$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
require 'logger'
require 'stringio'
require 'ffmpeg/version'
require 'ffmpeg/errors'
require 'ffmpeg/movie'
require 'ffmpeg/io_monkey'
require 'ffmpeg/transcoder'
require 'ffmpeg/encoding_options'
module FFMPEG
# FFMPEG logs information about its progress when it's transcoding.
# Jack in your own logger through this method if you wish to.
# @param [Logger] log your own logger
# @return [Logger] the logger you set
def self.logger=(log)
@logger = log
# Get FFMPEG logger.
# @return [Logger]
def self.logger
return @logger if @logger
logger =
logger.level = Logger::INFO
@logger = logger
# Set the path of the ffmpeg binary.
# Can be useful if you need to specify a path such as /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
# @param [String] path to the ffmpeg binary
# @return [String] the path you set
# @raise Errno::ENOENT if the ffmpeg binary cannot be found
def self.ffmpeg_binary=(bin)
if bin.is_a?(String) && !File.executable?(bin)
raise Errno::ENOENT, "the ffmpeg binary, \'#{bin}\', is not executable"
@ffmpeg_binary = bin
# Get the path to the ffmpeg binary, defaulting to 'ffmpeg'
# @return [String] the path to the ffmpeg binary
# @raise Errno::ENOENT if the ffmpeg binary cannot be found
def self.ffmpeg_binary
@ffmpeg_binary || which('ffmpeg')
# Get the path to the ffprobe binary, defaulting to what is on ENV['PATH']
# @return [String] the path to the ffprobe binary
# @raise Errno::ENOENT if the ffprobe binary cannot be found
def self.ffprobe_binary
@ffprobe_binary || which('ffprobe')
# Set the path of the ffprobe binary.
# Can be useful if you need to specify a path such as /usr/local/bin/ffprobe
# @param [String] path to the ffprobe binary
# @return [String] the path you set
# @raise Errno::ENOENT if the ffprobe binary cannot be found
def self.ffprobe_binary=(bin)
if bin.is_a?(String) && !File.executable?(bin)
raise Errno::ENOENT, "the ffprobe binary, \'#{bin}\', is not executable"
@ffprobe_binary = bin
# Get the maximum number of http redirect attempts
# @return [Integer] the maximum number of retries
def self.max_http_redirect_attempts
@max_http_redirect_attempts.nil? ? 10 : @max_http_redirect_attempts
# Set the maximum number of http redirect attempts.
# @param [Integer] the maximum number of retries
# @return [Integer] the number of retries you set
# @raise Errno::ENOENT if the value is negative or not an Integer
def self.max_http_redirect_attempts=(v)
raise Errno::ENOENT, 'max_http_redirect_attempts must be an integer' if v && !v.is_a?(Integer)
raise Errno::ENOENT, 'max_http_redirect_attempts may not be negative' if v && v < 0
@max_http_redirect_attempts = v
# Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH.
# which('ruby') #=> /usr/bin/ruby
# see:
def self.which(cmd)
exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : ['']
ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path|
exts.each { |ext|
exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}")
return exe if File.executable? exe
raise Errno::ENOENT, "the #{cmd} binary could not be found in #{ENV['PATH']}"