wireless",
portrait: "account face human people person photo picture profile user",
post_add: "+ data document drive file folders item page paper plus sheet slide text writing",
power: "charge cord electrical online outlet plug socket",
power_input: "dc lines supply",
power_off: "charge cord disabled electrical enabled on outlet plug slash",
power_settings_new: "information off save shutdown",
precision_manufacturing: "arm automatic chain conveyor crane factory industry machinery mechanical production repairing robot supply warehouse",
pregnant_woman: "baby birth body female human lady maternity mom mother people person user women",
present_to_all: "arrow presentation screen share slides website",
preview: "design eye layout reveal screen see show website window www",
price_change: "arrows bill card cash coin commerce cost credit currency dollars down finance money online payment shopping symbol up",
price_check: "approve bill card cash coin commerce complete cost credit currency dollars done finance mark money ok online payment select shopping symbol tick validate verified yes",
print: "draft fax ink machine office paper printer send",
print_disabled: "enabled off on paper printer slash",
priority_high: "! alert attention caution danger error exclamation important mark notification symbol warning",
privacy_tip: "alert announcment assistance certified details help information private protection security service shield support verified",
production_quantity_limits: "! alert attention bill card cart cash caution coin commerce credit currency danger dollars error exclamation important mark money notification online payment shopping symbol warning",
psychology: "behavior body brain cognitive function gear head human intellectual mental mind people person preferences psychiatric science settings social therapy thinking thoughts",
public: "country earth global globe language map network planet social space web world",
public_off: "disabled earth enabled global globe map network on planet slash social space web world",
publish: "arrow cloud file import submit upload",
published_with_changes: "approve arrows check complete done inprogress loading mark ok refresh renew replace rotate select tick validate verified yes",
push_pin: "location marker place remember save",
qr_code: "barcode camera media product quick response smartphone urls",
qr_code2: "barcode camera media product quick response smartphone urls",
qr_code_scanner: "barcode camera media product quick response smartphone urls",
query_builder: "clock date hour minute save schedule time",
question_answer: "bubble chat comment communicate conversation converse feedback message speech talk",
queue: "add collection layers multiple music playlist stack stream video",
queue_music: "add collection playlist stream",
queue_play_next: "+ add arrow collection desktop device display hardware monitor music new playlist plus screen steam symbol tv video",
quickreply: "bubble chat comment communicate fast lightning message speech thunderbolt",
quiz: "? assistance faq help information mark punctuation question support symbol test",
radar: "detect military near network position scan",
radio: "antenna audio device frequency hardware listen media music player signal tune",
radio_button_checked: "application bullet circle components design form interface off point record screen selected toggle ui ux website",
radio_button_unchecked: "bullet circle deselected form off point record toggle",
railway_alert: "! attention automobile bike cars caution danger direction error exclamation important maps mark notification public scooter subway symbol train transportation vehicle vespa warning",
ramen_dining: "breakfast dinner drink fastfood lunch meal noodles restaurant",
rate_review: "chat comment feedback message pencil stars write",
raw_off: "alphabet character disabled enabled font image letter original photography slash symbol text type",
raw_on: "alphabet character disabled enabled font image letter off original photography slash symbol text type",
read_more: "arrow text",
receipt: "bill credit invoice paper payment sale transaction",
receipt_long: "bill check document list paperwork record store transaction",
recent_actors: "account avatar cards carousel contacts face human layers list people person profile thumbnail user",
recommend: "approved circle confirm favorite gesture hand like reaction social support thumbs well",
record_voice_over: "account face human people person profile recording sound speaking speech transcript user",
reddit: "brand logo social",
redeem: "bill cart cash certificate coin commerce credit currency dollars giftcard money online payment present shopping",
redo: "arrow backward forward next repeat rotate undo",
reduce_capacity: "arrow body covid decrease down human people person social",
refresh: "around arrows direction inprogress loading navigation refresh renew right rotate turn",
remember_me: "Android avatar device hardware human iOS identity mobile people person phone profile tablet user",
remove: "can delete line minus negative substract subtract trash",
remove_circle: "allowed banned block can delete disable minus negative not substract trash",
remove_circle_outline: "allowed banned block can delete disable minus negative not substract trash",
remove_done: "approve check complete disabled enabled finished mark multiple off ok select slash tick yes",
remove_from_queue: "collection desktop device display hardware list monitor screen steam television",
remove_moderator: "certified disabled enabled off privacy private protection security shield slash verified",
remove_red_eye: "iris looking preview see sight vision",
remove_shopping_cart: "card cash checkout coin commerce credit currency disabled dollars enabled off online payment slash tick",
reorder: "format lines list stacked",
repeat: "arrows controls media music video",
repeat_on: "arrows controls media music video",
repeat_one: "1 arrows controls digit media music number symbol video",
repeat_one_on: "arrows controls digit media music number symbol video",
replay: "arrows controls music refresh reload renew repeat retry rewind undo video",
