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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## Unreleased

- Breaking Changes
  - None
- Added
  - None
- Fixed
  - None

## 6.4.3 (2023-12-17)

- Breaking Changes
  - None
- Added
  - Rubygems MFA requirement for authors added to gemspec.
- Fixed
  - [#767]( - Adds support for Rails 7.1
  - [#769]( - Fixed GH workflow

## 6.4.2 (2021-12-21)

- Breaking Changes
  - None
- Added
  - None
- Fixed
  - [#743]( - Fixed
    deprecation warning in Rails 7 re: `ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone`
  - [#745]( - Fixed more
    deprecation warnings in Rails 7

## 6.4.1 (2021-02-22)

- Breaking Changes
  - None
- Added
  - `Authlogic::Session::Base.session_fixation_defense` - Reset the Rack
    session ID after authentication, to protect against Session Fixation
    attacks. (
    Default: true
- Fixed
  - None

## 6.4.0 (2020-12-22)

- Breaking Changes
  - None
- Added
  - [#734]( - Support for
    string cookies when using TestCase and friends
- Fixed
  - None

## 6.3.0 (2020-12-17)

- Breaking Changes
  - None
- Added
  - [#733]( - Rails 6.1 support
  - `find_by_login_method` is deprecated in favor of `record_selection_method`,
    to avoid confusion with ActiveRecord's "Dynamic Finders".
- Fixed
  - [#726]( - Thread
    safety in `Authlogic::Session::Base.klass_name`

## 6.2.0 (2020-09-03)

- Breaking Changes
  - None
- Added
  - [#684]( - Use cookies
    only when available. Support for `ActionController::API`
- Fixed
  - [#725]( - `NoMethodError`
    when setting `sign_cookie` or `encrypt_cookie` before `controller` is

## 6.1.0 (2020-05-03)

- Breaking Changes
  - None
- Added
  - [#666]( -
    Forwardported Authlogic::Session::Cookies.encrypt_cookie option
  - [#723]( -
    Option to raise a `Authlogic::ModelSetupError` when your database is not
    configured correctly.
- Fixed
  - None

## 6.0.0 (2020-03-23)

- Breaking Changes, Major

  - There is no longer a default `crypto_provider`. We still recommend SCrypt,
    but don't want users of other providers to be forced to install it. You
    must now explicitly specify your `crypto_provider`, eg. in your `user.rb`.

        acts_as_authentic do |c|
          c.crypto_provider = ::Authlogic::CryptoProviders::SCrypt

    To continue to use the `scrypt` gem, add it to your `Gemfile`.

        gem "scrypt", "~> 3.0"

- Breaking Changes, Minor
  - To set your crypto provider, you must use `crypto_provider=`, not
    `crypto_provider`. The arity of the later has changed from -1 (one optional
    arg) to 0 (no arguments).
- Added
  - [#702]( - The ability to
    specify "None" as a valid SameSite attribute
- Fixed
  - [#686]( - Respect
    the `log_in_after_create` setting when creating a new logged-out user
  - [#668]( -
    BCrypt user forced to load SCrypt
  - [#697]( - Add V2
    CryptoProviders for MD5 and SHA schemes that fix key stretching by hashing
    the byte digests instead of the hex strings representing those digests
- Dependencies
  - Drop support for ruby 2.3 (reached EOL on 2019-04-01)

## Previous major version

See eg. the `5-1-stable` branch
