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Scoped.define("module:TrackTags", [
], function(Class, Objs, EventsMixin, Async, Types, TimeFormat, Dom, Info, DomEvents, scoped) {
    return Class.extend({
        scoped: scoped
    }, [EventsMixin, function(inherited) {
        return {

             * @param {Object} options
             * @param {Object} dynamics
            constructor: function(options, dynamics) {
                this._dyn = dynamics;
                this._trackTags = dynamics.get("tracktags");
                this._video = dynamics.__video;
                this._chapters = [];
                this._chapterLoadedTriggered = false;
                this.hasThumbs = false;
                dynamics.set("tracktagssupport", this._trackTags && this._trackTags.length > 0 &&
                    ('track' in document.createElement('track')));
                if (!this._video || !this._trackTags || this._trackTags.length === 0)
                // To be able to play default subtitle in with custom style
                if (dynamics.get("tracktagsstyled")) this._setDefaultTrackOnPlay();

                // Will trigger meta tag on-load event
                Async.eventually(function() {
                }, this);

             * Will show thumb on duration
             * @param {int} index
             * @param {int} fromLeft
             * @param {int} currentDuration
            showDurationThumb: function(index, fromLeft, currentDuration) {
                if (this._dyn.get("thumbcuelist")[index]) {
                    var _cue = this._dyn.get("thumbcuelist")[index];
                    var _time = currentDuration || (_cue.startTime + Math.round((_cue.startTime - _cue.endTime) / 2));
                    var _thumbContainer = this.thumbContainer;
                    var _thumbImage = _thumbContainer.querySelector('div');
                    var _timeContainer = _thumbContainer.querySelector('span');
                    var _left = fromLeft - Math.round(_cue.thumbWidth / 1.5) <= 0 ? 5 : fromLeft - Math.round(_cue.thumbWidth / 1.5);
           = '0.85';
           = _left + "px";
           = "-" + _cue.positionX + "px";
           = "-" + _cue.positionY + "px";
                    _timeContainer.innerText = _time > 0 ? TimeFormat.format(TimeFormat.ELAPSED_MINUTES_SECONDS, _time * 1000) : '0:00';

             * Will hide thumbnail container
            hideDurationThumb: function() {
       = '0.00';

             * Appear track elements inside video element
             * @private
            _loadTrackTags: function() {
                if (!this._dyn.get("tracktagssupport")) return;
                var _flag = true;
                Objs.iter(this._trackTags, function(subtitle, index) {
                    var _trackTag = document.createElement("track");
                    var _domEvent = this.auto_destroy(new DomEvents());

                    /** kind could be on of the: subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, metadata */
                    try {
                        if (subtitle.content && !subtitle.src) {
                            if (Types.is_object(subtitle.content)) {
                                _trackTag.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([
                                ], {
                                    type: 'text/vtt'
                            } else {
                                _trackTag.src = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([subtitle.content], {
                                    type: 'text/plain'
                    } catch (e) {

                    switch (subtitle.kind) {
                        case 'thumbnails':
                   = this._dyn.get("css") + '-track-thumbnails';
                            _trackTag.kind = 'metadata';
                            if (!_trackTag.src) _trackTag.src = subtitle.src || null;
                            _trackTag.mode = 'hidden';
                            this.__appendThumbnailTrackTags(subtitle, index, _trackTag, _domEvent);
                        case 'chapters':
                   = this._dyn.get("css") + '-track-chapters';
                            _trackTag.kind = 'chapters';
                            _trackTag.src = subtitle.src;
                            _trackTag.mode = 'hidden';
                            this.__appendChaptersTrackTags(subtitle, index, _trackTag, _domEvent);
                        default: // Will be subtitles, as mostly it's using for this purpose
                   = this._dyn.get("css") + '-tack-' + index;
                            _trackTag.kind = subtitle.kind || 'subtitles';
                            _trackTag.label = subtitle.label || 'English';
                            _trackTag.srclang = subtitle.lang || 'en';
                            if (!_trackTag.src) _trackTag.src = subtitle.src || null;
                            this._dyn.set("hassubtitles", true);
                            this.__appendTextTrackTags(subtitle, index, _trackTag, _flag, _domEvent);
                            if (this._trackTags.length > 1) {
                                this._dyn.on("switch-track", function(selectedTrack) {
                                    this._dyn.set("tracktextvisible", true);
                                    this._dyn.set("trackcuetext", null);
                                }, this);
                }, this);

