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35 mins
Test Coverage
import assert from 'assert';

import BLACK from '../color/BLACK.js';
import RED from '../color/RED.js';
import sibling from '../family/sibling.js';
import rotate_left from '../rotate/rotate_left.js';
import rotate_right from '../rotate/rotate_right.js';
import Node from '../types/Node.js';

import delete_case5 from './delete_case5.js';

 * Preconditions:
 *   - n is black
 *   - all root-leaf paths going through n have a black height of b - 1
 *   - all other root-leaf paths have a black height of b
 *   - n is not the root
 *   - n's sibling is black
 *   - at least one of n's sibling's children is red
 * @param {Node} n - The input node.
 * @return {Node} The root of the modified subtree.
const delete_case4 = (n) => {
    assert(n instanceof Node);
    assert(n._color === BLACK);
    assert(n.parent !== null);
    const s = sibling(n);
    assert(s instanceof Node);
    assert(s._color === BLACK);
    assert(s.left?._color === RED || s.right?._color === RED);

    // The following statements just force the red n's sibling child to be on
    // the left of the left of the parent, or right of the right, so case 5
    // will rotate correctly.

    if (n === n.parent.left && (s.right === null || s.right._color === BLACK)) {
         *           ?                       ?
         *         /   \                  /     \
         *      >B       B              >B        B
         *      / \     / \     -->     / \      / \
         *     -   -  R     B          -   -   =     R
         *           / \   / \                      / \
         *          =   = -   -                    =   B
         *                                            / \
         *                                           -   -
        s._color = RED;
        s.left._color = BLACK;
    } else if (
        n === n.parent.right &&
        (s.left === null || s.left._color === BLACK)
    ) {
         *           ?                       ?
         *         /   \                  /     \
         *       B      >B               B       >B
         *      / \     / \     -->     / \      / \
         *    B     R  -   -          R     =   -   -
         *   / \   / \               / \
         *  -   - =   =             B   =
         *                         / \
         *                        -   -
        s._color = RED;
        s.right._color = BLACK;

    // TODO we could merge case 4 and 5 without too much trouble.
    // It would allow to avoid checking n's direction twice.
    return delete_case5(n);

export default delete_case4;