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Test Coverage
== Master

Current with 3.0.2

== 3.0.2 2016-11-18

* Issue #153 Adds support for multiple audio streams
* Issue #150 Does not trust reported SAR/DAR as these may not be defined per

== 3.0.1 2016-11-10

* Issue #144 is fixed. Of a nil movie is presented to transcode, the progress block does not fail
* Issue #145 Adds ability to follow URLs when presented as Movie inputs

== 3.0.0 2016-09-07

Breaking Changes:
* Changes: custom parameters now specified using an array syntax

* Issue # 128, #137 are fixed (custom parameters passed as strings) which was caused
  by 2.1.0 in attempting to avoid the use of shell and filename escaping issues
  on various platforms.

== 2.1.0 2016-08-08

* Issue #135, Support creating slideshows from stills
* Issue #130, Adds support for a URL as an input
* Support for specifying options to apply to the input file
* Improved support for calling  FFMpeg with popen3, improving compatibility with various platforms, including windows
* Issue #111. uses attr_accessor for the timeout attribute
* Exposes the movie's entire meta data and format tags as movie attributes
* Issue #122, adds encoding fix to stderr
* All specs pass and brought current with Rspec V3
* Issue #123, #131 improved stream validation, ignoring additional invalid streams if a valid stream is recognized
* Issue #124, improved parsing for moving creation_time
* SAR and DAR now adapt after rotation, DAR is ignored when calculating dimensions

* Allow parenthesis in colorspace (thanks walterdavis for initial code and rociiu for finding a bug with it)
* Width and height now switched if video is filmed in portrait mode. ffmpeg 2.7 or later now automatically rotates output
* Movie metadata now provided with ffprobe (#114). Thanks to Ryan Lovelett for the contributions!
* Ability to create multiple screenshots at consistent intervals in one pass (#113)

== 2.0.0 2016-01-14

* Support watermarking (thanks smoothdvd)
* Bumped target ffmpeg version to 2.8

* Allow parenthesis in colorspace (thanks walterdavis for initial code and rociiu for finding a bug with it)
* Width and height now switched if video is filmed in portrait mode. ffmpeg 2.7 or later now automatically rotates output
* Movie metadata now provided with ffprobe (#114). Thanks to Ryan Lovelett for the contributions!
* Ability to create multiple screenshots at consistent intervals in one pass (#113)

== 1.0.0 2013-07-08

* Bumped target ffmpeg version to 1.2.1

* Simpler implementation for timeouts.
  Should be far less cpu and memory dependent (don't spawn a thread for every line of output)
  Timeout spec now passes in Rubinius (using 1.9 mode)
* Give helpful error message for windows users lacking the win32-process gem (thanks casoetan)
* Add Movie#container (thanks vitalis)
* Support vprofile and preset encoding options (thanks vitalis)

* Default timeout lowered to 30 seconds

* Avoid crash if asking for frame_rate of a video without video stream (thanks squidarth)
* Fix crash when doing audio transcoding on ffmpeg >= 1.0.1 (thanks vitalis)

* Removed support for Ruby 1.8
* Removed support for ffmpeg 0.7

* Quite a few, see commit history for details.

== 0.9.0 2012-07-24

* Bumped target ffmpeg version to 0.11.1
* Add hung process detection with configurable timeout (thanks stakach)
* Raise FFMPEG::Error instead of generic RuntimeError on failed transcodings
* Movie#screenshot for more intuitive screenshotting (README has details)
* Movie#creation_time and Movie#rotation attributes when metadata is available (thanks Innonate)

* Fixed too many open files bug (thanks to akicho8)
* Fixed missing path escaping (thanks to mikesager)
* Fixed README typo (thanks to Linutux)
* Files outputing "could not find codec parameters" are now recognized as invalid

* Removed Movie#uncertain_duration?
* Removed all the deprecated crop options (use :custom => '-vf crop=x:x:x:x' if you need it)

* Removed the deprecated duration validation code
* Polish on the transcoder class
* Polish on the spec suite

== 0.8.5 2011-03-05

* If a clip has a DAR that doesn't make sense fall back to calculating aspect ratio from dimensions
* Allow filenames with single quote characters (thanks to youpy)

== 0.8.4 2011-11-30

* Duration now one decimal more accurate (thanks to Russel Brooks)
* Added encoding option seek_time (thanks to Misty De Meo)