             * @param {object} content
             * @param {number | undefined } presetTimePeriod
             * @return {string}
             * @private
            generateVTTFromObject: function(content, presetTimePeriod) {
                presetTimePeriod = presetTimePeriod || 2;

                const timeKey = 'times';
                const wordsKey = 'words';

                if (!content || !Types.is_object(content))
                    throw new Error(`No content provided for tracktags subtitles content. Expected format: "{content: {${wordsKey}: [], ${timeKey}: [{start: number, end: number}]}}"`);

                if (!content[wordsKey] || !content[timeKey] || (content[timeKey] && (!Types.isNumber(content[timeKey][0]?.end) || !Types.isNumber(content[timeKey][0]?.start)))) {
                    throw new Error(`Please provide correct format for tracktags subtitles content object. Expected format: {${wordsKey}: [], ${timeKey}: [{start: number, end: number}]}`);

                const [words, times] = [content[wordsKey], content[timeKey]];

                let wordsForCurrentPeriod = '';
                let vttContent = "WEBVTT";
                let startTime = times[0].start;
                let lineNumber = 1;
                // const wordRegex = /\w|\b[.,!?;:]/g;
                const singleCharacterRegex = /^[,.?;:!]$/gim;
                const wordEndedWithCharacterRegex = /\b[.,!?;:]/g;

                Objs.iter(words, (text, i) => {
                    const singleCharacter = singleCharacterRegex.test(text);
                    const endTime = times[i].end;
                    if (!startTime) startTime = times[i].start;
                    if (startTime >= 0 && endTime >= 0 && Types.is_string(text) && text.length > 0) {
                        // add space only if it's not special character (\b[.,!?;:] => \b assert position at a word boundary)
                        if (wordsForCurrentPeriod.length > 0) {
                            text = singleCharacter ? text : (' ' + text);
                        } else if (singleCharacter) {
                            // if the text only contains as special characters like dot.
                            vttContent += text;
                            wordsForCurrentPeriod = '';
                        wordsForCurrentPeriod += text;
                        if (endTime > startTime + presetTimePeriod * 1000 || (wordsForCurrentPeriod.length > 15 && wordEndedWithCharacterRegex.test(wordsForCurrentPeriod))) {
                            // add space only if it's not special character, alt: new Date(endTime).toISOString().slice(11, 23);
                            const endTimeAsText = TimeFormat.format("HH:MM:ss.l", endTime);
                            const startTimeAsText = TimeFormat.format("HH:MM:ss.l", startTime);
                            vttContent += `\n\n${lineNumber}\n${startTimeAsText} --> ${endTimeAsText}\n${wordsForCurrentPeriod.trim()}`;

                            startTime = null;
                            wordsForCurrentPeriod = '';
                }, this);

                // Add the last time period if it has any words
                if (wordsForCurrentPeriod.length > 0) {
                    vttContent += `\n\n${lineNumber++}\n${TimeFormat.format("HH:MM:ss.l", startTime)} --> ${TimeFormat.format("HH:MM:ss.l", times[times.length - 1].end)}\n${wordsForCurrentPeriod.trim()}`;

                return vttContent;

            __detectTrackTagFormat: function(data) {
                // Trim leading/trailing white space and get the first line
                const firstLine = data.trim().split('\n')[0];

                // Check if the first line is "WEBVTT"
                if (firstLine === "WEBVTT") {
                    return "VTT";

                // If the first line is a number, it's likely an SRT file
                if (!isNaN(firstLine) && Number(firstLine) > 0) {
                    return "SRT";

                // If it's neither, we don't know the format
                return "Unknown";

