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from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

"""Modified version of BioPython.bgzf module. Includes LRU buffer dictionary.
Copyright (c) 2018, Marcus D. Sherman

This code is part of the bamnostic distribution and governed by its
license.  Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
as part of this package.

Some methods are modified versions of their counterparts within the BioPython.bgzf
 module. BioPython BGZF is now under a 3-clause BSD license. The same license 
found in this package. Refer to LICENSE for information.
Copyright (c) 2010-2015 by Peter Cock.

Description: Read and write BGZF compressed files (the GZIP variant used in BAM).
Significant changes were made to the original BGZF module, produced by
Peter Cock. Aside from adding an LRU dictionary, the new BGZF module can read
BAM files directly, decompressing and unpacking the byte-encoded data structure
outlined in the BAM_ format.

.. _BAM:

@author: "Marcus D. Sherman"
@copyright: "Copyright 2018, University of Michigan, Mills Lab
@email: "mdsherman<at>betteridiot<dot>tech"


import sys
import zlib
import struct
import io
import os
import warnings
import array
import re

import bamnostic
from bamnostic import bgzf, bai, csi
from bamnostic.utils import *

_PY_VERSION = sys.version_info

if _PY_VERSION[0] == 2:
    from io import open

def _format_warnings(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):
    """ Warning formatter

        message: warning message
        category (str): level of warning
        filename (str): path for warning output
        lineno (int): Where the warning originates

        Formatted warning for logging purposes

    return ' {}:{}:{}: {}\n'.format(category.__name__, filename, lineno, message)

warnings.formatwarning = _format_warnings

class BAMheader(object):
    """ Parse and store the BAM file header

    The BAM header is the plain text and byte-encoded metadata of a given BAM file.
    Information stored in the header are the number, length, and name of the reference
    sequences that reads were aligned to; version of software used; read group identifiers; etc.
    The BAM_ format also stipulates that the first block of any BAM file should be reserved
    just for the BAM header block.

        _io (:py:obj:`file`): opened BAM file object
        SAMheader (:py:obj:`dict`): parsed dictionary of the SAM header
        n_refs (int): number of references
        refs (:py:obj:`dict`): reference names and lengths listed in the BAM header

    .. _BAM:


    __slots__ = ['_magic', '_header_length', '_header_block', '_SAMheader_raw',
                 '_SAMheader_end', 'SAMheader', 'n_refs', 'refs', '_BAMheader_end']

    def __init__(self, _io):
        """ Initialize the header

            _io (:py:obj:`file`): opened BAM file object

            ValueError: if BAM magic line not found at the top of the file

        magic, self._header_length = unpack('<4si', _io)

        if magic != b'BAM\x01':
            raise ValueError('Incorrect BAM magic line. File head may be unaligned or this is not a BAM file')

        if self._header_length > 0:
            # If SAM header is present, it is in plain text. Process it and save it as rows
            self._SAMheader_raw = unpack('<{}s'.format(self._header_length), _io)
            self.SAMheader = {}
            for row in self._SAMheader_raw.decode().split('\n'):
                row = row.split('\t')
                key, fields = row[0], row[1:]
                if key.startswith('@'):
                    key = key[1:]
                    fields_dict = {}
                    for field in fields:
                        split_field = field.split(':')
                        if len(split_field) > 2:
                            tag = split_field[0]
                            value = split_field[2]
                            tag, value = split_field
                            value = int(value)
                        except ValueError:
                            value = value
                        fields_dict[tag] = value
                    self.SAMheader.setdefault(key, []).append(fields_dict)
            self._SAMheader_raw = None
            self.SAMheader = None

        self._SAMheader_end = _io._handle.tell()

        # Each reference is listed with the @SQ tag. We need the number of refs to process the data
        self.n_refs = unpack('<i', _io)

        # create a dictionary of all the references and their lengths
        self.refs = {}
        for r in range(self.n_refs):
            name_len = unpack_int32([0]
            ref_name = unpack('{}s'.format(name_len - 1),[:-1])  # get rid of null: \x00
            ref_len = unpack_int32([0]
            self.refs.update({r: (ref_name.decode(), ref_len)})
        self._BAMheader_end = _io._handle.tell()

        self._header_block = bgzf.get_block(_io)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.refs)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.refs[key]

    def to_header(self):
        """ Allows the user to directly copy the header of another BAM file

            (bytesarray): packed byte code of entire header BGZF block


        return self._header_block

    def __call__(self):
        """ Used as a synonym for printing by calling the object directly