replay10: "arrows controls digit music number refresh renew repeat rewind symbol ten video",
replay30: "arrows controls digit music number refresh renew repeat rewind symbol thirty video",
replay5: "arrows controls digit five music number refresh renew repeat rewind symbol video",
replay_circle_filled: "arrows controls music refresh renew repeat video",
reply: "arrow backward left mail message send share",
reply_all: "arrows backward group left mail message multiple send share",
report: "! alert attention caution danger error exclamation important mark notification octagon symbol warning",
report_gmailerrorred: "! alert attention caution danger exclamation important mark notification octagon symbol warning",
report_off: "! alert attention caution danger disabled enabled error exclamation important mark notification octagon offline slash symbol warning",
report_problem: "! alert announcement attention caution danger error exclamation feedback important mark notification symbol triangle warning",
request_quote: "bill card cash coin commerce cost credit currency dollars finance money online payment price shopping symbol",
reset_tv: "arrow device hardware monitor television",
restart_alt: "around arrow inprogress loading reboot refresh renew repeat reset",
restaurant: "breakfast cutlery dining dinner eat food fork knife local lunch meal places spoon utensils",
restaurant_menu: "book dining eat food fork knife local meal spoon",
restore: "arrow backwards clock date history refresh renew reverse rotate schedule time turn undo",
restore_from_trash: "arrow backwards can clock date delete garbage history refresh remove renew reverse rotate schedule time turn up",
restore_page: "arrow data doc file history paper refresh rotate sheet storage undo web",
reviews: "bubble chat comment communicate feedback message rate rating recommendation speech",
rice_bowl: "dinner food lunch meal restaurant",
ring_volume: "calling cell contact device hardware incoming mobile ringer sound telephone",
r_mobiledata: "alphabet character font letter symbol text type",
roofing: "architecture building chimney construction estate home house real residence residential service shelter",
room: "destination direction gps location maps marker pin place spot stop",
room_preferences: "building doorway entrance gear home house interior office open settings",
room_service: "alert bell concierge delivery hotel notify",
rotate90_degrees_ccw: "arrows direction editing image photo turn",
rotate_left: "around arrow circle direction inprogress loading refresh reload renew reset turn",
rotate_right: "around arrow circle direction inprogress loading refresh renew turn",
rounded_corner: "adjust edit shape square transform",
router: "box cable connection device hardware internet network signal wifi",
rowing: "activity boat body canoe human people person sports water",
rss_feed: "application blog connection data internet network service signal website wifi wireless",
rsvp: "alphabet character font invitation invite letter plaît respond répondez sil symbol text type vous",
rtt: "call real rrt text time",
rule: "approve check done incomplete line mark missing no ok select tick validate verified wrong x yes",
rule_folder: "approve cancel check close complete data document done drive exit file mark no ok remove select sheet slide storage tick validate verified yes",
run_circle: "body exercise human people person running",
running_with_errors: "! alert attention caution danger duration exclamation important mark notification processing symbol time warning",
rv_hookup: "arrow attach automobile automotive back cars connect direction left maps public right trailer transportation travel truck van vehicle",
safety_divider: "apart distance separate social space",
sailing: "entertainment fishing hobby ocean sailboat sea social sports travel water",
sanitizer: "bacteria bottle clean covid disinfect germs pump",
satellite: "bluetooth connection connectivity data device image internet landscape location maps mountains network photography picture scan service signal symbol wifi wireless--",
save: "data diskette document drive file floppy multimedia storage write",
save_alt: "arrow diskette document down file floppy multimedia write",
saved_search: "find glass important look magnifying marked see star",
savings: "bank bill card cash coin commerce cost credit currency dollars finance money online payment piggy symbol",
scanner: "copy device hardware machine",
scatter_plot: "analytics bars chart circles data diagram dot infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
schedule: "calendar clock date mark save time",
schedule_send: "calendar clock date email letter remember share time",
school: "academy achievement cap class college education graduation hat knowledge learning university",
science: "beaker chemical chemistry experiment flask glass laboratory research tube",
score: "2k alphabet analytics bars character chart data diagram digit font infographic letter measure metrics number statistics symbol text tracking type",
screen_lock_landscape: "Android device hardware iOS mobile phone rotate security tablet",
screen_lock_portrait: "Android device hardware iOS mobile phone rotate security tablet",
screen_lock_rotation: "Android arrow device hardware iOS mobile phone rotate tablet turn",
screen_rotation: "Android arrow device hardware iOS mobile phone rotate tablet turn",
screen_search_desktop: "Android arrow device hardware iOS lock monitor rotate web",
screen_share: "Android arrow cast chrome device display hardware iOS laptop mac mirror monitor steam streaming web window",
screenshot: "Android cell crop device hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
sd: "alphabet camera card character data device digital drive flash font image letter memory photo secure symbol text type",
sd_card: "camera digital memory photos secure storage",
sd_card_alert: "! attention camera caution danger digital error exclamation important mark memory notification photos secure storage symbol warning",
sd_storage: "camera card data digital memory microsd secure",
search: "filter find glass look magnifying see up",
search_off: "cancel close disabled enabled find glass look magnifying on see slash stop x",
