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Test Coverage
#### Specific Configurations

| Configuration          | Type & Example                                     |  Definition                                                                                    |
| ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------  | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| label                  | String { eg. `Save` } `Required`                   | This is the display name of the button                                                         |
| action                 | Function { eg. `this.onClick` } `Required`         | This is the on click handler for the button                                                    |
| type                   | String { eg. default `neo-button` } `Optional`     | This allows for the use of a custom CSS class name for the button component                    |
| icon                   | String / JSX { eg. `save` } `Optional`             | This allows for the button to render an icon. If a string is used, it should be an icon that exists in the `font awesome` package|