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Test Coverage

* Compatibility with Ruby 2.4's unified integers. #141


* Fix angle-bracket links starting with https:// at the beginning of a line. #126
* Fix error in footnote generation. #129
* Fix for ellipses dissapearing at the end of a line. #131
* Reimplement smartypants for a large overall speed improvement. #132
* `#maruku_error` will now respect `:on_error => :ignore`. #133


* Removed extraneous newlines from around the output of fenced code blocks. #112
* Properly handle empty code blocks (``). #108
* No longer print a warning when headers have entities in them. #113
* Work around REXML bug that disallows multiple dashes in comments. #115
* No longer print source of math expressions (hidden) into HTML.
* More robust table handling.
* Better handling of lists.
* Fix the "blahtex" math engine on 1.8.7.
* "script" and "style" tags now have their generated CDATA tags escaped so the scripts/styles actually work. #120
* CDATA escaping is only added to "script" and "style" tags if it is necessary, rather than all the time.
* "section" tags are now equivalent to "div" tags - they won't get wrapped in a "p" tag and they can have markdown processing turned on with a "markdown" attribute. #117
* In some situations where Maruku might detect invalid Markdown and omit it from the output, it will now simply pass through the input as if it were regular text. Discovered in #124.
* HTML like `<script>` tags will no longer cause errors if they don't have a newline separating them from other text. #123, #124. #125
* Remove an ineffective hack to handle inline HTML that involved parsing the HTML twice.


* Many bug fixes.
* Maruku now has an optional Nokogiri-based HTML parser that can be enabled by setting :html_parser => 'nokogiri'.
* Non-ASCII text is generally handled better.
* HTML output is no longer "pretty". This will be fixed in a future release.
* Table of contents no longer includes inline styles.
* Maruku has been relicensed under the MIT license.
* Maruku now uses its own method to output HTML, fixing many bugs.
* Maruku produces unicode characters in the output HTML in many cases where
  before it produced XML entity references.
* Empty link references now match the way other Markdown implementations work.
* Maruku now requires Ruby 1.8.7 or newer.
* Maruku no longer extends NilType or String with its own internal-use methods.
* Backtick-style (```) and tilde-style (~~~) fenced code blocks are now supported, including the
  language option (```ruby). They must be enabled using the
  :fenced_code_blocks option.
* Parsing errors and warnings are less repetitive.
* Markdown is parsed within span-level HTML elements.
* Markdown content after HTML tags is no longer lost.
* Maruku is now tested on MRI 2.0.0, MRI 1.9.3, MRI 1.9.2, MRI 1.8.7, Rubinius and JRuby.
* Deeply nested lists work correctly in many more cases.
* The maruku CLI exits with a nonzero exit code when given invalid options.


* Fix iconv warning in Ruby 1.9.


*    News:

    -    Now Maruku is in the official Gentoo Portage tree (done by [Aggelos Orfanakos])

*    New stuff:

    - Attribute `maruku_signature` defaults to false. (many people asked this)
    - unittests scripts are included in the distribution.
    - New attribute `filter_html`: if true, raw HTML/XML is discarded. (asked by Marik)
    - Command line: if output file is `-`, Maruku writes to stdout.

*    Bug fixes:

    *    Another tiny bug in HTML parsing.
    *    In latex, `\linebreak` was used instead of `\newline` (reported by Sam Kleinman)
    *    Fixed bug with non-alpha numeric characters in ref.ids (reported by Aggelos Orfanakos)

*    Pending bugs/feature requests:

    - Maruku does not allow 3-space indented lists.
    - Lists item whose first character is UTF8 are not recognized (reported by Aggelos Orfanakos)
    - Maruku cannot output `"`-delimited attributes, because `REXML` does not support it.

[Aggelos Orfanakos]:


*    Features:

    *    Input of HTML numeric entities:

            Examples of numeric character references include &#169; or &#xA9;
            for the copyright symbol, &#913; or &#x391; for the Greek capital
            letter alpha, and &#1575; or &#x627; for the Arabic letter alef.

        > Examples of numeric character references include &#169; or &#xA9;
        > for the copyright symbol, &#913; or &#x391; for the Greek capital
        > letter alpha, and &#1575; or &#x627; for the Arabic letter alef.

*    Bug fixes:

    *    Alt text was ignored for images.
    *    Fixed minor bug in reading HTML inside paragraph.
    *    Changed rules for block-level HTML to make it similar to
        For example:


        will be translated to


        while this:






*    **Pending bugs**: there are some problems when parsing lists. It is difficult
    to get it right because the spec is very fuzzy. At the moment, list items
    cannot be indented by more than 1 space.


*    Features:

    *    [All HTML attributes]( are supported.

            >  Science is a wonderful thing if one does not
            >  have to earn one's living at it.
            {: cite=""}

    *    Attribute `doc_prefix`.

    *    Math:

        *    `\begin{equation}` and `\end{equation}` are understood.
        *    Math parsing enabled per-instance using the `math_enabled` attribute.
        *    `math_numbered` attribute.

*    Bug fixes:

    *    Runs quietly with `ruby -w`.
    *    Fixed a bug which could cause data-loss when reading indented lines.


*    Features:

    *    [All HTML `table` attributes](
        can be used (`summary`, `width`, `frame`, `rules`,
        `border`, `cellspacing`, `cellpadding`).

