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# Versioneer

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__Dynamic project versioning (alpha/beta/rc) from commits since last Git Tag.__

Versioneer **determines a project's version** from the latest source-control tag, then **adjusts automatically** by adding/bumping prereleases based on changes made since the last tagged release.

Integration tested on **UNIX/macOS and Windows**. Matrix testing for **Ruby** ` 1.8` — `2.3`

## Overview

Project versions update automatically based on VCS changes and where the code has been deployed. The table below depicts the default settings; the prerelease workflow is customizable through code or a project config file.

| VCS State | Last Tag/Release | Development Ver. | Production Ver. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| No changes since last tag | v0.1.0 | `0.1.0` *Same as Tag* | `0.1.0` *Same as Tag* |
| Uncommitted changes | v0.1.0 | `0.2.alpha1` | `0.1.0` *Same as Tag* |
| First commit | v0.1.0 | `0.2.beta1` | `0.2.rc1` **or** `0.1.1` |
| First commit + Changes | v0.1.0 | `0.2.alpha2` | `0.2.rc1` **or** `0.1.1` |
| Second commit | v0.1.0 | `0.2.beta2` | `0.2.rc2` **or** `0.1.2` |
| Tag previous commit | v0.2.0 | `0.2.0` | `0.2.0` |

## Usage

* Available from [Command-Line](#command-line) or [Ruby](#ruby-project-rails-rack-rubygem-etc)
* Project-level configuration using a `.versioneer.yml` file
  * [Wiki Documentation](
* The Versioneer environment is selected from the following system variables:
   * _Any value other than "production" is assumed to be "development"_


### Command-Line

$ git tag -am 'Release' v0.1
$ versioneer print
$ git commit --allow-empty -m 'Some changes.'
$ versioneer status
DEVELOPMENT -> 0.2.beta1    
 PRODUCTION -> 0.2.rc1    
$ versioneer --help

### Ruby Project (Rails, Rack, RubyGem, etc.)

Generic installation, adapt as necessary. See the
[Versioneer Wiki]( for more.

* Add Versioneer to your Gemfile

gem 'versioneer', '~> 0.1'
$ bundle install

* Generate a config file

$ bundle exec versioneer init
Generating config
+ .versioneer.yml

* Modify your project's version variable

$ vim config/version.rb

require 'versioneer'
module MyApp
  # Configure versioneer with the project's root path:
  VERSION ='../../', __FILE__)).to_s

## Settings & Customization

**[Please refer to the Versioneer Wiki for full documentation.](**

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](