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Test Coverage
""" parser

:Author: Bilal Shaikh < >
:Date: 2019-08-29
:Copyright: 2019, Bilal Shaikh
:License: MIT

Adapted from Swagger_Parser (MIT Licence) to work with openapi 3
from oastools import utils

import codecs
import datetime
import hashlib
import jinja2
import json
import logging
import re
import six
import sys
import yaml

from copy import deepcopy
from io import StringIO

# Todo Adapt the tests that use this to use new one once OAS Parser is implemented

class OpenApiParser(object):
    def __init__(self, path=None):
        self.spec = utils.parse_file(path)

# Todo Remove this when tests are written
# Test script for now
if __name__ == "__main__":
    spec = utils.parse_file("./../../tests/fixtures/spec/DatanatorAPI.yaml")
    spec = OASParser(oas_spec=spec)
    # print(spec.generated_operation)
    for path in spec.paths:
        # print(spec.paths[path])
        for http_method in spec.paths[path]:

class OASParser(object):
    def __init__(self, oas_spec, use_example=True):

        self._HTTP_VERBS = set(['get', 'put', 'post', 'delete',
                                'options', 'head', 'patch'])

        self.specification = deepcopy(oas_spec)
        self.use_example = use_example
        self.definitions_example = {}
        self.paths = {}
        self.operation = {}
        self.generated_operation = {}
        self.servers = self.specification.get("servers")
        # TODO have this be set intelligently somehow from the servers param. Figure out what is being done with it in the tester
        self.base_path = " " #! If this is changed there are errors. I dont know why TODO fix this

    def get_paths_data(self):
        # go through each path (name of path ) and pathspec (the defined path)
        for path, path_spec in self.specification['paths'].items():
            self.paths[path] = {}

            # Parameters defined for the entire path
            path_parameters = {}
            # If the path_spec has defined parameters, add them here
            if 'parameters' in path_spec:
            for http_method in path_spec.keys():

                if http_method not in self._HTTP_VERBS:
                # Create a dictionary of operations for this specific path. Each operation is the http_method
                self.paths[path][http_method] = {}
                # Add to operation list
                action = path_spec[http_method]
                tag = action['tags'][0] if 'tags' in action.keys(
                ) and action['tags'] else None
                if 'operationId' in action.keys():
                    self.operation[action['operationId']] = (
                        path, http_method, tag)
                # Todo Use a Connexion compatible resolver to create the operation ID if one is not provided, Remove hashing
                    # Note: the encoding chosen below isn't very important in this
                    #       case; what matters is a byte string that is unique.
                    #       URL paths and http methods should encode to UTF-8 safely.
                    h = hashlib.sha256()
                        ("{0}|{1}".format(http_method, path)).encode('utf-8'))
                    self.generated_operation[h.hexdigest()] = (
                        path, http_method, tag)

                # Get parameters
                self.paths[path][http_method]['parameters'] = path_parameters.copy()
                if 'parameters' in action.keys():
                        self.paths[path][http_method]['parameters'], action['parameters'])

                # Get responses
                self.paths[path][http_method]['responses'] = action['responses']

                # Get mime types for this action
                if 'requestBody' in action.keys():
                    self.paths[path][http_method]['consumes'] = action['requestBody']['content']

    def _add_parameters(self, parameter_map, parameter_list):
        """ Populates the given parameter map with the list of parameters provided, resolving any reference objects encountered.
            References are only resolved within the given spec, and not from other files or urls. Resolve external references before parsing.
            parameter_map: mapping from parameter names to parameter objects
            parameter_list: list of either parameter objects or reference objects

        for parameter in parameter_list:
            if parameter.get('$ref'):
                # expand parameter from $ref if not specified inline
                parameter = self.specification['parameters'].get(
            parameter_map[parameter['name']] = parameter

    def get_definition_name_from_ref(ref):
        """Get the definition name of the given $ref value(Swagger value).
            ref: ref value (ex: "#/definitions/CustomDefinition")
            The definition name corresponding to the ref.
        p = re.compile('#\/components\/schemas\/(.*)')
        definition_name = re.sub(p, r'\1', ref)
        return definition_name

    def build_definitions_example(self):
        """Parse all definitions in the swagger specification."""
            defintions= self.specification['components']['schemas']
        for def_name, def_spec in defintions.items():