security: "certified privacy private protection shield verified",
security_update: "Android arrow device download hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
security_update_good: "Android checkmark device hardware iOS mobile ok phone tablet tick",
security_update_warning: "! Android alert attention caution danger device download error exclamation hardware iOS important mark mobile notification phone symbol tablet",
segment: "alignment fonts format lines list paragraph part piece rules style text",
select_all: "selection square tool",
self_improvement: "body calm care chi human meditate meditation people person relax sitting wellbeing yoga zen",
sell: "bill card cart cash coin commerce credit currency dollars money online payment price shopping tag",
send: "chat email message paper plane reply right share telegram",
send_and_archive: "arrow download email letter save share",
send_to_mobile: "Android arrow device export forward hardware iOS phone right share tablet",
sensors: "connection network scan signal wireless",
sensors_off: "connection disabled enabled network scan signal slash wireless",
sentiment_dissatisfied: "angry disappointed dislike emoji emoticon emotions expressions face feelings frown mood person sad smiley survey unhappy unsatisfied upset",
sentiment_neutral: "emotionless emotions expressions face feelings indifference mood okay person survey",
sentiment_satisfied: "emoji emoticon emotions expressions face feelings glad happiness happy like mood person pleased smiley smiling survey",
sentiment_satisfied_alt: "account emoji face happy human people person profile smile user",
sentiment_very_dissatisfied: "angry disappointed dislike emoji emoticon emotions expressions face feelings mood person sad smiley sorrow survey unhappy unsatisfied upset",
sentiment_very_satisfied: "emoji emoticon emotions expressions face feelings glad happiness happy like mood person pleased smiley smiling survey",
set_meal: "chopsticks dinner fish food lunch restaurant teishoku",
settings: "application change details gear information options personal service",
settings_accessibility: "body details human information people personal preferences profile user",
settings_applications: "change details gear information options personal save service",
settings_backup_restore: "arrow backwards history refresh reverse rotate time undo",
settings_bluetooth: "connection connectivity device network signal symbol wifi",
settings_brightness: "dark filter light mode sun",
settings_cell: "Android cellphone device hardware iOS mobile tablet",
settings_ethernet: "arrows brackets computer connection connectivity dots internet network parenthesis wifi",
settings_input_antenna: "airplay arrows computer connection connectivity dots internet network screencast stream wifi wireless",
settings_input_component: "audio av cables connection connectivity internet plugs points video wifi",
settings_input_composite: "cable component connection connectivity plugs points",
settings_input_hdmi: "cable connection connectivity definition high plugin points video wire",
settings_input_svideo: "cable connection connectivity definition plugin plugs points standard svideo,",
settings_overscan: "arrows expand image photo picture",
settings_phone: "call cell contact device hardware mobile telephone",
settings_power: "information off save shutdown",
settings_remote: "bluetooth connection connectivity control device signal wifi wireless",
settings_suggest: "change details gear options recommendation service suggestion system",
settings_system_daydream: "backup cloud drive storage",
settings_voice: "microphone recorder speaker",
seven_k: "7000 7K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
seven_k_plus: "+ 7000 7K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
seven_mp: "camera digit font image letters megapixels number quality resolution symbol text type",
seventeen_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
share: "android connect contect link multimedia multiple network options send shared sharing social",
share_location: "destination direction gps maps pin place stop tracking",
shield: "certified privacy private protection secure security verified",
shop: "arrow bag bill briefcase buy card cart cash coin commerce credit currency dollars google money online payment play purchase shopping store",
shopping_bag: "bill business buy card cart cash coin commerce credit currency dollars money online payment storefront",
shopping_basket: "add bill buy card cart cash checkout coin commerce credit currency dollars money online payment purchase",
shopping_cart: "add bill buy card cash checkout coin commerce credit currency dollars money online payment purchase",
shop_two: "add arrow briefcase buy cart google play purchase shopping",
shortcut: "arrow direction forward right",
short_text: "brief comment document lines note write writing",
show_chart: "analytics bars chart data diagram infographic line measure metrics presentation show statistics stock tracking",
shower: "bathroom closet home house place plumbing sprinkler wash water wc",
shuffle: "arrows controls music random video",
shuffle_on: "arrows controls music random video",
shutter_speed: "aperture camera duration image lens photography photos picture setting stop timer watch",
sick: "covid discomfort emotions expressions face feelings fever flu ill mood pain person survey upset",
signal_cellular0_bar: "data internet mobile network phone speed wifi wireless",
signal_cellular4_bar: "data internet mobile network phone speed wifi wireless",
signal_cellular_alt: "analytics bar chart data diagram infographic internet measure metrics mobile network phone statistics tracking wifi wireless",
signal_cellular_connected_no_internet0_bar: "! alert attention caution danger data error exclamation important mark mobile network notification phone symbol warning wifi wireless",
signal_cellular_connected_no_internet1_bar: "network",
signal_cellular_connected_no_internet2_bar: "network",
signal_cellular_connected_no_internet3_bar: "network",
signal_cellular_connected_no_internet4_bar: "! alert attention caution danger data error exclamation important mark mobile network notification phone symbol warning wifi wireless",