             * @param {Object} subtitle
             * @param {Integer} index
             * @param {HTMLElement} trackTag
             * @param {Boolean} flag
             * @param {EventListenerOrEventListenerObject} domEvent
             * @private
            __appendTextTrackTags: function(subtitle, index, trackTag, flag, domEvent) {
                if (subtitle.enabled && flag) {
                    trackTag.setAttribute('default', '');
                    this._dyn.set("tracktaglang", subtitle.lang);
                    this._dyn.set("tracktextvisible", true);
                trackTag.setAttribute('data-selector', 'track-tag');
                domEvent.on(trackTag, "load", function() {
                    if (subtitle.enabled && flag) {
                        this.mode = "showing";
                        if (this._video) this._video.textTracks[index].mode = "showing"; // Firefox
                        flag = false;
                    } else {
                        this.mode = "hidden";
                        if (this._video) this._video.textTracks[index].mode = "hidden"; // Firefox
                }, this);

             * @param {Object} subtitle
             * @param {Integer} index
             * @param {HTMLElement} trackTag
             * @param {EventListenerOrEventListenerObject} domEvent
             * @private
            __appendChaptersTrackTags: function(subtitle, index, trackTag, domEvent) {
                var _self = this,
                    _track, _cues;
                trackTag.setAttribute('data-selector', 'chapters-track-tag');
                domEvent.on(trackTag, "load", function(ev) {
                    this.hasChapters = true;
                    _track = this.track;
                    _cues = _track.cues;
                    if (!_cues)
                        console.warn('Provided source for the chapters is not correct');

             * @param {Object} subtitle
             * @param {Integer} index
             * @param {HTMLElement} trackTag
             * @param {EventListenerOrEventListenerObject} domEvent
             * @private
            __appendThumbnailTrackTags: function(subtitle, index, trackTag, domEvent) {
                var _self = this,
                    _track, _image, _splitText, _dimensions, thumbLink;
                trackTag.setAttribute('data-selector', 'thumb-track-tag');
                domEvent.on(trackTag, "load", function(ev) {
                    _track = this.track;
                    if (_track.cues[0].text) {
                        _splitText = _track.cues[0].text.split('#xywh=');
                        thumbLink = _splitText[0];
                        _dimensions = _track.cues[0].text.split('#xywh=')[1].split(',');

                        _image = new Image();
                        _image.src = thumbLink;

                        domEvent.on(_image, "load", function() {
                            this.hasThumbs = true;

                            var _thumbContainer = document.createElement('div');
                            var _thumbImageContainer = document.createElement('div');
                            var _timeContainer = document.createElement('span');

                            Dom.elementAddClass(_thumbContainer, this._dyn.get('css') + '-seeking-thumb-container');

                   = '0.00';
                   = +(_dimensions[3]) + 'px';
                   = +(_dimensions[2]) + 'px';
                   = "url('" + thumbLink + "')";
                   = 'no-repeat';
                   = 'background-attachment';


                            this._dyn.set("thumbimage", {
                                image: _image,
                                url: _image.src,
                                height: _image.naturalHeight || _image.height,
                                width: _image.naturalWidth || _image.width,
                                thumbWidth: Number(_dimensions[2]),
                                thumbHeight: Number(_dimensions[3])
                            this.thumbContainer = _thumbContainer;
                        }, _self);

             * Generate
             * @param {Object} track
             * @private
            __generateThumbnails: function(track) {
                Objs.iter(track.cues, function(cue, index) {
                    if (typeof cue === 'object') {
                        var _lineSplit = cue.text.trim().split('#xywh=')[1];
                        var _coordinates = _lineSplit.split(',');
                        // this here is main DYN instance
                            startTime: cue.startTime,
                            endTime: cue.endTime,
                            positionX: _coordinates[0],
                            positionY: _coordinates[1],
                            thumbWidth: _coordinates[2],
                            thumbHeight: _coordinates[3]
                }, this._dyn);