    def build_one_definition_example(self, def_name):
        """Build the example for the given definition.
            def_name: Name of the definition.
            True if the example has been created, False if an error occured.
        if def_name in self.definitions_example.keys():  # Already processed
            return True
        # Def does not exist
        elif def_name not in self.specification['components']['schemas'].keys():
            return False

        self.definitions_example[def_name] = {}
        def_spec = self.specification['components']['schemas'][def_name]

        if def_spec.get('type') == 'array' and 'items' in def_spec:
            item = self.get_example_from_prop_spec(def_spec['items'])
            self.definitions_example[def_name] = [item]
            return True

        if 'properties' not in def_spec:
            self.definitions_example[def_name] = self.get_example_from_prop_spec(
            return True

        # Get properties example value
        for prop_name, prop_spec in def_spec['properties'].items():
            example = self.get_example_from_prop_spec(prop_spec)
            if example is None:
                return False
            self.definitions_example[def_name][prop_name] = example

        return True

    def check_type(value, type_def):
        """Check if the value is in the type given in type_def.
            value: the var to test.
            type_def: string representing the type in swagger.
            True if the type is correct, False otherwise.
        if type_def == 'integer':
                # We accept string with integer ex: '123'
                return True
            except ValueError:
                return isinstance(value, six.integer_types) and not isinstance(value, bool)
        elif type_def == 'number':
            return isinstance(value, (six.integer_types, float)) and not isinstance(value, bool)
        elif type_def == 'string':
            return isinstance(value, (six.text_type, six.string_types, datetime.datetime))
        elif type_def == 'boolean':
            return (isinstance(value, bool) or
                    (isinstance(value, (six.text_type, six.string_types,)) and
                     value.lower() in ['true', 'false'])
            return False

    def get_example_from_prop_spec(self, prop_spec, from_allof=False):
        """Return an example value from a property specification.
            prop_spec: the specification of the property.
            from_allof: whether these properties are part of an
                        allOf section
            An example value
        # Read example directly from (X-)Example or Default value
        easy_keys = ['example', 'x-example', 'default']
        for key in easy_keys:
            if key in prop_spec.keys() and self.use_example:
                return prop_spec[key]
        # Enum
        if 'enum' in prop_spec.keys():
            return prop_spec['enum'][0]
        # From definition
        if '$ref' in prop_spec.keys():
            return self._example_from_definition(prop_spec)
        # Process AllOf section
        if 'allOf' in prop_spec.keys():
            return self._example_from_allof(prop_spec)
        # Complex type
        if 'type' not in prop_spec:
            return self._example_from_complex_def(prop_spec)
        # Object - read from properties, without references
        if prop_spec['type'] == 'object':
            example, additional_properties = self._get_example_from_properties(
            if additional_properties or from_allof:
                return example
            #? Why is this made into a list? It is causes errors downstream where the response is asserted to be a list if the example is a list
            return [example]
        # Array
        if prop_spec['type'] == 'array' or (isinstance(prop_spec['type'], list) and prop_spec['type'][0] == 'array'):
            return self._example_from_array_spec(prop_spec)
        # File
        if prop_spec['type'] == 'file':
            return (StringIO('my file contents'), 'hello world.txt')
        # Date time
        if 'format' in prop_spec.keys() and prop_spec['format'] == 'date-time':
            return self._get_example_from_basic_type('datetime')[0]
        # List
        if isinstance(prop_spec['type'], list):
            return self._get_example_from_basic_type(prop_spec['type'][0])[0]

        # Default - basic type"falling back to basic type, no other match found")
        return self._get_example_from_basic_type(prop_spec['type'])[0]

    def _get_example_from_properties(self, spec):
        """Get example from the properties of an object defined inline.
            prop_spec: property specification you want an example of.
            An example for the given spec
            A boolean, whether we had additionalProperties in the spec, or not
        local_spec = deepcopy(spec)