signal_cellular_nodata: "internet mobile network offline phone quit wifi wireless x",
signal_cellular_no_sim: "camera card chip device disabled enabled memory network offline phone slash storage",
signal_cellular_null: "data internet mobile network phone wifi wireless",
signal_cellular_off: "data disabled enabled internet mobile network offline phone slash wifi wireless",
signal_wifi_0_bar: "cellular data internet mobile network phone wireless",
signal_wifi_1_bar: "network",
signal_wifi_1_bar_lock: "network",
signal_wifi_2_bar: "network",
signal_wifi_2_bar_lock: "network",
signal_wifi_3_bar: "network",
signal_wifi_3_bar_lock: "network",
signal_wifi_4_bar: "cellular data internet mobile network phone wireless",
signal_wifi_4_bar_lock: "cellular data internet locked mobile network password phone privacy private protection safety secure security wireless",
signal_wifi_bad: "bar cancel cellular close data exit internet mobile network no phone quit remove stop wireless",
signal_wifi_connected_no_internet_4: "cellular data mobile network offline phone wireless x",
signal_wifi_off: "cellular data disabled enabled internet mobile network phone slash speed wireless",
signal_wifi_statusbar_4_bar: "cellular data internet mobile network phone speed wireless",
signal_wifi_statusbar_connected_no_internet_4: "! alert attention caution cellular danger data error exclamation important mark mobile network notification phone speed symbol warning wireless",
signal_wifi_statusbar_null: "cellular data internet mobile network phone speed wireless",
sim_card: "camera chip device memory network phone storage",
sim_card_alert: "! attention camera caution danger digital error exclamation important mark memory notification photos sd secure storage symbol warning",
sim_card_download: "arrow camera chip device memory phone storage",
single_bed: "bedroom double furniture home hotel house king night pillows queen rest sleep twin",
sip: "alphabet call character dialer font initiation internet letter over phone protocol routing session symbol text type voice",
six_k: "6000 6K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
six_k_plus: "+ 6000 6K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
six_mp: "camera digit font image letters megapixels number quality resolution symbol text type",
sixteen_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
sixty_fps: "camera digit frames number symbol video",
sixty_fps_select: "camera digits frame frequency numbers per rate seconds video",
skateboarding: "athlete athletic body entertainment exercise hobby human people person skateboarder social sports",
skip_next: "arrow back controls forward music play previous transport video",
skip_previous: "arrow backward controls forward music next play transport video",
sledding: "athlete athletic body entertainment exercise hobby human people person sledge snow social sports travel winter",
slideshow: "movie photos play presentation square video view",
slow_motion_video: "arrow circle controls music play speed time",
smart_button: "action auto components composer function interface special stars ui ux website",
smart_display: "airplay chrome connect device screencast stream television tv video wireless",
smartphone: "Android call cell chat device hardware iOS mobile tablet text",
smart_screen: "Android airplay cell connect device hardware iOS mobile phone screencast stream tablet video",
smart_toy: "games robot",
smoke_free: "cigarette disabled enabled never no off places prohibited slash smoking tobacco warning zone",
smoking_rooms: "allowed cigarette places smoke tobacco zone",
sms: "3 bubble chat comment communication conversation dots message more service speech three",
sms_failed: "! alert attention bubbles caution chat comment communication conversation danger error exclamation important mark message notification service speech symbol warning",
snippet_folder: "data document drive file sheet slide storage",
snooze: "alarm bell clock duration notification set timer watch",
snowboarding: "athlete athletic body entertainment exercise hobby human people person social sports travel winter",
snowmobile: "automobile car direction skimobile social sports transportation travel vehicle winter",
snowshoeing: "body human people person sports travel winter",
soap: "bathroom clean fingers gesture hand wash wc",
social_distance: "6 apart body ft human people person space",
sort: "filter find lines list organize",
sort_by_alpha: "alphabetize az by character font letters list order organize symbol text type",
source: "code composer content creation data document file folder mode storage view",
south: "arrow directional down maps navigation",
south_east: "arrow directional down maps navigation right",
south_west: "arrow directional down left maps navigation",
spa: "aromatherapy flower healthcare leaf massage meditation nature petals places relax wellbeing wellness",
space_bar: "keyboard line",
speaker: "audio box electronic loud music sound stereo system video",
speaker_group: "audio box electronic loud multiple music sound stereo system video",
speaker_notes: "bubble cards chat comment communicate format list message speech text",
speaker_notes_off: "bubble cards chat comment communicate disabled enabled format list message on slash speech text",
speaker_phone: "Android cell device hardware iOS mobile sound tablet volume",
speed: "arrow clock controls dial fast gauge measure motion music slow speedometer test velocity video",
spellcheck: "alphabet approve character checkmark edit font letter ok processor select symbol text tick type word write yes",
splitscreen: "grid layout multitasking two",
sports: "athlete athletic basketball blowing coach entertainment exercise game hobby instrument live referee soccer social sound trophy warning whistle",
sports_bar: "alcohol beer drink liquor pint places pub",
sports_baseball: "athlete athletic entertainment exercise game hobby social",
sports_basketball: "athlete athletic entertainment exercise game hobby social",
sports_cricket: "athlete athletic ball bat entertainment exercise game hobby social",