             * Generate
             * @param {Object} cues
             * @private
            __generateChapters: function(cues) {
                Objs.iter(cues, function(cue, index) {
                    if (typeof cue === 'object') {
                        // this here is main Player Dynamics instance
                            index: index,
                            startTime: cue.startTime,
                            endTime: cue.endTime,
                            title: cue.text
                    if (cues.length === this._chapters.length && !this._chapterLoadedTriggered) {
                        this._dyn.trigger("chaptercuesloaded", this._chapters, cues.length);
                        this._chapterLoadedTriggered = true;
                }, this);

             * If custom styled text track selected
             * @param {Object} track
             * @param {String} lang
             * @private
            _showTracksInCustomElement: function(track, lang) {
                var _lang = lang || this._dyn.get("tracktaglang");
                var _dyn = this._dyn;
                var _currentTime = _dyn.__video.currentTime;
                if (track.language === _lang) {
                    var _cues = track.cues;
                    Objs.iter(_cues, function(cue, index) {
                        if (typeof _cues[index] === 'object' && _cues[index]) {
                            if (cue.startTime < _currentTime && cue.endTime > _currentTime) {
                                _dyn.set("trackcuetext", cue.text);
                            cue.onenter = function(ev) {
                                track.mode = 'hidden';
                                if (_dyn.get("tracktextvisible"))
                                    _dyn.set("trackcuetext", this.text);
                            cue.onexit = function(ev) {
                                _dyn.set("trackcuetext", null);
                    }, this);

             * Load meta data kind Track Elements
             * @private
            _loadMetaTrackTags: function() {
                if (this._video)
                    Objs.iter(this._video.textTracks, function(track, index) {
                        if (typeof this._video.textTracks[index] === 'object' && this._video.textTracks[index]) {
                            var _track = this._video.textTracks[index];
                            // If set custom style to true show cue text in our element
                            if (_track.kind === 'metadata') _track.mode = 'hidden';
                            if (_track.kind === 'chapters') _track.mode = 'showing';
                    }, this);

             * Will set default language text track
             * @private
            _setDefaultTrackOnPlay: function() {
                this._dyn.player.once("playing", function() {
                    Objs.iter(this._trackTags, function(track, index) {
                        var _track = this._video.textTracks[index];
                        if (typeof _track === 'object' && _track) {
                            if (_track.mode === 'showing')
                                this._showTracksInCustomElement(_track, _track.language);
                    }, this);
                }, this);

             * When user select other language or different text track
             * @param {Object} selectedTrack
             * @private
            _setSelectedTag: function(selectedTrack) {
                var _status = null;
                var _track = null;
                Objs.iter(this._video.textTracks, function(track, index) {
                    _track = this._video.textTracks[index];
                    if (typeof _track === 'object' && _track) {
                        _status = _track.language === selectedTrack.lang ? (this._dyn.get("tracktagsstyled") ? 'hidden' : 'showing') : 'disabled';
                        if (!this._dyn.get("tracktextvisible")) _status = 'disabled';
                        _track.mode = _status;
                        if (_track.language === selectedTrack.lang)
                            this._triggerTrackChange(this._video, _track, _status, selectedTrack.lang);
                }, this);

            // Fixed issue when unable switch directly to showing from disabled
            _triggerTrackChange: function(video, track, status, lang) {
                var _trackElement = video.querySelector("#" +;
                var _flag = true;
                var onTrackEvent = this.auto_destroy(new DomEvents());
                if (track.oncuechange !== undefined && !((Info.isInternetExplorer() || Info.isEdge()) && this._dyn.get("tracktagsstyled"))) {
                    onTrackEvent.on(track, "cuechange", function() {
                        if (_flag) {
                            if (status.length) track.mode = status;
                            if (this._dyn.get("tracktagsstyled"))
                                this._showTracksInCustomElement(track, lang);
                            else if (_trackElement) {
                                _trackElement.mode = status;
                                // _trackElement.setAttribute('default', '');
                            _flag = false;
                    }, this);
                } else {
                    onTrackEvent(video, "timeupdate", function() {
                        if (status.length) track.mode = status;
                        if (this._dyn.get("tracktagsstyled"))
                            this._showTracksInCustomElement(track, lang);
                    }, this);