== 0.8.3 2011-09-01

* Parameters now come in the order of codecs, presets, others so that we can override the presets
* Added encoding option keyframe_interval to set number of frames between i-frames (aka GOP size)
* Streamio (sponsor of this project) have launched new awesome pricing @

== 0.8.2 2011-08-19

* Path to ffmpeg binary can now be specified (thanks jonathandean)
* If ffmpeg output contains "is not supported" the Movie will be considered invalid

== 0.8.1 2011-07-28

* Fix progress yielding with ffmpeg 0.8
* Updated specs to pass with ffmpeg 0.8

== 0.8.0 2011-05-26

* Duration is now ALWAYS considered uncertain (we've noticed that ffmpeg is not always correct)
* This means that the duration check will normally never run (unless you manually hack @uncertain_duration to false)
* Movie#audio_channels now returns nil if there is no audio stream (instead of crashing)
* Development: Use Bundler
* Development: Update RSpec to 2.6

== 0.7.8 2011-04-04

* Fixed number of audio channels on files with 5.1 audio

== 0.7.7 2011-02-01

* Movies with starttime are now considered as having uncertain duration as its behavior is not consistent across formats
* Upgrade development environment to RSpec 2.4

== 0.7.6 2011-01-14

* Another ruby 1.9 encoding fix

== 0.7.5 2011-01-14

* Fixed some ruby 1.9 issues
* Added Movie#video_bitrate and Movie#audio_bitrate (thanks to mbj)

== 0.7.4 2010-12-07

* Fixed broken duration on movies with start times over 0 by reducing duration with start-time

== 0.7.3 2010-08-26

* Replaced Jewler with simple dynamic gemspec file
* Spec files now not in published gem to make it a lot smaller in size
* Full output from ffmpeg command in error raised during transcoding

== 0.7.2 2010-08-11

* Added encoding option duration
* Avoid crashing when ffmpeg can't find resolution of a movie

== 0.7.1 2010-07-08

* Make sure preset parameters are always put last to avoid them ending up before any codec assignments
* Testing against a fresh ffmpeg build (r24069)

== 0.7.0 2010-07-07

* Support for ffpresets through video_preset, audio_preset and file_preset encoding options
* Added encoding option video_bitrate_tolerance

== 2010-07-06

* Bugfix - aspect ratio was not calculated properly on movies with no DAR

== 0.6.8 2010-07-06

* Don't use encoding options with nil values
* Added encoding options video_max_bitrate, video_min_bitrate and buffer_size for constant bitrate encoding

== 0.6.7 2010-06-10

* Bugfix - aspect ratio preserver could suggest non even resolutions in certain circumstances

== 0.6.6 2010-06-10

* Transcodings to .jpg and .png will now work as they will skip duration validation

== 0.6.5 2010-05-19

* Movie#size method to get file size.

== 0.6.4 2010-05-12

* Ruby 1.9 compatibility fix for EncodingOptions (thanks michalf!)

== 0.6.3 2010-05-05

* Use DAR to calculate aspect ratio if available

== 0.6.2 2010-05-05

* Added Movie#uncertain_duration? which is true if ffmpeg is guessing duration from bitrate
* Skipping the transcoders duration validation if original file has uncertain duration
* Made sure aspect ratio preservation always rounds new size to an even number to avoid "not divisible by 2" errors
* Changed Movie#valid? logic to accept any movie with either a readable audio or video stream

== 0.6.0 2010-05-04

* Cropping options now handled by EncodingOptions (croptop, cropbottom, cropleft and cropright)
* Aspect ratio parameter calculated and added by default
* Added transcoder options to preserve original aspect ratio on width or height

== 0.5.0 2010-04-28

* Added logging capabilities

== 0.4.3 2010-04-06

* Correctly identify invalid movies on latest ffmpeg build (r22811)

== 0.4.2 2010-04-06

* Escape the path to handle spaces in filenames and avoid CLI injection attacks (thanks J. Weir!)

== 0.4.1 2010-02-10

* Forgot to change the transcoding shortcut from Movie

== 0.4.0 2010-02-10

* Transcoding API changed to make use of more humanly readable options (see README for examples)
* Fixed frame rate parsing for integer frame rates

== 0.3.0 2010-02-07

* Simple transcoding

== 0.2.0 2010-02-06

* Some more metadata parsing

== 0.1.0 2010-02-05

* Some basic parsing of metadata added