        # Handle additionalProperties if they exist
        # we replace additionalProperties with two concrete
        # properties so that examples can be generated
        additional_property = False
        if 'additionalProperties' in local_spec:
            additional_property = True
            if 'properties' not in local_spec:
                local_spec['properties'] = {}
                'any_prop1': local_spec['additionalProperties'],
                'any_prop2': local_spec['additionalProperties'],
            required = local_spec.get('required', [])
            required += ['any_prop1', 'any_prop2']
            local_spec['required'] = required

        example = {}
        properties = local_spec.get('properties')
        if properties is not None:
            required = local_spec.get('required', properties.keys())

            for inner_name, inner_spec in properties.items():
                if inner_name not in required:
                partial = self.get_example_from_prop_spec(inner_spec)
                # While get_example_from_prop_spec is supposed to return a list,
                # we don't actually want that when recursing to build from
                # properties

                if isinstance(partial, list):
                    partial = partial[0]
                example[inner_name] = partial

        return example, additional_property

    def _get_example_from_basic_type(type):
        """Get example from the given type.
            type: the type you want an example of.
            An array with two example values of the given type.
        if type == 'integer':
            return [42, 24]
        elif type == 'number':
            return [5.5, 5.5]
        elif type == 'string':
            return ['string', 'string2']
        elif type == 'datetime':
            return ['2015-08-28T09:02:57.481Z', '2015-08-28T09:02:57.481Z']
        elif type == 'boolean':
            return [False, True]
        elif type == 'null':
            return ['null', 'null']

    def _definition_from_example(example):
        """Generates a swagger definition json from a given example
           Works only for simple types in the dict
            example: The example for which we want a definition
                     Type is DICT
            A dict that is the swagger definition json
        assert isinstance(example, dict)

        def _has_simple_type(value):
            accepted = (str, int, float, bool)
            return isinstance(value, accepted)

        definition = {
            'type': 'object',
            'properties': {},
        for key, value in example.items():
            if not _has_simple_type(value):
                raise Exception("Not implemented yet")
            ret_value = None
            if isinstance(value, str):
                ret_value = {'type': 'string'}
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                ret_value = {'type': 'integer', 'format': 'int64'}
            elif isinstance(value, float):
                ret_value = {'type': 'number', 'format': 'double'}
            elif isinstance(value, bool):
                ret_value = {'type': 'boolean'}
                raise Exception("Not implemented yet")
            definition['properties'][key] = ret_value

        return definition

    def _example_from_allof(self, prop_spec):
        """Get the examples from an allOf section.
            prop_spec: property specification you want an example of.
            An example dict
        example_dict = {}
        for definition in prop_spec['allOf']:
            update = self.get_example_from_prop_spec(definition, True)
        return example_dict

    def _example_from_definition(self, prop_spec):
        """Get an example from a property specification linked to a definition.
            prop_spec: specification of the property you want an example of.
            An example.
        # Get value from definition
        definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(prop_spec['$ref'])

        if self.build_one_definition_example(definition_name):
            example_dict = self.definitions_example[definition_name]
            if not isinstance(example_dict, dict):
                return example_dict
            example = dict((example_name, example_value)
                           for example_name, example_value in example_dict.items())
            return example

    def _example_from_complex_def(self, prop_spec):
        """Get an example from a property specification.
        In case there is no "type" key in the root of the dictionary.
            prop_spec: property specification you want an example of.
            An example.
        if 'schema' not in prop_spec:
            return [{}]
        elif 'type' not in prop_spec['schema']:
            definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
            if self.build_one_definition_example(definition_name):
                return self.definitions_example[definition_name]
        elif prop_spec['schema']['type'] == 'array':  # Array with definition
            # Get value from definition
            if 'items' in prop_spec.keys():
                definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                if '$ref' in prop_spec['schema']['items']:
                    definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                    definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                    return [definition_name]
            return [self.definitions_example[definition_name]]
            return self.get_example_from_prop_spec(prop_spec['schema'])

    def _example_from_array_spec(self, prop_spec):
        """Get an example from a property specification of an array.
            prop_spec: property specification you want an example of.
            An example array.
        # if items is a list, then each item has its own spec
        if isinstance(prop_spec['items'], list):
            return [self.get_example_from_prop_spec(item_prop_spec) for item_prop_spec in prop_spec['items']]
        # Standard types in array
        elif 'type' in prop_spec['items'].keys():
            if 'format' in prop_spec['items'].keys() and prop_spec['items']['format'] == 'date-time':
                return self._get_example_from_basic_type('datetime')
                return self._get_example_from_basic_type(prop_spec['items']['type'])