            Preferentially prints out the SAM header (if present). Otherwise, it will print
            the string representation of the BAM header dictionary

        return self._SAMheader_raw.decode().rstrip() if self._SAMheader_raw else self.refs

    def __repr__(self):
        return self._SAMheader_raw.decode().rstrip() if self._SAMheader_raw else str(self.refs)

    def __str__(self):
        """ Used for printing the header

            Preferentially prints out the SAM header (if present). Otherwise, it will print
            the string representation of the BAM header dictionary


        return self._SAMheader_raw.decode().rstrip() if self._SAMheader_raw else str(self.refs)

class BamReader(bgzf.BgzfReader):
    """ The BAM reader. Heavily modified from Peter Cock's BgzfReader.

        header: representation of header data (if present)
        lengths (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`int`): lengths of references listed in header
        nocoordinate (int): number of reads that have no coordinates
        nreferences (int): number of references in header
        ref2tid (:py:obj:`dict` of :py:obj:`str`, :py:obj:`int`): refernce names and refID dictionary
        references (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`str`): names of references listed in header
        text (str): SAM header (if present)
        unmapped (int): number of unmapped reads

        This implementation is likely to change. While the API was meant to
        mirror `pysam`, it makes sense to include the `pysam`-like API in an extension
        that will wrap the core reader. This would be a major refactor, and therefore
        will not happen any time soon (30 May 2018).


    def __init__(self, filepath_or_object, mode="rb", max_cache=128, index_filename=None,
                 filename=None, check_header=False, check_sq=True, reference_filename=None,
                 filepath_index=None, require_index=False, duplicate_filehandle=None,
        """Initialize the class.

            filepath_or_object (str | :py:obj:`file`): the path or file object of the BAM file
            mode (str): Mode for reading. BAM files are binary by nature (default: 'rb').
            max_cache (int): number of desired LRU cache size, preferably a multiple of 2 (default: 128).
            index_filename (str): path to index file (BAI) if it is named differently than the BAM file (default: None).
            filename (str | :py:obj:`file`): synonym for `filepath_or_object`
            check_header (bool): Obsolete method maintained for backwards compatibility (default: False)
            check_sq (bool): Inspect BAM file for `@SQ` entries within the header
            reference_filename (str): Not implemented. Maintained for backwards compatibility
            filepath_index (str): synonym for `index_filename`
            require_index (bool): require the presence of an index file or raise (default: False)
            duplicate_filehandle (bool): Not implemented. Raises warning if True.
            ignore_truncation (bool): Whether or not to allow trucated file processing (default: False).


        # # Connect to the BAM file
        # self._handle = handle
        super_args = {'filepath_or_object': locals()['filepath_or_object'], 
                    'mode': locals()['mode'], 'max_cache': locals()['max_cache'],
                    'filename': locals()['filename'], 'ignore_truncation': locals()['ignore_truncation'], 
                    'duplicate_filehandle': locals()['duplicate_filehandle']}
        super(BamReader, self).__init__(**super_args)
        self._ignore_truncation = ignore_truncation
        self._truncated = self._check_truncation()

        # Check BAM file integrity
        if not self._ignore_truncation:
            if self._truncated:
                raise Exception('BAM file may be truncated. Turn off ignore_truncation if you wish to continue')

        # Connect and process the Index file (if present)
        self._index_ext = None
        self._index = None

        if filepath_index and index_filename and index_filename != filepath_index:
            raise IOError('Use index_filename or filepath_or_object. Not both')

        self._check_idx = self.check_index(index_filename if index_filename else filepath_index, require_index)

        # Load in the BAM header as an instance attribute

        # Helper dictionary for changing reference names to refID/TID
        self.ref2tid = {v[0]: k for k, v in self._header.refs.items()}

        # Final exception handling
        if check_header:
            warnings.warn('Obsolete method', UserWarning)
        if duplicate_filehandle:
            warnings.warn('duplicate_filehandle not necessary as the C API for samtools is not used', UserWarning)
        if reference_filename:
            raise NotImplementedError('CRAM file support not yet implemented')

    def check_index(self, index_filename=None, req_idx=False):
        """ Checks to make sure index file is available. If not, it disables random access.

            index_filename (str): path to index file (BAI) if it does not fit naming convention (default: None).
            req_idx (bool): Raise error if index file is not present (default: False).

            (bool): True if index is present, else False

            IOError: If the index file is closed or index could not be opened

            UserWarning: If index could not be loaded. Random access is disabled.