sports_esports: "controller entertainment gamepad gaming hobby online playstation social video xbox",
sports_football: "american athlete athletic entertainment exercise game hobby social",
sports_golf: "athlete athletic ball club entertainment exercise game golfer golfing hobby social",
sports_handball: "athlete athletic body entertainment exercise game hobby human people person social",
sports_hockey: "athlete athletic entertainment exercise game hobby ice social sticks",
sports_kabaddi: "athlete athletic body combat entertainment exercise fighting game hobby human judo martial people person social wrestle wrestling",
sports_mma: "arts athlete athletic boxing combat entertainment exercise fighting game glove hobby martial mixed social",
sports_motorsports: "athlete athletic automobile bike drive driving entertainment helmet hobby motorcycle protect social vehicle",
sports_rugby: "athlete athletic ball entertainment exercise game hobby social",
sports_score: "destination flag goal",
sports_soccer: "athlete athletic entertainment exercise football game hobby social",
sports_tennis: "athlete athletic ball bat entertainment exercise game hobby racket social",
sports_volleyball: "athlete athletic entertainment exercise game hobby social",
square_foot: "construction feet inches length measurement ruler school set tools",
stacked_bar_chart: "analytics chart-chart data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
stacked_line_chart: "analytics data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
stairs: "down staircase up",
star: "best bookmark favorite highlight ranking rate rating save toggle",
star_border: "best bookmark favorite highlight outline ranking rate rating save toggle",
star_border_purple500: "best bookmark favorite highlight outline ranking rate rating save toggle",
star_half: "0.5 1/2 achievement bookmark favorite highlight important marked ranking rate rating reward saved shape special toggle",
star_outline: "bookmark favorite half highlight ranking rate rating save toggle",
star_purple500: "best bookmark favorite highlight ranking rate rating save toggle",
star_rate: "achievement bookmark favorite highlight important marked ranking rating reward saved shape special",
stars: "achievement bookmark circle favorite highlight important like love marked ranking rate rating reward saved shape special",
stay_current_landscape: "Android device hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
stay_current_portrait: "Android device hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
stay_primary_landscape: "Android current device hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
stay_primary_portrait: "Android current device hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
sticky_note2: "bookmark message paper text writing",
stop: "arrow controls music pause player square video",
stop_screen_share: "Android arrow cast chrome device disabled display enabled hardware iOS laptop mac mirror monitor offline slash steam streaming web window",
storage: "computer database drive memory network server",
store: "bill building business buy card cash coin company credit currency dollars e-commerce market money online payment purchase shopping storefront",
storefront: "business buy cafe commerce market merchant places restaurant retail sell shopping stall",
store_mall_directory: "building",
storm: "forecast hurricane temperature twister weather wind",
straighten: "length measurement piano ruler size",
stream: "cast connected feed live network signal wireless",
streetview: "gps location maps",
strikethrough_s: "alphabet character cross doc editing editor font letter out spreadsheet styles symbol text type writing",
stroller: "baby care carriage children infant kid newborn toddler young",
style: "booklet cards filters options tags",
subdirectory_arrow_left: "arrow down navigation",
subdirectory_arrow_right: "arrow down navigation",
subject: "alignment document email full justify lines list note text writing",
subscript: "2 doc editing editor gmail novitas spreadsheet style symbol text writing",
subscriptions: "enroll media order playlist queue signup subscribe youtube",
subtitles: "accessibility accessible captions character closed decoder language media movies translate tv",
subtitles_off: "accessibility accessible caption closed disabled enabled language slash translate video",
subway: "automobile bike cars maps metro rail scooter train transportation travel tunnel underground vehicle vespa",
summarize: "document list menu note report summary",
superscript: "2 doc editing editor gmail novitas spreadsheet style symbol text writing",
supervised_user_circle: "account avatar control face human parental parents people person profile supervisor",
supervisor_account: "administrator avatar control face human parental parents people person profile supervised user",
support: "assist help lifebuoy rescue safety",
support_agent: "care customer face headphone person representative service",
surfing: "athlete athletic beach body entertainment exercise hobby human people person sea social sports summer water",
surround_sound: "audio circle signal speaker system volume volumn wireless",
swap_calls: "arrows device direction mobile share",
swap_horiz: "arrows back direction forward horizontal",
swap_horizontal_circle: "arrows back direction forward",
swap_vert: "arrows back direction down navigation up vertical",
swap_vertical_circle: "arrows back direction down horizontal up",
swipe: "arrows fingers gesture hands touch",
switch_account: "choices face human multiple options people person profile social user",
switch_camera: "arrows photography picture",
switch_left: "arrows directional navigation toggle",
switch_right: "arrows directional navigation toggle",
switch_video: "arrows camera photography videos",
sync: "360 around arrows direction inprogress loading refresh renew rotate turn",
sync_alt: "arrows horizontal internet technology update wifi",
sync_disabled: "360 around arrows direction enabled inprogress loading off refresh renew rotate slash turn",
sync_problem: "! 360 alert around arrows attention caution danger direction error exclamation important inprogress loading mark notification refresh renew rotate symbol turn warning",