        # Array with definition
        elif ('$ref' in prop_spec['items'].keys() or
              ('schema' in prop_spec and'$ref' in prop_spec['schema']['items'].keys())):
            # Get value from definition
            definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(prop_spec['items']['$ref']) or \
            if self.build_one_definition_example(definition_name):
                example_dict = self.definitions_example[definition_name]
                if not isinstance(example_dict, dict):
                    return [example_dict]
                if len(example_dict) == 1:
                    try:  # Python 2.7
                        res = example_dict[example_dict.keys()[0]]
                    except TypeError:  # Python 3
                        res = example_dict[list(example_dict)[0]]
                    return res

                    return_value = {}
                    for example_name, example_value in example_dict.items():
                        return_value[example_name] = example_value
                    return [return_value]
        elif 'properties' in prop_spec['items']:
            prop_example = {}
            for prop_name, prop_spec in prop_spec['items']['properties'].items():
                example = self.get_example_from_prop_spec(prop_spec)
                if example is not None:
                    prop_example[prop_name] = example
            return [prop_example]

    def get_dict_definition(self, dict, get_list=False):
        """Get the definition name of the given dict.
            dict: dict to test.
            get_list: if set to true, return a list of definition that match the body.
                      if False, only return the first.
            The definition name or None if the dict does not match any definition.
            If get_list is True, return a list of definition_name.
        list_def_candidate = []
        for definition_name in self.specification['components']['schemas'].keys():
            if self.validate_definition(definition_name, dict):
                if not get_list:
                    return definition_name
        if get_list:
            return list_def_candidate
        return None

    def validate_additional_properties(self, valid_response, response):
        """Validates additional properties. In additional properties, we only
           need to compare the values of the dict, not the keys
            valid_response: An example response (for example generated in
                            _get_example_from_properties(self, spec))
                            Type is DICT
            response: The actual dict coming from the response
                      Type is DICT
            A boolean - whether the actual response validates against the given example
        assert isinstance(valid_response, dict)
        assert isinstance(response, dict)

        # the type of the value of the first key/value in valid_response is our
        # expected type - if it is a dict or list, we must go deeper
        first_value = valid_response[list(valid_response)[0]]

        # dict
        if isinstance(first_value, dict):
            # try to find a definition for that first value
            definition = None
            definition_name = self.get_dict_definition(first_value)
            if definition_name is None:
                definition = self._definition_from_example(first_value)
                definition_name = 'self generated'
            for item in response.values():
                if not self.validate_definition(definition_name,
                    return False
            return True

        # TODO: list
        if isinstance(first_value, list):
            raise Exception("Not implemented yet")

        # simple types
        # all values must be of that type in both valid and actual response
            assert all(isinstance(y, type(first_value))
                       for _, y in response.items())
            assert all(isinstance(y, type(first_value))
                       for _, y in valid_response.items())
            return True
        except Exception:
            return False

    def validate_definition(self, definition_name, dict_to_test, definition=None):
        """Validate the given dict according to the given definition.
            definition_name: name of the the definition.
            dict_to_test: dict to test.
            True if the given dict match the definition, False otherwise.
        if (definition_name not in self.specification['components']['schemas'].keys() and
                definition is None):
            # reject unknown definition
            return False

        # Check all required in dict_to_test
        spec_def = definition or self.specification['components']['schemas'][definition_name]
        all_required_keys_present = all(
            req in dict_to_test.keys() for req in spec_def.get('required', {}))
        if 'required' in spec_def and not all_required_keys_present:
            return False

        # Check no extra arg & type
        properties_dict = spec_def.get('properties', {})
        for key, value in dict_to_test.items():
            if value is not None:
                if key not in properties_dict:  # Extra arg
                    return False
                else:  # Check type
                    if not self._validate_type(properties_dict[key], value):
                        return False

        return True

    def _validate_type(self, properties_spec, value):
        """Validate the given value with the given property spec.
            properties_dict: specification of the property to check (From definition not route).
            value: value to check.
            True if the value is valid for the given spec.
        if 'type' not in properties_spec.keys():
            # Validate sub definition
            def_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
            return self.validate_definition(def_name, value)

        # Validate array
        elif properties_spec['type'] == 'array':
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                return False