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam)
            >>> bam.check_index(bamnostic.example_bam + '.bai')

            >>> bam.check_index('not_a_file.bai')


        if index_filename is None:
            for ext in ('csi', 'bai'):
                possible_index_path = r'{}.{}'.format(os.path.abspath(, ext)
                if os.path.isfile(possible_index_path):
                    self._index_path = possible_index_path
                    self._random_access = True
                    self._index_ext = ext
                    return True
                    if req_idx:
                        raise IOError('htsfile is closed or index could not be opened')
            warnings.warn("No supplied index file was not found. Random access disabled", UserWarning)
            self._random_access = False
            return False
            if os.path.isfile(index_filename):
                self._index_path = index_filename
                self._random_access = True
                self._index_ext = index_filename.split('.')[-1]
                return True
                if req_idx:
                    raise IOError('htsfile is closed or index could not be opened')
                warnings.warn("Index file '{}' was not found. Random access disabled".format(index_filename), UserWarning)
                self._random_access = False
                return False

    def _init_index(self):
        """Initialize the index file (BAI)"""

        if self._check_idx:
            # self._index = bamnostic.bai.Bai(self._index_path)
            if self._index_ext == "csi":
                self._index = csi.Csi(self._index_path)
            elif self._index_ext == "bai":
                self._index = bai.Bai(self._index_path)

            self.__nocoordinate = self._index.n_no_coor
            self.__mapped = sum(
                for mapped in self._index.unmapped
            ) + (self.__nocoordinate if self.__nocoordinate is not None else 0)
            self.__unmapped = sum(
                for unmapped in self._index.unmapped
            ) + (self.__nocoordinate if self.__nocoordinate is not None else 0)

    def nocoordinate(self):
        """Get the number of reads without coordiantes according to the statistics recorded in the index.

            (int): sum of reads without coordinates
        return self.__nocoordinate

    def mapped(self):
        """Get the number of mapped reads according  to the statistics recorded in the index.

            (int): sum of mapped reads
        return self.__mapped

    def unmapped(self):
        """Get the number of unmapped reads without coordiantes **and**
        without coordinate.

            (int): sum of unmapped reads and reads without coordinates
        return self.__unmapped + self.__nocoordinate

    def _check_sq(self):
        """ Inspect BAM file for @SQ entries within the header

        The implementation of this check is for BAM files specifically. I inspects
        the SAM header (if present) for the `@SQ` entires. However, if the SAM header
        is not present, will inspect the BAM header for reference sequence entries. If this
        test ever returns `FALSE`, the BAM file is not operational.

            (bool): True if present, else false

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> bam._check_sq()


        if self._header._header_length == 0:
            if not self._header.refs:
                return False
            if 'SQ' not in self._header.SAMheader:
                return False
        return True

    def _load_header(self, check_sq=True):
        """ Loads the header into the reader object

            check_sq (bool): whether to check for file header or not (default: True).

            KeyError: If 'SQ' entry is not present in BAM header

        self._header = BAMheader(self)
        self.header = self._header.SAMheader if self._header.SAMheader else self._header
        self.text = self._header._SAMheader_raw

        # make compatible with pysam attributes, even though the data exists elsewhere
        self.__references = []
        self.__lengths = []
        for n in range(self._header.n_refs):
        self.__nreferences = self._header.n_refs

        if check_sq:
            if not self._check_sq():
                raise KeyError('No SQ entries in header')

    def references(self):
        """ Get all references used in alignment.

            (:py:obj:`tuple` of :py:obj:`str`): reference names

        return tuple(self.__references)

    def nreferences(self):
        """ Get the number of references listed in alignment

            (int): count of references

        return self.__nreferences

    def lengths(self):
        """ Get all reference lengths used in alignment.

            (:py:obj:`tuple` of :py:obj:`int`): reference lengths

        return tuple(self.__lengths)

    def _check_truncation(self):
        """ Confusing function to check for file truncation.

        Every BAM file should contain an EOF signature within the last
        28 bytes of the file. This function checks for that signature.

            (bool): True if truncated, else False

            BytesWarning: if no EOF signature found.

        temp_pos = self._handle.tell(), 2)
        eof =
        if eof == bgzf._bgzf_eof:
            return False
            warnings.warn('No EOF character found. File may be truncated', BytesWarning)
            return True

    def pileup(self):
        raise NotImplementedError('Pileup is not implemented. Consider using `fetch` instead')

    def has_index(self):
        """Checks if file has index and it is open

            bool: True if present and opened, else False

        if self._check_idx and self._index:
            return self._check_idx

    def fetch(self, contig=None, start=None, stop=None, region=None,
              tid=None, until_eof=False, multiple_iterators=False,
              reference=None, end=None):
        """Creates a generator that returns all reads within the given region. (inclusive, exclusive)

            contig (str): name of reference/contig
            start (int): start position of region of interest (0-based)
            stop (int): stop position of region of interest (0-based)
            region (str): SAM region formatted string. Accepts tab-delimited values as well
            tid (int): the refID or target id of a reference/contig
            until_eof (bool): iterate until end of file
            mutiple_iterators (bool): allow multiple iterators over region. Not Implemented. \
                 Notice: each iterator will open up a new view into the BAM file, so overhead will apply.
            reference (str): synonym for `contig`
            end (str): synonym for `stop`

            reads over the region of interest if any

            ValueError: if the genomic coordinates are out of range or invalid
            KeyError: Reference is not found in header

