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Changelog for the bc-prometheus-ruby gem.

### Pending Release

- Add CI suite for Ruby 3.3

## 0.6.0

- Add support for Ruby 3.1/3.2
- Drop support for Ruby 2
- Add CodeClimate analysis

## 0.5.2

- Better error handling post-fork for web/resque instrumentors
- Fix issue with using `Collectors::Base` and keyword arguments in Ruby 2.7
- Remove null-logger development dependency

### 0.5.1

- Fix keywords argument issue with Collectors::Base and Ruby 3.0+

### 0.5.0

- Add configuration to disable the Railtie that activates the web instrumentor automatically. This allows applications to choose how and when this is initialized.
- Bump prometheus_exporter gem
- Start testing against Ruby 3.0

### 0.4.0

- Add configuration to control Thin web server thread pool size. Note that the default number of threads is changing from 20 to 3. You can configure this using an environment variable or initializer.
- Update rubocop to 1.0

### 0.3.1

- Update prometheus_exporter dependency to ~> 0.5 to fix memory leaks

### 0.3.0

- Support for only Ruby 2.6+ going forward
- Updated README around custom metrics and collectors
- Add ability to pass custom resque and hutch Collectors/TypeCollectors
- Add ENV support for all configuration elements
- Fix issue where base collector did not use Bigcommerce::Prometheus.client
- Expose new `push` method for Collectors::Base to ease use of custom ad hoc metrics

### 0.2.4

- Fix cant modify frozen array error when using bc-prometheus-ruby outside a web process
  but within rails

### 0.2.3

- Set default STDOUT logger to INFO level
- Fix bug with resque type collector

### 0.2.2

- Fix missing inheritance for resque collector

### 0.2.1

- Prevent starting of Puma integration if Puma is not loaded

### 0.2.0

- Add the ability to pass custom collectors and type collectors to the web instrumenter
- Add base collector and type collector classes for ease of development of custom integrations
- Change railtie to after initialization to allow for customization

### 0.1.5

- Fix issue where puma collector was not being registered on the server

### 0.1.4

- Handle circumstances when before_fork_callbacks is called outside of the web process

### 0.1.3

- Move to bigcommerce fork of multitrap to handle IGNORE clauses more cleanly

### 0.1.1

- Add multitrap to more cleanly handle trap signals
- Use proc in signal handlers for consistent trap handling

### 0.1.0

- Replace WEBrick server from PrometheusExporter with Thin server implementation to reduce memory leakage
- Utilize NET::HTTP instead of direct sockets to prevent bad socket errors

### 0.0.5

- Add resque instrumentation

### 0.0.4

- Properly handle SIGINT/SIGTERM to shutdown prometheus exporter
- Add process names to log output for easier debugging

### 0.0.3

- Add hutch instrumentor for hutch / rmq support

### 0.0.2

- Better support for older Rails / Puma versions
- Adds basic support for non-Rails applications

### 0.0.1

- Initial public release