            # Check type
            if ('type' in properties_spec['items'].keys() and
                    any(not self.check_type(item, properties_spec['items']['type']) for item in value)):
                return False
            # Check ref
            elif ('$ref' in properties_spec['items'].keys()):
                def_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                if any(not self.validate_definition(def_name, item) for item in value):
                    return False

        else:  # Classic types
            if not self.check_type(value, properties_spec['type']):
                return False

        return True

    def get_paths_data(self):
        """Get data for each paths in the swagger specification.
        Get also the list of operationId.
        for path, path_spec in self.specification['paths'].items():
            #path = u'{0}{1}'.format(self.base_path, path)
            self.paths[path] = {}

            # Add path-level parameters
            default_parameters = {}
            if 'parameters' in path_spec:

            for http_method in path_spec.keys():
                if http_method not in self._HTTP_VERBS:

                self.paths[path][http_method] = {}

                # Add to operation list
                action = path_spec[http_method]
                tag = action['tags'][0] if 'tags' in action.keys(
                ) and action['tags'] else None
                if 'operationId' in action.keys():
                    self.operation[action['operationId']] = (
                        path, http_method, tag)
                    # Note: the encoding chosen below isn't very important in this
                    #       case; what matters is a byte string that is unique.
                    #       URL paths and http methods should encode to UTF-8 safely.
                    h = hashlib.sha256()
                        ("{0}|{1}".format(http_method, path)).encode('utf-8'))
                    self.generated_operation[h.hexdigest()] = (
                        path, http_method, tag)

                # Get parameters
                self.paths[path][http_method]['parameters'] = default_parameters.copy()
                if 'parameters' in action.keys():
                        self.paths[path][http_method]['parameters'], action['parameters'])

                # Get responses
                self.paths[path][http_method]['responses'] = action['responses']

                # Get mime types for this action
                if 'consumes' in action.keys():
                    self.paths[path][http_method]['consumes'] = action['consumes']

    def _add_parameters(self, parameter_map, parameter_list):
        """Populates the given parameter map with the list of parameters provided, resolving any reference objects encountered.
            parameter_map: mapping from parameter names to parameter objects
            parameter_list: list of either parameter objects or reference objects
        for parameter in parameter_list:
            if parameter.get('$ref'):
                # expand parameter from $ref if not specified inline
                parameter = self.specification['parameters'].get(
            parameter_map[parameter['name']] = parameter

    def get_definition_name_from_ref(ref):
        """Get the definition name of the given $ref value(Swagger value).
            ref: ref value (ex: "#/definitions/CustomDefinition")
            The definition name corresponding to the ref.
        p = re.compile('#\/components\/schemas\/(.*)')
        definition_name = re.sub(p, r'\1', ref)
        return definition_name

    def get_path_spec(self, path, action=None):
        """Get the specification matching with the given path.
            path: path we want the specification.
            action: get the specification for the given action.
            A tuple with the base name of the path and the specification.
            Or (None, None) if no specification is found.
        # Get the specification of the given path
        path_spec = None
        path_name = None
        for base_path in self.paths.keys():
            if path == base_path:
                path_spec = self.paths[base_path]
                path_name = base_path

        # Path parameter
        if path_spec is None:
            for base_path in self.paths.keys():
                regex_from_path = re.compile(
                    re.sub('{[^/]*}', '([^/]*)', base_path) + r'$')
                if re.match(regex_from_path, path):
                    path_spec = self.paths[base_path]
                    path_name = base_path

        # Test action if given
        if path_spec is not None and action is not None:
            if action not in path_spec.keys():
                return (None, None)
                path_spec = path_spec[action]

        return (path_name, path_spec)

    def validate_request(self, path, action, body=None, query=None):
        """Check if the given request is valid.
           Validates the body and the query
           # Rules to validate the BODY:
           # Let's limit this to mime types that either contain 'text' or 'json'
           # 1. if body is None, there must not be any required parameters in
           #    the given schema
           # 2. if the mime type contains 'json', body must not be '', but can
           #    be {}
           # 3. if the mime type contains 'text', body can be any string
           # 4. if no mime type ('consumes') is given.. DISALLOW
           # 5. if the body is empty ('' or {}), there must not be any required parameters
           # 6. if there is something in the body, it must adhere to the given schema
           #    -> will call the validate body function
            path: path of the request.
            action: action of the request(get, post, delete...).
            body: body of the request.
            query: dict with the query parameters.
            True if the request is valid, False otherwise.
            - For every http method, we might want to have some general checks
               before we go deeper into the parameters
            - Check form data parameters
        path_name, path_spec = self.get_path_spec(path)

        if path_spec is None:  # reject unknown path
            logging.warn("there is no path")
            return False

        if action not in path_spec.keys():  # reject unknown http method
            logging.warn("this http method is unknown '{0}'".format(action))
            return False

        action_spec = path_spec[action]