            SAM region formatted strings take on the following form:

            .. code-block:: python
                AlignmentFile.fetch(contig='chr1', start=1, stop= 1000)
                AlignmentFile.fetch('chr1', 1, 1000)
                AlignmentFile.fetch('chr1', 1)

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> next(bam.fetch('chr1', 1, 100)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            EAS56_57:6:190:289:82 ... MF:C:192

            >>> next(bam.fetch('chr10', 1, 10))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            KeyError: 'chr10 was not found in the file header'

            >>> next(bam.fetch('chr1', 1700, 1701))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Genomic region out of bounds.

            >>> next(bam.fetch('chr1', 100, 10))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            AssertionError: Malformed region: start should be <= stop, you entered 100, 10

        # Inclusive, exclusive. This means if start and stop are
        # the same, then the user is *essentially* looking at nothing
        # e.g. a = "abc"; print(a[1:1]) -> ''
        if start is not None and start == stop:

        if not self._random_access:
            raise ValueError('Random access not available due to lack of index file')
        if multiple_iterators:
            raise NotImplementedError('multiple_iterators not yet implemented')

        signature = locals()
        for key in ['self', 'multiple_iterators']:

        query = parse_region(**signature)

        if query.tid is not None and query.contig is None:
            query.contig = self.get_reference_name(tid)
        elif query.tid is not None and query.contig is not None:
            if self.ref2tid[query.contig] != tid:
                raise ValueError('tid and contig name do not match')
        elif query.contig is not None and query.tid is None:
                query.tid = self.ref2tid[query.contig]
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyError('{} was not found in the file header'.format(query.contig))

            if query.start is None:
                query.start = 0
            if query.start > self._header.refs[query.tid][1]:
                raise ValueError('Genomic region out of bounds.')
            if query.stop is None:
                # set end to length of chromosome
                query.stop = self._header.refs[query.tid][1]
            assert query.start <= query.stop, 'Malformed region: start should be <= stop, you entered {}, {}'.format(query.start, query.stop)
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError('{} was not found in the file header'.format(query.contig))

        # from the index, get the virtual offset of the chunk that
        # begins the overlapping region of interest
        first_read_block = self._index.query(query.tid, query.start, query.stop)
        if first_read_block is None:
        # move to that virtual offset...should load the block into the cache
        # if it hasn't been visited before

        for next_read in self:
            if not until_eof:
                # check to see if the read is out of bounds of the region
                # On the wrong contig -> not the right place
                if next_read.reference_name != query.contig: 

                # Read is too far left -> keep going
                elif (next_read.pos + len(next_read.seq)) < query.start:
                # Originates outside, but overlaps
                elif next_read.pos < query.start <= (next_read.pos + len(next_read.seq)):
                    yield next_read

                # Read wholly inside region
                elif query.start <= next_read.pos < query.stop:
                    yield next_read

                # Read too far right -> gotta stop
                elif query.stop <= next_read.pos:

                # check for stop iteration
                elif next_read:
                    yield next_read

                # Empty read

            # Read until the end of file
                    yield next_read

    def count(self, contig=None, start=None, stop=None, region=None,
              until_eof=False, tid=None, read_callback='nofilter',
              reference=None, end=None):
        r"""Count the number of reads in the given region

        Note: this counts the number of reads that **overlap** the given region.