system_security_update: "Android arrow cell device down hardware iOS mobile phone tablet",
system_security_update_good: "Android approve cell check complete device done hardware iOS mark mobile ok phone select tablet tick validate verified yes",
system_security_update_warning: "! Android alert attention caution cell danger device error exclamation hardware iOS important mark mobile notification phone symbol tablet",
system_update: "Android arrows cell device direction download hardware iOS install mobile phone tablet",
system_update_alt: "arrow download export",
tab: "browser computer documents folder internet tabs website windows",
table_chart: "analytics bars data diagram grid infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
table_rows: "grid layout lines stacked",
tablet: "Android device hardware iOS ipad mobile web",
tablet_android: "device hardware iOS ipad mobile web",
tablet_mac: "Android apple device hardware iOS ipad mac mobile tablet web",
table_view: "format grid group layout multiple",
tab_unselected: "browser computer documents folder internet tabs website windows",
tag: "hashtag key media number pound social trend",
tag_faces: "emoji emotion happy satisfied smile",
takeout_dining: "box container delivery food meal restaurant",
tap_and_play: "Android cell connection device hardware iOS internet mobile network nfc phone signal tablet to wifi wireless",
tapas: "appetizer brunch dinner food lunch restaurant snack",
task: "approve check complete data document done drive file folders mark ok page paper select sheet slide tick validate verified writing yes",
task_alt: "approve check circle complete done mark ok select tick validate verified yes",
taxi_alert: "! attention automobile cab cars caution danger direction error exclamation important lyft maps mark notification public symbol transportation uber vehicle warning yellow",
telegram: "brand call chat logo messaging voice",
ten_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
terrain: "geography landscape mountain",
text_fields: "T add alphabet character font input letter symbol type",
text_format: "A alphabet character font letter square style symbol type",
text_rotate_up: "A alphabet arrow character field font letter move symbol type",
text_rotate_vertical: "A alphabet arrow character down field font letter move symbol type verticle",
text_rotation_angledown: "A alphabet arrow character field font letter move rotate symbol type",
text_rotation_angleup: "A alphabet arrow character field font letter move rotate symbol type",
text_rotation_down: "A alphabet arrow character field font letter move rotate symbol type",
text_rotation_none: "A alphabet arrow character field font letter move rotate symbol type",
textsms: "bubble chat comment communicate dots feedback message speech",
text_snippet: "data document file notes storage writing",
texture: "diagonal lines pattern stripes",
theater_comedy: "broadway event movie musical places show standup tour watch",
theaters: "film media movies photography showtimes video watch",
thermostat: "forecast temperature weather",
thermostat_auto: "A celsius fahrenheit temperature thermometer",
thirteen_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
thirty_fps: "alphabet camera character digit font frames letter number symbol text type video",
thirty_fps_select: "camera digits frame frequency image numbers per rate seconds video",
three_d_rotation: "3d D alphabet arrows av camera character digit font letter number symbol text type vr",
three_g_mobiledata: "alphabet cellular character digit font letter network number phone signal speed symbol text type wifi",
three_k: "3000 3K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
three_k_plus: "+ 3000 3K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
three_mp: "camera digit font image letters megapixels number quality resolution symbol text type",
three_p: "account avatar bubble chat comment communicate face human message party people person profile speech user",
three_sixty: "arrow av camera direction rotate rotation vr",
thumb_down: "dislike downvote favorite fingers gesture hands ranking rate rating reject up",
thumb_down_alt: "bad decline disapprove dislike feedback hand hate negative no reject social veto vote",
thumb_down_off_alt: "bad decline disapprove dislike feedback hate negative no reject sad social veto vote",
thumbs_up_down: "dislike favorite fingers gesture hands rate rating vote",
thumb_up: "approve dislike down favorite fingers gesture hands ranking rate rating success upvote",
thumb_up_alt: "agreed approved confirm correct favorite feedback good hand happy like okay positive satisfaction social success vote yes",
thumb_up_off_alt: "agreed approved confirm correct favorite feedback good happy like okay positive satisfaction social vote yes",
timelapse: "duration motion photo timer video",
timeline: "analytics chart data graph history line movement points tracking trending zigzag zigzap",
timer: "alarm alart bell clock disabled duration enabled notification off slash stopwatch wait",
timer10: "digits duration numbers seconds",
timer10_select: "alphabet camera character digit font letter number seconds symbol text type",
timer3: "digits duration numbers seconds",
timer3_select: "alphabet camera character digit font letter number seconds symbol text type",
timer_off: "alarm alart bell clock disabled duration enabled notification slash stopwatch",
times_one_mobiledata: "alphabet cellular character digit font letter network number phone signal speed symbol text type wifi",
time_to_leave: "automobile cars destination direction drive estimate eta maps public transportation travel trip vehicle",
tips_and_updates: "bulb lamp light",
title: "T alphabet character font header letter subject symbol text type",
toc: "content format lines list reorder stacked table text titles",
today: "agenda calendar date event mark month range remember reminder schedule time week",
toggle_off: "application components configuration control design disable inable inactive interface selection settings slider switch ui ux website",