        # check general post body guidelines (body + mime type)
        if action == 'post':
            is_ok, msg = _validate_post_body(body, action_spec)
            if not is_ok:
                    "the general post body did not validate due to '{0}'".format(msg))
                return False

        # If the body is empty and it validated so far, we can return here
        # unless there is something in the query parameters we need to check
        body_is_empty = body in [None, {}, '']
        if body_is_empty and query is None:
            return True

        # Check body parameters
        is_ok, msg = self._validate_body_parameters(body, action_spec)
        if not is_ok:
                "the parameters in the body did not validate due to '{0}'".format(msg))
            return False

        # Check query parameters
        if query is not None and not self._validate_query_parameters(query, action_spec):
            return False

        return True

    def _validate_query_parameters(self, query, action_spec):
        """Check the query parameter for the action specification.
            query: query parameter to check.
            action_spec: specification of the action.
            True if the query is valid.
        processed_params = []
        for param_name, param_value in query.items():
            if param_name in action_spec['parameters'].keys():

                # Check array
                if action_spec['parameters'][param_name]['type'] == 'array':
                    if not isinstance(param_value, list):  # Not an array
                        return False
                        for i in param_value:  # Check type of all elements in array
                            if not self.check_type(i, action_spec['parameters'][param_name]['items']['type']):
                                return False

                elif not self.check_type(param_value, action_spec['parameters'][param_name]['type']):
                    return False

        # Check required
        if not all(param in processed_params for param, spec in action_spec['parameters'].items()
                   if spec['in'] == 'query' and 'required' in spec and spec['required']):
            return False
        return True

    def _validate_body_parameters(self, body, action_spec):
        """Check the body parameter for the action specification.
            body: body parameter to check.
            action_spec: specification of the action.
            True if the body is valid.
            A string containing an error msg in case the body did not validate,
            otherwise the string is empty
        processed_params = []
        for param_name, param_spec in action_spec['parameters'].items():
            if param_spec['in'] == 'body':

                # Check type
                if 'type' in param_spec.keys() and not self.check_type(body, param_spec['type']):
                    msg = "Check type did not validate for {0} and {1}".format(
                        param_spec['type'], body)
                    return False, msg
                # Check schema
                elif 'schema' in param_spec.keys():
                    if 'type' in param_spec['schema'].keys() and param_spec['schema']['type'] == 'array':
                        # It is an array get value from definition
                        definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                        if len(body) > 0 and not self.validate_definition(definition_name, body[0]):
                            msg = "The body did not validate against its definition"
                            return False, msg
                    elif ('type' in param_spec['schema'].keys() and not
                          self.check_type(body, param_spec['schema']['type'])):
                        # Type but not array
                        msg = "Check type did not validate for {0} and {1}".format(
                            param_spec['schema']['type'], body)
                        return False, msg
                        definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                        if not self.validate_definition(definition_name, body):
                            msg = "The body did not validate against its definition"
                            return False, msg
        # Check required
        if not all(param in processed_params for param, spec in action_spec['parameters'].items()
                   if spec['in'] == 'body' and 'required' in spec and spec['required']):
            msg = "Not all required parameters were present"
            return False, msg

        return True, ""

    def get_response_example(self, resp_spec):
        """Get a response example from a response spec.