        Can potentially make use of a filter for the reads (or custom function
        that returns `True` or `False` for each read).

            contig (str): the reference name (Default: None)
            reference (str): synonym for `contig` (Default: None)
            start (int): 0-based inclusive start position (Default: None)
            stop (int): 0-based exclusive start position (Default: None)
            end (int): Synonym for `stop` (Default: None)
            region (str): SAM-style region format. \
                Example: 'chr1:10000-50000' (Default: None)
            until_eof (bool): count number of reads from start to end of file \
                Note, this can potentially be an expensive operation. \
                (Default: False)
            read_callback (str|function): select (or create) a filter of which \
                reads to count. Built-in filters:

                * `all`: skips reads that contain the following flags:

                    * 0x4 (4): read unmapped
                    * 0x100 (256): not primary alignment
                    * 0x200 (512): QC Fail
                    * 0x400 (1024): PCR or optical duplicate
                * `nofilter`: uses all reads (Default)
                * The user can also supply a custom function that \
                    returns boolean objects for each read
            (int): count of reads in the given region that meet parameters

            ValueError: if genomic coordinates are out of range or invalid or random access is disabled
            RuntimeError: if `read_callback` is not properly set
            KeyError: Reference is not found in header
            AssertionError: if genomic region is malformed

            SAM region formatted strings take on the following form:

                AlignmentFile.count(contig='chr1', start=1, stop= 1000)
                AlignmentFile.count('chr1', 1, 1000)
                AlignmentFile.count('chr1', 1)

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> bam.count('chr1', 1, 100)

            >>> bam.count('chr1', 1, 100, read_callback='all')

            >>> bam.count('chr10', 1, 10)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            KeyError: 'chr10 was not found in the file header'

            >>> bam.count('chr1', 1700, 1701)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: Genomic region out of bounds.

            >>> bam.count('chr1', 100, 10)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            AssertionError: Malformed region: start should be <= stop, you entered 100, 10


        # pass the signature to fetch
        signature = locals()
        roi_reads = self.fetch(**signature)
        # make `nofilter` the default filter unless told otherwise
        # read_callback = kwargs.get('read_callback', 'nofilter')

        # go through all the reads over a given region and count them
        count = 0
        for read in roi_reads:
            if filter_read(read, read_callback):
                count += 1
        return count

    def count_coverage(self, contig=None, start=None, stop=None, region=None,
                       quality_threshold=15, read_callback='all',
                       reference=None, end=None, base_quality_threshold=0):
        """ Counts the coverage of each base supported by a read the given interval.

        Given an interval (inclusive, exclusive), this method pulls each read that overlaps
        with the region. To ensure that the read truly overlaps with the region, the CIGAR string
        is required. These reads can further be filtered out by their flags, MAPQ qualities, or
        custom filtering function. Using the CIGAR string, the aligned portion of the read
        is traversed and the presence of each nucleotide base is tallied into respective arrays.
        Additionally, the user can choose to filter the counted bases based on its base quality
        score that is stored in the quality string.

            contig (str): the reference name (Default: None)
            reference (str): synonym for `contig` (Default: None)
            start (int): 0-based inclusive start position (Default: None)
            stop (int): 0-based exclusive start position (Default: None)
            end (int): Synonym for `stop` (Default: None)
            region (str): SAM-style region format. \
                Example: 'chr1:10000-50000' (Default: None)
            quality_threshold (int): MAPQ quality threshold (Default: 15)
            base_quality_threshold (int): base quality score threshold (Default: 0)
            read_callback (str|function): select (or create) a filter of which \
                reads to count. Built-in filters:

                * `all`: skips reads that contain the following flags:
                    * 0x4 (4): read unmapped
                    * 0x100 (256): not primary alignment
                    * 0x200 (512): QC Fail
                    * 0x400 (1024): PCR or optical duplicate

                * `nofilter`: uses all reads (Default)
                * The user can also supply a custom function that \
                    returns boolean objects for each read
            (:py:obj:`array.array`): Four arrays in the order of **A**, **C**, **G**, **T**

            ValueError: if genomic coordinates are out of range or invalid, random access is disabled, or nucleotide base is unrecognized
            RuntimeError: if `read_callback` is not properly set
            KeyError: Reference is not found in header
            AssertionError: if genomic region is malformed

            SAM region formatted strings take on the following form:

                AlignmentFile.count_coverage(contig='chr1', start=1, stop= 1000)
                AlignmentFile.count_coverage('chr1', 1, 1000)
                AlignmentFile.count_coverage('chr1', 1)

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> for arr in bam.count_coverage('chr1', 100, 150): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            ...     print("array('{}', {})".format(arr.typecode, list(map(int, arr.tolist()))))
            array('L', [0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            array('L', [0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 15, 0, 14, 0, 0])
            array('L', [1, 1, 2, 2, ..., 0, 0, 0, 0, 14])
            array('L', [0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 15, 0, 14, 0])