        The next version will hopefully use all HTML attributes.

    <!-- A version of Markdown that is more Japanese or something -->

*    Bug fixes:

    *    Crash on this line: (found by Aggelos Orfanakos)


    *    Regression with attribute system (found by Charles)


*    Bug fixes:

    *    Workaround for Internet Explorer bug:
        be very sure that `&apos;` is always written as `&#39;`.

    *    Support for empty images ref: `![image]` and `![image][]`.

    *    Fixed bug in parsing attribute lists definitions.

*    Minor things:

    *    Now code blocks are written as a `<code>` element inside a `<pre>`, and
        `<code>` elements have both `class` and `lang` attributes set
        to the specified language.




            <pre><code class='ruby' lang='ruby'>Example</code></pre>


*    Syntax changes:

    *    Compatibility with newest `[text]` as a synonim of `[text][]`.

    *    Meta data: the first IAL in a span environment now refers to the parent.
        This makes it possible to set attributes for cells:

            Head           |  Head |
            {:r}  Hello    + ...

            {:r: scope='row'}

        The first cell will have the `scope` attribute set to `row`.

*    New settings:

    *    Disable the Maruku signature by setting `maruku signature: false`

*    Stricter doctype. By the way -- did I mention it? --
    **Maruku HTML has always been proper validating XHTML strict**
    (if a page does not validate, please report it as a bug).

    Of course, this only matters when using `maruku` as a standalone

    *    I have updated the XHTML DTD used to support MathML:
        currently using XHTML+MathML+SVG.
    *    Content-type set to `application/xhtml+xml`
    *    All entities are written as numeric entities.

*    Bug fixes

    *    Many fixes in the code handling the sanitizing of inline HTML.
    *    `markdown=1` did not propagate to children.
    *    LaTeX: An exception was raised if an unknown entity was used.


*    Adapted syntax to the [new meta-data proposal][proposal].

*    Changes in LaTeX export:

    *    Links to external URLs are blue by default.

    *    New attributes: `latex_preamble` to add a custom preamble,
        and `latex_cjk` to add packages for UTF-8 Japanese characters.
        (**support for this is still shaky**). Example:

            Title: my document
            LaTeX CJK: true
            LaTeX preamble: preamble.tex


*    Bug fixes

    + Images were not given `id` or `class` attributes.

    + Fixed bug in LaTeX export with handling of `<`,`>` enclosed URLs: `<>`.


*    Implemented SmartyPants support:

        'Twas a "test" to 'remember' -- in the '90s
        --- while I was <<ok>>. She was 6\"12\'.
    > 'Twas a "test" to 'remember' -- in the '90s --- while I was <<ok>>.
    > She was 6\"12\'.

    I adapted the code from RubyPants.

*    Server directives between `<? ?>` are properly preserved.
*    Changes in LaTeX export:

    *    Now Japanese text rendering sort of works, using the following packages:


        Nevertheless, I could only get bitmap fonts working -- probably it's a problem
        with my setup.

        A quick test: 日本、中国、ひらがな、カタカナ。

    *    Fixed bugs in rendering of immediate links.
    *    External packages are `require`d only if needed.
    *    More symbols supported.
        See the symbol list
        [in HTML]( and
        [in PDF](


* First implementation of [the new meta-data syntax][meta].
* General refactorization of the code and much cleaner error reporting.
* Created [the RDOC documentation][rdoc].
* The `add_whitespace` method took too much time -- it was O(n^2).
* Added unit-tests for block-level elements.


[Jacques Distler]:


*    A real parser is used instead of a regexp-based system, also for span-level

    Now Maruku is almost 2x faster than Bluecloth, while having more features.

    Here are some benchmarks:

        BlueCloth (to_html): parsing 0.00 sec + rendering 1.54 sec = 1.55 sec
        Maruku (to_html):    parsing 0.47 sec + rendering 0.38 sec = 0.85 sec
        Maruku (to_latex):   parsing 0.49 sec + rendering 0.25 sec = 0.73 sec

    This is the result of running `lib/maruku/tests/benchmark.rb` on the Markdown

*    Prettier HTML output by adding whitespace.

*    Added a full suite of unit-tests for the span-level parser.

*    Error management: Having a real parser, Maruku warns you about syntax issues.

    The default action is to warn and try to continue. If you do this:, {:on_error => :raise})

    then syntax errors will cause an exception to be raised (you can catch this
    and retry).

*    Fixed a series of bugs in handling inline HTML code.

Immediate TODO-list:

*    UTF-8 input/output works OK for HTML, however I am having pain trying to export
    to LaTeX. I want at least Japanese characters support, so if you know how to
    do this you are very welcome to give me an hand.

    For example: in the HTML version, you should see accented characters in this

    > (àèìòù)

    and Japanese text in these other parentheses:

    > (カタカナで 私の 名前は アンドレア チェンシ です).
    > (日本のガルは 大好き、でも、日本語は難しですから、そうぞ 英語話すガルを おしえてください).

    In the LaTeX version, these do not appear. I know how to do LaTeX with
    ISO-8859-1 encoding (European characters), but I'm struggling with half-baked
    solutions for UTF-8 encoded documents.

*    Implement the [new meta-data proposal][proposal].

*    Exporting to Markdown (pretty printing).

*    Exporting to HTML splitting in multiple files.

*    RubyPants.

*    Support for images in PDF.