toggle_on: "application components configuration control design disable inable inactive interface off selection settings slider switch ui ux website",
toll: "bill booth card cash circles coin commerce credit currency dollars highway money online payment ticket",
tonality: "circle editing filter image photography picture",
topic: "data document drive file folder sheet slide storage",
touch_app: "arrow command fingers gesture hand press swipe tap",
tour: "destination flag places travel visit",
toys: "car fan games kids windmill",
track_changes: "bullseye circle evolve lines movement radar rotate shift target",
traffic: "direction light maps signal street",
train: "automobile cars direction maps public rail subway transportation vehicle",
tram: "automobile cars direction maps public rail subway train transportation vehicle",
transfer_within_a_station: "arrows body direction human left maps people person public right route stop transit transportation vehicle walk",
transform: "adjust crop editing image photo picture",
transgender: "female lgbt neutrual social",
transit_enterexit: "arrow direction maps navigation route transportation",
translate: "alphabet language letter speaking speech text translator words",
travel_explore: "earth find glass global globe look magnifying map network planet search see social space web world",
trending_down: "analytics arrow change chart data diagram infographic measure metrics movement rate rating sale statistics tracking",
trending_flat: "arrow change chart data graph metric movement rate right tracking",
trending_up: "analytics arrow change chart data diagram infographic measure metrics movement rate rating statistics tracking",
trip_origin: "circle departure",
try: "bookmark bubble chat comment communicate favorite feedback highlight important marked message saved shape special speech star",
tty: "call cell contact deaf device hardware impaired mobile speech talk telephone text",
tune: "adjust editing options settings sliders",
tungsten: "electricity indoor lamp lightbulb setting",
turned_in: "archive bookmark favorite item label library reading remember ribbon save submit tag",
turned_in_not: "archive bookmark favorite item label library outline reading remember ribbon save submit tag",
tv: "device display linear living monitor room screencast stream television video wireless",
tv_off: "Android chrome desktop device disabled enabled hardware iOS mac monitor slash television web window",
twelve_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
twenty_four_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
twenty_one_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
twenty_three_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
twenty_two_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
twenty_zero_mp: "camera digits font image letters megapixels numbers quality resolution symbol text type",
twitter: "brand logo social",
two_k: "2000 2K alphabet character digit display font letter number pixels resolution symbol text type video",
two_k_plus: "+ alphabet character digit font letter number symbol text type",
two_mp: "camera digit font image letters megapixels number quality resolution symbol text type",
two_wheeler: "automobile bicycle cars direction maps moped motorbike motorcycle public ride riding scooter transportation travel twom vehicle wheeler wheels",
umbrella: "beach protection rain sunny",
unarchive: "arrow inbox mail store undo up",
undo: "arrow backward mail previous redo repeat rotate",
unfold_less: "arrows chevron collapse direction expandable inward list navigation up",
unfold_more: "arrows chevron collapse direction down expandable list navigation",
unpublished: "approve check circle complete disabled done enabled mark off ok select slash tick validate verified yes",
unsubscribe: "cancel close email envelop esubscribe message newsletter off remove send",
upcoming: "alarm calendar mail message notification",
update: "arrow backwards clock forward future history load refresh reverse rotate schedule time",
update_disabled: "arrow backwards clock enabled forward history load off on refresh reverse rotate schedule slash time",
upgrade: "arrow export instal line replace update",
upload: "arrows download drive",
upload_file: "arrow data document download drive folders page paper sheet slide writing",
usb: "cable connection device wire",
usb_off: "cable connection device wire",
verified: "approve badge burst check complete done mark ok select star tick validate yes",
verified_user: "approve audit certified checkmark complete done ok privacy private protection security select shield tick validate yes",
vertical_align_bottom: "alignment arrow doc down editing editor spreadsheet text type writing",
vertical_align_center: "alignment arrow doc down editing editor spreadsheet text type up writing",
vertical_align_top: "alignment arrow doc editing editor spreadsheet text type up writing",
vertical_distribute: "alignment format layout lines paragraph rules style text",
vertical_split: "design format grid layout paragraph text website writing",
vibration: "Android alert cell device hardware iOS mobile mode motion notification phone silence silent tablet vibrate",
video_call: "+ add camera chat conference filming hardware image motion new picture plus screen symbol videography",
videocam: "camera chat conference filming hardware image motion picture screen videography",
video_camera_back: "image landscape mountains photography picture rear",
video_camera_front: "account face human image people person photography picture profile user",
videocam_off: "camera chat conference disabled enabled filming hardware image motion offline picture screen slash videography",
videogame_asset: "console controller device gamepad gaming nintendo playstation xbox",
videogame_asset_off: "console controller device disabled enabled gamepad gaming playstation slash",
video_label: "device item screen window",
video_library: "arrow collection play",
video_settings: "change details gear information options play screen service window",
video_stable: "filming recording setting stability taping",
view_agenda: "blocks cards design format grid layout website,stacked",
view_array: "blocks design format grid layout website",