            >>> for arr in bam.count_coverage('chr1', 100, 150, quality_threshold=20, base_quality_threshold=25): # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            ...     print("array('{}', {})".format(arr.typecode, list(map(int, arr.tolist()))))
            array('L', [0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            array('L', [0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 13, 0, 14, 0, 0])
            array('L', [1, 1, 2, 2, ..., 0, 0, 0, 0, 13])
            array('L', [0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 14, 0, 13, 0])


        signature = locals()
        for key in ['self', 'quality_threshold', 'read_callback', 'base_quality_threshold']:

        adenine = array.array('L', [0] * (stop - start))
        cytosine = adenine[:]
        guanine = adenine[:]
        thymine = adenine[:]

        for read in self.fetch(**signature):
            if read.cigarstring is not None and read.mapq >= quality_threshold:
                if filter_read(read, read_callback):
                    for base, index in cigar_alignment(seq=read.seq, cigar=read.cigarstring,
                                                       start_pos=read.pos, qualities=read.query_qualities,
                        if start <= index < stop:
                            if base == 'A':
                                adenine[index - start if index-start > 0 else 0] += 1
                            elif base == 'G':
                                guanine[index - start if index-start > 0 else 0] += 1
                            elif base == 'C':
                                cytosine[index - start if index-start > 0 else 0] += 1
                            elif base == 'T':
                                thymine[index - start if index-start > 0 else 0] += 1
                                raise ValueError('Read base was {}, not A, T, C, or G'.format(base))

        return adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine

    def get_index_stats(self):
        """ Inspects the index file (BAI) for alignment statistics.

        Every BAM index file contains metrics regarding the alignment
        process for the given BAM file. The stored data are the number
        of mapped and unmapped reads for a given reference. Unmapped reads
        are paired end reads where only one part is mapped. Additionally,
        index files also contain the number of unplaced unmapped reads. This
        is stored within the `nocoordinate` instance attribute (if present).

            idx_stats (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`tuple`): list of tuples for each reference in the order seen in the header. Each tuple contains the number of mapped reads, unmapped reads, and the sum of both.

            AssertionError: if the index file is not available

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> bam.get_index_stats()
            [(1446, 18, 1464), (1789, 17, 1806)]

            >>> bam_no_bai = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb', index_filename='not_a_file.bai')
            >>> bam_no_bai.get_index_stats()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            AssertionError: No index available


        assert self._check_idx, 'No index available'
        idx_stats = []
        for ref in range(self._header.n_refs):
                mapped = self._index.unmapped[ref].n_mapped
                unmapped = self._index.unmapped[ref].n_unmapped
                idx_stats.append((mapped, unmapped, mapped + unmapped))
            except KeyError:
                idx_stats.append((0, 0, 0))
        return idx_stats

    def is_valid_tid(self, tid):
        """ Return `True` if TID/RefID is valid.

            `True` if TID/refID is valid, else `False`

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> bam.is_valid_tid(0)

            >>> bam.is_valid_tid(10) # because there are only 2 in this file
        return True if tid in self._header.refs else False

    def get_reference_name(self, tid):
        """ Convert TID/refID to reference name.

        The TID/refID is the position a reference sequence is seen
        within the header file of the BAM file. The references are
        sorted by ASCII order. Therefore, for a **Homo sapien** aligned
        to GRCh38, 'chr10' comes before 'chr1' in the header. Therefore,
        'chr10' would have the TID/refID of 0, not 'chr1'.

            tid (int): TID/refID of desired reference/contig

            String representation of chromosome if valid, else None

            KeyError: if TID/refID is not valid

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> bam.get_reference_name(0) # doctest: +ALLOW_UNICODE

            >>> bam.get_reference_name(10)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            KeyError: '10 is not a valid TID/refID for this file.'

        if self.is_valid_tid(tid):
            return self._header.refs[tid][0]
            raise KeyError('{} is not a valid TID/refID for this file.'.format(tid))

    def get_tid(self, reference):
        """ Convert reference/contig name to refID/TID.

        The TID/refID is the position a reference sequence is seen
        within the header file of the BAM file. The references are
        sorted by ASCII order. Therefore, for a **Homo sapien** aligned
        to GRCh38, 'chr10' comes before 'chr1' in the header. Therefore,
        'chr10' would have the TID/refID of 0, not 'chr1'.

            reference (str): reference/contig name

            (int): the TID/refID of desired reference/contig

            KeyError: if reference name not found file header

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> bam.get_tid('chr1')

            >>> bam.get_tid('chr10')
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            KeyError: 'chr10 was not found in the file header'


        tid = self.ref2tid.get(reference, -1)
        if tid == -1:
            raise KeyError('{} was not found in the file header'.format(reference))
        return tid

    def mate(self, AlignedSegment):
        """ Gets the mate to a given AlignedSegment.

            Slow, when compared to the C-API. Not meant for high-throughput analysis.