        #if resp_spec['content']['text/plain']:
            #resp_spec = resp_spec['content']['text/plain']
        #! Only works for one response type, based on order of content
        if 'content' in resp_spec.keys():
            if 'text/plain' in resp_spec['content'].keys():
                ("Should not run")
            elif 'application/json' in resp_spec['content'].keys():
        if 'schema' in resp_spec.keys():
            if '$ref' in resp_spec['schema']:  # Standard definition
                definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                return self.definitions_example[definition_name]
            # Array
            elif 'items' in resp_spec['schema'] and resp_spec['schema']['type'] == 'array':
                if '$ref' in resp_spec['schema']['items']:
                    definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                    if 'type' in resp_spec['schema']['items']:
                        definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                        return [definition_name]
                        logging.warn("No item type in: " + resp_spec['schema'])
                        return ''
                return [self.definitions_example[definition_name]]
            elif 'type' in resp_spec['schema']:
                return self.get_example_from_prop_spec(resp_spec['schema'])
            return ''

    def get_request_data(self, path, action, body=None):
        """Get the default data and status code of the given path + action request.
            path: path of the request.
            action: action of the request(get, post, delete...)
            body: body sent, used to sent it back for post request.
            A tuple with the default response data and status code
            In case of default status_code, use 0
        body = body or ''
        path_name, path_spec = self.get_path_spec(path)
        response = {}

        # Get all status code
        if path_spec is not None and action in path_spec.keys():
            for status_code in path_spec[action]['responses'].keys():
                resp = path_spec[action]['responses'][status_code]
                             ] = self.get_response_example(resp)
                except ValueError:
                    response[status_code] = self.get_response_example(resp)

        # If there is no status_code add a default 400
        if response == {}:
            response[400] = ''
        return response

    def get_send_request_correct_body(self, path, action):
        """Get an example body which is correct to send to the given path with the given action.
            path: path of the request
            action: action of the request (get, post, put, delete)
            A dict representing a correct body for the request or None if no
            body is required.
        path_name, path_spec = self.get_path_spec(path)

        if path_spec is not None and action in path_spec.keys():
            for name, spec in path_spec[action]['parameters'].items():
                if spec['in'] == 'body':  # Get body parameter
                    if 'type' in spec.keys():
                            # Get value from type
                        return self.get_example_from_prop_spec(spec)
                    elif 'schema' in spec.keys():
                        if 'type' in spec['schema'].keys() and spec['schema']['type'] == 'array':
                                # It is an array
                                # Get value from definition
                            if '$ref' in spec['schema']['items']:
                                definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(spec['schema']
                                return [self.definitions_example[definition_name]]
                                definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(spec['schema']
                                return [definition_name]
                        elif 'type' in spec['schema'].keys():
                            # Type but not array
                            return self.get_example_from_prop_spec(spec['schema'])
                            # Get value from definition
                            definition_name = self.get_definition_name_from_ref(
                            return self.definitions_example[definition_name]

    def _validate_post_body(actual_request_body, body_specification):
        """ returns a tuple (boolean, msg)
            to indicate whether the validation passed
            if False then msg contains the reason
            if True then msg is empty

        # If no body specified, return True (POST with empty body is allowed):
        if "body" not in body_specification["parameters"]:
            return True, ""

        # Are there required parameters? - there is only ONE body, so we check that one
        parameters_required = body_specification['parameters']['body']['required']

        # What if it says 'required' but there is no schema ? - we reject it
        schema_present = body_specification['parameters']['body'].get('schema')
        if parameters_required and not schema_present:
            msg = "there is no schema given, but it says there are required parameters"
            return False, msg

        # What is the mime type ?
        text_is_accepted = any(
            'text' in item for item in body_specification.get('consumes', []))
        json_is_accepted = any(
            'json' in item for item in body_specification.get('consumes', []))

        if actual_request_body is '' and not text_is_accepted:
            msg = "post body is an empty string, but text is not an accepted mime type"
            return False, msg

        if actual_request_body == {} and not json_is_accepted:
            msg = "post body is an empty dict, but json is not an accepted mime type"
            return False, msg

        # If only json is accepted, but the body is a string, we transform the
        # string to json and check it then (not sure if the server would accept
        # that string, though)
        if (json_is_accepted and not
                text_is_accepted and
                type(actual_request_body).__name__ == 'str'):
            actual_request_body = json.loads(actual_request_body)

        # Handle empty body
        body_is_empty = actual_request_body in [None, '', {}]
        if body_is_empty:
            if parameters_required:
                msg = "there is no body, but it says there are required parameters"
                return False, msg
                return True, ""

        return True, ""