view_carousel: "banner blocks cards design format grid images layout website",
view_column: "blocks design format grid layout vertical website",
view_comfy: "grid layout pattern squares",
view_compact: "grid layout pattern squares",
view_day: "blocks calendar cards carousel design format grid layout website week",
view_headline: "blocks design format grid layout paragraph text website",
view_in_ar: "3d augmented cube daydream headset reality square vr",
view_list: "blocks design format grid layout lines reorder stacked title website",
view_module: "blocks design format grid layout reorder squares stacked title website",
view_quilt: "blocks design format grid layout reorder squares stacked title website",
view_sidebar: "design format grid layout web",
view_stream: "blocks design format grid layout lines list reorder stacked title website",
view_week: "bars blocks columns day design format grid layout website",
vignette: "border editing effect filter gradient image photography setting",
villa: "architecture beach estate home house maps place real residence residential stay traveling vacation",
visibility: "eye on password preview reveal see shown visability",
visibility_off: "disabled enabled eye hidden invisible on password reveal see show slash view visability",
voice_chat: "bubble camera comment communicate facetime feedback message speech video",
voicemail: "call device message missed mobile phone recording",
voice_over_off: "account disabled enabled face human people person profile recording slash speaking speech transcript user",
volume_down: "audio av control music quieter shh soft sound speaker tv",
volume_mute: "audio control music sound speaker tv",
volume_off: "audio av control disabled enabled low music mute slash sound speaker tv",
volume_up: "audio control music sound speaker tv",
volunteer_activism: "donation fingers gesture giving hands heart love sharing",
vpn_key: "login network passcode password register security signin signup unlock",
vpn_lock: "earth globe locked network password privacy private protection safety secure security virtual world",
vrpano: "angle image landscape mountains panorama photography picture view wide",
wallpaper: "background image landscape photography picture",
warning: "! alert announcement attention caution danger error exclamation feedback important mark notification problem symbol triangle",
warning_amber: "! alert attention caution danger error exclamation important mark notification symbol triangle",
wash: "bathroom clean fingers gesture hand wc",
watch: "Android clock gadget iOS smartwatch time vr wearables web wristwatch",
watch_later: "clock date hour minute schedule time",
water: "aqua beach lake ocean river waves weather",
water_damage: "architecture building droplet estate house leak plumbing real residence residential shelter",
waterfall_chart: "analytics bar data diagram infographic measure metrics statistics tracking",
waves: "beach lake ocean pool river sea swim water",
wb_auto: "A W alphabet automatic balance character editing font image letter photography symbol text type white wp",
wb_cloudy: "balance editing white wp",
wb_incandescent: "balance bright editing lamp lightbulb lighting settings white wp",
wb_iridescent: "balance bright editing lighting settings white wp",
wb_shade: "balance house lighting white",
wb_sunny: "balance bright lighting weather white",
wc: "bathroom closet female gender man person restroom toilet unisex wash water women",
web: "blocks browser internet page screen website www",
web_asset: "-website application browser design desktop download image interface internet layout screen ui ux video window www",
web_asset_off: "browser disabled enabled internet on screen slash webpage website windows www",
weekend: "chair couch furniture home living lounge relax room seat",
west: "arrow directional left maps navigation",
whats_app: "brand call chat logo messaging voice",
whatshot: "arrow circle direction fire frames round trending",
wheelchair_pickup: "accessibility accessible body handicap help human person",
where_to_vote: "approve ballot check complete destination direction done election location maps mark ok pin place poll select stop tick validate verified yes",
widgets: "app blocks box menu setting squares ui",
wifi: "connection data internet network scan service signal wireless",
wifi_calling: "cell connection connectivity contact device hardware mobile signal telephone wireless",
wifi_calling3: "cellular data internet mobile network phone speed wireless",
wifi_lock: "cellular connection data internet locked mobile network password privacy private protection safety secure security service signal wireless",
wifi_off: "connection data disabled enabled internet network offline scan service signal slash wireless",
wifi_protected_setup: "around arrows rotate",
wifi_tethering: "cellular connection data internet mobile network phone scan service signal speed wireless",
wifi_tethering_off: "cellular connection data disabled enabled internet mobile network offline phone scan service signal slash speed wireless",
window: "close glass grid home house interior layout outside",
wine_bar: "alcohol cocktail cup drink glass liquor",
work: "-briefcase baggage business job suitcase",
work_off: "baggage briefcase business disabled enabled job on slash suitcase",
work_outline: "baggage briefcase business job suitcase",
wrap_text: "arrow doc editing editor spreadsheet type write writing",
wrong_location: "cancel close destination direction exit maps no pin place quit remove stop",
wysiwyg: "composer mode screen software system text view visibility website window",
yard: "backyard flower garden home house nature pettle plants",
you_tube: "brand logo social video",
youtube_searched_for: "arrow backwards find glass history inprogress loading look magnifying refresh renew restore reverse rotate see yt",
zoom_in: "bigger find glass grow look magnifier magnifying plus scale search see size",
zoom_out: "find glass look magnifier magnifying minus negative scale search see size smaller",
zoom_out_map: "arrows destination location maps move place stop",
export const forSearch = => ({ icon, synonyms: synonyms[icon] || "" }));