        Does not advance current iterator position.

            AlignedSegment (:py:class:`bamnostic.AlignedSegment`): a bamnostic AlignedSegment read with a mate

            (:py:class:`bamnostic.AlignedSegment`): if read has a valid mate, else None

            ValueError: if AlignedSegment is unpaired

        with bamnostic.AlignmentFile(, index_filename=self._index_path) as mate_head:

            # Don't look if there isn't a pair
            if not AlignedSegment.is_paired:
                raise ValueError('Read is unpaired')

            # Based on standard convention
            read_name_base =['read_name']
            rnext = AlignedSegment.next_reference_id

            # Look for available mate information
            if rnext < 0:
                return None  # Information is unavailable
            pnext = AlignedSegment.next_reference_start
            if pnext < 0:
                return None  # no information available on read

            mate_gen = mate_head.fetch(tid=rnext, start=pnext, stop=pnext + 1)
            for read in mate_gen:
                if read.read_name.split('/')[0].split('#')[0] == read_name_base:
                    if AlignedSegment.is_read1 is not read.is_read1:
                        return read

    def head(self, n=5, multiple_iterators=False):
        """ List out the first **n** reads of the file.

        This method is primarily used when doing an initial exploration
        of the data. Whether or not `multiple_iterators` is used, cursor
        position within the file will not change.

            Using `multiple_interators` opens a new file object of the
            same file currently in use and, thus, impacts the memory
            footprint of your analysis.

            n (int): number of aligned reads to print (default: 5)
            mutliple_iterators (bool): Whether to use current file object or create a new one (default: False).

            head_reads (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`AlignedSegment`): list of **n** reads from the front of the BAM file

            >>> bam = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(bamnostic.example_bam, 'rb')
            >>> bam.head(n=5, multiple_iterators = False)[0] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            EAS56_57:6:190:289:82    ...    MF:C:192

            >>> bam.head(n = 5)[1] # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
            EAS56_57:6:190:289:82    ...    UQ:C:0

        if multiple_iterators:
            head_iter = bamnostic.AlignmentFile(, index_filename=self._index_path)
            curr_pos = self.tell()
            # BAMheader uses byte specific positions (and not BGZF virtual offsets)
            head_iter = self

        head_reads = [next(head_iter) for read in range(n)]

        if multiple_iterators:
            # close the independent file object
            # otherwise, just go back to old position
            assert self.tell() == curr_pos
        return head_reads

    def __next__(self):
        """Return the next line (Py2 Compatibility)."""

        read = bamnostic.AlignedSegment(self)
        if not read:
            raise StopIteration
        return read

    def next(self):
        """Return the next line."""

        read = bamnostic.AlignedSegment(self)
        if not read:
        return read

    def seekable(self):
        """Return True indicating the BGZF supports random access.

            Modified from original Bio.BgzfReader: checks to see if BAM
            file has associated index file (BAI)


        return self._check_idx

def _sam_header_to_ref_list(header):
    """Modified code from Peter Cock's [BamWriter](

    Removes blank lines, ensures trailing newlines, spots some errors.

    references = []
    for line in header.split("\n"):
        if line.startswith("@SQ\t"):
            r = None
            l = None
            for part in line[3:].rstrip().split("\t"):
                if part.startswith("SN:"):
                    r = part[3:]
                elif part.startswith("LN:"):
                    l = int(part[3:])
            if r is None or l is None:
                raise ValueError("Malformed @SQ header (SN and LN required):\n%r"
                                 % line)
            references.append((r, l))
    return references

def _ref_list_to_sam_header(references):
    """Modified code from Peter Cock's [BamWriter](

    Removes blank lines, ensures trailing newlines, spots some errors.

    return "".join(["@SQ\tSN:%s\tLN:%i\n" % (name, length) for name, length in references])

def _check_header_text(text):
    """Modified code from Peter Cock's [BamWriter](

    Removes blank lines, ensures trailing newlines, spots some errors.


    lines = []
    for line in text.split("\n"):
        if not line:
            # raise ValueError("Blank line in header")
        elif line[0] != "@":
            raise ValueError("SAM header lines must start with @, not %s" % line)
        lines.append(line + "\n")
    return "".join(lines)

def _cross_check_header_refs(reads, header="", referencenames = None, referencelengths = None):
    """Modified code from Peter Cock's [BamWriter](
    if not header:
        # If the reads argument is a SamIterator or BamIterator this works:
            header = reads.text
        except AttributeError:
    if referencenames is not None or referencelengths is not None:
        assert len(referencenames) == len(referencelengths)
        references = zip(referencenames, referencelengths)
        alt_refs = _sam_header_to_ref_list(header)
        if not alt_refs:
            # Append minimal @SQ lines to the header
            header += _ref_list_to_sam_header(references)
        elif alt_refs != references:
            raise ValueError("Reference names and lengths inconsistent with header @SQ lines")
        references = _sam_header_to_ref_list(header)
    return header, references

class BamWriter(bgzf.BgzfWriter):

    def __init__(self, filepath_or_object, mode = 'xb', compresslevel = 6, ignore_overwrite = False,
                copy_header = None, header = b'', reference_names = None, reference_lengths = None):
        """Useful class for writing BAM files. 

            As of right now, it is tuned for working within a pipeline where reads 
            are being filtered or modified from another BAM file.

            filepath_or_object (str | :py:obj:`file`): the path or file object of the BAM file
            mode (str): Mode for writing. BAM files are binary by nature (default: 'xb')
            compresslevel (int): desired level of Gzip compression (default: 6)
            ignore_overwrite (bool): whether or not to ignore overwrite detection
            copy_header (filepath_or_object): copy the header from another BAM file
            header (bytes): SAM-style header
            reference_names (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`str`): list of all reference names used in file
            reference_lengths (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`int`): list of all reference lengths used in file

        if 'b' not in mode:
            raise IOError("BAM files must be written in binary mode, try '{}b'".format(mode))
        if 'r' in mode and not '+' in mode:
            raise IOError("bamnostic.bam.BamWriter cannot operate in reading (r) mode")
        if type(filepath_or_object) is str:

            # Make sure the user knows they will be overwriting the data
            if 'w' in mode and not ignore_overwrite and os.path.isfile(filepath_or_object):
                if yes_no('{} already exists. Going further will overwrite the file'.format(filepath_or_object)):
                    super(BamWriter, self).__init__(filepath_or_object, mode=mode, compresslevel = compresslevel)
                    raise FileExistsError('User declined overwrite')

            # If they know beforehand, let them overwrite
            elif 'w' in mode and ignore_overwrite:
                super(BamWriter, self).__init__(filepath_or_object, mode=mode, compresslevel = compresslevel)

            # Just a new file
            elif 'w' in mode:
                super(BamWriter, self).__init__(filepath_or_object, mode=mode, compresslevel = compresslevel)

            # Pluck off the EOF block for appended files and make sure to not re-write header
            elif 'a' in mode:
                with open(filepath_or_object, 'r+') as appended:
          , os.SEEK_END)
                super(BamWriter, self).__init__(filepath_or_object, mode=mode, compresslevel = compresslevel)
                return None

            # All other options
            elif 'x' in mode or '+' in mode:
                super(BamWriter, self).__init__(filepath_or_object, mode=mode, compresslevel = compresslevel)

                # Make sure to not re-write header
                if 'r' in mode:
                    return None

        # If they already opened the file, let them do whatever they want
        elif isinstance(filepath_or_object, io.IOBase):
            super(BamWriter, self).__init__(self, filepath_or_object, mode=mode, compresslevel=compresslevel)
        self.write_header(copy_header = copy_header, header = header, 
                        reference_names = reference_names, 
                        reference_lengths = reference_lengths)

    def write_header(self, copy_header = None, header = b'', reference_names = None, reference_lengths = None):
        """Modified code from Peter Cock's [BamWriter](

        Writes the header into a BAM file

            copy_header (filepath_or_object): copy the header from another BAM file
            header (bytes): SAM-style header
            reference_names (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`str`): list of all reference names used in file
            reference_lengths (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`int`): list of all reference lengths used in file
        if copy_header is not None:
            if isinstance(copy_header, bamnostic.core.AlignmentFile):
                print('From bam')

        elif reference_names is not None and reference_lengths is not None:
            if len(reference_names) != len(reference_lengths):
                raise IOError('Reference names and reference lengths must be equal is size')
            header, references = _cross_check_header_refs(reads,
            header = _as_bytes(_check_header_text(header))
            # Write BAM header:
            handle.write(struct.pack("<I", len(header)))
            handle.write(struct.pack("<I", len(references)))
            for r, l in references:
                    handle.write(struct.pack("<I", len(r) + 1))
                    handle.write(_as_bytes(r) + _null_byte)
                    handle.write(struct.pack("<I", l))
                except Exception:
                    raise ValueError("Problem with reference %r, %r" % (r, l))

            # Want to give it its own BGZF block, even if there is no SAM header:

    def write(self, data):
        if len(data) + len(self._buffer) > 65536 and len(self._buffer) != 0:
        super(BamWriter, self).write(data)